Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventeen Mobius's choice

"Mostima, what's the matter?"

Teach is still inside the underground research base, and parts of the King's exterior have been gradually dismantled and sent to various laboratories to study the technologies and functions contained in them.

Only the largest and most core energy device is left. The energy is controllable. Moreover, the Night Pirates have taken away the energy through means, so there is no danger now.

Teach could also leave and just wait for the final research results.

"You'd better come back in person, Lord! It seems like it should be a good thing for us." On the other end of the phone, Mostema's tone was intriguing, which aroused Teach's curiosity.

"Okay, things here are almost settled." Teach nodded and smiled, and soon left the research base and returned to the Dark Night Palace, the headquarters of the Dark Night Pirates.

"This is the news secretly sent by the Big Mom Pirates. It doesn't seem to be harmful to us, and the bargaining chips they offer are also very attractive." Mostima said calmly, "But in the end, it is still up to you to decide."

On the high throne of darkness, Teach looked at the message in his hand, groping his slightly bearded chin with one hand, and couldn't help but smile.

"It's really interesting. Who came up with the idea of ​​marrying us? We have Big Mom's daughter at our disposal, as well as the intelligence network of the underground world, and even Homitz made by Big Mom himself. This is also a big deal."

Tikki never thought that the Big Mom Pirates would want to marry their Dark Night Pirates.

As Mostima said, what the Big Mom Pirates are willing to offer is of great value. The intelligence network that the Big Mom Pirates have established over more than 20 years is not limited to the New World. In terms of intelligence, it has the "number one in the industry" "One" reputation.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to illustrate the intelligence advantage of the Big Mom Pirates, especially in the underground world. The Big Mom Pirates maintain a good relationship with the dark kings of the underground world.

Even the "big news" Morgans would be honored to attend the tea party of the Big Mom Pirates.

The Night Pirates have a large intelligence network, inheriting the profound intelligence organization controlled by Xia Qi, as well as the intelligence power established by Mastima in the new world.

With sufficient capital investment,

And after six or seven years of rapid development, Stephanie began to infiltrate and annex the World Government's intelligence force and agent training base.

Nowadays, there are mechanical monitoring systems to collect more information.

But the intelligence power of the Big Mom Pirates can still give them a great supplement. After all, Homitz has greater advantages than mechanical surveillance in some aspects.

Like the secrets of various forces, the mechanical eyes of the Night Pirates are difficult to intrude and detect, unless the hidden capabilities of the mechanical eyes are further upgraded through research and have the ability to completely simulate the environment.

At the same time, if there is a marriage, there will be many things for both pirate groups to cooperate with, strengthen exchanges, and even trade.

This is especially true for bigmom's Homitz. One Homiz can give the Night Pirates an additional cadre-level combat capability.

Even Big Mom's daughters are not bad at fighting. In Teach's eyes, Big Mom's daughters who lack love have not returned smoothly to the Night Pirates and become a member of the Dark Night Pirates. This is no different from taking it for nothing. .

Marriage between forces is an exchange of interests and mutual benefits. He knew that if Big Mom wanted to get married, she would naturally like the things of the Night Pirates. It was mentioned in the letter sent by the Big Mom Pirates.

"Bigmom was vaguely mentioned by Homiz, but it won't be so easy for her to take it out." Mostima couldn't help but say.

"What's this? Then you can take out the things. Isn't it just for that woman?" Tiqi laughed and said, "I agreed to this matter. I will hold a plenary meeting later to discuss the marriage partner. Some people in the pirate group can also get married."

Thinking of this, Tiqi was also a little excited.

In order to avoid the disgust of the giants, the name of the giant potion was changed to the giant potion. The manufacturing cost is not low, one pot costs three million beli, but the Night Pirates are fully capable of mass production.

With the enlargement potion, isn't BigMom already under control?

"Okay, the plenary meeting will be held soon. I will inform them now." Mastima smiled and disappeared quickly. He was also inclined to agree to this marriage, and he had a lot of respect for the Night Pirates. the benefits of.

After all, the leadership is in their hands, and this marriage was initiated by the Big Mom Pirates.

The bigmom pirates basically took out all their chips and showed them in front of the night pirates, but the night pirates only had to pay part of it.

Desserts are something that puts no pressure on the Night Pirates and is very easy.

Many cooperations can be agreed, which is also good for them.

In addition to energy potions and recovery potions, the Night Pirates have very strict control over this technology. Except for the use within the battle pyramid, it is internal consumption.

