Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-four conversations

The wedding of the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates officially ended. Although it only lasted for one day, the scale could be said to be very grand.

Especially when the news spread, the entire Dark Night Sea fell into darkness. Only Dark Emperor Tiqi could use such a method.

Although the Dark Emperor's strength is not shown, it can be seen from the side that the Dark Emperor's development of the Dark Fruit has reached a very terrifying level, which also represents the further improvement of the Dark Emperor's strength.

The entire sea area was set off with brilliant fireworks in the darkness, and related pictures and images have been uploaded all over the world. It shocked people and at the same time admired the generosity of the Night Pirates.

The wedding has ended, but the Dark Night Sea is still bustling with activity.

After staying for one night, some forces stayed, some things still needed to be discussed, and more left the next morning.

Of course, the people from the underground forces left with the mission given to them by the Night Pirates, which was to jointly target the forces that assassinated them, annihilate and annex those forces.

Although there are some strong-willed killers who refuse to tell who is behind the scenes, no secrets can be hidden in the Night Pirates.

As for the number of people who commit suicide, no one wants to die. They still have a chance to survive in the bloody escape game, although the chance is pitifully small, only three out of a thousand.

In just one night, the Night Pirates gave them the list, which made them feel a little afraid of the Night Pirates' intelligence gathering capabilities.

It was just a list. Although the Night Pirates didn't say anything, they knew what the Dark Night Pirates meant and wiped out all those forces.

Even they will not give up on this division of interests, which covers all the dark kings and powerful underground forces. The overall strength accounts for at least 60 to 70% of the underground world of the New World. How could this operation fail?

There is no need to worry about losses, because the losses will be minimized, and members of the Night Pirates and Big Mom Pirates will also take action.

There is no obstacle to this operation at all, they just need to wait to divide the interests of the underground world.

As for whether it will be fishing in troubled waters? They didn't dare. Since they were attending the wedding,

They can be said to be members of the alliance between the Dark Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, and the two top forces will definitely keep an eye on them.

Even Doflamingo will take this matter to heart. Some of the forces that take action also hinder his business, so he just takes this opportunity to deal with them, not to mention participating in the division of interests.

Although there are people behind those forces, with so many forces taking action at the same time, they will definitely be afraid to help.

After this operation, 80% of the power of the New World Underground World can be said to be in the hands of the Night Pirates, and the energy that can be exerted will be very terrifying.

Because the forces that dare to take action under the threat of the Dark Night Pirates will not be weak, and annihilating them all will definitely cause a huge shock in the underground world.

Doflamingo knows how powerful the underground world can be when integrated, and it is precisely because of this that he feels very excited.

Although just the relationship in the underground world cannot be said to be control, to a large extent it is the connection gained through the Big Mom Pirates.

Because the Big Mom Pirates are a true black and white group, they have strong intelligence and maintain close ties with many dark kings.

But it is enough, time will integrate everything, and as time goes by, their relationship with the Night Pirates will become closer.

Just like Happy Street Queen Stussy, in addition to Stephanie's reason for cooperating with the Night Pirates, there is also the Big Mom Pirates. Without Big Mom's acquiescence, Stephanie would not dare to easily root against the Night Pirates. cooperate.

Of course, there was the World Government's instruction behind it to drive nails into the Night Pirates' territory through Happy Street.

It is more for profit. Stusi has now established many happy streets in the Dark Night Sea. The profits are astonishing, and it can also make the Dark Night Pirates gain huge benefits.

After all, there are many pirates in the Dark Night Sea, and a place like Happy Street is very necessary, otherwise trouble may occur.

So Teach directly arranged an island for Stussy to build a super-large Happy Street, which can also be said to be a Happy Island. The entire island is still under the surveillance of the Night Pirates, and to avoid unnecessary impacts, directly Confined to one island.

In this way, it will be more difficult for the world government to obtain information about the Dark Night Sea through Happy Street.

