Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and fifty-three Huaguoshan

There are still some days before the marriage ceremony between the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates begins.

The world's eyes briefly focused on the northeastern side of the Sea of ​​Beasts, and the collision between the Beasts Pirates and the navy had begun.

In just the first battle of the mighty fleet, 30,000 elite navy soldiers came out together.

Facing the Beast Pirates' solid defense line, they knew that spreading their forces to attack would not yield any results.

Only by concentrating our strength and exerting stronger power can we break through a hole in the Beast Pirates' defense line.

It is the strong who determines the situation of the war. The Navy also planned to use two highly mobile members, Novoa and Vergo, to raid the rear of the Beast Pirates or other lines of defense.

As long as there is no strong person to resist, a solid defense will be useless to them.

But soon, they gave up. It was not enough to have strong men, they also needed troops.

As for the Beast Pirates' mine net, they lost two battleships before the war even started.

With the mine network, their subsequent forces will not be able to break through at all.

Moreover, they have powerful men with high mobility, the Beast Pirates also have Fire Calamity Embers, and they are even more powerful and can also raid their rear.

Therefore, this plan of mutual harm was directly eliminated by them and consumed through frontal naval battles.

It got to this point where normal tactics simply didn't work, and they didn't have home field advantage.

The Beasts Pirates' defense capabilities were very incomprehensible, with long-range fire suppression and a huge army of beasts hidden nearby. The samurai of Wano suffered a big loss at that time. Even the Beasts Pirates war fortress They were repulsed without even touching the wall and fled.

The goal of the World Government for the Navy is to make the Beast Pirates feel pain and cause considerable losses, in order to establish the power of the World Government.

The Navy Headquarters does not intend to do this. In the war half a year ago, the Navy did not recover much from its huge losses. Although it agreed to the World Government's request, it did not expect too many casualties.

Of course, they were also prepared for losses;

But it must be controlled within their psychological expectations.

This is a relatively difficult task. No matter what, it will cause a lot of casualties to the Beast Pirates. Otherwise, it will not achieve the purpose of deterring the pirates, and the pirates will become more rampant, and there will be consequences for the Sky Gold City in the future. The risk of problems.

Even the navy cannot tolerate this situation.

This requires the planning of generals like Sakaski and his staff, how to achieve greater results with as little loss as possible.

It took a few days for the navy to finally clear most of the mines hidden in this predetermined battlefield.

Install a fork-like tool on the warship. When traveling, the mine will be hooked by the fork and explode in advance. There will also be a chain reaction. Due to the length, the explosion of the mine cannot affect the warship.

In this way, most of the mines were eliminated.

For a small number of cases, the Navy also has a way to deal with it. It has thickened several layers of steel plates at the bottom of the warship to prevent the explosion of mines.

As the warship was moving, it would shake from time to time, and there would be a muffled sound from below, which was the sound of a mine exploding.

However, it has little effect on strengthened naval warships unless it explodes multiple times in the same location.

The mine network created by the Beast Pirates was solved with such a simple method and opened up a path.

People have to praise the Navy's wisdom. This method seems simple, but not many people can think of it.

"Say hello!"

"Pop Volcano!"

On the approaching warship, the cloak of justice fluttered in the wind, and General Akainu stared at the steel fortress on the island in the distance.

This was a helpless matter. They couldn't bypass the island. The Beast Pirates' defense line and the islands were covered with mine nets. Although the mines could be cleared, it didn't mean they were ineffective.

Keep going, not even a naval warship can withstand it.

I saw part of Sakaski's upper body turned into lava, raised his arms, and each lava fist rushed into the sky. The entire sky was dyed red, and then fell like a meteor.

The falling target is the island ahead.

Sakaski's popular volcano, his signature ultimate move, caused some panic in the Beast Pirates' camp.

"Oh, hey, hey, this little firework, are you going to tickle me?" Kaido, who had transformed into the form of a dragon, laughed, not caring about Sakaski's meteor volcano at all.

But he needs to take action, otherwise these magma fists will cause great damage to their steel fortress, and ordinary pirates will have difficulty resisting them. If they are affected by the magma fists, even if they have armed Haki, weaker immortals will be disabled.

"Storm tornado!"

The strong wind swept across Kaido's body and spread in all directions, forming a huge tornado in the blink of an eye, surrounding Kaido's huge body.

All the falling meteor volcanoes were attracted by the tornado. From a distance, the tornado was dotted with stars.

Some magma punches landed on Kaido's body without leaving even a scratch. After all, Kaido is a monster that can bathe in lava, so the high temperature has little effect on him.

