Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and fifty-two Caesar

The Elbafu giants and the Fishman Island have already set off.

As the wedding date approaches, the forces close to the Dark Night Pirates or invited by the Big Mom Pirates leave their territory and flock to the Dark Night Sea from all over the new world.

Dressrosa, this wedding will not take long, but Brother Ming still has to arrange some things in advance, both business and war.

This time around the gathering of forces close to the Big Mom Pirates and the Night Pirates, he may also consider strengthening cooperation or establishing contact with some forces to expand his power and influence.

Most of the dark kings in the underground world have already set off. There are only a few dark kings related to the Night Pirates, including Morgans, Umit, Stephanie, and Doflamingo.

Several others also have a cooperative relationship with the Big Mom Pirates. In the underground world, the Big Mom Pirates have the largest network.

"Baboon, baboon! Caesar, how are you doing over there?"

On the other side, in a secret research institute, a man whose body turned into gas and had long black spiky hair, with goat horns on his head, over three meters tall, wearing purple lipstick and eye makeup, was hiding in the corner of a secret room.

He looked around tentatively, and then whispered to the phone bug, "Joker, I finally found the opportunity to contact you. Due to the situation in the new world, Pound Kazak is at risk of being exposed and seems to be abandoned. "

"Those damn bastards, that Vegapunk guy has already moved to other research bases."

"Really? So you are in charge of Pang De Kazak now?"

Brother Ming took a sip of red wine and then asked with a smile.

"Well, it's useless, we're being looked down upon." Caesar asked softly, "Joker, when will you take me away? It may not be long before we are taken to the Grand Line."

"Baboons, you can leave at any time if you want. I will help you. Since the world government has planned to abandon this base and research base, then help them." Brother Ming said with a strange smile, as if he had thought of something.

"What to do?" Caesar's eyes lit up.

"Cause an accident, use your weapons of mass destruction,

This time, you can do whatever you want without any restrictions, without worrying about any consequences. In this way, the island world government will be forced to give up. "

"Anyway, with your gas fruit ability, you won't be affected at all." Mingge crossed his legs and smiled.

"Boohoo! I can't help but implement it immediately." Caesar was originally a crazy evil scientist. He was extremely excited when he thought that his weapons could shine with their own brilliance. As for how many people would die He didn't care at all.

Anyway, he was planning to leave the World Government and join the joker.

"Just wait for now. Something will happen next. After half a month, you should be prepared first." Brother Ming said.

He had been in contact with Caesar for a long time, two years ago, because Caesar was not satisfied with the World Government and had been suppressed by Vegapunk in the entire research team.

Now that the world government plans to abandon the research base in Pang De Kazakh, this is also an opportunity for Caesar to break away from the world government, so he told Ming Ge the news when he found the opportunity.

As a Shichibukai, Mingge is very powerful and is a good backer for Caesar. Moreover, there are no restrictions on working for Mingge and he is very free.

Without Doflamingo's help, it would be difficult for him to leave Pound Kazak.

"Okay, I understand." Caesar was looking forward to it. He had already made a terrifyingly powerful destructive weapon and wanted to test its power, but he never had the chance.

But now he still feels that the power seems to be a little insufficient, and wants to see if there is anything that can be adjusted.

"In addition, I need to compile information on artificial devil fruits, giant experiment technology, and research on bloodline factors." Doflamingo said again.

"Huh? This is no problem, but these experiments were not successful. The artificial devil fruit experiment lasted four years before being abandoned by the world government. All the products produced were failures. And the giant experiment, with all due respect, joker, this kind of thing It’s simply impossible to succeed.”

Caesar is very decisive. At least to him, artificial devil fruits are okay, but how is it possible for giant experiments to turn people into giants?

"Baboons, baboons! They have been sealed off from the outside world in the research institute. You probably don't know that the gigantism experiment has been studied by the Night Pirates. Different from the ideal experimental effect, it can increase the size of people to seven to nine meters. For Strength and physical fitness have increased."

"Nowadays, many of Big Mom's children have taken it, and it seems that the production efficiency is not high. Although it is a bit useless, it is indeed successful." Ming Ge explained with a smile, even so, it is very magical, and it is very useless for some flexible people. But are there any other effects?

For example, enhance lifespan.

Of course, Doflamingo is not very interested in this, but a sudden increase in size will greatly weaken his combat effectiveness, and if it has such a strong effect, how can the Night Pirates be willing to give things to the Big Mom Pirates.

Doflamingo understands this very well, and the Night Pirates have changed, and few people have become larger. In other words, this kind of thing is only suitable for the Big Mom Pirates.

