Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and forty-eight transactions

"Baboon, baboon! Kaido, the route has been given to you." Dressrosa, King's Heights, Mingge looked at the video screen in front of him with a smile.

On the screen is Kaido's projection. They are now projecting face to face. Just using phone bugs to talk is a bit outdated. Most people like to use video to communicate.

Flame Calamity stood on one side behind Kaido, and on the other side, Krell stood.

Nowadays, Krel has grown up, and he performed very well in the war between the Beasts Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates some time ago.

The squad captain who single-handedly defeated two Whitebeard Pirates at the same time. Although he is not a very outstanding squad captain, the members who can become squad captains are not bad in strength. The worst ones can also compete with the navy. will be compared.

Krell paid serious attention to Doflamingo, the Shichibukai. In just a few years, he became a big figure in the world's dark giant, with powerful methods.

Now that they have arrived at the Grand Line, they have contacted Ming Ge before. Doflamingo naturally has a way to know the World Government's sky gold transportation route.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. In addition, he had been staying in the Dark Night Sea before, and he didn't expect that the affairs of the Dark Night Pirates had just ended, and there would be a major event of marriage with the Big Mom Pirates.

Kaido, the beast of all beasts, also came to the door at this time, making big moves.

The target of the action turned out to be heavenly gold, one of the taboos of the world government.

This made him excited. Being able to cause trouble to the world government without affecting himself was what he wanted to see most.

Now that the world government is weak, every piece of heavenly gold is very important. Money is needed in all aspects, and both the navy and the world government attach great importance to it.

Therefore, the defense force of Tianjin is now much greater than before. A vice admiral or a major general with the combat power of a lieutenant general is the minimum escort. In addition, there are also agents from the World Government to protect it. Among them There is also cp0.

Im returned to power before, integrating the power in the hands of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. After the war between the Sky Pirates and the World Government, these Celestial Dragons took back some of their power, and the rest stayed with the World Government, although there were no top powerhouses. , but it also greatly increased the power controlled by the World Government and the Five Old Stars, and the number of CP0 agents was greatly supplemented.


In the battle with the Sky Pirates, where did the nearly five thousand hidden agents come from?

Even if they were victorious in the end, these agents had lost a full fifth. After all, although they had caused heavy damage to the Flying Pirates, most of the members of the Flying Pirates who had died were caused by these agents.

But when the Sky Pirates reacted, they were the first to be hit.

Therefore, the protective power of each piece of heavenly gold now is several times that of the past. With such power, Brother Ming would not have dared to snatch the heavenly gold alone.

Therefore, the Beast Pirates would naturally not reject the idea. Moreover, the Beast Pirates also spent 30 million Baileys to purchase this information.

It just takes a while to collect information.

Now, Brother Ming has sent the information to Kaido.

"I hope these routes are not wrong, otherwise you will know the result." Kaido looked at the picture sent by Brother Ming and threatened Brother Ming.

On the map of the Great Route, each line represents the route of the third batch of heavenly gold, and the time is also deliberately marked on it.

"Baboon, baboon, I am a businessman, and I am talking about credibility." Faced with Kaido's threat, Brother Ming was not angry. Kaido had the qualifications to threaten him, and that was his strength.

This kind of thing is also beneficial to him, so how can he look for trouble? He doesn't care why the Beasts Pirates want to grab the gold in the sky, as long as he is satisfied with the final result.

And this might also allow the World Government to confront the Beast Pirates.

There is no need to doubt the power of the World Government, and the navy is not comparable to the Beasts Pirates.

If the gold in the sky is robbed, and it is a huge amount, the World Government will not let it go. After all, if it happens once, it will happen twice. This kind of head cannot be ignored, as it will seriously damage the prestige of the World Government.

Getting it back is something that must be done. Since the Beast Pirates plan to snatch the heavenly gold, they are naturally ready to deal with the World Government.

Of course, the most important thing is to see how much heavenly gold Kaido plans to grab. If the amount is large, the World Government will not let go of the Beast Pirates easily.

If the number is small, you may be able to get over it if you tolerate it for a while, but now another war will be detrimental to the World Government and the Navy.

