Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and fifty-four The war begins

Soon, the magma cooled and solidified into hard magma rock, which floated on the sea surface. Below, there were hard rock walls extending from the submarine crater to the sea surface.

Under such circumstances, Sakaski could not borrow the power of nature again.

Basically all the magma stored in this submarine volcano erupted, and it was unable to erupt a second time.

Moreover, this was a small volcano, which almost drained one-third of his physical strength. If the volcano was larger, he would not be able to trigger an eruption even if he wanted to.

The physical strength required is absolutely massive.

The battlefield has been formed.

"Kill!" Sakaski took the lead. Today, he is no longer the same as when he was just promoted to general. After years of training, his strength has been greatly improved, and he already has the qualification to be called the peak combat power of the navy.

The terrifying strength brought a huge sense of oppression to people. Soon, a tall figure stood in front of Sakaski. He was dressed in a black jailer uniform, with a black mask on his face, black wings on his back, and flames burning on his body. .

Jhin admitted that he was no match for Sakaski. With the top-level destructive power of rock berries, Sakaski's whole body was like a moving active volcano that could erupt at any time.

Plus, as a general, he has no shortcomings in any aspect.

Besides, there is an eight-year age gap between them, but his task is very simple, he only needs to hold off Sakaski.

He has enough confidence in this. With his strong physique, innate racial talent, and the increase in ancient species, he has enough physical strength to compete with Sakaski.

It sounds simple, but it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be seriously injured.

For Sakaski, Jhin is also a very powerful opponent and someone who needs to be eradicated.

As a general, he knows Jhin's origin and some information, but this does not change the fact that Jhin is a traitor. He also became a pirate to help Kaido of the Beasts rise, and he killed countless people in the Golden Sea Battle. Fellow Marines, this was something he would not tolerate.

"Go to hell!" The fist, wrapped in lava and domineering energy, then blasted towards Jhin.

Jhin pulled out his katana to resist.

On the other side, Kaido directly transformed into his strongest human-animal form, with his body covered with blue dragon scales and a black mace on his shoulder.

"Garp, let me see if you are old." Kaido looked at Garp with a ferocious smile, realizing that Whitebeard was beginning to weaken, so he naturally wanted to see how Garp was doing.

After all, Garp is six years older than Whitebeard. To them, Garp is still a big mountain.

"Let's give it a try, Kaido." Faced with Kaido's provocation, Kaido responded with his fists, exercising his physique and domineering power to the extreme. The powerful domineering power flowed through Garp's fists like air currents.

"Iron Fist!"

"Thunder gossip!"

The shocking collision caused the ground beneath his feet to instantly shatter, unable to withstand this terrifying force.

The sea water burst out, and Kaido immediately created a flame cloud, stood on top of the flame cloud, and quickly met the incoming Garp.

For Garp, the best defense is offense. He sidestepped Kaido's mace and punched Kaido in the face.

After sustaining Garp's punch, Kaido turned his hand and punched Garp in the abdomen, knocking him away.

"Kaido, your skin seems to be thicker."

"Your fist is still so powerful."

Both sides couldn't help but secretly lament that the other party was a monster. They were also old rivals. In the New World battlefield during the golden naval battle period, they were the main opponents.

Garp can clearly feel that Kaido has become stronger in the past few years, and his physical fitness and defense have improved.

At the same time, Kaido didn't know what Garp's physical strength was, but in terms of attack power, the pervert Garp actually improved.

Although Garp has reached his peak long ago, he has never stopped tempering his domineering power over the years, and his strength has actually increased a bit compared to a few years ago.

The next moment, the battle started again, moving to the sky through the flame cloud battlefield, so as not to spread below.

A large number of marines jumped from the warships and attacked the steel fortress of the Beast Pirates.

Oncoming is the powerful endless firepower offensive of the Beast Pirates.

Long-range artillery shells, close-range mobile guns, and machine guns.

This hail of bullets is the first hurdle they need to face.

At the same time, the Navy also has a way to deal with it. Inside the warship and behind the Navy, a large number of steel walls are pushed out on carts, and Navy soldiers hide behind the steel walls.

Walls made of steel stood on the battlefield, providing cover for the navy's march. The steel walls withstood most of the Beast Pirates' artillery shells, and the navy soldiers also consciously hid behind the walls.

With this, the navy's losses have been reduced a lot, which means it consumes more steel.

But the firepower was still powerful. The steel fortress was constantly sweeping, and the fire was radiating. The navy behind the wall might be shot through the head by a bullet if it even showed its head.

