Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and twenty-eight: Violent death in battle

The Sky Pirates are on the move!

Reporters from the World Economic News Agency began to pay attention early, and the live broadcast of the video has been started.

The whole world is paying attention, watching the huge power of the Sky Pirates.

Using islands as battleships, only Golden Lion Shiji can do it. Under the power of Shiji's Piao Piao Fruit, the islands fly quickly towards the Red Earth Continent, with a huge momentum.

The pirate alliance's army of half a million people gathered on these dozens of islands. It was very spectacular when viewed from a high place. Some people could even see traces of famous pirates in the New World from the images.

Each island is equipped with a huge golden lion head, like the bow of a pirate ship, and also represents the Sky Pirates.

As the pirate ships of the Sky Pirates, these islands have long been transformed into aerial fortresses by the Sky Pirates. They contain a large number of powerful weapons, equipment, and munitions, and have great destructive power.

The island was flying so fast that even the reporter birds couldn't catch up, and they had to keep their bodies steady for the live broadcast. Morgans anticipated this and arranged for several reporter birds along the way.

However, the Flying Pirates would not follow his plan and kept rising into the sky. Soon they flew above the clouds and disappeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

There is nothing Morgans can do about this. After all, the reporter birds cannot fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters. Most of the reporter birds in his hands are around the Red Earth Continent, the battlefield of the Holy Land, the Navy Headquarters where a war may occur, and Some other key places in the navy.

Although they lost the trace of the Sky Pirates, they were not disappointed, and were even more looking forward to it, because the war had begun and it would never stop.

Although many people are afraid of war and fear of causing greater chaos, there are still some people who are looking forward to the outbreak of war. This kind of thinking is the majority.

The pirates in the new world, various forces, the kingdom of Shihai, and most of the residents of Shihai. Shihai has nothing to do with the world government. The kingdom is safe internally. These residents are very relaxed and treat this war like a drama. It seems that no matter what, It won't affect them.

This has always been the case. After so many years of development, the age of imaging has basically become popular, and imaging has already become a part of their lives. It has become a habit, and they will even feel uncomfortable if they don’t watch images for a day.

The screen turned,

After moving to the Navy Headquarters, a large number of naval elites gathered in the square. Marshal Sengoku did not say much.

"Let's go!" The sonorous and powerful voice is enough to show the firm will of the Warring States Period and also gives confidence to all navies.

"For justice!"

There was an earth-shattering roar, and the entire navy headquarters seemed to be trembling.

The powerful momentum of the navy also shocked people, and they were increasingly looking forward to the next collision.

The huge navy quickly boarded warships one after another. It was a pity that the navy headquarters general and hero Garp could not be seen, but some people had guessed that they had already set off in advance.

The layout of some battlefields cannot be easily exposed, and even the World Economic News Agency cannot find it.

But it is conceivable that in order to deal with the Sky Pirates, the Holy Land Mariejoia has already turned into a dragnet. The war has been warming up for more than a year, and they have enough time to prepare for the war.

Time passed by, and the live broadcast switched back and forth, which made people feel a bit boring. It did not reveal any actions of the World Government and the Navy. As a neutral party, even if it could be found out, the World Economic News Agency could not do so.

But for a world-class war, patient waiting is a must.

In the holy land of Mariejoia, the navy and army were spread out across a large area. The navy admirals also stood at preset positions, as well as Garp, Zefa and the top powerhouses of the world government.

Forrest, Gaia's two CP0 deputy chiefs, the mysterious CP0 chief, and the Five Old Stars.

Each of the Five Old Stars exudes the aura of a strong person and quietly stares at the sky.

In addition, there are many agents wearing masks.

Deep in Pangu City, a shadow in black robe wiped the sword in his hand.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky suddenly became gloomy, with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and muffled sounds.

Such weather is rare and even rare at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Seeing this, everyone on the Holy Land became solemn, especially the strong ones. Their feelings were more obvious, and the majestic power was approaching.

