Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-three wedding

"Sister, how do you feel?" Terejia, the youngest of the five sisters at this wedding, was a little nervous at this time even though she had a cold personality.

"Fortunately, I have been mentally prepared for this kind of thing." Custard said with a smile, "It's just a process, nothing to be nervous about."

Moreover, their situation is special. They have been living with their marriage partners in the Night Pirates for a long time. Some of them even have children. They are stroking their bellies slightly, and their faces exude the glory of motherhood.

But it's normal. Terejia is only nineteen years old after all, so it's normal to be a little nervous.

They sat quietly in the lounge and waited. As pirates, they did not need to dress up too much. Too much makeup would only be disgusting to strong people with keen senses.

Besides, they themselves are very beautiful.

On the other side, Mobius and the others were also waiting in the lounge, waiting for the bell to officially start the wedding.

They did not speak to each other. They closed their eyes and meditated. They exuded a sense of coercion. The upcoming wedding did not affect their moods. Even if there were some fluctuations, they would not be superficial.

They all looked calm.

At the wedding scene, various forces gathered together, and there was some restraint. Most of the forces found it difficult to let go, unlike Morgans and Doflamingo who laughed and chatted casually.

However, the overall atmosphere was relatively peaceful and joyful.

Teach had also arrived, sitting on the main seat on the side of Big Mom, picking up a wine glass and toasting with the others.

No, it was someone else toasting him.

"What's wrong? Your Highness." Mog Raton couldn't help but ask when he saw Loki acting strangely.

Their location is relatively remote, but also very spacious.

Loki held the wine glass in his hand and stopped in mid-air, but his eyes fell on the area where the Big Mom children gathered on one side, and stopped on a pair of twins sitting together.

The twins looked exactly the same, but Loki could tell they were different. He was looking at one of them, who had pink braids and a black bowler hat that didn't cover her head. Wear a long red coat.

The joyful smile on his face made Loki feel something in his heart,

It was a special and indescribable feeling, but Loki knew that his heart was moved.

Seeing that figure was like Cupid's arrow piercing his heart. It was love at first sight.

Mog Ratton's words brought His Highness Loki back to his senses. Faced with Mog Ratton's doubts, Loki did not hide anything, "My friend, I feel like I have met true love."

Loki's eyes were shining. This was the first time in his life that he met a woman who could make his heart beat at a glance.

"Who is it? Your Highness." Lafitte on the side asked, secretly thinking, but he was also a little surprised that Prince Loki actually took a fancy to Big Mom's daughter.

Lafitte had been observing Loki secretly all this time. He had naturally seen Loki's strange behavior before and confirmed the location where Loki was looking, but the main target was not sure.

While entertaining the giants, Tichit specially sent the sharp-minded Lafitte to accompany him, so that anything could be discovered at the first time. This arrangement was obviously "prescient".

After knowing that Big Mom brought most of his children here, Teach had anticipated this situation, but he was not sure whether the Giant Prince Loki was as attracted to Laura as he imagined, but there was nothing wrong with making arrangements in advance.

Some things have not changed, Prince Loki still fell in love with Lola at first sight.

However, this was the wedding scene between the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. Prince Loki also restrained himself and did not act rashly. After all, he did not know what the Big Mom's daughter was thinking and whether she would reject him.

Therefore, Prince Loki is feeling uneasy now.

"That's the one..." Prince Loki whispered to Lafitte. He also realized that the Night Pirates were the hosts and had a relationship with the Big Mom Pirates. If they could get help from the Night Pirates, Very good for him.

After Loki told him, Lafitte also understood who Loki was interested in. As a diplomat of the Night Pirates, Lafitte attached great importance to intelligence, and he also had a lot of regard for the children of the Big Mom Pirates. Low understanding.

That is BigMom's twenty-third daughter, Charlotte Lola, who is fourteen years old this year.

Lafitte's expression was a bit astonished. Even he could not imagine why Loki fell in love with Laura at first sight.

Because Laura’s appearance cannot be said to be beautiful, it can even be said to be a bit ugly, with a strong figure, plump lips, and a blush on her face.

In addition to their height, there is a huge gap. How should they be together?

However, Lafitte didn't think too much and quickly discarded the unnecessary thoughts, leaving only the key points.

