Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and sixty-nine: Premeditated accident

"Joker, you guy, you broke your appointment and made me wait for two more months." Caesar cursed in a low voice at Pound Kazak's research base, and the phone bug on the other side imitated his angry look vividly.

"If I don't come over, I will be taken away. The World Government plans to evacuate this island in half a month."

"Baboon, baboon, isn't this coming? We were preparing for a big event some time ago, and I don't want to alarm the world government." Mingge said with a smile, holding the phone bug in one hand, the red feather coat behind him flying high, and his body In the air, he stepped on an invisible thin line and jumped forward.

"Soon, I will arrive at Pangde Hasak. You should be ready, right?"

Brother Ming has some understanding of Caesar's character, and since he broke the promise, it doesn't matter if Caesar complains. There is no loss anyway.

In the past two months, he was preparing to jointly eliminate other underground forces in the New World. He was afraid that his plan with Caesar would alarm the World Government and something unexpected would happen, so he deliberately postponed their plan.

"Of course I'm ready. I can't wait. In the past two months, I have also upgraded my ultimate weapon of destruction." Upon hearing the news of Doflamingo's arrival, Caesar no longer complained, and some He said excitedly, the picture of the explosion of the weapon he invented had begun to appear in his mind.

"Confirm the time and how long you have until you arrive."

"It's only a few minutes." Brother Ming had been here once before. When he got in touch with Caesar, he knew the approximate distance and thought about it.

"Okay, get ready first. In ten minutes, I will use weapons to cause an accident and turn off the surveillance."

"I have prepared the research materials, data, experimental products, and failed products and stored them. There are too many things to take out. I will take them away when you come over."

"I will keep eleven researchers on hand, and let the others die."

At the end of the sentence, a cruel smile appeared on Caesar's face. Although he was the leader and the most powerful scientist in the research base, his personality meant that it was difficult for him to get along with most other scientists.

He is a mad scientist.

Those researchers all have their own research projects, and they usually don't look down on him.

There are not many researchers who have a good relationship with him.

There are only eleven in total. As for the other researchers and scientists, Caesar doesn't care at all. Instead, he wants them to die under his ultimate weapon.

When Vegapunk was still there, he had some concealment. Now that Vegapunk is gone, a group of elite scientists have been transferred away, and no one in the entire research base can suppress him.

With the contact with Doflamingo, Caesar gradually became more and more rampant.

He couldn't wait to see what kind of disaster this island would bring.

After hanging up the phone, Caesar walked out of the blind spot of surveillance and returned to his exclusive laboratory.

Along the way, he saw internal guards and researchers. He didn't care. The researcher he wanted to stay had been assigned to study a special project in a laboratory. He would lock that laboratory to prevent the poisonous gas from leaking. Go in, and have the antidote ready as well.

Without an antidote, these researchers would be unable to leave the laboratory and would be trapped inside and die as soon as they exited.

Caesar's ultimate weapon, the poisonous gas erupted is enough to extinguish life.

Others were dead to him.

After touching the ultimate weapon in the center of the laboratory, it was finally time to use this ultimate weapon, but it was not used directly, but caused an accident.

By way of a leak explosion.

Caesar has already set this up in advance and has been waiting for Doflamingo to arrive.

Doflamingo felt a little pity when he saw the phone bug hanging up. These researchers were all talents, which were lacking in the market, especially in the New World Market. They could make a lot of money by selling them as goods.

It would be a shame to die so simply.

The loopholes in this accident are actually very obvious. Once something goes wrong, the World Government will send people over as soon as possible. The Navy's newly built G5 branch is not far from Pang De Kazakh.

As long as you check the number of people, you can find that there are no traces of people, and you can naturally guess that this is not an accident.

This is also Doflamingo's plan to make Caesar wanted by the World Government Naval Base, so he can only cooperate with him and rely on him for research.

If possible, he hoped to take all the researchers away without causing an accident or a premeditated attack.

As for who to suspect, that is a matter for the World Government. Now the entire base is under Caesar's control, especially the monitoring equipment. When the incident breaks out, all monitoring will be shut down.