"Here we come!" Garp, whose temples were already gray, looked into the distance and said seriously.

The signs have appeared, and people watching the video from all over the world have noticed that the Flying Pirates have arrived, and the collision between the two sides will soon begin.

I couldn't help but hold my breath and stare at the video screen, not wanting to miss any wonderful moment.

A huge shadow emerged from the clouds.

"Do it!"

Seeing this, with an order, the strong men took action one after another. They planned to seize the opportunity in this war.

"Meteor volcano!"

Sakaski has a resolute face and a semi-elementary body. He raises his arms and continuously shoots huge magma fists into the sky with astonishing explosive power. Like a meteor shower, the magma fists span thousands of meters and continue to fall from the sky. , rushing into the depths of the distant clouds.

Under the meteor volcano of Sakaski, the entire sea of ​​clouds was almost dyed red.


Facing Sakaski's attack, "King of Heaven" Rhine reacted immediately, controlled the terrifying airflow, and transformed into a giant dragon, blocking these meteor-like magma punches like a barrier.

At the same time, the powerful airflow whipped up hurricanes, changing the trajectory of the meteor volcano, and continued to fall from a height of 10,000 meters.

Sakaski's terrifying move was blocked like this.

Due to the flow of air currents, all the thick clouds dispersed, revealing the traces of the huge fleet of the Flying Pirates, with dozens of islands approaching.

But it's not over yet. Porusalino's body in mid-air is emitting golden light, terrifying power condenses, and countless terrifyingly powerful light bombs are continuously released.

The huge number made it possible to launch an indiscriminate attack on the area where the flying pirates were located in front of them without any blind spots.

The speed of the light bombs was so fast that even the strong ones could not avoid it. They kept hitting the islands one after another. Many pirates were blown up directly, causing casualties to the Flying Pirates immediately.

"Comet shower!"

Forrest was the same, his body shone with purple light, condensing purple comets that kept rushing towards the flying pirates in the distance.

The attack from the World Government suddenly caught the Sky Pirates by surprise.

Shiji raised his hand, and the air suddenly condensed into huge lions, resisting Forrest's comet shower. Even so, most of Shiji's move was destroyed, but he had no intention of recovering.

"Jie hahaha! That's a pretty good greeting." Shi Ji's figure appeared, looking at the familiar figures on the red earth continent and laughing. He was wearing a yellow kimono and his golden hair was flying like a lion.

Shi Ji didn't care about the losses on his side, it was just a drop in the bucket, but he also knew that if something was not done, the morale of the Allied Forces of the Flying Pirates would definitely drop a little.

"Then come and greet my return gift!" Shiji laughed, raised his right arm high, and waved downwards.

God, it’s dark!

The World Government and the Navy each raised their heads and widened their eyes, as if they had seen some horrific scene.

"Oh my God!"

"How can we fight if we use the island as a weapon?"

The world, too, was in shock.

Higher in the sky, more than a dozen islands continued to fall towards the red continent, as if covering the entire Mariejoia.

This is the terrifying thing about Piaopiao Fruit, which makes any object it touches float, even islands.

Although the World Government and the Navy took action first, Shiji's move directly put the World Government and the Navy into a desperate situation, at least in the eyes of many people.

The top combat forces of the world government and navy all looked solemn. Once these islands fell, the consequences would be disastrous.

Under Shiji's control, they cannot avoid it. The only thing they can do is to reduce casualties, and the way to reduce casualties is to crush these islands.

As the island fragments and decreases in size, the destructive power it brings will also be weakened.

Otherwise, once the huge island is pressed down, only one of them will die.

"Come together!" A somewhat old but energetic voice shouted, instantly attracting everyone's attention. It was a five-old star.

Wearing a white robe, bald head, and wearing glasses, he is the only one among the Five Old Stars who does not wear a suit or has a beard.

Shi Ji's move was actually within the expectations of the World Government and the Navy. After all, this is Shi Ji's signature move, which consumes more islands.