The powerful navy has rushed to the front line, carrying the firepower of the Beasts Pirates to an area without shell attacks, close to the steel fortress, where the soldiers of the Beasts Pirates are already waiting, and the two sides directly fight together.

"Steam fist!" The steam fist with huge heat blasted directly towards the steel fortress of the Beast Pirates.

"What do you want to do?" A tall figure appeared, transformed into a huge ankylosaurus, "Earth Disaster" Omen took action, turned his body, and threw the "hammer" at the tail directly on the steam fist, Nuo Woya's steam fist was blown away by the world.

Omen's strength is terrifying, and he is definitely at the top of the Beast Pirates. He was already a powerful pirate in the new world even before he joined the Beast Pirates eight years ago. Now the bounty has reached 1.1 billion beli. .

The bounty exceeds one billion beli, which is almost on another level with ordinary pirates. The ordinary vice admiral is no match at all.

When Novoa saw it, he immediately changed his target. The opponent he was targeting was "Catastrophe" Laimer. Compared to Omen, Laimer was easier to deal with.

He had no such thoughts about defeating Laimer.

At the same time, it was also because of the arrival of a cp0, and his opponent was Omen.

Another cp0 targeted Quinn, while Vergo chose former cp9 member Foz Fu as his opponent, and the two began a fierce battle.

Staff Officer He commanded, issued orders, and dispatched from the rear with a calm demeanor. The sacrifice of the navy did not affect her mood. She knew that only victory was the best way to reduce losses.

In the area close to the steel fortress where there were no shells to wash away the ground, fierce fighting began. As the steel wall advanced, more and more naval forces headed towards the steel fortress.

Huge casualties inevitably occurred, but they were not massacred like the previous Wano warriors.

Overall, it seems that the Beast Pirates have the advantage, because the Beast Pirates haven't suffered much losses yet, and the navy has already made a lot of sacrifices.

The bullets are okay, if you have domineering and react quickly, you can avoid or block them. The artillery of the Beast Pirates is very powerful, and its accuracy is higher than ordinary artillery.

It is also mixed with the private goods of the Beast Pirates, which has a power similar to poison gas. Once it explodes, the surrounding areas will be affected, and the steel wall cannot stop it.

In this regard, the navy cannot compare with the Beasts Pirates.

A large amount of steam spreads from Novoa's body to the surroundings, covering a large area, floating in the sky. Although the color of the steam is similar to transparent, the huge accumulation of steam obscures the sight of the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates on the steel fortress, making They cannot see far and conduct a more effective attack.

This is also a plan made by the Navy based on Novoa's ability. This can weaken the Beast Pirates' offensive and gain huge credit.

The attack is still continuing, but the fire suppression intensity is undoubtedly much smaller, giving the navy at the rear time to breathe.

"You dare to be distracted while fighting with me?" Seeing that Novoa still had time to strike while fighting him and causing some trouble for them, Lemo couldn't help but said coldly, and grabbed Novoa with one claw at an extremely fast speed.

"Steam kick!" The bursting steam condensed on his legs. With the powerful force and the explosive propulsion of the steam, Novoa kicked Lemer.

Facing an enemy like Laimer, Novoa would not back down.

In terms of strength, Laimer is stronger than him, but as a natural ability user with flying, high mobility, and elemental abilities, this kind of pressure can actually promote his faster growth.

Compared with the stronger Omen, the strong and flexible Laimer as an enemy can make him progress better.

A suitable opponent can help you make better progress.

Apart from daily training, Novoa actually doesn't have many opportunities to fight. In the future, when guarding the G8 branch, this opportunity may be even less. As his strength improves, there are also pirates who can interest him in the Great Line. Not many.

Naturally, he would not let go of such an opportunity now.

Burns caused by hot steam, frostbite caused by cold steam, the power of ice and fire manifested from Novoa's body.

It has little effect on Laimer, who is physically strong and proficient in armed colors.

Novoa likes to use his own advantages to fight, creating a field of steam that is suitable for him to fight while suppressing the enemy, filled with alternating hot and cold steam.

Many members of the Beast Pirates were accidentally affected, and before long, there was no one else around the battlefield between the two.

The war between the two sides is evenly matched, but those who watch the video can see that the advantage lies with the Beast Pirates.

With all the high-end combat power being held back, how can the remaining marines break through the Steel Fortress of the Beast Pirates? War is a process of ebb and flow.