The Beast Pirates may have grasped this point and took this action. The scale needs to be grasped by themselves.

If it really angers the World Government and the Navy and triggers a war between the two forces,

"That's it. If there are animal devil fruits, please pay attention to me, JOKER." Kaido said and hung up the video phone bug.

He also has a deal with Ming Ge, who can barely be regarded as a partner, but in comparison, Doflamingo has a closer relationship with the Dark Night Pirates. In addition to using the Devil Fruit for his own use and training his subordinates, most of the Devil Fruits he obtained were provided to Dark Night. Pirates.

Everyone knows Kaido’s need for Animal Devil Fruits. Kaido wants even ordinary Animal Devil Fruits, and Doflamingo is willing to trade with the Beast Pirates. Multiple friends, multiple paths, He can sometimes borrow the power of the Beast Pirates.

However, he did not trade as frequently with the Night Pirates. He only traded two Devil Fruits in the past two years.

Ming Ge was in a beautifully decorated palace with a beautiful park-like landscape outside. He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, picked up a glass of red wine and drank it in one gulp.

Under the red sunglasses, with an excited smile, there were two Devil Fruits on his table, one full of gold and the other green.

These are rare devil fruits that Brother Ming found, and they are of extremely high value.

Golden fruit, healing fruit.

The golden fruit still fell into Brother Ming's hands.

Nowadays, Brother Ming's huge power does not need the golden fruit as a boondoggle to attract customers. Naturally, it has not been taken out, nor has it been stolen.

The healing fruit was accidentally found in Dressrosa when the Night Pirates asked him for a group of mini-humans.

Healing Fruit, a strategic Devil Fruit, can restore others' injuries and physical strength. In war, it is definitely a terrifying ability, and does not require much development, only sufficient physical strength.

Regardless of the Beasts Pirates' next actions, as long as something happens, he will get the news here.

And now, he is thinking about who to give these two devil fruits to? He knew the value of the golden fruit very well. Having this devil fruit represented a steady stream of wealth because it had the ability to control gold.

Although there is no way to create gold, you can sense the existence of gold, and with the ability to control gold, you can easily hollow out a gold mine and continue to gain wealth.

But it's a pity that he doesn't have anyone suitable to eat this devil fruit. Potential or trust are all things to consider.

Another healing fruit is also very good and can play an important role in any big force.

What he can train now is a four-year-old child named Delinger, who is half a fighting fish and a half-fish man. He has a good physique and a bloodthirsty fighting spirit. He is a natural warrior.

Even so, it still takes a long time to grow, so even if you eat Devil Fruit, you have to choose the right one.

After a few years, he plans to send Dejelin to the combat pyramid for training.

Soon, he made a decision to give the healing fruit to the Night Pirates, while the golden fruit was sealed. No one wanted a person who could control gold to appear on the sea.

Because such people can easily steal gold, and the terrible influence that the golden fruit may bring, if they cannot control it, they will be regarded as a thorn in the side of the world government.

Due to the emergence of the Golden Sea, the amount of gold on the sea increased a lot.

The Night Pirates will not watch such people appear. The Night Pirates who have obtained the Golden Land can be said to have the most gold.

Although it was worth 80 billion beli, as a large amount of gold was fished out from the seabed, no one believed that the Night Pirates only got this little gold, and it would only be more, but they didn't say it in their hearts.

After all, I still don't have the ability to keep this devil fruit, and Brother Ming himself feels it's a pity to give it away and is a little reluctant to part with it, so sealing it is the best choice.

Not long ago, he just gave a sickle fruit to the Night Pirates. Now that the Night Pirates are getting married to the Big Mom Pirates, he naturally has to bring a gift.

Previously, the Night Pirates gave him a powerful ancient devil fruit to his confidant Vergo, and this healing fruit was treated as a return gift.

Anyway, now he has made up his mind to embrace the Night Pirates. Although the World Government has weakened and the power from behind has turned to the bright side, it is still the most terrifying force in the world.

If he wants to realize his ambition, he needs to rely on the power of the Night Pirates. He has long had no expectations for returning to the World Government.

Now the world government is not as powerful as it used to be. Compared with returning to the world government, how can it compare with watching such a behemoth fall.