In addition to reducing casualties under the attack of the King of Heaven, their distribution is to deal with the islands of Shiji.

It can take into account all the islands so that some locations will not be unstoppable.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there would still be a time to take action, old man." The bald five-old star said with a slight smile, facing this situation without a trace of nervousness. He held a samurai sword in his arms, which made people know it at a glance. He is a swordsman, and a powerful swordsman at that.

I saw him slowly pulling out his knife, the sharp blade, and blood-red thunder and lightning emerged.

Such a vision made many swordsmen's eyes freeze. They recognized this sword. The demon sword Kitetsu. The third generation of ghosts did not have such power. The second generation of ghosts got it in the hands of the flying pirates in the kendo competition. .

The only possibility is that the first generation Kitetsu is one of the twelve supreme swordsmen.

Unexpectedly, the first-generation Ghost was actually in the hands of the Five Old Stars.


The terrifying sword light was slashed out in an instant, and in the eyes of countless people, all the islands in the sky were cut in half with one sword.

A truly powerful swordsman can see that this is just one sword, but it splits all the islands in two. How is this done?

This five-old star is one of the world's top swordsmen. He is so powerful that he astonishes the whole world with just one strike of his sword.

Yuan Liu Zhongguo of the new world closed his eyes and recalled this sword in his mind.

This knife made him feel a little ashamed.

His accumulation is deep enough, but the accumulation of this five-old star is even more terrifying.

This is not over yet. The five-old star slashed with several knives in succession, and the islands were cut open as easily as plastic.

The island became smaller and easier to deal with, and then one by one the top experts took action.

"Iron Fist Meteor Shower!" Garp jumped up and with an indomitable momentum, he quickly and continuously waved his iron fist. The powerful iron fist caused hundreds of afterimages to appear around him.

A huge island was broken into hundreds or thousands of pieces by Garp in a short period of time.

"Canine-toothed Red Lotus!"

Sakaski also took action, with a powerful explosive force like a volcano, and the giant dog formed by lava bit hard at the landing island.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Countless terrifying light projectiles shot into the sky.

Former general Zefa also rushed forward, his domineering energy wrapped around his arms, and he swung his fist like an ant shaking a tree.

"Super repulsion!"

The power of repulsion was condensed, compressed to the extreme, and exploded in an instant.

The terrifying repulsive force and the air shield visible to the naked eye spread toward the sky. The powerful force made Frieda's body sink slightly.

"Comet collision!"

Forrest turned into a comet, and the terrifying impact directly penetrated the entire island from the center, and the island was directly torn apart under the powerful force.

Earth Gaia and Kuzan do not have powerful moves. Although their abilities are powerful, they are not very suitable in such a scene.

Even so, they also showed terrifying strength, breaking huge boulders.

The remaining four Five Old Stars also took action. The ability users, or powerful physical skills, showed terrifying strength and shattered the island they landed on.

For the remaining cp0, the navy's strong men showed off their magical powers and smashed the smaller islands into pieces.

Through the actions of strong men, the island continued to become smaller, allowing even some middle-level navies to resist.

In this way, the island Shiji dropped was solved by the Navy and the World Government. The dazzling method made people marvel at the power of the World Government and the Navy.

Even so, the losses to the World Government and the Navy were considerable, and the flying gravel was very deadly. What's more, these powerful men couldn't take care of everything at the same time. Many navy and army soldiers were killed by falling rocks.

Including those who were seriously injured, they lost nearly 50,000 combat troops.

The entire holy land has been completely turned into ruins with countless boulders and rubble falling down.

What more people lamented was the terrifying combat power of the Five Old Stars.

The Five Old Stars are the rulers of the world government and stand at the top of the world's power. Although they are very mysterious, they now have an identity that everyone knows, that is, the Celestial Dragons.

As a Celestial Dragon, Wulao Xing is completely different from the Celestial Dragon in the impression of people around the world. It is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

The thought couldn't help but arise in my mind, this is a real Celestial Dragon.