Loki, the prince of the Giants, fell in love with the daughter of the Big Mom Pirates, which represented the marriage between the Big Mom Pirates and the Giants.

Bigmom will never refuse based on her thoughts. If they can get married, the relationship between the two parties will definitely be one step closer than reconciliation.

At the same time, although it will have little impact on the Night Pirates, the relationship between the Night Pirates, the Big Mom Pirates and Elbaf will definitely become stronger.

This is a good thing.

With the definition in mind, Lafitte looked at Prince Loki who looked expectantly, and explained Laura's name, "That is Big Mom's twenty-third daughter Laura."

"Lola, what a good name." Loki couldn't help but admire, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everything is good.

"Your Highness, leave it to us. After the wedding is over, we will create an opportunity for you to propose to her. With your status, neither the Big Mom Pirates nor Lola will refuse." Lafitte guaranteed.

"Well, I'm relieved to leave it to you." Loki nodded. He still remained rational. Although he fell in love with Laura at first sight, he didn't have to have Laura.

If the Big Mom Pirates refuse to marry, Loki will not continue to be entangled. Even if the two parties reconcile in name, it is still a question whether the two parties can maintain a good relationship at this time or get closer.

Of course, it would be best if the outcome satisfies both parties.

Bigmom will definitely agree, but the main problem lies with Laura herself.

Lafitte sat in his seat and began to deliver the message without anyone knowing.

Ultrasonic waves are emitted invisibly, and the scattered ultrasonic waves gather together and turn into signals, that is, the sound is directly transmitted to Teach's ears remotely.

This ability to transmit sounds through the air was developed by Lafitte based on his own abilities.

Although it has no destructive power, it is even more weird under special circumstances. Suddenly someone else's voice is heard in the ear, which will definitely make people feel overwhelmed.

It can also be used in special situations. Just like now, the message is passed directly to the captain, and the big mom next to Teach is not aware of it at all.

If you don't pay attention to this special ultrasonic wave, even Teach's sight and color will not be able to detect it.

After getting the news, Teach was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

As long as Laura is solved, this matter will not be a problem at all.

The Night Pirates have this ability to tamper with one's will, whether it's the ability of the Memory Fruit or Lafitte's hypnosis.

You don't even need the ability to remember the fruit. Now that Laura is still young, Lafitte only needs to use the power of hypnosis to set some subconscious in Laura's mind, so that there will be no accidents at this wedding.

In the final analysis, she is relatively simple and hopes to pursue her own happiness and does not want her marriage and life to be dominated by her family.

Big Mom cannot know about this matter for the time being, otherwise Big Mom's domineering attitude and lack of pursuit of Laura's opinion will definitely arouse Laura's resentment and rebellious heart.

If Laura and Loki met before this, she would agree to Loki's proposal first, which would make Laura happy and satisfy Big Mom's wish.

This is a good thing that everyone is happy with. As for her wishes, there is no need to care at all.

Her original approach was very selfish from the perspective of her family and power.

If anyone has the courage to refuse Loki's proposal, Loki will not continue to entangle him.

Although this will make Big Mom angry, it will not cause the Big Mom Pirates to turn against the Giants.

But she chose to escape. It takes a lot of courage not to do this. She is the only one among Big Mom's children.

Bigmom's approach was also very stupid and deceived the giants. This was the reason for the final enmity and the inability to reconcile.

All in all, their actions are very stupid in Teach's opinion, although it is understandable from now on, such a thing will never happen again.

Since it is an alliance, it should be friendly.

He secretly gave Lafitte a look and asked him to find him after the wedding.

The entire wedding scene maintained a peaceful atmosphere, except that Big Mom and Giant were sipping food or drinking, because the main dishes had not been served yet, and the cake that Big Mom longed for had not yet been served.

Time passed quickly, and there were only five minutes left before the wedding started.

One after another, the waiters from Dark Night Sea came with food. The exquisite and appetizing delicacies were placed on the table.

Some larger foods require a cart to push.

Bigmom's eyes immediately stayed on the back, and the cakes were delivered smoothly on the cart.

They were placed in the center of each table, and the largest cake, which was over five meters long, was specially prepared for Big Mom.