Nowadays, Happy Island is also a very famous island in the dark night sea, with plenty of customers.

The women in Happy Island were all moved by Stusi from other red light districts. These women were her intelligence officers. For emergency purposes, many women in training were even arranged to come over.

After all, for these women, it is best to work close to their homes, so it is necessary to move to the dark night sea.

Happy Island is still developing and expanding.

Because the business was really booming, too much migration caused the Happy Street in other places to be short of manpower, and Stussy had to ask the World Government for help.

After all, Happy Street was just a street in the past. Even if it was prosperous, it could not change its size.

And this time it was an entire island. Although this island was relatively small, it was five hundred times larger than a Happy Street.

While lamenting Teach's generosity, Stussy was also unusually weak.

The island's infrastructure is very complete, and Stusi has to spend a lot of money to renovate it. How to build and design Happy Island is also a big problem for Stusi.

At the same time, the connections with the outside world and the large amount of materials needed for production on the island are controlled by the Night Pirates, which is equivalent to controlling the lifeblood.

This is a conspiracy. Even so, the world government still supports her in doing this.

The manpower is mainly mobilized from all over the world, especially the Phantom Street in the West Sea. Now the Phantom Street is no longer the dark king of the underground world in the West Sea, and its role in the world government has begun to decrease.

After operating for such a long time, although I have not given up, the scale is definitely declining.

Since Stussy needs it, he will transfer the manpower of Phantom Street to the Dark Night Sea. Phantom Street is not just one street. The West Sea is so big. If you want to become the King of Darkness, how can you only have such a little power.

In a few years, the underground world of the new world can be said to be indirectly controlled by the Night Pirates. The power of the other two sea emperors in the underground world is pitiful compared to them.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates have some special intelligence capabilities, they are incomparable to the Night Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates. This is a strong alliance.

Pagira Island, a territory of the Night Pirates, is here to discuss matters with other forces. After all, the battle pyramid is too big, and it will take a long time to get out. In addition, there are many people and complicated eyes. For some people with special identities, , discussing some things is not appropriate in the battle pyramid.

"These are what we need. We hope to expand the scale of the transaction in the future. We are already prepared for this and will prepare enough specialties." King Neptune of Fishman Island said seriously, with Princess Otohime sitting next to him. But she didn't say anything. These benefits were what she wanted to fight for for Fish-Man Island.

"In addition, we need the Dark Night Pirates to send a strong man to stay on Fish-Man Island to protect the special products that need to be traded on Fish-Man Island."

After saying that, Neptune and the others looked at Teach with nostalgia in their eyes.

Although Neptune was tall, he was obviously shorter than Teach.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Teach could sense Neptune's little thoughts.

In addition to expanding trade and obtaining more supplies that Fish-Man Island lacks, the power of the Night Pirates is needed to protect Fish-Man Island.

Although it is said to be in the name of protecting specialty products, this is actually the case.

Fish-Man Island does not want to slap the Whitebeard Pirates in the face and remove Whitebeard's flag, but it also wants to gain the protection of the Night Pirates.

It has to be said that Fishman Island is very greedy, but it is also what best suits their interests.

Teach didn't care about the conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as the Fish-Man Island didn't plant the flag of the Night Pirates, he wouldn't cause trouble for them. Besides, he wasn't their opponent, he was just asking for it. Just eat hard.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who have experienced two failures, will definitely not want to experience a third time.

Moreover, as Whitebeard weakens, the World Government will definitely look for opportunities to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Today's World Government does not want to maintain a balanced situation, but wants to weaken the power of the pirates. As long as the pirates are not solved for one day, the World Government will not be able to return to its peak.

Now there are many disputes in the New World, which are secretly provoked by the World Government, which wants to weaken the power of the New World Pirates.

If you really want to attack the reputation of pirates and weaken their power, the first target is the Whitebeard Pirates, because the Whitebeard Pirates are the best to deal with, even though Whitebeard still has powerful destructive power. But it is certain that the battle cannot be sustained for a long time.