Now, the world government's attention to this base is also declining, and it pays little attention to this base.

After all, this base is going to be abandoned, and preparations have already begun for the transfer.

Since Caesar wants other researchers to die, let him die. Anyway, apart from the experimental and failed research materials, the only one who matters most is Caesar.

After all, Brother Ming still sees clearly what is more important between top talents and ordinary talents.

Although this is a base that is about to be abandoned, the defensive strength is still very sufficient.

It is guarded by three thousand sailors and a small number of World Government agents, headed by a commodore.

On this island, in addition to the research base hidden in the mountains, there are also a large number of pirates and criminals, numbering more than 5,000. Their only role is to serve as experimental subjects for research.

Before it was officially abandoned, it was still one of the three most important research bases of the Navy.

High in the sky, Doflamingo stood firmly on the line, looking down at Pound Kazak below.

Then, he waited quietly for Caesar's move.

Since this is not an accident, it is impossible for the life on this island to be merely poisoned and lose consciousness in the lower body. Caesar specially increased the lethality of his weapons. It is simply difficult for ordinary people to survive under his poisonous gas. .

"Hiss!" Seeing that the time was almost up, Caesar pressed the button, and the ultimate weapon in the center of the laboratory sprayed poison gas out like a small crack.

The laboratory was soon filled with terrible poisonous gas.

Immediately afterwards, Caesar quickly came to the control room and easily used his ability to suffocate the two marines to death. With a few operations, he shut down all surveillance phone bugs and all monitoring equipment inside and outside the research base.

When others discovered the change, it was already too late. When the poisonous gas accumulated in the laboratory to a certain extent, the operating electronic equipment intersected with the poisonous gas.

The heat and electric sparks generated inside directly ignite the poisonous gas.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, which could be felt both inside and outside the research base.

The ultimate weapon made by Caesar exploded directly, and the devastating explosion directly destroyed a large area around it.

Glass shattered and the door opened.

The poisonous gas quickly filled the entire research base, and ordinary researchers inside could not hold on for more than a minute after inhaling the poisonous gas.

The terrifying poisonous gas spread around like a wave. Researchers in the research base died one after another, and the defenders couldn't hold on for long?

One by one, the criminals in the cage were unable to resist. They watched the poison gas invade and were poisoned to death one after another.

Poisonous gas is extremely corrosive, and its power is beyond imagination. The skin begins to be corroded when it comes into contact with the poisonous gas.

These prisoners screamed in agony. Soon, their bodies were beyond recognition and became extremely ugly. After a struggle, the poison gas penetrated into their bone marrow, and they fell down and died one by one.

The huge explosion could be heard even outside.

Brigadier General Morin, who was guarding the island, led the navy towards the research base after hearing the explosion. He knew that something big had happened in the base. Although it was normal for experiments to have accidents, this was the first time such a huge explosion occurred.

It can be expected that there will be a lot of casualties, and rescue must be carried out quickly.

While still on the way, they couldn't help but stop and look at the purple mist shrouding the mountains in the distance with horrified expressions.

The fog was filling rapidly and was approaching in their direction.

"That's poison gas, run!"

However, how can their speed compare with the speed of gas diffusion?

He was quickly overtaken and enveloped in it. His body inhaled the poisonous gas and reacted within a short period of time, rendering his body unable to move.

A strong body can last for a long time. If they are exposed to poisonous gas all the time, without timely rescue, they will die.

Pangde Kazak is an isolated island. Although the news has spread, when rescue arrives, it is already too late. Basically, not many people can escape from the entire island.

Since it is a secret research base, the navy's stationed area is not around the island, but in a hidden area inside the island. Otherwise, if any pirates approach, they will be discovered immediately.

The entire Pangde Kazak has now been shrouded in purple poisonous gas and turned into a forbidden area on earth. This poisonous gas contains the destruction and corrosion of life.

Therefore, a large area of ​​life died, and even the plants began to wither and the leaves turned yellow. Of course, this was just the beginning, and eventually the island would become a lifeless wasteland.