The impact of the landing had long been weakened by the tornado.

"As a courtesy, you should also try this trick." The birth of a tornado is not as easy as a dragon, it just takes a while.

Under Kaido's control, a tornado with a diameter of more than several hundred meters moved towards the naval fleet.

The members of the Beast Pirates lying on the ground below slowly stood up. If they were not careful, they might be blown away by the tornado.

The waves of the sea are undulating, and under the influence of the tornado, a huge whirlpool is formed on the sea surface below. The huge attraction generated is pulling the warship to move towards the whirlpool.

At the same time, tornadoes and huge whirlpools were automatically approaching them.

They did not expect that as soon as the war started, they would face the threat of natural disasters.

Compared to Kaido's tornado, Sakaski's meteor volcano is somewhat insignificant. Instead, its power is borrowed and becomes Kaido's boost.

The power of a tornado is a hundred times more terrifying on the sea than on land.

Under Kaido's control and strong attraction, it is impossible for them to run away. The only way is to destroy this tornado.

They want to see how the navy responds. Faced with this move, even the hero Garp is powerless. His powerful strength can only ensure his own survival, but cannot take care of all the navy.

With the difficulty of improving strength, Kaido put more experience into mastering and improving the power of the phantom beast species.

Thunder, lightning, violent wind, and flame clouds are all abilities that Kaido has mastered, and he can enhance his strength in this way.

For example, the Shadow Dragon of the Night Pirates, Mobius, has a very strong grasp of the power of shadow and spiritual power, which is an important part of his combat power. Kaido is also working hard in this direction.

Under the huge tornado, the naval fleet looked very small.

Visible to the naked eye, countless mines are attracted and gathered along the sea currents. Explosions continue to sound. If they are sucked in, these warships will be easily destroyed in a short time.

Could it be that the war has just begun and is about to end?

Far away at the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku was a little nervous when he saw it.

The commander-in-chief this time was invited by Sakaski on his own initiative. They had analyzed the combat power and various methods of the Beast Pirates beforehand, and this situation was within their expectations.

Originally, he planned to let Kuzan be the commander, because his ability to freeze fruits can easily freeze the sea, avoid the explosion of mines, and create a battlefield for better attack.

However, Sakaski said that he had a way to deal with it, and since he took the initiative and was more offensive than Kuzan, he agreed to Sakaski's request.

They understand Sakaski's character and will not talk randomly, especially now that his character is more calm.

On the warship, the eyes of He and others fell on Sakaski.

Facing the gazes of others, Sakaski took a few steps forward. He also wanted to save face and would not talk nonsense. Otherwise, the losses of defeat would fall on him, and the position of general might be revoked.

Naturally, he would not do such a thing that would be detrimental to himself.

With a leap, Sakaski jumped directly to the sea and stood firmly on the lava he created. Dozens of meters around him turned into a sea of ​​magma and even began to solidify.

"Huaguo Mountain!" Sakaski said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sea suddenly trembled violently, and in front of him was a huge tornado that was approaching.

"What's wrong? Is it an earthquake?"

Even the islands are shaking.

The shaking effect of the sea is getting stronger and stronger, and people can't help but guess that Whitebeard is responsible.

But some people saw that this was a powerful move prepared by Sakaski.

The shaking movement came from the deep sea. Some people have noticed it. There is huge movement under the deep sea. It is impossible to see what is happening below from the surface of the sea.

But countless undersea creatures began to flee, even the sea kings began to stay away from this sea area.

The endless darkness shines with hot red light.

It was a volcano under the sea. It had been silent for who knows how many years. Now, under the influence of Sakaski, it was about to erupt.

Terrifying magma pillars soared into the sky from the submarine crater, breaking through the sea water and rising continuously.

The surface layer around the magma column cooled rapidly under the action of sea water, and was quickly damaged and shattered by the powerful impact of the magma column, and then cooled again.

This back and forth continues, and the area where the magma column contacts the seawater forms a hard rock wall, and inside, there is rising lava.

As the lava erupted, the vibrations of the sea became more and more intense. Kaido, who was flying high in the sky, looked down at the bottom of the sea. He had already guessed what Sakaski seemed to have done.

The staff officer on the warship also saw what Sakaski had done.

"He, what's going on?" Seeing He's expression, Garp knew that He knew what was going on.

The sea was shaking and the tornado was approaching, making people feel very uneasy.

