Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and twenty-seven The plot of the dark night

In the Dark Night Palace and the Lord's Palace, the core cadres gathered. It can be said that everyone except Ares was present.

Ares is not interested in these. He sits alone in the battle pyramid. With his strength, he is enough to suppress it.

In today's dark night sea, it is impossible for any accidents to happen. Even if there are signs, they will be discovered and eliminated as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that, except for Teach and Ledyard, the two masters who have not yet arrived, there are many more people than in previous meetings. These are pirates who have been recognized for their strength and can become leaders.

If the strength reaches the standard, if there is no corresponding status, it will also cause internal instability. After all, it has been delayed for too long, so the due status is still needed.

Now the number of cadres of the Night Pirates in the Lord's Palace has exceeded one hundred. It is basically certain that the positions of the Seven Demon Kings, Thirteen Demon Generals and Seventy-two Demon Pillars were born among them. Of course, those members who are still chasing are not excluded. .

It is possible to become stronger several times in a short period of time. Just like Kaguya, her current strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to six years ago.

He is only in his early twenties, but his combat prowess is so terrifying that he is on par with the second rank of the pirate group. He is a strong contender for the position of the Seven Demon Kings. With his powerful physique, physical skills and Devil Fruit abilities, he has two-color domineering Kaguya. It has reached an extremely high level and even successfully mastered Liu Ying.

Within the Night Pirates, in Teach's eyes, Kaguya is the most likely to master the internal destruction skills of Haki, and is more likely to master the internal destruction of Haki than Ares.

Ares may still need a few years of training, but Kaguya can completely overtake in a corner in a short period of time. As for the others, Tiqi does not have any expectations. It is best to be able to master nature. If he cannot master it, in the domineering strength They can also reach the top level in the world.

Among the many members, there are five who are relatively different, standing behind the five core cadres.

That is the five Charlotte sisters who are married to the Night Pirates. This can be regarded as a way to win people's hearts. Moreover, after spending more than half a year together, their thoughts are almost all on the Night Pirates.

In terms of strength, only Armand and Custard are qualified to stand here. Snamon is barely qualified, and Motzalt and Garrett are still a little less powerful.

To be able to stand in this palace, the worst one would have a combat power of almost 400 million beli, and be able to master two-color domineering skillfully.

With a huge base, many members with great potential naturally emerged.

Coupled with the training of the battle pyramid, the strength of the members of the Night Pirates has improved rapidly, and many pirates with good strength have joined the Night Pirates.

In terms of the number of strong men, the Night Pirates actually have more.

They have a special status and are accepted by the Night Pirates, so they can stand here.

Compared with other members of the Night Pirates, Armand and the others looked at the figures in the Lord's Palace and realized firsthand how powerful the Dark Night Pirates were, far more powerful than the Big Mom Pirates.

If they hadn't been married to the Night Pirates and had access to some of the Night Pirates' secrets, they wouldn't have dared to imagine that there were so many powerful pirates in the Night Pirates.

Famous or not, unknowingly, the power of the Night Pirates has expanded to such an extent that it even exceeds the current Flying Pirates.

They were a little uneasy. Although they were already considered members of the Night Pirates, they had not yet been officially married. They were still outsiders.

Because some of the looks were very strange, with doubts and surprises, they could guess their identities. Only a few people knew about the marriage between the Night Pirates and the Bigmon Pirates, that is, the core members of both parties.

Their identities are not recognized by the entire Night Pirates and are known to everyone.

Teach allowed them to come to the meeting, but they knew that they had no right to speak in this meeting, they could just stand there.

The interior of the main hall has some changes, and is distributed layer by layer in a ladder-like manner.

The three thrones at the top are of different sizes and unique styles, symbolizing the three masters of the Night Pirates.

The seven thrones on the lower level represent the seven demon kings, and the thirteen positions on the lower level represent the thirteen demon generals. A total of seventy-two pillars stand on each pillar, and there is a position on each pillar.

These seats are a symbol of status and do not necessarily represent one's status in the Night Pirates.

Therefore, there are still some seats available in the surroundings. When that time comes, the layout of the Lord's Hall will be adjusted.

Now they are all standing, but the position and area where they stand have vaguely represented the gap between status and strength.

"Mastima, do you know what the boss asked us to discuss?" Mobius asked Mastima in front of him.

After all, this was the first time for such a group meeting. In the past, many members who could not come used video phone bugs to attend the meeting.

Mobius has a tall body of four meters high, a slightly long neck, long dark blue hair flowing to his shoulders, and a black robe with a arrogant dark green Yamata no Orochi printed on it.

Armand behind him was also radiant, not as gloomy and melancholy as before, and looked like a woman. His pale skin was still pale, but now it had some color, and his tall and slender body was somewhat plump.

During this time, Armand changed the most among the five Charlotte sisters.