Also, if the Celestial Dragons are all trash, how can they control the world.

The fall of the Celestial Dragons occurred over a long period of time and was corroded by time, rather than happening overnight.

Those corrupted Celestial Dragons only represent a part, or a large part, of the Celestial Dragon race.

The Five Old Stars are the best among the Celestial Dragons, each possessing considerable wisdom and strength.

They respectively control the five important departments of the world government, military, political, judicial, espionage, and finance.

The person in charge of the military department is the Bald Five Old Stars. The Shichibukai Plan was established with his tacit approval. At the same time, he is also the strongest among the five Five Old Stars. He has the world's top combat power, which is not weaker than that of the sea. Emperor, you can tell from that terrifying swordsmanship.

Shi Ji's face was solemn. The terrifying combat power displayed by the Five Old Stars, plus the two CP0 deputy chiefs, the mysterious CP0 chief who had fought against each other several times, plus the other two CP0 members with strong performances, and the army general. Vulture, the World Government has demonstrated the combat power of eleven generals.

This kind of combat power is really terrifying, not counting the six men sent by the navy.

In terms of the number of top-level combat forces, the World Government and Navy combined are several times more than the Sky Pirates. The difference in the number of top-level combat forces by one often determines the outcome of a war.

And the bald five-star, like Garp, is not weaker than him in terms of combat power, but may be slightly inferior in terms of physical strength.

It can be said that the Flying Pirates actually have a huge disadvantage in terms of combat power.

Fortunately, he was prepared. Rhine and Cronus stood behind him, and on the island below, there was also "Hunter" Alex.

Among the coalition forces, a tall figure appeared, wearing a horn hat and rough Viking-style armor.

As soon as he appeared, the pirates on both sides moved out of the way.

"Bundy Wold!"

Many marines recognized his identity.

The captain of the Ward Pirates, known as the "World Destroyer", was a man who, together with Roger and Whitebeard, was feared by the world's governments and navies.

He is now sixty-five years old, but because he has been frozen for ten years, he looks almost fifty years old. At the same time, his body functions remain at the same level as before the freezing.

He is a user with Momo fruit ability and has great ambitions to overthrow the world government.

After Dark Emperor invaded Impel City many years ago, Bundy Wald followed a group of pirates and escaped from Impel City. The navy tried to capture him, but Bundy Wald disappeared.

Later, due to various things, the Navy gave up the search for Bundy Wold. Unexpectedly, Bundy Wold would now appear in Golden Lion Shiji's pirate alliance.

As for why it appeared, they could also guess that it was to take revenge on the World Government and the Navy.

The aura of Bundy Wald today is terrifying, far from what it was when he left Impel Down. After many years, Bundy Wald's strength has long since returned to its peak.

The appearance of Bundy Walder has enhanced the morale of the Allied Forces of the Flying Pirates. After all, this is a pirate who had a great reputation in the previous era.

Shi Ji is fully prepared for this battle, and naturally wants to increase the number of his own top combat forces.

But is it just Bundy Wold?

Of course not. At some point, a figure appeared on the edge of the ruins. He had a tall figure, long blood-colored hair, and a blood-colored robe, holding a bat umbrella in his hand.

No one noticed his appearance, and it took a while before anyone noticed.

"Red, Red Earl!"

The frightened scream of a sailor suddenly attracted all the attention to the unexpected visitor.

"Ledfield, why are you here to join in the fun?" Garp looked at Redfield and said in a deep voice.

Redfield's combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary top powerhouses, and his intimidating power is much greater than that of Bundy Wold.

His appearance will put a lot of pressure on the world government and the navy, which is not a good thing.

Especially now that Redfield has regained his youth and gained the powerful ability of the phantom beast species, bat fruit, and vampire form, his overall strength has exceeded his peak.