Even if the poisonous gas that permeates the island dissipates, it will take at least several months.

"Baboons, baboons, it's really scary!" Brother Ming watched this scene from the air. The poisonous gas was very lethal, but it was useless to the strong. A strong person's control over the body could prevent the poisonous gas from entering the body.

Moreover, the effects of this poisonous gas last for a long time.

Some marines have escaped from the poisonous mist to the sea. There are not many, but there are more than two hundred. Although they have been poisoned, the effect of the poisonous gas is not strong.

This kind of murderous weapon is very good at destroying the environment and has excellent effects on ordinary people. In war, it seems a bit useless.

After all, it is poisonous gas, a large-scale poisonous gas, and the concentration is not powerful enough.

However, Caesar's talent can also be seen. In the past, he heard that Caesar was the first person under Vegapunk, but that was just a hearsay.

Such weapons are of little use in the wars of the new world, but they can be extremely effective in ordinary kingdom wars.

Generally speaking, this weapon is okay, but it is not very practical, and its effect and time are not as good as the terrifying and prestigious Red Devil Virus of the Beast Pirates.

And the antidote is too easy to develop. Although Brother Ming is an outsider, he has handled too many weapons, so he still has a certain perspective.

It is even more incomparable to the King of Ancient Weapons, who instantly wiped out an army of 100,000 people. How could this compare?

Doflamingo felt the terrifying power of the King up close. If he was unlucky, he might not be alive.

This also makes Brother Ming more urgent. His own strength is insufficient. While improving, he can't just pursue destructive power. He also needs to develop powerful defensive moves to match the power of the King's bombardment.

Who knows if there are any imitations of Uranus in the hands of the World Government? The Heavenly Kings have appeared, and it is not impossible that the ancient weapons Pluto and Neptune will appear in the future. With the scientific research capabilities of the Night Pirates, the Heavenly Kings may be able to reappear.

These need to be taken seriously.

Caesar's role is to study artificial devil fruits honestly.

At the same time, it can also help him study some special threads. As a user with the thread fruit ability, he can put his improvement direction on some special threads to improve the diversity and strength of his abilities.

In a world where strength is respected, especially in the new world, strength is more important.

Caesar didn't know that Doflamingo had already clearly arranged his future in his heart.

His body descended rapidly, and he rushed into the poisonous gas, arriving at the place where he and Caesar had fulfilled their agreement. The poisonous gas had little effect on him, although it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"This performance is good, Caesar." Seeing Caesar's body, Brother Ming praised him. These proud scientists are also vain in their hearts.

"Stop it! Of course, there will be greater masterpieces in the future." Caesar just followed this trick and felt beautiful in his heart.

"The things are in the warehouse at the back. I have sorted them out, but there are a lot of them. Those researchers are currently in a coma, and I have given them the antidote." Caesar was more cautious and didn't want these researchers to know about Dolfrond. Of course, the fewer people who know Brother Ming's identity, the better.

The two of them didn't need to say anything. The warehouse opened and what came into view were pieces of paper information. Caesar spent a lot of time sorting out these information.

Of course, most of this information is owned by the research base itself. After the World Government decided to evacuate, it was specially organized and stored, ready to be taken away with it.

Otherwise, Caesar would have to spend even longer time sorting out the information.

A small number of small experimental objects, artificial monsters and the like were basically left with corpses. Although the large ones could be taken away, the World Government had already sent people there by then.

Secondly, there are the man-made devil fruits. There are not many in number, there are more than twenty, but they are all failures. These laboratories that researched devil fruits were also abandoned. Caesar even made a special trip to collect them.

The eleven researchers fell to the ground, unconscious.

Upon seeing this, Brother Ming created thin white threads, wrapped them up with people and objects, and pulled them away.

Brother Fa Ming is also familiar with doing this. He has done it many times. When he was trading with the Night Pirates in the early days, he always came to trade in person and then returned with a large amount of Bailey.

"Let's go, it might be a bit high next." Doflamingo said with a weird smile on his face, and used his ability to tie Caesar's body.