"Just be prepared to take action, other things have nothing to do with us." Shiliu next to him was holding a cigar in his mouth, wearing the same attire that had not changed for many years, wearing a flying hat on his head, and the black jailer uniform with the symbol of Impel City on it. The three skulls that have become the Night Pirates.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the current meeting must be related to the war between the World Government and the Night Pirates.

What can be expected is that the Night Pirates will not just wait for the war between the two sides to end, and will definitely take action.

As for how to act and what their goals are, that's what the next meeting will talk about.

Although Xiliu has a calm and steady personality, he also has the consciousness of being a high-level thug. He just needs to obey orders. There are dedicated people to do such things as planning.

At this level, he basically has all the sense of smell he should have, and Mobius also knows it, but he just wants to know the inside story as soon as possible.

Mostema might know.

"Tell me, Mostima, it doesn't matter if you reveal a little bit." Enelu, who was carrying a golden coiled dragon stick on his shoulder, came forward, sat cross-legged on the air, and controlled the electromagnetism to fly. The way of action has now become a habit of Enelu.

Enelu is also a little curious. Life has been very leisurely for him recently. He exercises, fights, exercises, and fights. He can't wait to show his strength in front of the world.

The same goes for everyone else. Their eyes fell on Mostima, including Slada, Mog Ratton, Wallace, Garr and others.

Although the cadres fighting at the back were also curious, they all kept their mouths shut. The bosses didn't speak. Why should they? Some people were very nervous as it was their first time attending a conference.

"The master hasn't come yet, so it doesn't matter." Clemons also said, with his upper body naked, and the bulging muscles like steel seemed to be shining, and he had a body that was the envy of all men. Perfect work of art.

There are even some large groups looking for Clemons to sign contracts and cooperate with them, put on some clothes and take some photos. There is simply no better candidate to be a model than Clemons.

Today, Clemons is well-known around the world, but not because of his ability.

Through some business cooperation, Clemons earned a lot of money, which is enviable and has a deep family background.

There are even rich women who pay high prices just to touch Clemons' body.

With a strong body, the word "burial" on the chest is particularly ferocious.

Although he is still young, still in his early twenties, even if he does not use the burst of muscle fruit to increase his combat power, Clemons's combat power is still very strong, and he is also a strong contender for the position of the Seven Demon Kings.

"Okay." Mostima relented, seeing that everyone else looked forward to it.

His expression became serious, "To be honest, I'm not very clear about the main goal of the next action."

"However, maybe you don't know that the Lord has asked me to secretly mobilize a total of 300,000 troops."


As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked. Three hundred thousand, what is the concept?

Some cadres were very shocked. They did not expect that there were so many members in their own pirate group.

Especially the five Charlotte sisters. Although they knew that there were many people in the Night Pirates, they did not expect that they would be so huge.

The Sky Pirates' current army of 500,000 people still has some water, which also includes the affiliated pirate groups of the Sky Pirates, as well as some members of other forces. Generally speaking, it is an alliance led by the Sky Pirates. .

Even the number of the Flying Pirates itself was not so large originally. It increased more during this period. Under the influence of the situation, coupled with the huge appeal of Golden Lion Shiji.

The number of the Dark Night Pirates' 300,000 is only its own number, and does not include those affiliated forces and affiliated pirate groups.

Moreover, 300,000 is only the number summoned. The real number must be more than this. After all, it is impossible to send out all the numbers in one operation, and someone still needs to guard the home.

The power of the Night Pirates is truly terrifying.

Several core cadres of the Night Pirates frowned. They had a rough idea of ​​the overall number of members of the Night Pirates. The total number was less than 400,000, probably around 370,000 to 380,000.

Gathering an army of 300,000 at once was equivalent to directly withdrawing most of the troops. This was not good for the security of the Dark Night Sea, but it was still within the tolerance range.

This number is almost the limit. The remaining 70,000 to 80,000 troops are already enough, and there are many affiliated pirate groups. As long as the operation is completed within a short period of time, nothing will happen to the Dark Night Sea.

But such a huge number really surprised them. After all, in the war with the Whitebeard Pirates, the number sent by the Night Pirates was only about 50,000.

Such a big move made them suddenly become serious, standing there seriously, thinking about what kind of action they would take.

"With such a huge number, won't other forces notice it?" Lafitte wondered. A huge fleet carrying an army of 300,000 people would be unable to cover up its traces. If it were known, it would be meaningless.

"Haha, once the war begins, the world's attention will shift to the World Government and the Sky Pirates." Mostima Weiwei smiled and put one hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist, "Besides, what if someone sees it? ?At that time, the communication equipment in the entire dark night sea will be cut off, and even if it is known, it will not be leaked out."

"Who dares to cause trouble for us?"

