Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixteen Charlotte's marriage

The surrender of the Kingdom of Germa to the Dark Night Pirates was completed in this way. It was not until the Kingdom of Germa came to the Dark Night Sea and settled on one of the islands in the Dark Night Sea that other forces reacted and discovered this shocking news.

And it quickly caused a storm to sweep through all the forces. It was so sudden that such a technologically powerful nation surrendered to the Night Pirates. This also represented the further expansion of the Night Pirates' territory.

At the same time, it also puts greater pressure on other forces.

The Beast Pirates try their best to cultivate the next generation and collect devil fruits like crazy, especially the animal type. Even if they are not animal type, they still have good abilities. They will not be limited to one ability.

Moreover, if it is useless, it can be used to trade with other forces for the animal devil fruits they want.

In addition, with sufficient funds and technical personnel, the Beast Pirates, under the auspices of Quinn, are also studying artificial animal devil fruits through blood factors.

After all, this is Kaido's dream, but collecting five hundred animal devil fruits is simply unrealistic, so it must be achieved through technological means.

Quinn, who also discovered the blood factor, and combined with the current conditions of the Beast Pirates, was naturally able to research artificial devil fruits without wasting Quinn's talent.

Now Kaido has disappeared, but according to the life card, the Beast Pirates can know that Kaido is struggling in the deep sea and moving slowly.

It can be said that only Kaido can do this kind of training. He is always at the limit, and Kaido's strength begins to increase.

On the other side, Torante of Nations.

In just a short period of time, BigMom's momentum has changed a lot, and it seems to have become more terrifying.

Although her territory cannot be expanded now, she also has her own way of expanding her power. She allows her children to marry other forces, and allows other strong men to join the Big Mom Pirates. This method is faster than ordinary expansion, and it is also what it is now. This situation is most suitable for bigmom.

As the current emperor of the sea in the new world, there are not many pirates who want to join the Big Mom Pirates, so they are at a disadvantage compared to other forces in recruiting people.

However, there are many forces that want to establish a relationship with Big Mom, especially through marriage, which will greatly help the development of their forces and can also obtain the protection of the Big Mom Pirates.

But for general forces,

The Charlotte family basically only accepts bride-in-laws.

Exercising every day after meals has allowed bigmom to maintain her figure and even lose some weight.

Similarly, the strength of the children who fought with her has also improved a lot, especially Katakuri, who faces Big Mom and is under the greatest pressure.

In front of Big Mom, there was a map with the names of various forces marked on it. She was thinking about which force she would marry with next.

In the entire hall, other adult children were present. They did not dare to speak. Next, it could be said that it was the moment that decided their fate. They knew that they had no right to refuse at all.

Of course, there is nothing to worry about, that is Smoothie who has shown her potential and has great value. Big Mom is not willing to let her get married. Of course, if there is someone who is really worthy of Smoothie, she will only know how to marry her. Accept the bride-in-law.

After all, Smoothie is an important combat force of the Big Mom Pirates. Now she has grown up. Compared with the melee a few years ago, Smoothie's strength has increased several times.

If you want to get married, you must have a suitable candidate. Does the other force have a daughter to be married, or someone who can match your daughter?

Although one's own children are like tools in Big Mom's eyes, even tools have their own value, and the value must be maximized.

The marriage must be of sufficient benefit.

The Night Pirates are expanding too fast. Even if the territory has not expanded, the number of strong ones is still increasing. Since the Dark Emperor became the emperor, the number of affiliated pirate groups of the Dark Night Pirates alone has reached three, not to mention the affiliated forces. Fourteen branches.

The captain of each pirate group can become famous in a certain sea area, and the lowest bounty is 190 million beli, but if he can be recognized by the Night Pirates, the bounty can be greatly increased.

This kind of power alone is terrifying and frightens the Big Mom Pirates. Even if her children inherit some of her qualifications, at least they all have combat power with a bounty of over 100 million and can become cadres. Four to five billion is not a problem at all.

But the gap with the Night Pirates is still too obvious, especially in terms of the number of strong men.

Compared with other forces, the affiliated forces of the Big Mom Pirates are too few, especially the number of affiliated pirate groups, which does not even reach the number of one hand.

"Let's talk about some suitable forces that can be combined with each other." Charlotte Lingling couldn't help but said. Looking at her children, there were too many forces in the new world, which made her head hurt.

So I want to learn from everyone’s wisdom.

Nowadays, many children have grown up and help manage the affairs of the Big Mom Pirates.