The rich aroma of cake makes even some people who rarely eat desserts feel very appetizing and want to taste it curiously.

Not to mention Big Mom, her saliva was already flowing uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, Lingling. The wedding can start in a few minutes. Please be patient for a while and then you can enjoy it to your heart's content. We have prepared several portions of cakes of the same size for you. There will still be some left after you finish."

Weddings require a sense of ceremony. Big Mom understands this. The cake is already placed in front of her and she won't leave. She can endure it for a few minutes.

Hearing Tiqi's words made bigmom even more excited. She couldn't help but nodded, clasped her hands together, and began to look forward to the wedding starting and ending soon.

Bigmom looks like a child now, and the pressure and violent aura that he exuded completely dissipated at this moment, and he was even a little peaceful, making people feel friendly.

With the power of the soul fruit, an angry bigmom will be more terrifying, while a happy bigmom will be extremely gentle and instinctively have some influence on the surroundings.

The huge building in front, the open-air church, exuded a solemn and sacred atmosphere. As the bells rang, the entire venue fell silent.

The wedding was not officiated by a priest, but by a nun.

One after another, young nuns appeared under the leadership of the old nuns and began to sing mysterious songs, or blessings, as if they had been rehearsed in advance.

Bigmom's eyes sparkled, and her appetite for cake was suppressed for a while.

She couldn't be more satisfied with the arrangement of the Night Pirates.

Because she is the beloved Carmelite, a merciful nun, she is called "The Holy Mother" by the world.

Accompanied by the sacred singing, members of the Night Pirates and Big Mom's daughters appeared on both sides of the church, climbed onto the high platform of the church, and stood together guarding each other.

Such a scene is so beautiful that it is hard to imagine that the person holding a wedding is actually a pirate.

As a pirate, the next process is very simple, take off the veil and kiss.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of so many important people, they officially announced that they were together.

This kind of wedding is amazing. For pirates, weddings are very extravagant, or something they have never thought about.

In such a sea, even ordinary residents have no chance to hold weddings. Generally, only nobles have this qualification and ability.

The wedding was not over yet. Tiqi stood up, looked around and smiled, "Let's celebrate together!"

In the Night Pirates, especially Teach, darkness is an eternal theme.

The next moment, Tiqi's body exuded a dangerous and strange aura, making people wonder what Tiqi wanted to do.

But many people can feel that Tikki's unfathomable power seems to be more dangerous than Big Mom. The Big Mom closest to Tikki can also feel Tikki's terror.

The next moment, the light seemed to be swallowed up, and the entire sky suddenly darkened, as if it had suddenly entered the night.

When the surrounding lights were turned on, they were surprised to find that the entire Neverland became extremely beautiful. Under the darkness, bubbles shining with various colors were floating in the air.

At this time, Neverland lived up to its name, as if it had truly come to a dreamland. In addition to the bubbles, the prosperous strange flowers and plants also shone with a faint fluorescence, but when gathered together, it was a wonderful scene like the Milky Way. At this time Neverland is the most beautiful.

Seeing this scene, most people couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated, while a few people were slightly appreciative, and even sighed at Teach's terrifying strength.

Darkness has fallen, and what they don't know is that the entire dark night sea is plunged into darkness. In a very short period of time, darkness has covered the entire dark night sea with sunlight.

This is Teach's current strength.

"Boom!" Another bell rang, like a signal.

Members of the Dark Night Pirates and residents from all over the Dark Night Sea lit fires together, and the sky cannons were ignited one by one, soaring into the sky, and then exploded, showing various wonderful scenes in the dark sky.

Fireworks were everywhere, and the entire sea area celebrated together at this time.

Around Neverland, on Pajira Island below, a large number of fireworks were released, filling the entire sky.

This time lasted for a full three minutes before it stopped. Teach also took back his ability, the sky became bright again, and everything that happened before seemed like a dream.

The five newlyweds came down, and the wedding banquet officially began. They toasted each other and enjoyed the food. Bigmom had no restrictions and started eating.

The lively atmosphere is getting more and more intense. At this time, no one will be disappointed. Some members of the Night Pirates also began to drink and chat with their next allies, the children of Big Mom, to make the relationship closer.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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