Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and forty-seven marriage

At this time, the news that the Night Pirates were going to marry the Big Mom Pirates quickly spread throughout the world.

The Big Mom Pirates continued to send out invitations. After the Night Pirates' serial battle, the Night Pirates sent the invitations directly. Doflamingo and others received the invitations immediately.

After all, all the forces that maintained good relations with the Night Pirates came to the Battle Pyramid.

Naturally, such news cannot be concealed, and the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates have never thought of hiding it.

If the marriage between the two forces is done secretly, it will really be a loss of points.

This is meant to let everyone know about something that shocks the sea.

The news could not be hidden, and it quickly spread through various channels. In the end, it intensified in a short period of time, and everyone knew about it.

On the fifth day of the thirteenth year of the Great Pirate Age, this was the day of the wedding, which took place on an empty island near Pajira Island in the dark night sea.

The marriage of the two top forces shook the entire sea.

The news came out, which was very shocking. The Night Pirates are already the strongest pirate group in the sea, and they are not even a little bit stronger. If they are allied with the Big Mom Pirates, another emperor of the sea, it is hard to imagine how great this will be. Terrible power.

It can easily shake the entire pattern of the sea.

In the past few days, some people have begun to publicize the current situation of the Three Sovereigns and One Emperor in the New World, tracing back to the source of the news, which is the Beast Pirates.

The huge gap between power and strength has made the Night Pirates transcend the concept of an imperial power.

There are huge numbers, many powerful people, and they have technological strength that is difficult to compare with other forces.

It has flying technology like the Sky Pirates and has strong mobility.

At the same time, there are more than 100,000 fishmen troops, which have an advantage in naval battles.

The new world is recognized as powerful in frontal combat, and the Whitebeard Pirates lost their temper.


In just a few days, this concept has only been promoted on a small scale, but it has already spread to the video. I believe everyone knows it, and it is only a matter of time before it is recognized by everyone.

The Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates have five members each, and the Night Pirates are all important cadres. It can be seen that the marriage between the two parties is serious.

For some people, although the news of the marriage is unexpected, it is also reasonable. After all, the Big Mom Pirates have basically never had any external marriages, and most of them are marriages.

During this period, the cooperation between the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates was somewhat large-scale, and the scale was not growing at an unusually fast rate.

This shows that the two parties began to have close contact very early.

And the five daughters of Big Mom’s marriage to the Night Pirates are Armand, Trega, Castamon, Snamon and Motzalt.

After the news spread, through careful investigation, it was found that the five daughters of Big Mom who were married to the Night Pirates had stayed with the Night Pirates a year ago.

This shows that during the period when the Sky Pirates were at their most powerful, half a year before the war between the Sky Pirates and the World Government, these two top pirate groups had already begun to come into contact and secretly formed an alliance.

The marriage was established early. This was not something that happened after the Night Pirates reached the top, but something that had been planned for a long time.

The forces on the sea were kept in the dark, and they only thought that the forces on both sides were cooperating.

Coupled with the changes in bigmom's children on the battlefield in the air and sea some time ago, many children have increased in size.

Although there is secondary growth in this world, many people's bodies will develop secondary growth as their strength increases and their potential is stimulated after going to sea.

The increase in the size of the children of Big Mom is completely abnormal. Each of them has increased in height to seven or eight meters. Among the children who have changed, the worst one is 6.8 meters tall. Originally, he was only two meters tall.

Originally, they thought that the Big Mom Pirates had developed a technology to make people bigger. After all, some people knew about Big Mom's pursuit.

Now it seems that this is definitely related to the Night Pirates, there is no doubt about it.

All major events are basically inseparable from the Night Pirates. Just after the serial battle ended, something like this happened again.

Some of the people who received the invitation did not leave and stayed on Pajira Island, waiting for the wedding to be held, which only took a month.

Although some people left and went back to deal with some things, there were no people who refused. Moreover, they had always maintained a good relationship with the Night Pirates.

A list of the large and small forces that will attend the wedding was drawn out, and it was terrifying.

Just like the serial battle, it has attracted much attention.

The terrifying power of the Night Pirates maintains a very delicate balance in today's new world. With the end of the Sky Pirates, the Dark Night Pirates have reached the top.

Nowadays, the power of the Night Pirates cannot be compared with any overlord-level force. To put it bluntly, the Dark Night Pirates can deal with two emperor-level forces at the same time.

Bigmom, Beasts, and Whitebeard are any two pirate groups. The current Night Pirates have such power and will not be defeated.

Regardless of the number of strong men, the number of top strong men, the number of troops, or the average strength, just looking at an emperor-level pirate group, the Dark Night Pirates are absolutely suppressed.