Although some accidentally leaked outside, the number was very small.

Because this kind of thing can be copied completely, although there are not many forces that have the ability to research it.

Even if it flows outside, it will be locked in the dark night sea. Now it is fully monitored. If anything is lost, it will be recovered as soon as possible or destroyed, even if it can fly.

Even if the Big Mom Pirate Group marries them, they will not be able to trade the potion. This is a bottom line and at best they will be compensated in other ways, and the enlargement potion can fully meet Big Mom's needs.

He also helped the Big Mom Pirates to connect with the Elbafu Giants, which Big Mom couldn't refuse.

"What happened? A plenary meeting is going to be held?" In the Lord's Hall, some members came, and those who didn't came also participated in the meeting through the video phone bug.

Powerful monsters such as Gar, Mobius, Shiliu, and Wallace showed terrifying power in the war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

There are also powerful players such as Enel, Voss, Clemons, and Kos who also shine.

Otto, Liszt, Baccarat and others who took very few shots.

There are also members such as Abby and Luoya who are famous in the new world, and there is also the newly added natural snow fruit ability user "Ice Ghost" Hirsch.

Coupled with old members such as Miles, Hardman, and Hadnor, as well as the newly emerged members of the Night Pirates who have been tempered over the years and who have eaten Devil Fruits, the number of cadres of the Night Pirates present has exceeded Fifty people.

Due to the internal ranking decision of the Night Pirates, the Night Pirates have not added cadres for a long time, and Hirsch is just a special case.

Within the Night Pirates, there are still many powerful men who are all eager to shine in the final ranking battle and win the position they want.

It is conceivable how powerful the overall strength of the Night Pirates will be now. When the Seventy-two Demonic Pillars, the Thirteen Demonic Generals and the Seven Demonic Kings are finally born, their terrifying power will definitely shock the whole world.

You must know that now, although there is no war in the Night Pirates, many members of the Night Pirates dare not slack off, practice their skills hard, and improve their strength.

In more than a year's time, it will be time for internal competition among the Night Pirates. The Seven Demon Kings and Thirteen Demon Generals are the positions that many people want to compete for.

This requires talking about strength. Even if there is no war, other members are their enemies.

Whether it is the Seven Demon Kings, the Thirteen Demon Generals, or even the first few of the Seventy-two Demon Pillars, there are many people competing, so the crazy involution, after all, for some people, there is not much time.

Many members visit the gravitational field created by Gu Zundiqi to hone themselves under the strong gravity.

Of course, there are also those who are not interested in these positions. For example, Biduo will have an easier time, but he will not fall behind in training to ensure his own growth and improvement in strength.

After Tiqi's call, basically everyone arrived except Ares, but the Lord's Hall was still very empty.

After all, Tiqi specially created the locations of the seven demon kings, thirteen demon generals, and seventy-two demon pillars in the Lord's Palace.

Everyone's eyes fell on Teach. Redeat, who was on the right side of Teach, had a strange smile. He had already learned the news in advance, and he thought it was very interesting.

"Mostima, come and talk to them." Teach chuckled.

After receiving Teach's order, Mostima stepped forward and told them about the marriage between the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates.

"As you can imagine, the captain has already agreed." Lafitte said with a smile. A huge screen was projected on the wall on one side, and what appeared on the screen were photos of the daughters of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Let's see if there are any that we like. After all, some of you are not young anymore, and it's time to start a family. Big Mom's genes are good, and some of the daughters are also very good-looking." Tiqi leaned on the throne, holding one hand He supported his head, looked down and smiled, as a captain, it is necessary to solve the single problem for his crew.

"Uh!" I didn't expect that my own captain would have such interest, but not to mention, some of Big Mom's daughters are very good-looking. In these photos, Teach also specifically excluded some of the weird and ugly ones, as well as those like Smoothie. A genius with great potential that Big Mom cannot let go of.

"Boss, you haven't solved the single problem yourself, how can you think about our affairs." Mobius couldn't help but joked. Mobius didn't change the name of Teach, and always called him boss.

"Are you sure?" Tiqi asked with an inexplicable smile.

Tikki's words shocked everyone present, which meant that Tikki already had a woman, and none of them knew it.

This woman is naturally not one of those playthings. Like Teach, she will not restrain her desires. She will also enjoy herself when she should enjoy it, especially those sexy fishmen.

After all, long-term exercise life is depressing. Very few people can continue to exercise like ascetics, and Teach also needs to rest.