This is the information Teach revealed to the World Government in his early years.

Not to mention the Big Mom Pirates, they have now formed an alliance with the Night Pirates.

The Beast Pirates are also extremely dangerous.

The most important thing is that the Whitebeard Pirates, who value family ties, are better at handling things. Even if they know there is a trap, they will rush forward.

And when Whitebeard dies, Fish-Man Island will naturally fall into his hands.

Tiqi's fingers tapped, and the air became slightly silent. Each tap hit their hearts like a hammer, making their hearts even more uneasy and nervous.

"I agreed to the expansion of the deal. I will let Mostema prepare for this kind of thing." Teach said calmly.

"It's no problem to send people to garrison on Fish-Man Island. As long as the Whitebeard Pirates don't interfere, I will send two cadres to Fish-Man Island. The location of the garrison will be arranged by you."

"Of course it's no problem." Neptune was happy and agreed quickly. Princess Otohime beside her also relaxed and smiled.

"However, when Bai Xing turns eight, it will be no problem to bring her here."

"This." Teach's request made the Neptunes' expressions stiffen. They were ready to pay some of the benefits, but they didn't expect the Dark Emperor's request to be this.

Bai Xing is their daughter, and with her special status, how can she be willing to agree to it.

Teach's eyes became sharp, "You all know what she represents. What will happen once others find out? It will only bring devastating disaster to Fish-Man Island."

Tiqi's words made their hearts sink and their expressions became solemn. You can imagine such a scene.

"That is her innate talent. It does not need to be awakened. It just needs to be guided and developed. With me, she will learn to control her own power. Once she masters that power, it will be a good thing for Fish-Man Island." Bar?"

"The barrier formed by the Sea Kings, not even the World Government, can threaten Fish-Man Island."

"Blindly protecting her will only waste her potential."

"In addition, I may need her power when necessary." Tiqi did not hide his purpose and spoke frankly.

This was a matter of time, and Neptune and Princess Otohime knew it very well, as early as when the Night Pirates came to Fish-Man Island and knew the identity of the Sea King.

Shirahoshi hadn't been born yet, but the Night Pirates must have been paying attention.

Looking at each other with complicated expressions, the couple can understand what the other person wants to express.

"Oh! I agreed, and I will ask you to take care of my little girl when the time comes." Neptune sighed and compromised, even if they refused, the Night Pirates would not necessarily give up.

Upon seeing this, Teach smiled, and Neptune's answer satisfied him.

No one knows how history will develop.

Therefore, just keep Neptune in your own hands, train her to be close to the Night Pirates, and not have contact with other external forces.

Teach has a strong desire for control and does not want any surprises in his plan, while Shirahoshi is temporarily an unstable factor and is easy to control. The young Shirahoshi is very malleable and has enough time to cultivate and gain the power of Neptune.

Mastering Neptune is equivalent to mastering the entire world.

Of course, White Star is only used as a secret weapon, the last insurance. Under normal circumstances, Teach does not want to use it, and there is no need to use it.

In this way, the matter on Fish-Man Island was officially settled, and Neptune and Otohime said goodbye and left.

Tikki couldn't help but think of what happened last night, which seemed a bit interesting. After the wedding, Big Mom, Tikki, and the giant prince Loki gathered together.

Under the witness of Teach, BigMom and Loki respectively represented the BigMom Pirate Group and reconciled with the Giants.

Bigmom made a profound confession and showed his unintentional mistake.

What I said had been rehearsed many times before, and there was no barrier.

As for Loki, this was his mission here. In addition, he fell in love with Big Mom's daughter. He looked at Big Mom like he looked at his mother-in-law. After Big Mom admitted his fault, he easily forgave Big Mom.

It was announced that the past grievances were over, and the relationship between the two parties would open a new page.

This is a happy event.

In the future, they will be even more happy, because Lafitte has already taken action. According to the arrangement, at this time, Laura and Loki have almost met, right?

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