In some people's expectations, although the Night Pirates have reached the top, this situation is not what the other sea emperors want to see, so it is likely that the three sea emperors will form a pattern of jointly checking and balancing the Night Pirates.

The idea of ​​a three-party check and balance against the Night Pirates is a good one. It can prevent the Night Pirates from acting recklessly, and it is even possible that a sea emperor will be born in the new world.

But when this news came out, the balance had been broken and their vision could not be realized.

Moreover, their thinking was still too naive. Apart from the fact that the Big Mom Pirates had already formed an alliance with the Night Pirates, they had no conflict of interest with the Night Pirates themselves.

Similarly, since the Night Pirates arrived in the new world, even though their territory borders the Beast Pirates, there has been no conflict.

The long isolation zone at the junction of the western part of the Dark Night Sea and the eastern part of the Sea of ​​Beasts is a symbol of peace and tacit understanding between the two pirate groups.

At least as long as the Dark Night Pirates do not actively provoke the Beast Pirates, maintain their own strength, and have sufficient deterrence, the Beast Pirates will most likely not take action against the Dark Night Pirates.

After all, the Beasts Pirates still have to develop themselves, and there is no benefit in starting a war with the Night Pirates. The ending of the Whitebeard Pirates is still fresh in our minds.

Although now powerful, the Whitebeard Pirates lost more than 50,000 pirates in the First World War, including many elite members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the captain of their pirate group died.

The overall strength has dropped significantly.

If Whitebeard hadn't demonstrated the most terrifying power in the world, shocked the sea, and increased his prestige, it's another question whether the overall number of the Whitebeard Pirates would have reached 100,000.

The battle between Whitebeard and the Dark Emperor is not a compromise. If they continue to fight, only the Whitebeard Pirates will suffer, and the losses will be even greater. It will serve as a stepping stone for the Dark Night Pirates and the Dark Emperor to shake the sea.

Moreover, the Night Pirates and the Beast Pirates also maintain transactions, including devil fruit transactions, commercial trade, and transactions between some raw materials.

Even if they are not very close, they are not openly hostile.

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard's character is destined not to confront the Night Pirates, and he does not want more children to sacrifice.

He wants a family, and as long as no one takes the initiative to provoke them, they will basically not find trouble.

And he does many things to accommodate his children, such as the battle for territory. Now the Whitebeard Pirates have enough territory, and there is no need to continue to expand, but when his children want to expand, he How could you refuse?

Therefore, such a structure is impossible to establish. Pirates are basically hostile to each other. Even if they unite, they will not last long, and they will not gain much benefit.

At the Navy Headquarters, the meeting regarding the Night Pirates' serial battle had just ended, and they were immediately called over, and another important meeting was held.

"Really, why don't we discuss everything in one go? I'm going to sleep." Jiaji rubbed his neck and complained slightly. You must know that the previous meeting lasted for two full days. It was hard to take a rest. Thinking of being called over again.

"Something big must have happened. It's better to get there quickly." Gion said calmly.

On the way, they happened to meet the team of Chief Tsuru and Gion, so they walked together.

"It's really troublesome. I still envy that guy Novoa. He stays in the G8 branch. Although he is only the deputy commander, I heard that he has started to manage the G8 branch. I didn't expect that Prodi would directly delegate power to him." Jiaji said with envy. At this time, he also Not in the mood to propose to Gion.

Before Novoa was transferred to the G8 branch, the Navy Headquarters also transferred Novoa's former superior, Lieutenant General Prodi, from the G7 branch to the G8 branch.

The main reason is that the original G8 Branch Lieutenant General died on the battlefield of the battle between the Sky Pirates and the World Government. He was unlucky enough to be hit by a cannon from the King of Heaven, and his body was left intact.

Therefore, the position of G8 branch chief is vacant. When the time is up, Novoa can become a lieutenant general. At that time, Novoa will officially become the G8 branch chief.

Generally, the identity of the branch chief will not change, and he will basically stay in the same naval branch for a long time.

This is also to ensure the control of one sea area. If people are replaced at will, it will affect the stability of one sea area and waste energy.

In fact, the vice admirals in the local branch are not very strong. Some pensioners, like Prodi,

When Novoa becomes Vice Admiral of the Navy and head of the G8 branch, Prodi will also be transferred back to the G7 branch.

Lieutenant General Jonathan originally became the head of the G8 branch, but now he has been intercepted by Novoa.

He is now the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, but he also has the idea of ​​becoming the head of the branch, because he got married some time ago, to a beautiful military beauty in the Navy, has a wife, and wants a stable life.