This is the domineering power of the Night Pirates. If you can't watch the live battle, what can you do to the Night Pirates?

If you dare to jump out, use absolute power to suppress it. The sea always speaks with your fists.

At this point, all the officers present looked confident and had absolute confidence in the Night Pirates.

In the dark night sea, who dares to resist? They must swallow their breath, otherwise the only result waiting for them is death.

Suddenly, a strange aura spread and they felt it. Everyone looked at the throne at the top. They knew that the meeting was about to begin and their leader was coming.

Weird shadows gathered from all directions, and Redeat's figure appeared from them, sitting just on his own throne.

Immediately afterwards, Tiqi's figure appeared directly from the twisted dark space, looking down, the invisible aura put great pressure on people, and he couldn't help but lower his head.

"The meeting begins!"

There was a sense of authority in the calm voice.

After almost three seconds of silence, Tiqi turned his head slightly and motioned to Redeat on the side with his eyes.

Redyard received the message and smiled, "Next, is our goal. It is very simple. In the middle of the war, go to the Sky Kingdom of the Sky Pirates, fully take over all the islands in the Sky Kingdom, and use the Sky Island Propulsion Device Move the entire sky kingdom to the dark night sea."


Redeat's words seemed to explode in their minds, and all of them widened their eyes and took a deep breath.

Such an appetite is really too big. His master actually planned to steal the Sky Pirates’ home and annex the Sky Kingdom of the Sky Pirates during the war with the World Government. No wonder he had to send a huge force of 300,000 to ensure a smooth takeover. There are almost six hundred islands in the Sky Kingdom.

To move the sky island, only the Sky Pirates and the Night Pirates have such technology in the world. Moreover, the Sky Kingdom has completely turned into a sky island. There are artificial floating clouds floating under the islands, and they do not rely on the Golden Lion. Shiki's ability to fly.

After calming down, they all had excited and wild smiles on their faces, and they were even a little ready to move.

Kos lowered his head slightly and touched his sniper rifle.

Lafitte shook his cane, lowered the brim of his hat like a gentleman, and licked his lips excitedly.

Clemons bulged his muscles, crossed his arms across his chest, and twisted his neck neatly from left to right, making a "click" sound.

Thunder and lightning flashed around Enelu's body.

A trace of blood flashed in Shiliu's eyes, and the thunderstorm around his waist seemed to be trembling with excitement.

"A bunch of lunatics!"

Outsiders like Armand and the others couldn't help but sigh that they actually wanted to annex two-thirds of the Sky Pirates' territory in one fell swoop, even exceeding the number of territories owned by the Sky Pirates themselves.

Judging from the looks of these members of the Night Pirates, it seemed that they had not thought about the consequences at all, and no one refuted or refused at all.

However, for some reason, they seemed to be impressed by the atmosphere present, and they couldn't help but feel a little excited, and their hearts beat faster.

"The other thing is to take over the remaining forces of the Flying Pirates."

When he said this, it was as if he had already determined that the Flying Pirates would be defeated, and did not take the current power of the Flying Pirates into consideration at all.

Unexpectedly, other forces are still waiting for the battle between the World Government and the Sky Pirates. The Night Pirates are already preparing to take over the Sky Pirates' territory and power.

"The Sky Pirates will be defeated, don't worry about that. If you are lucky, Shiji will be caught by the World Government. If he escapes, I will kill him with my own hands!" Teach said domineeringly, with a flash in his eyes. Hanguang raised his right hand in the shape of a claw in the air, and the terrifying energy exploded in an instant, bypassing them accurately without affecting them.

But at this moment, there seemed to be an invisible whirlpool spinning around Teach.

"In this operation, there are actually not many battles, but I don't want any surprises. Ares will guard the battle pyramid, Kaguya will stay, Wallace will stay, Liszt will stay, stay..." Ti Qi reported a few names as members guarding the Dark Night Sea.

The force left behind is not weak, but the force sent out is stronger, terrifyingly strong. In order to smoothly take over this huge territory, they moved to the dark night sea.

Those who registered their names were not disappointed, their personalities were relatively calm to begin with.

Guarding the Dark Night Sea is also a very important task. Moreover, Teach also said that there are not many battles this time. Whether it is expansion or ensuring that nothing happens to his own territory, it is of great significance.

After all, the external forces inside the Dark Night Sea are very powerful, due to the existence of the battle pyramid.

"Get ready. After this battle, we will be the strongest! Our era is really coming!"

Teach's words were inspiring and aroused their ambition to be the strongest and completely replace the Sky Pirates.

Whether it is annexing the Sky Kingdom or absorbing the remaining power of the Sky Pirates, the power of the Night Pirates can expand to an extreme.

At that time, the Night Pirates will surpass the Sky Pirates in both strength and influence, greatly surpassing them and becoming the strongest in the new world.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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