A series of gossipy eyes fell on Tikki, even Ledyard. He did not expect that Tikki had found a woman without knowing it.

Baccarat, who had a relationship with Tikki, was not surprised, Tikki had revealed it to him.

"Well, I already have a child, and I will bring him over in a while." Teach didn't want to hide it. This matter would be exposed sooner or later, and as a leader of the Night Pirates, he would know it sooner or later, but he didn't Say more.

This is really shocking news.

The news was even more shocking than the news just now. Baccarat's eyes widened even more, and she couldn't help but take out a gold coin and use her own ability to calculate.

As pirates, there are actually very few people who can get married and have children normally. Moreover, pirates roam the sea and don't take any protective measures when doing things. Most of the time, they don't know that they have children.

Many orphans in the sea were born in this way.

Bagua's eyes became surprised, and some people opened their mouths in shock. They did not expect that Tiqi had become a father at such a young age and unknowingly.

At the same time, their hearts were excited, and they even couldn't wait to see what the captain's son looked like. He inherited the bloodline of the Dark Emperor, and naturally also had Teach's monster-like qualifications.

Although they were still very much looking forward to it, Tiqi didn't say anything, so they stopped asking too much, since they would definitely be able to see him anyway.

For a moment, the marriage of the Big Mom Pirates was almost forgotten.

"Mobius, since you have just started, you will choose one as one of the marriage partners with the Big Mom Pirates. This is an order! You can't refuse!" Teach looked at Mobius and said with a smile, But no one doubted the truth of Teach's words.

Others also looked at Mobius with teasing eyes. As the first leader, they wanted to see Mobius embarrassed, but they also had to thank Mobius. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't be able to follow Mobius. The shocking news came from Teach's mouth.

Under the gaze of everyone, Mobius's face couldn't help but turn red.

Seeing him like this, some people seemed to realize something, and couldn't help but laugh in surprise, "No way, Mobius, you are already twenty-six years old, you are still a child!"

"Yeah!" Voss next to Mobius ruthlessly broke down the situation at this moment, confirming this fact.

"Voss, you!" Mobius opened his eyes wide and looked at his companions on the side in disbelief.

But it was no use. Voss avoided his gaze and raised the corners of his mouth, "I'm sorry, I have passed the adult ceremony."

And the whole audience burst into laughter, which made the powerful Mobius feel helpless. He had never shown such an appearance before.

"What about Shiliu? He doesn't have one either, right?" Mobius turned to Shiliu, who was cleaning his knife.

Xi Liu glanced away, "I'm sorry, you don't understand the world of men. Besides, women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."

"Mobius, choose one. After following me for so long, I didn't pay attention to your emotional problems. It's really my fault as the captain." Teach wanted to see who Mobius would choose.

After all, everyone has different preferences.

Mobius was not a pretentious person. He quickly regained his composure and looked at the figures of Big Mom's daughters on the big screen in front of everyone.

Except for those excluded by Tiqi, there are still a few who are married to other forces. The rest are all in it, and there are even photos from various angles and even reward orders.

Who would refuse a beautiful woman? Besides, they are not weak and will not be a drag. Not only for himself, but also for the pirate group, he has no reason to refuse.

Soon, Mobius's eyes rested on a snake-headed woman who looked like a lady.

But just like him, he has the blood of the snake-headed clan, but his neck is not as long as that of the ordinary snake-headed clan.

The tall figure, long light blue hair, and the cold and melancholy expression on the corner of her mouth when she lit the cigarette had a strong attraction to him.

Charlotte Armand, the third daughter of Big Mom, is a leader of the Big Mom Pirates. She is a powerful and cruel swordswoman who is an important combat force of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Charlotte Armand? Not bad." Through Mobius's eyes, others knew who he was interested in.

As for her cruel personality and the title of "Ghost Lady", Teach and the others don't care at all. Let's not talk about whether Armand can disobey Big Mom's orders. Although Armand is very strong, she is not Mobius's opponent at all. Will be suppressed, or even killed instantly.

Today's Mobius is a monster with a bounty of 886 million, and has the title of "Yamata no Orochi". If it really depends on his strength, Mobius's bounty can still be increased. .

Charlotte Armand did not suffer at all from marrying Moebius. After all, she was marrying a stronger man than herself.

As for the age issue, Charlotte Armand is only eight years older than Mobius, and the life span of the snake-headed tribe is also a little longer than that of the average human race.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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