"If I give the information to the Night Pirates, I might be able to research something else. As long as there are results, the Big Mom Pirates will accept my favor, baboon!"

"That's really interesting." Caesar also became interested, but he also knew that this was not the most ideal enlargement technology, and he had no feeling for the enlargement technology. His business was not in line with it, and he had no passion for research.

"Our next goal is to research artificial devil fruits. Based on the research on world government, we will definitely be able to produce results after taking some time."

"As far as I know, the Beasts Pirates are researching artificial devil fruits, and the Night Pirates should also be doing research. These information, as well as the failed products of artificial devil fruits, can be sold at a good price." Ming Ming Brother has already made a plan. The world government's luxurious scientific research team led by Vegapunk, who surpasses the world's 500-year-old wisdom, has studied the data for many years, which is very valuable.

In Ming Ge's eyes, the research on artificial devil fruits is basically the same, except for a few key points. However, due to various reasons, the world government finally gave up. After all, the world government was very short of Bailey in the past few years, and it was to the extent of selling the iron. There is no money to invest in these bottomless pits.

After all, there were so many failed products that the world government had lost its patience.

As for the giant experiment, the world government had pursued it for a long time, but gave up due to excessive investment. After acquiring Vegapunk, it also continued for a while, but it still did not last.

After all, the World Government's prestige has been greatly damaged and it has suffered a blow. It is in urgent need of powerful weapons that can deter the sea. After seeing the power of the King of Heaven, the World Government naturally focuses on technology.

In other words, Vegapunk has been developed, but he does not want to hand it over to the World Government, Doflamingo thought.

After all, Vegapunk was forced to join the World Government, and other than that, there were sufficient funds to provide him with research.

Compared with life machine technology, artificial Devil Fruits can also change the world. When precious Devil Fruits are mass-produced, even if they are only animal type, even if they are only half or one-third of ordinary Devil Fruits, it can bring huge improvements to people.

No one has such technology yet. As long as the three forces have the ability to develop artificial devil fruits, it will only take time to verify.

Doflamingo is not selfish, as long as it is beneficial to his own goals, he can share it, just like his own golden fruit was taken away. After the other party succeeded, he did not think about destroying him, but cooperated with him.

It is necessary to improve one's own power. Sooner or later, the Night Pirates will confront the World Government, and part of the Beast Pirates' current territory is located at the front of the new world.

When the navy returns to the new world, the first ones to be impacted are the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. There are also a large number of forces gathered between the two seas, including the Red Hair Pirates, the Clown Pirates, and the Moonlight Sea. A large sea area for powerful pirate groups such as the Pirates Group.

Coupled with the current hostility, the strengthening of the three parties does not conflict with each other. The only ones who will suffer are the World Government and the Navy.

Because the Beasts Pirates cannot surpass the Night Pirates, the number of top powerhouses determines everything. The Night Pirates have three masters, and the Seven Demon Kings are all still young and have the potential to continue to grow.

In Doflamingo's eyes, no force is more qualified to challenge the World Government than the Night Pirates, not even the Revolutionary Army. Even though the Revolutionary Army does not have much information, there is no one strong enough to compare with Dragon.

Moreover, the Night Pirates' ability to recover Devil Fruits made him deeply fearful.

"Why should we give the research information to them? Why don't we keep it? They are also researching artificial devil fruits. If they get it, they will definitely be our competitors." Ming Ge's words made Caesar a little puzzled. What's wrong with this kind of thing? He can trade easily. As a scientist, he is very fond of technology.

"Baboons, baboons, open up the situation. It is only a matter of time before they develop artificial devil fruits. Each force has a huge scientific research team, and the research speed is dozens of times faster than ours."

"If we are the first to research it, what do you think they will do once the information is exposed? What will be the consequences for you?"

Brother Ming's words made Caesar's body shiver and he shivered.

This picture has emerged in my mind, and the first thing I want to do is to snatch this technology away.

In front of the Beast Pirates and the Night Pirates, they are definitely the weak side. If they are asked to hand over their technology, how can they resist?

Only then did he understand what Brother Ming meant, "You, you mean?"

"That's right, baboons, baboons, the things they own must match their own strength, even if they don't have skills. If the top forces in research target us, we can't defend it. If we are the third, there will be no problem. , we can also get the protection of the Night Pirates, and besides, they don’t even have enough internal consumption for things like artificial devil fruits, so we can’t possibly lack buyers.”