The huge video screen shows the huge power territory of the Big Mom Pirates, projected in the air. Most of them are well-known in the New World, especially the forces close to the territory of the Big Mom Pirates.

In the case of marriage, the surrounding forces are naturally the most suitable, as those farther away are easier to control.

Of course, there are other interests. Further afield, they are basically the forces of various racial kingdoms in the New World. The Long Legs, Long Hands, Snake Heads, etc. are also considered powerful kingdoms in the New World.

Used to fulfill bigmom's dreams and enrich the number of races in Torante.

Blood marriage makes the relationship closer. This is also the only way for the Big Mom Pirates to expand in this way.

"Mom, how about the Night Pirates?" Mondor, who is the civil servant of the Big Mom Pirates, spoke. He is the nineteenth son of Big Mom and a user of Shushu Fruit. He is not known for his strength and likes to use his own abilities. He has a brain, leads the battle, and is also highly valued in the Big Mom Pirates due to his abilities.

Now that his mother has decided that he needs to consider the interests of the Big Mom Pirates, and the people getting married are his family, brothers and sisters, he also needs to think about their happiness. The Night Pirates are undoubtedly a good target.

Mondor's words made Big Mom's eyes light up. She had also had the idea of ​​​​marrying with the Night Pirates, but the Night Pirates' rise was too fast, and now they are on an equal footing with her, and their main goal is to get closer to Big Mom. The place in the sea made her forget the existence of the Night Pirates for a moment.

If you think about it carefully, the Night Pirates are a good marriage partner.

Seeing the look on his mother's face, Mondor knew that her mother was already interested in his suggestion, and then continued, "The Night Pirates have become a general trend. Now in the new world, the only one who can compare with the Night Pirates in terms of overall power is That’s the Flying Pirates.”

No one dares to deny this. It is also a consensus in the new world. As for the Whitebeard Pirates, they have been surpassed by the Night Pirates. Whitebeard's strength alone cannot shrink the Whitebeard Pirates and the Dark Night Pirates. difference.

"Besides, there is no obvious conflict of interest between our two pirate groups. If we can join forces, we can also gain huge benefits. The weapons and equipment, special technologies, and even the energy potions and recovery potions of the Dark Night Pirates are not for sale. Be open to us.”

This is true, and the other members also nodded. The Night Pirates have too many good things.

Gu Zang is the strongest among the pirates in the New World in terms of technological strength.

"Perhaps we can also place a mirror on Pajira Island, so that the desserts from the food court in the Battle Pyramid can be sent to Tolant for my mother to taste."

"Mama, Mom! It is said that the food court in the Battle Pyramid has developed many new desserts." Hearing this, bigmom's saliva almost flowed out, which was in line with bigmom's thoughts.

After all, she could never forget the time when she enjoyed a large number of new delicacies.

As an emperor of the sea, it would be too shameful to appear on the territory of another force. It would trigger a war. After the kendo competition, the chef sent by Big Mom learned some dessert making techniques, and the mirror was brought back.

Even if they are transported by other means, desserts have a shelf life, and only fresh ones are the most delicious.

If it is true as Mondor said, Big Mom's desire to get married is unstoppable and she is very eager.

After all, the only people who can be attracted to Big Mom are desserts other than the giants.

Of course, what he hasn't said yet is that this can delay the frequency of the mother's seizures. Although the mother's seizures are rare during this period, the seizures have not been eliminated.

Bigmom's exercise has effectively reduced the outbreak of siphoria. As long as the mother is provided with the food she wants, siphoria will not break out.

But if the food you want to eat is spoiled, siphoria is likely to break out due to excessive expectations, causing huge damage.

This has happened once before.

Therefore, the Big Mom Pirates strictly control the production of desserts. At the same time, every time mom wants to eat food, they will make double portions, so that if something goes wrong, they can quickly replenish it.

Recently, there has been no outbreak of Sireka for a long time, but we still need to be vigilant. After all, the situation of my mother's Sireka outbreak is too scary.

Other members also read the hidden meaning in Mondor's words, and couldn't help but praise Mondor's wisdom.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much. With Katakuri's power, he can completely hold his mother back.

"Finally, it's the big move of the Sky Pirates." At this point, Mondor looked serious. He has the information about the Big Mom Pirates, so he naturally knows about the Sky Pirates. Homiz also stole the information. A good player, as long as Homitz is not exposed, he can disguise himself as an ordinary object.