Now I am applying to become the head of the G9 branch. The commander of the G9 branch is getting older and it is time to retire.

Not long after Prodi came to the G8 branch, he started to enjoy life and handed over the matter to Novoa. Anyway, Novoa will take over sooner or later. The reputation is to train Novoa first, so that he can go smoothly when he leaves. Take over.

In fact, Novoa is more capable, and everyone knows that when he was in the G7 branch, Novoa was basically the one who handled things, so leaving the matter to Novoa was also the best choice.

"It's a matter of ability. If you have such ability, it's okay." Gion acknowledged Novoa's ability and glanced at Kake.

"Let's go quickly." The crane on the side said.

"Hey! Staff officer, didn't you get the news?" Hearing He's voice, Jiaji reacted.

"No, Warring States should notify us as soon as possible after getting the news." He shook his head slightly, said, and quickened his pace.

"Such a sudden thing must have something to do with the Night Pirates." Kaji sighed, then became serious and followed He's pace.

The huge Navy conference room is now very crowded, and even if no one comes, there are still people participating in the meeting remotely through video phone bugs.

Marshal Warring States stood on the podium with a serious expression, and there was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. He had not rested for many days.

"There are two things for this meeting." Warring States knocked on the table.

"The first thing is that something strange happened to the Beast Pirates. According to the intelligence, Kaido, Jhin and even Krell left the Sea of ​​Beasts. The specific purpose is currently unclear."

This is undoubtedly a big deal. The Beast Pirates have also carried out mysterious operations before, that is, to snatch the signpost stone guarded by the fur tribe on Uzo Island, which caused the fur tribe to lose more than 80% of its population. The population was not large in the first place. become even rarer.

Now that we are taking action again, we must be planning something big.

"I have sent people to pay close attention, but the effect should not be great."

"Will it be against the Night Pirates?" a rear admiral asked.

This is all they can think of. After all, the most famous group in the world today is the Night Pirates, plus the series battle of the Dark Night Pirates a few days ago.

Kaido also has great ambitions. If he can face off against the Night Pirates, it will be very beneficial to them.

But it's obviously impossible. What's the goal? No matter what it is, the current Dark Night Pirates cannot be spied on by the Beasts Pirates. The Dark Night Pirates are not as weak as Usajima.

He shook his head and said, "We need to be vigilant about this matter. We are not ruled out from being targeted. Once we find anything, we will notify you immediately."

As he said this, Sengoku rubbed his temples, "The second thing is that the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates have formed an alliance. The two forces are getting married. The members of the alliance include five teams. It will be just one month later. "

"What! How is that possible?"

As soon as this news came out, it was hard to believe that the alliance between the two pirate groups was still at the level of the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates.

"Can't you stop it?"

"It can't be stopped. The alliance between the two parties has already started. The wedding is just a formality. Even if we destroy the wedding, it will not affect the alliance between the two parties. After all, there are five couples in the marriage."

"Moreover, this will also cause conflicts between the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates and us. Now we still need to recuperate, and the result is not something we can bear."

Only half a year had passed since the previous battle. The navy's overall losses exceeded 100,000. The economic damage caused by the Beast Legion was also very serious. Each navy branch spent a lot of money to rebuild.

A lot of money was spent on all aspects, and there were even some gaps.

Today's navy can be said to have not begun to recover, but is just licking its wounds.

"We need to regain our strength in the shortest possible time and strive to return to the New World within four years to combat the pirate forces. The pirates in the New World cannot continue to grow. As time goes by, the forces of these sea emperors will only It’s getting bigger and bigger.”

In addition, if Sengoku didn't say anything, some other navies also knew about it.

The Navy does not dare to blatantly target the Night Pirates. There are still a large number of disabled sailors in the Navy. Under the circumstances of suffering huge losses, these are important combat forces and need to be preserved.

The Navy has conducted multiple global conscriptions over the years, which has depleted its recruiting potential. It is difficult to recruit a large number of sailors to supplement it in a short period of time. Moreover, these sailors still need time to train.

Once they offend the Night Pirates, they won't even be able to get a robot hand. The Night Pirates' trade in manipulators for the navy is not only expensive, but also limited in quantity and given to the navy in batches.

During this period, the navy did not dare to take action against the Night Pirates because of worries. If they could not get the robot hand, it would definitely have a great impact on the hearts of the people inside.

Unless they are willing to use the civilian version of the manipulator, which has several fixed specifications and can be used in life, but is useless in combat.

And with such huge losses, including many injured, it would take at least two years to get all the manipulators. During this period, they did not dare to take action against the Night Pirates.

This is also something that cannot be done.

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