Sooner or later, the Night Pirates will confront the World Government. There is no doubt about this. Brother Ming can see in Teach's eyes. Under that calm gaze, it represents the indifference to others. He looks down on everything like a god and treats everyone equally. .

There is a huge ambition hidden in it. No matter what Teach's ultimate goal is, the World Government will be his biggest obstacle.

Just like the Sky Pirates, Doflamingo has already imagined the future.

On the other side, Claire is planning how to act next to gain greater benefits and plan a route based on the information from Ming Ge.

Soon, he drew the shortest route on the map. It was impossible to eat all the gold in the sky, and there were only three of them, even with strong mobility.

"Six locations, according to this route, before the world government and the navy react, we can eat up to six shares of heavenly gold. According to the current share of heavenly gold, we can almost obtain treasure worth 30 billion beli."

Krell analyzed.

"Only 30 billion Baileys?" Kaido's words made Claire roll his eyes. He was too greedy and even this was not enough.

"Governor, the gold in the sky will not wait for us to grab it. After the Navy and the World Government get the news, the routes of the rest of the gold in the sky will definitely change." Krell explained, "Thirty billion beli is the best result, luck. If it’s not good, our profits will be lower.”

"Time is tight, and the places I chose are already the shortest distances, because each Tianshangjin has to contact the Navy headquarters every half an hour."

"Remember not to give them a reaction. When delivering the message, use your overlord color to stun them as soon as possible to make the phone bug useless."

"The World Government has other ways of delivering messages. Mr. Jhin should pay attention to this and stop them before delivering the message."

This is also the most important point. Their time is only half an hour. If the news gets out, the original 30 billion Baileys may only be left with 5 billion Baileys.

"Don't worry." Jin knew what he should do.

This time, the three of them acted, not separately.

"The time has not come yet, let's go to this place and wait." Krell took a pen and drew a circle on the map he drew, which was also at one end of the route he had determined.

No one knows the actions of the Beast Pirates except Doflamingo.

In addition to weddings, the Night Pirates also have a huge underground research base. In a short period of time, many scientists have produced results in their research on the ancient weapon king.

The research progress on Heavenly King's celestial control technology is not very advanced, but the research on weapons and equipment is progressing very quickly.

This is also the simplest, and the Night Pirates have restored it to a certain extent.

Although the weapons and equipment of the King of Heaven were damaged by the two Sea Emperors, there is no problem for the Night Pirates to restore them to a certain extent based on the original ones.

It is said to be restored, but it is actually equivalent to re-creating it, but using some parts of the original King.

The weapons and equipment of the King of Heaven also have high research value, and some parts are in very good condition. After being disassembled, the weapons and equipment were almost completely studied in just half a year.

This itself is an energy conversion device. The Night Pirates already have related technology, but the use of internal energy is more complicated and needs to be studied.

But under the research of Otto, "Shar" and a large number of scientists, the technology has now been conquered, and a smaller Uranus weapon device has been copied. When combined with the energy device of the Night Pirates, the power can be unleashed It is much scarier than when used by the Sky Pirates.

Although I have not tried it, the Night Pirates, who have absorbed everything from the Sky Pirates, have all the data studied by the Sky Pirates, and they can roughly deduce it by comparing it with each other.

If they think about it, based on their technology, they can create small energy cannons that are hundreds of times more powerful than artillery. They can be said to be great weapons on the battlefield, with astonishing destructive power.

Such results make Teach happy and his foundation stronger.

As long as the power rock issue is resolved next, even the World Government will have nothing to fear.

The mermaid princess Shirahoshi is already four years old. With the relationship between the Dark Night Pirates and Fish-Man Island, when the time comes, there will be no problem in bringing Shirahoshi to the Dark Night Sea, and she can also develop Shirahoshi's abilities.

As Neptune, Shirahoshi's abilities are innate and have huge potential. He does not need to awaken, but mastering his own abilities requires a certain degree of training.

Coupled with the blueprint of Pluto that had been obtained long ago, it can be said that the three ancient weapons are all in Tiqi's hands.

On the other side, something about ancient weapons was also happening.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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