Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-eight The Prodigy of the Era

"Have there been any outstanding geniuses in the sea?" Warring States asked. This is what the Navy Headquarters has been collecting for a long time. Many of those geniuses and monsters showed their uniqueness when they were young, and the purpose of the Navy , just to find them.

The young Kuzan was met by Lieutenant General He and then joined the Navy. He had received training from He for several years before joining the elite training camp. Therefore, Kuzan was naturally close to the Dove faction.

Since we can't wait for those geniuses to join the Navy, we can only let the Navy take the initiative to find them.

"Yes." The intelligence officer nodded and took out a photo, which showed a young child. What was surprising was that he had another terrifying child that was dozens of times larger than his body and covered in red. Hairy demonic hands.

"The child named Gurant was brought back by General Qingzhi some time ago. He was born with an uncontrollable demonic hand and possesses terrifying power."

"The specific physical potential is not yet clear. If he can master it, he may have the potential to become a top combat power. However, it is a pity that he is only five years old now and will have many years to grow up."

"Well, I know a little bit." Warring States knew about Gulant, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Gulant's demonic hands were very dangerous, as if they had their own consciousness. Now the Naval Science Department is also studying to suppress his demonic hands. device, otherwise it will go out of control at any time.

Then, the intelligence officer took out another photo, which showed a blond child wearing aristocratic clothing, a black top hat with goggles on his head, and holding a steel pipe as a weapon.

"This is the child of Altluk III, a nobleman of the Kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea. Ultraluk Sabo is a monster in the training camp of the East China Sea Tritons. He is known as the shining star of the East China Sea."

"Although he is a noble, he is friendly to others and has a perfect personality. He was trained as the future general of the East China Sea Triton. He has excellent fighting talent. He is only ten years old and defeated a man with his own strength a year ago. A pirate with a bounty of thirty million."

"According to the news, the East China Sea Kingdom Alliance has even prepared a precious Phantom Beast Devil Fruit for him. Unfortunately, we have not found out the specific abilities."

Big dog owner, when he heard about the phantom beast species, the Warring States Period couldn't help but feel a little toothache. How powerful are these kingdoms? He took out a fantasy beast species directly.

For example, Mainz, the kingdom of Tirisfal, a powerful country in the West Sea, has a natural-type Air Fruit ability user. It is undoubtedly the top devil fruit. The Air Fruit had a terrifying reputation hundreds of years ago.

It didn't appear for hundreds of years, and it must have been collected by the Kingdom of Tirisfal. There must be many more cases like this on the sea.

The combined background of these kingdom alliances is very terrifying.

It would be great if such a talent could join the navy. Warring States couldn't help but sigh. Such a character is very suitable for the navy, but unfortunately he knew it was impossible.

In the same way, if he is being trained as a future general, can the navy give him better treatment?

The power of a sea area and the strength of teachers are not much worse than that of the navy, not to mention that precious devil fruits have been prepared.

The status of aristocrats can also serve as a link between aristocrats and ordinary residents.

Here is another photo. This is a young man with a slightly delicate face, sharp eyes, strong body, and short brown hair. He is standing on a hill where fallen corpses are piled up. Behind him, there are a group of people. subordinates.

"Serizawa, an orphan, was born on a chaotic island called Suzuran in the West Sea. In order to survive, he started fighting at a young age. He has a terrifying appetite, a powerful body, strange strength, and amazing resilience. As he grows up In the process, it gradually manifested itself, and he became known as the King of Beasts."

"This is a young man with the demeanor of a king and a domineering aura. He gathered a group of subordinates. When he was fourteen years old, he led his subordinates to defeat all the other forces on Suzuran Island one by one and unified the entire island. It instantly became famous in the West Sea.”

"A few months after that, Serizawa was adopted as the adopted son by the Nishikai hero, Crusado César. He inherited Cruzardo's surname and received Cizer's key training. Now he is sixteen years old and has joined He became the general of the West Sea Triton Guards and obtained the phantom beast species Beamon form given by the West Sea Alliance."

Another phantom beast species! The Warring States Period didn't even know what to say. Phantom Beast Breed is a devil fruit that is more precious than the natural type. However, judging from the current situation in the sea, the number of Phantom Beast Breed ability users is simply more than that of the natural type. They have already exceeded ten. This was once unimaginable.

Such a monster, born in the West Sea, was naturally recruited by the West Sea Alliance first.

With strong potential, powerful Devil Fruit, and good training, there is no doubt that these young monsters have the qualifications to become generals.

"Are there any more?" Warring States rubbed his temples and sighed, there are talents, but they are not his own.

"Well, with the establishment of the Shikai Alliance and the formation of the Shikai Tritons, many talents have emerged in recent years during the recruitment expansion process. I won't list them one by one. Saab and Serizawa are the most talented people in the East and West Seas. Two representative people.”