Others also listened carefully. Basically no one among the big forces of the Flying Pirates knew about the big moves that the Flying Pirates had. Moreover, Shiji the Golden Lion might have really obtained pure gold.

This is inferred from the fact that a large number of World Government agents have infiltrated into the Sky Kingdom of the Sky Pirates.

Among them, there are many CP0 strong men, which caused a lot of conflicts with the Flying Pirates, especially those who are elite and powerful, causing considerable losses to the Flying Pirates.

I didn't expect that the World Government still hides such a powerful force, half of which are sent by the Celestial Dragons for the sake of pure gold. During this period, the Sky Kingdom has been turbulent, and the Sky Pirates are always vigilant about the world. government.

Occasionally, agents of the World Government are exposed, which will lead to wars. After all, the Sky Pirates' intelligence capabilities are not weak.

As time went by, the conflict between the World Government and the Sky Pirates became more and more intense during this period, gradually turning from darkness to light, and was clearly noticed by people.

Especially after confirming that Junjin is really in the Sky Pirates.

Because there had been a battle before, Forrest, the CP0 deputy chief who was looking for Wilmeio Island, met the other two CP0s and the "Thunder Tyrant" Kronos, the third in command of the Sky Pirates, and experienced a big battle.

The huge movement of the war was noticed by some forces. During the battle, Cronus was injured, but his injuries did not recover for a long time. This made people certain that Cronus had obtained pure gold.

With the terrifying resilience of Cronus' Phantom Beast Species, Human Fruit, and Titan Form, such minor injuries can be easily recovered.

Only pure gold can achieve such an effect. While delaying life, the recovery of injuries will also decrease infinitely. This is also a side effect of pure gold, and it is not suitable to wear this kind of thing during battle.

The Sky Pirates just didn't realize this, so they were exposed in the battle.

The authenticity of the original news has yet to be confirmed, but now it is enough to confirm that the pure gold is in the hands of the Sky Pirates, and that the three main core members of the Sky Pirates, including Shiki, Kronos, and Rein, have worn pure gold. .

This has also inspired other forces except the World Government, which already knows the truth. They don't care about the hidden plans of the Sky Pirates, but how can they not care about the pure gold that symbolizes eternal life?

In addition to various forces, there are many loners, pirates, bounty hunters, and underground forces. There are just too many.

"I don't know if the Sky Pirates' operation will succeed. Of course, the possibility of failure is higher. After all, the power of the navy alone is not weaker than the Sky Pirates, not to mention the world government that is hidden deeper. Unless The forces of New World Pirates unite." As he spoke, Mondor shook his head and expressed his disapproval.

After knowing that his qualifications did not allow him to achieve the strength to become a cadre, he took another approach, determined to develop in the direction of the wise man and staff officer of the Pirates, and learn to improve himself. In fact, he did it, and became a leader through his own abilities. The leader of the Big Mom Pirates.

"No matter what the final result is, the Sky Pirates will suffer heavy losses and their strength will be greatly reduced. The strongest pirate group will be completely replaced by the Night Pirates." At this point, Mondor clenched his fists in excitement. , "The advantages of marrying with the Night Pirates definitely outweigh the disadvantages."

He does not have the strength as many of his brothers, and the ability of Shushu Fruit does not increase his strength much, but now is a rare moment when everyone pays attention, not only his mother, but also other brothers and sisters. He enjoys this moment.

"If there is a marriage, the Night Pirates will not refuse, and the Homitz created by my mother is also a huge bargaining chip." At this point, Mondor glanced at his mother carefully. To be honest, compared to the Night Pirates, The Big Mom Pirates don't seem to have much leverage other than the sisters they married in the past.

The most valuable thing is the Homitz made by my mother's ability and with independent thinking.

"Mama, mom! If the Night Pirates can really come up with enough chips, it's not impossible." Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes and smiled. Mondor's words had completely moved her and made her He has firmly decided to marry the Dark Night Pirates, and the other children have no objection. After all, this is indeed good for the Big Mom Pirates.

Of course, if the Night Pirates can't come up with something of sufficient value, it won't be that easy for her to get Homitz.

The marriage should be mutually beneficial. She didn't want to pay too much to endanger her enemies. Her eyes swept between the daughters below. After all, the daughter she married was definitely not bad, and she was also an important combat force of the Big Mom Pirates. Otherwise, Dark Night The pirates don't like it.

But who should I marry?

Bigmom didn't know what to do for a while, but suddenly a smile appeared on his face, "Send the news of the marriage and let the Night Pirates choose."

As for her daughters' wishes, she didn't care.

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