"Haha, I owe Shiji a favor, and I'm here to pay it back today." Faced with Garp's question, Redfield smiled slightly, raised the umbrella sword in his hand, and pointed it at Garp.

"Garp, your opponent is me. You will stay here until the end of the war."

Obviously, his mission is to hold back Garp, the top combat power.

He also had a battle with Garp. After all, it was Garp who defeated him and imprisoned him in the Impel Down City. If he wanted to cause trouble, he would naturally turn to Garp.

Redfield has his own pride, and the opponents he chooses are naturally at the same level as himself.

In addition, for his own safety, he also chose an opponent he was familiar with. He was not very familiar with the other five old stars and the CP0 chief, for fear of accidents.

Soon, another tall and strong figure appeared, "Werewolf" Mutu, who was also released from Impel Down by the Night Pirates like Redfield and Bundy Wald, and actually joined forces with the Sky Pirates. alliance.

Mutu, who is over one hundred and forty years old, still looks like a man in his prime. He is like a living fossil. He disappeared after escaping from Impel Down City, and now he appears unexpectedly.

Also as a top combat force, Mutu's strength should not be underestimated. When he was in the city, Tiqi felt that even Mutu in a weak state had the combat power of a general.

Now that he has fully recovered, he may not be as good as Karp and Redfield, but he is still one of the best in the world.

"It's just a deal. Besides, I want to see the power of these precious children of mine." Mutu laughed. Behind him, one person was wearing a black cloak, covering their whole body. The total number was as high as Thousands of people, each exuding a somewhat unstable and ready-to-move aura, making other German pirates afraid to approach.

Although I don't know what kind of deal Shiji has with Mutu, but he can pull out Mutu, an "old otaku", it is a fact that the combat power of the Flying Pirates has increased.

Soon, another pirate appeared, causing a burst of exclamations, and some people recognized them.

But more people didn't know him. Morgans' voice sounded, introducing the identity of the visitor and some of his deeds to the world's audience.

Most of these people are old, and they are all big pirates who stirred up the storm in the previous era, and disappeared on the sea for various reasons. Although they may not be as powerful as the previous ones, they are all very powerful.

"Now that a bunch of old guys have retired, why don't they just spend their old age honestly? Why do they want to jump out and seek death?" Sakaski's body has been semi-elementary. He gritted his teeth and said unceremoniously, feeling already in his heart There was a buildup of anger.

These old pirates who had disappeared into the sea actually chose to come out to help the Flying Pirates at this time and create obstacles for them.

In addition, how could Golden Lion Shi Ji have such a big reputation to get so many former great pirates to help him?

"Haha! Spend your remaining years peacefully, stop joking! We don't want to die in obscurity!"

An old pirate laughed and made an inspiring declaration. For pirates who yearn for freedom, death on the battlefield or in the sea is their final destination.

In this battle, it is good to be alive. Even if I die, I will have no regrets in my heart.

His words were also the common will of these old pirates and the main reason why they planned to help Shiji. They had a death wish and wanted to have a final battle.

"Gu la la la la!" Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard laughed, poured himself a bowl of wine, raised the bowl and saluted the old pirates in the image, and then drank up the wine in big gulps. .

Seeing their father behave like this, the other crew members also served these old pirates farewell with wine.

Some of these pirates were former enemies of the Whitebeard Pirates, but now that they are all gone, there is only respect and emotion left in their hearts.

Who wants to die in obscurity? Even Roger has created a huge stage for himself and lives in the hearts of everyone.

There are many pirates around the world who pay tribute to them.

"This is the sea!" Reilly couldn't help laughing at the tavern in the Chambord Islands, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Is this the great pirate that Pirates used to be? He chose his own way of death and died vigorously? Just like that man." Ace said to himself seriously, but his trembling hands showed that he was not calm inside, and even a little passionate.

"Squaw! I want to be a pirate and become the Pirate King!" The young Luffy had already determined to be the Pirate King and inherited Shanks' straw hat.

He looked at the image and shouted, he could feel it and it felt very cool.

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