"The South China Sea Triton Guard and the North Sea Triton Guard have also launched their own monsters. They are all personally selected monsters and given top-notch abilities. As a facade, in short, it is difficult for us to get involved in Sihai."

Times have changed. Due to the influence of various factors, geniuses and monsters have appeared together. The Four Seas Alliance is expanding and its deterrence is increasing.

It has effectively suppressed the turmoil in the world. This situation is good, but it has nothing to do with the navy, and it does not belong to the world government.

"There is also a trend. With the establishment and expansion of the Four Seas Tritons, the power has been significantly enhanced. Correspondingly, the average strength of the Four Seas pirates has also been significantly enhanced. Today, there are many pirates in the Four Seas with a bounty of over 100 million, and the highest The bounty is as high as 270 million."

This is of course, the tempering of the environment has promoted the improvement of strength, coupled with the spread of the Sixth Form of the Navy and even the domineering training method, the one that has been most affected is Sihai.

The new world has not changed much.

But it is also true that the Four Seas is more stable. A large number of people are very safe and protected by the Triton Guards. The pirates are limited to some areas and are obviously suppressed by the Four Seas Triton Guards.

To form a relatively stable structure, just like the former World Government, the senior leaders of the Four Seas Alliance do not want to eliminate all pirates and need to maintain a balance.

As your level rises, your horizons naturally improve and you can see further.

The birth of pirates cannot be contained because the Four Seas Alliance cannot radiate to the entire sea area, and not all kingdoms can join them, due to geographical location and various factors.

For example, the radiation range of the East China Sea Alliance is only half of that of the East China Sea. The West Sea Alliance is the largest, accounting for 80% of the total, followed by the South China Sea, which accounts for almost 70%, and the North Sea also accounts for half.

In the chaotic Beihai, if it weren't for Christopher Cabot, the top combatant, the North Sea Alliance might still be three or two big cats.

But it is precisely because of this top powerhouse that the Beihai Alliance can be quickly established, and the situation in the Beihai is much more stable.

The East China Sea has a disadvantage compared to other sea areas. It does not have top-level combat forces like other sea areas. Although there are many strong ones, it is always inferior to other sea areas.

Like the Emperor of the South China Sea, the King of Darkness, Kukulkan Koatl's identity has begun to change from dark to bright, serving as a weapon to intimidate the South China Sea.

In addition to cultivating young talents like Sabo, the East China Sea Alliance is trying to invite those strong men hidden in the East China Sea to come out. At the same time, it also wants to recruit the naval hero Garp to the East China Sea Triton, but Garp refuses.

But East China Sea is Garp's hometown after all, and Garp pays great attention to it and promises to return to East China Sea every once in a while.

"Are there any on the pirate side?" Sengoku also needs to pay attention to the young forces on the pirate side, because they may become the navy's formidable enemy in the future.

There are so many supernovas every year. Some stay in the Great Line, some are destroyed by the navy, and more go to the New World. The supernovas that survive undergo the baptism of the New World and quickly become famous pirates in the New World. , to attack the local forces in the New World.

What the Warring States Period is really concerned about are those guys with terrifying potential who, if they grow up, can really have an impact on the pattern of the new world.

Just like today's red hair, he has begun to show his imperial spirit, and in the next few years, he is likely to become the fifth emperor of the sea.

But the red hair had fully grown, and it was useless for the navy to stop him.

If such monsters do appear, they must be nipped in the cradle before they grow up.

Over the years, our navy has dealt with two young pirates with domineering haki.

"Yes, but it's a little difficult for us to take action against them."

As he spoke, the intelligence officer took out two photos and placed them in front of Sengoku.

A young girl with long white hair that fades from white to green and then blue from the top of her head to the tips.

There is a pair of obvious red devil horns on the top of his head.

Carrying a mace on his shoulder.

Let Sengoku recognize her identity immediately, "This is Kaido's daughter."

He said with some emotion, he didn't expect Kaido's daughter to be so old.

He had obtained information about Yamato before, but Yamato was well protected, had very little information, and did not pay special attention to it.

"Yes, after collecting this period of time, this girl named Yamato is the daughter of the New World Emperor Hyakju Kaido and the princess of the Hyakuju Pirates. She has inherited the powerful bloodline of Hyakuju Kaido, and He is also a phantom beast species, a person with the cat fruit, and a white tiger form ability, which poses a great threat."

"We speculate that during the melee between the top pirate groups in the Kendo Competition seven years ago, the two members sent by the Beast Pirates, except for "White Fox" Krell, the other one wearing a mask should be her. At that time Yamato is only eight years old."

The intelligence officer on the side said seriously, "In addition, there are three young monsters with Yamato. They are all ancient fruit-growing ability users. They should be the reserve force cultivated by Kaido of the Hundred Beasts. They will also pose a huge threat in the future."

In addition to the Night Pirates, the one that Sengoku now feels most threatened is the Beast Pirates. They have a lot of strong men, a growing reserve force, and strong scientific research capabilities.