"Undersea volcano, Sakaski triggered the eruption of an undersea volcano, borrowing the power of nature. However, this trick can only be carried out in places with volcanoes. Sakaski chose this place because he knew that there was another undersea volcano under the sea. ." He explained quietly that this was just her guess, but it was pretty close.

The sea became restless, and this abnormality gave many people an ominous premonition.

The huge vortex under the tornado seemed to be affected by something, and its rotation speed dropped a lot.

Soon, the sea seemed to be still, and a large bulge began to rise high in the center of the whirlpool that was originally sinking.

The next moment, boom!

Soaring lava pillars broke out of the sea and shot straight into the sky. The powerful tornado was destroyed by the powerful eruption of the volcano in a short period of time.

Everyone looked at this spectacular scene.

A large amount of magma fell from the sky, but due to the distance problem, it did not affect the navy and the Beast Pirates.

Magma falls on the sea surface, spreads from the middle to all sides, and cools rapidly.

Not long after, the eruption of the submarine volcano had ended, but a large "land" formed by the cooling and solidification of magma was left on the sea, even extending to the island defended by the Beast Pirates.

"It's really not bad, this move." Kaido looked at Sakaski and couldn't help but admire. The destructive power of this move in the war is devastating. The surrounding kilometers will be covered with lava, and the core They will also face the terrifying power of volcanic eruptions.

Although it's a bit tricky, it's only what Sakaski can do.

This information should be noted down. Many forces watching the live broadcast will note this down. Be careful when Sakaski appears in the volcanic zone.

"Is it awakening?" Teach also paid a little attention to this battle and saw Sakaski's move.

This kind of long-range sensing ability, in addition to developing rock berry fruits to a very advanced level, also requires a wide range of perception capabilities, that is, powerful seeing and hearing.

Of course, the most important thing is the development of Devil Fruit. In his opinion, Sakaski's rock fruit has awakened, even if it has not awakened, it is almost the same.

However, Teach didn't take it to heart. It was normal for Sakaski's Devil Fruit to awaken.

Although it is difficult to awaken the natural devil fruit, for top experts, awakening from the devil fruit is the most normal thing.

It took Teach six or seven years to develop the Dark Fruit until it awakened. It has been at least fifteen years since Sakaski ate the Rock Berry. The awakening of his ability was not unexpected.

However, the effect of this move is not only to shock, but also to create a battlefield.

Moreover, it is not cost-effective and consumes a lot of physical strength. After all, it is the power to activate submarine volcanoes from a distance.

In comparison, Sakaski's ability to directly create a volcano cost less than this.

The most important function of this move is to create a battlefield, which is also Sakaski's main purpose.

If Kuzan comes, one move of Ice Age will be very efficient and not very expensive.

Except for Sakaski, who is more offensive and takes the initiative to ask for help, the only general in the navy who can take action is actually Sakaski.

Half a year ago, the Navy lost an admiral in World War I. Porusalino guarded the Naval Science Department and also acted as emergency support.

Kuzan was guarding the Holy Land. Two major events happened in succession in the Holy Land. For security reasons, the Holy Land needed a naval admiral to be stationed there.

The three generals took turns to station themselves in the Holy Land. Now it happened to be Kuzan's turn. He could not leave at will unless necessary.

With a general guarding the Holy Land, the Navy Headquarters feels that it is short of manpower. Now it is also considering the candidate for the fourth general, and the World Government also intends to supplement it. After all, the current sea situation requires the navy to have stronger power.

However, there are only a few top-level combat forces. Let alone whether the Navy Headquarters will agree to it, the World Government will not provide anyone who is qualified to become a Navy Admiral.

Not to mention the five old stars, CP0 Commander Zero and the two deputy commanders Gaia and Forrest, and Vulture will also lead the army.

CP0 is a force directly under the World Government. Another part of the agents are controlled and trained by the Tianlong people. They can also be said to be the Holy Land Guards and cannot be touched by others.

So the last candidate is left to the navy to choose, and of course the world government needs to intervene.

However, in today's navy, the only people who are qualified to become generals are former general Zefa Black Arms and Lieutenant General Garp. Sengoku also wanted them to become generals, but they both refused.

Therefore, during this year, the position of general has been vacant and has not been filled.

It takes time for the battlefield to solidify, even if the time is short under the influence of sea water, the two sides are facing each other like this, and the appearance of the battlefield is exactly what they want.

Both the navy and the Beast Pirates need such a battlefield.

The navy can fight better, but the Beast Pirates still have a huge advantage. Many powerful weapons can have greater effect on land.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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