Then, amidst Caesar's exclamation, he jumped up and flew towards the sky with hidden strings, carrying a large amount of goods and twelve people.

As a natural Devil Fruit user, Caesar's strength is not weak. He soon became accustomed to the high-altitude perspective and his mood stabilized.

"Let's talk, Caesar. In your opinion, how long will it take to develop artificial devil fruit technology?" Ming Ge looked at Caesar and asked.

"To be honest?" Caesar thought for a moment and then said confidently, "It only takes three or four years."

"The time is so short?" Caesar's answer surprised Brother Ming.

"This is based on Vegapunk's research information." Caesar added, even he had to admit Vegapunk's wisdom.

"First of all, we need to understand what an artificial devil fruit is? It's not a real devil fruit, but a fruit that allows people to possess animal genes." Caesar explained, explaining to Doflamingo what he thought was an artificial devil fruit.

"The first step is to create a mixed liquid containing various animal blood factors, or the blood factors of a single animal, and then let the plant absorb these factors, and the finished fruit that grows is an artificial devil fruit."

"So, artificial devil fruits can only be of the animal type, not superhuman or natural types."

"Such a fruit is incomparable to ordinary animal-type devil fruits. It is much weaker in all aspects, and it is very useless for the strong."

"The most important thing is the gap between the blood factors. How can the power in Devil Fruit be compared to that of ordinary animals? The blood factors of those very powerful beasts, ancient creatures, or those with animal devil fruit abilities are almost the same. ." As he said that, Caesar couldn't help but sneer. He already had plans to complete the research on artificial devil fruits.

"This is something to consider later. The current problem to be studied is how to produce effective finished products, rather than these useless products with strong side effects. These are the problems that need to be overcome."

In the final analysis, artificial devil fruits are the acquired transformation of the human body through blood factors.

It's the same as the Vinsmoke family's human body modification technology, but one is congenital modification, which is modified before birth when the plasticity is stronger, and the other is through a very overbearing injection method.

"There is already a ready-made technology for mixed liquids containing bloodline factors, but it still needs to be optimized. Plants that can absorb this liquid must also be specially cultivated. How to make plants absorb mixed liquids and grow fruits containing bloodline factors? This is The most difficult ones, like these, are useless." As he spoke, Caesar pointed to the area where failed artificial Devil Fruits were stored.

"Oh?" After hearing what Caesar said, Doflamingo realized that plants are very important. Why did the Night Pirates ask him for a batch of mini-humans before? Because the mini-humans have very special skills in cultivating plants. With talent.

It seems that the Night Pirates' research progress is much faster than expected. Caesar's explanation gave Doflamingo a clear understanding of artificial devil fruits.

Now he is somewhat glad that he did not hand over all the little humans and kept a batch for himself.

"Then why did the World Government give up research on artificial Devil Fruits?" Doflamingo suddenly became confused.

Since Caesar can infer that the artificial devil fruit will be developed within three to four years, based on his understanding of Caesar, this time must be a bit exaggerated, and it may be longer, within five or six years.

With the support of the world government, a luxurious research team, and Vegapunk's wisdom that surpasses the world for 500 years, if he keeps researching, he might have developed it long ago.

"Hello, hello. Who knows? I remember that the research progress has not improved for a long time. Maybe Vegapunk doesn't want to develop artificial devil fruits." Caesar couldn't help laughing.

"Coupled with the influence of the general environment at that time, something seemed to have gone wrong with the world government. Some couldn't wait any longer and turned to other practical technologies, such as making dead animals eat Devil Fruits, inlaying sea tower stones under warships, and being able to A technique for sailing in calm zones without being affected by the Neptune class.”

He and Doflamingo now have a cooperative relationship. There is nothing he can't say. At the same time, he is also showing his own value. He also knows these techniques.

On the other side, the naval support from the G5 branch rushed to Pound Kazak, rescued two hundred surviving sailors on the sea, and looked at the island shrouded in poisonous gas.

"what on earth is it?"

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