The terrible Red Devil virus is already very troublesome. Now Staff Crane can't get out of his way and stays in the Naval Science Department, which has increased his workload a lot.

Besides, this is just a virus. I don’t know what kind of virus the Beast Pirates guys will develop in the future.

Moreover, the Beasts Pirates and the Night Pirates are connected to each other, so conflicts are directly avoided due to an isolation zone.

With the Beast Pirates' rising momentum, the threat is getting bigger and bigger, and they need to be suppressed. Coupled with the Beast Pirates' provocation against the World Government, this is also the fundamental reason why the Navy wants to go to war with the Beast Pirates.

The World Government is dealing with Wano Country, and the navy is dealing with the Beast Pirates. In the Sea of ​​Beasts, Wano Country also secretly sent people to steal the signpost stones, causing a lot of friction. This is the current relationship between these parties.

Now the research on the antidote has produced some results. I believe it will be developed within a month or two, much faster than the originally expected six months.

The Navy Headquarters began to prepare for the war against the Beast Pirates again, and obtained some information about the Beast Pirates. Compared with before, the Navy was more fully prepared.

"Who is this one?" Warring States eyes fell on another girl with long blue hair, cool temperament, and eyes full of confidence.

Wearing a white military uniform, a military cap, and a Western sword on his waist, this kind of military uniform has a completely different style from that of the navy. In other words, it is not a military uniform, but a specially customized one.

The most obvious thing is the three skulls in the middle of her hat, with the crossbones on the back. Who in the new world doesn't know this symbol?

"Members of the Night Pirates?" There was doubt in his mouth, but he was actually confirmed in his heart.

"Yes, Balutus Esdeath was born on a small island called Frost Island in the dark night sea. The environment is harsh, covered with ice and snow all year round, and there are a group of ferocious beasts living on the island. The residents of the island rely on very Primitive hunting method of survival.”

"She has strong potential and a deep-rooted concept of the jungle. It is said that she started hunting wild beasts when she was four years old. When she was ten years old, the island was officially connected to the outside world. She was spotted by "Hunter" Ren Garr, one of the Seven Demon Kings of the Night Pirates. , brought back the Night Pirates to train."

"I appeared in the battle pyramid at the age of twelve. Now three years have passed. At the age of fifteen, I climbed to the fourteenth level of the battle pyramid with strong strength. I have strong physical skills and swordsmanship. I have awakened the Haki of knowledge and color. The goal is to be located in The Devil Fruit Temperature Fruit at the top of the battle pyramid.”

"It is very likely that he will reach the top of the Battle Pyramid within two or three years and break the record of being the youngest person to reach the 18th floor. It can be said that he is one of the people with the best chance of winning the Temperature Fruit in the Battle Pyramid today. He is a huge threat."

"Really?" The reserve force of the Beasts Pirates has amazing potential, and the Night Pirates are not bad either, and Esdeath is the most outstanding one among them.

Also attracting the Navy's attention is the "Reaper" Poison Q, who has become the Thirteen Demon Generals and possesses extremely dangerous abilities and the ability of the Bacteria Fruit.

A young fighter named Bashas, ​​who was born with extraordinary strength, was also honed in the fighting pyramid.

Van Oka is the younger brother of the Night Pirates' sharpshooter "Death Gun" Kos.

There are many similar ones, all of which are trained in the battle pyramid. In addition to facing the sea, the battle pyramid itself is a platform for cultivating subordinates.

The Navy's success rate against them is almost zero, because the combat pyramid is basically fought by people with similar strength.

Unless you are very powerful, just enter the battle pyramid, and then fight your way up from the bottom, the possibility of encountering it is very low.

As a new star in the Night Pirates, he will definitely operate in secret, and it is impossible to encounter an opponent whose strength is too different.

Seeing that other forces are getting stronger and amazing talents appear, but there are none on our side, this makes people feel a little helpless.

Gurant is too young and his potential has not been shown. Although Smoger can be focused on training, he has not reached an amazing level.

His character needs to be polished, he doesn't pay enough attention to physical skills, he has some reliance on Devil Fruit abilities, and he is not yet proficient in using Haki.

He is not easy to worry about, and often causes troubles. He is afraid of comparison in everything. Originally, he thought Smoker was pretty good, but now, he thinks Smoker needs rigorous training.

In Karp’s words, it’s “the iron fist of love.”

"It's time to pay more attention to the new generation of the navy." Sengoku mused, a serious light flashing in his eyes.

In the navy, there are many naval cadets who just complete the training tasks set by their instructors and that's it. Not many cadets take the initiative to train more and become stronger.

How can such a new generation of the navy grow up so quickly? He felt like he needed a little prodding.

"Let each naval branch pay attention to whether there are young talents and focus on recruiting them." Warring States issued the order.

As the intelligence personnel left, Sengoku sighed again. The only thing he was relieved about was that the World Government sent a batch of Devil Fruits, some of which had good abilities.

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