With the advantage of defense and sufficient firepower, the Beast Pirates' advantage will only expand.

Besides, no one knows what other trump cards the Beasts Pirates are hiding.

"Young men, take out my treasure." Seeing that the battle situation was not as they imagined, it caused too much damage to the navy, and even if there was an advantage, it was not obvious.

Quinn, who was fighting CP0, couldn't bear it any longer. In order to avoid any accidents, he quickly expanded his advantage in the war. It was time for the beautiful masterpiece he had longed for to appear.

After receiving Quinn's order, a large number of specially made boxes were taken out from the steel fortress.

The box was opened, and inside were pointed bullets filled with red liquid.

In addition, there are some spherical special weapons with red marks on them, and there are dangerous and prohibited signs on these boxes.

"Be careful, or we'll be doomed if it breaks. Stay far away from each other. I think you don't want to try the weapons developed by Mr. Quinn."

For Quinn, many members of the Beast Pirates respect and fear him at the same time.

Quinn has a very good character and is good to his subordinates, but his research is very terrifying, especially the research on organisms and viruses, which is what Quinn is best at.

It is unknown how many experimental subjects died under Quinn's research, and the process was very painful, and even transformed into humans and ghosts.

The Red Devil Virus is Quinn's final product over the years, the crystallization of his wisdom, and in order to prevent someone from developing an antidote, Quinn put the antidote he developed on himself.

And unless one of his own is poisoned, he will not tell others about the existence of the antidote.

"Prepare the sniper, prepare the catapult. It's time to give them a surprise. We must show the power of Mr. Quinn's secret weapon."

The navy did not know the situation on the steel fortress. A few were close to the steel fortress. After hearing Quinn's words, the navy was still fighting and could not send news to the rear.

They also had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

On the city wall, there are projectiles like cannon barrels. The members of the Beast Pirates loaded five or six spherical weapons into the projectors.

At the same time, the trained snipers load special bullets.

Below, Quinn is fighting, showing amazing strength. Although he is huge, his speed is not slow. In addition to the ability of the Brachiosaurus fruit, his combat power is also reflected in technology to a greater extent.

Quinn is a transformer who transforms his own body. Under his huge body, he contains a variety of weapons.

In the battle, even the experienced CP0 was suppressed by Quinn. He was always caught off guard by various means and his injuries continued to increase.

Quinn can stick out a machine gun from his mouth and shoot a terrifyingly powerful laser cannon.

The neck and tail can suddenly grow long during battle to attack, and can also turn into various mechanical weapons.

At the same time, the abilities of thunder, fire, and even invisibility are perfectly displayed on Quinn's body, and the whole person is like a fighting machine.

Science, technology, and human body modification have been demonstrated to the extreme in Quinn, completely improving his combat power to a new level and providing him with rich means.

The power displayed by various methods even surprised some members of the Beast Pirates. After all, Quinn is very powerful in combat, but most of them are scientists.

Improve the scientific and technological strength of the Beast Pirates and develop various biological and chemical weapons. The most famous plague bomb is Quinn's early work, which is also the main reason why he is called the Plague.

On the other side, in the Dark Night Sea, the Kingdom of Germa, Vinsmoke Gaji's face looked a little ugly, his fists were clenched, and his teeth were clenched and chattering.

"Is that guy Quinn provoking?"

Spark red, electric blue, invisible black, winch green, these technologies he possesses are now displayed and copied on Quinn. This is the technology he is most proud of besides cloning and human body modification.

When they worked together, in addition to jointly studying bloodline factors, they also conducted their own research.

His own technology was copied. As a top scientist, while being angry, Gaji felt his face being slapped and it hurt like hell.

"It seems that the technology is about to be upgraded." Gaji said solemnly.

The battle suit was manufactured many years ago. Seeing Quinn's battles and various methods made him realize that technology must keep pace with the times and be constantly updated.

Now the battle suit he specially built for his child must also have stronger performance, otherwise it will be easily copied by his former colleagues, and where can he put his face?

But now, he is looking forward to Quinn's work. Even if they are separated, they, the top scientists, will compete with each other through other means.

Quinn's best field is bacteria and viruses. Plague bombs are just like that in Gaji's eyes. Mummies are still interesting, but he can also copy them if he wants.

If he didn't have unique and amazing skills, he wouldn't think highly of Quinn. What's the point of blindly copying other people's skills?

Gaji is equally confident in replicating the skills Quinn is showing now.

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