"It's clear, I will prepare the things, and I will take action in half a month. Come here as soon as possible to help me." Caesar said that he knew clearly. From now on, he would be regarded as Doflamingo's man, and he would just listen to him.

The front of the new world is far south, which is the northwest corner of the Sea of ​​Beasts. The smoke of war has filled the air, and the Beasts Pirates have established strict defense facilities in a short period of time.

The residents of these islands have basically been dispersed, or they are uninhabited islands with not many inhabitants.

With the experience of the last war, some things in the Beast Pirates have also been carefully adjusted, such as the establishment of the steel fortress, saving some materials without affecting the function, and making the building components more perfect.

And this time the opponent is the navy, which is different from Wano. It has strong firepower. This time the leading general Akainu has terrifying large-scale long-range attack capabilities.

Once released on the island, they become a living target.

For this reason, a steel shed that can withstand cannonballs was specially built on top of the steel fortress, and it was also coated with a high-temperature-resistant substance.

A mine net has been laid out on the sea. After seeing the role of mines in naval battles, the Beast Pirates have strengthened their research and application of mines, and have long considered targeting naval warships.

Therefore, more powerful mines were specially developed. Even if one mine cannot penetrate the bottom of the warship, two mines are enough.

After all, naval warships are equipped with a layer of steel plates on the outside, which has amazing defensive capabilities.

And this mine net is also forcing the navy to fight head-on with the Beasts Pirates. Don't think about any detours. The Beasts Pirates cannot build steel fortresses on all islands, seven or eight at most. After all, there is no time. Not abundant.

Even if the navy can launch long-range attacks on the sea, or send people underwater to clear mines, it will take more than half a month to clear a path in the vast sea area.

Not only is it inefficient but it is also a waste of time.

Moreover, it is very dangerous to send people to clear mines. Mines are unstable, which is also a quality issue. For mass production, some mines will only explode when a warship hits them, while others may be destroyed by a small wave. trigger.

Even if there is no movement, there will be a huge explosion on the sea from time to time.

Moreover, there is no guarantee that the mines will be completely cleared, which is a troublesome matter.

It can be said that the Beast Pirates have reached the ultimate in defense. Even in the windless sea area, they have laid a mine net in the area close to their own territory.

After all, the navy's warships have power devices and can still sail even in windless zones. I just wonder if the technology of inlaying sea-floor stones on the bottom of the ship has been developed.

The Beasts Pirates' army has been mobilized. There are 30,000 pirates, no less than the navy. More than half of the strong ones have gathered here, leaving 40,000 members to guard various areas of the Beasts Pirates.

Members will continue to be mobilized when necessary, and for the time being there is no need to worry about sneak attacks from behind during the war.

The Night Pirates would not do this, nor would the Whitebeard Pirates, unless they wanted to welcome the revenge of the Beasts Pirates. A sneak attack during the war between the Beasts and the Navy would not be justified at least in terms of reputation.

However, they are also wary of the Wano Beasts Pirates, but they cannot invade Wano on a large scale because the traces are difficult to hide. According to their speculation, there may be a small group of samurai and fur tribe members invading the Beasts Sea. .

They are already prepared to deal with it. It is impossible for them to go out in full force just facing this naval fleet, and the base camp is also guarded.

Although the affiliated pirate groups of the Beast Pirates are not as numerous as the Whitebeard Pirates and the Night Pirates, there are close to more than fifteen groups. The captain of each pirate group has a bounty of more than 200 million beli. .

"The Navy wants to fight this war perfunctorily, but we can't let them take it easy. The Governor said that at least half of the 30,000 Navy members must stay in this sea area,"

On the video screen, Krell conveyed Kaido's order, and he stayed in the Kingdom of Barbarossa.

"Don't worry, our defense line has been laid out and we have enough ammunition. In addition, we can also test the weapons I developed through those werewolves. It will definitely surprise the navy, hoo-hoo!" Quinn said excitedly, finally having a battlefield to show off his skills. of research.

"That smoke that turns people into monsters? It's really exciting."

They also knew a little about Quinn's research, and they couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Idiot, what's the smoke? That's the Red Devil virus. Remember it." Quinn glared at the member who just spoke and said bluntly, how could he call this his "masterpiece" smoke?

"Don't be careless. The Navy's lineup is very strong this time. There is a high probability that the Governor will be held back by Garp. We can only rely on ourselves, but we must not let the Governor down." Jhin said in a deep voice.

"Understood, how can we expand our reputation and power without letting the navy leave something behind?"

The members of the Beast Pirates can't wait to show the navy what they can do.

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