Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy transactions

"What's going on?" Preparations for the war with the Beast Pirates are about to begin, and Sengoku still wants to develop peacefully on the Great Line for a while.

I didn't expect that such a thing would happen again in the new world.

An accident occurred in Pang De Kazak, causing some kind of poisonous gas to leak and spread throughout the island. Not many people survived.

Not a single one of the three thousand navy left behind was killed by the poisonous gas so easily. Even the corpses were corroded by the poisonous gas, and some of their faces were blurred.

This made Sengoku feel heartbroken. It would have been okay if he died in the war, but such a senseless sacrifice was really hard for him to accept.

Three thousand naval warriors are still the elite among them, and they are also a powerful force for today's navy.

All the prisoners used in the experiment died.

The Warring States Period still knew about Pound Kazak, but they didn't know what was being researched in it. The sacrifices of hundreds of precious researchers also made the Navy and the World Government angry.

"Admiral Akainu has sent an investigation team to Pound Kazakh Island to investigate. After a thorough search, we found that the cause of the accident was a poison gas leak, which originated from the special weapon of Caesar, the chief scientist of the research base."

"However, after our speculation, this may not be an accident."

"Twelve researchers, including scientist Caesar, disappeared, and all surveillance telephones and monitoring equipment were shut down when the incident occurred. In addition, a large part of the research data stored within the base was lost. This may be a premeditated attack. The incident of being on the run deliberately caused this accident."

The intelligence personnel on one side relayed the information from the New World.

"It's trouble again." Sengoku didn't know why this happened, but it was probably related to the World Government's decision to abandon the Pound Kazakh Research Base.

A lot of things were taken away. It is impossible for twelve scientists to take away these things. Once they appear in the waters around Pang De Kazakhstan, they will definitely be noticed, and the navy will get the news quickly.

But there is no news now, and it can be judged that there must be a force outside that is cooperating with Caesar, and there must have been contact a long time ago.

On the basis of such speculation, analyze Caesar's action trajectory some time ago,

There are indeed some weird things to see in his behavior.

Warring States quickly made a guess, but what he was thinking about was, which force was responsible?

Night Pirates? This was the first thing that popped up in Sengoku's mind. Soon, he felt that the possibility of the Night Pirates was unlikely. Thinking about it, if the Night Pirates had such a small appetite, they would definitely take away all the people in the research base. All the researchers took them away, along with the precious experimental equipment.

Taking away only twelve people and some information seemed a bit petty.

Beast Pirates? Doflamingo? Various possible names of forces appeared in Sengoku's mind.

These are all possible, and it is precisely because they are possible that it is difficult to guess and more evidence needs to be found.

From Sengoku's point of view, the possibility of Doflamingo is still high, because Dressrosa is not far from here.

These days, due to the chaos in the underground world and the division of interests, Doflamingo should be relatively busy, so Sengoku is not sure.

If it is really Doflamingo, the navy will have to take action. Although Doflamingo has a special identity and poses a great threat, the identity of the Shichibukai cannot provide Doflamingo with more protection.

In today's sea situation, the Shichibukai has not exerted a strong force to balance the sea.

And until now, the Shichibukai people are not all together, and they have different ideas.

Today, there are only four people in the Shichibukai, "Tyrant" Xiong, "Tenyasha" Doflamingo, "Eagle Eye" Mihawk, and "Sand Crocodile" Crocodile.

Although it has a strong deterrent effect, it did not play its due role. During the Mariejoia War, it basically fished in troubled waters and did not show much effect.

Crocodile has his own plan. Doflamingo is powerful and located in the new world. With his special status and the support of the Night Pirates, he is not afraid of the navy at all and goes his own way.

"Eagle Eye" Mihawk wanders around the new world, paying no attention to the orders of the Navy and the World Government. He challenges various powerful swordsmen, especially those who rank ahead of him in the sword competition, and defeats them.

Prepare to further sharpen your sword and challenge the world's best swordsman, Kuniichi Tsugen.

Compared to the pursuit of swordsmanship, the orders from the Navy and the World Government are insignificant. Even if there is a bounty on his head, it is just a little troublesome.

The further rise of "Eagle Eye" Mihawk has attracted the attention of many people. At the beginning of the kendo competition, he was still too young and had not reached his peak, so his ranking was somewhat low, which was a pity for many people.

Once Mihawk challenges the "world's best swordsman" Jiyuan Kunichi, it will definitely be a big event that attracts the attention of the world.

Since Enkunichi became the "world's best swordsman" and obtained the supreme sword "Dusk", his strength must have been further improved. After all, a good sword has spirituality.

It is very common for a swordsman's strength to greatly increase due to a famous sword breaking through.

Over the years, several powerful swordsmen have challenged Jiyuan Kunichi, but they have all been defeated. No one can shake Jiyuan Kunichi's status.

The most likely ones now are "Hawkeye" Mihawk, who shows amazing talent in swordsmanship, and the new world overlord Red-haired Shanks, who is known as the true successor of "Pluto" Rayleigh.

Not only is there resistance within the Navy to the Shichibukai system, but the World Government that proposed this system is also somewhat dissatisfied with them.

However, it is also very difficult to ban the Shichibukai. This is equivalent to giving the Navy and the World Government four more powerful enemies. They do not want to do this for the time being until they have the power to replace the Shichibukai.

Because the strength of these Shichibukai is really very strong, each of them has the ability to become the overlord of the sea, even if it is less, it is not much different.

Now, under the leadership of Vegapunk, the Naval Science Department has now begun the research and production of powerful humanoid weapons called "Pacifist".

Once successful and mass-produced, the pressure faced by the navy and the world government will definitely be much less, and the deterrent power will be greatly increased.

"Send a copy of this information to the World Government, and put a bounty on Caesar facing the sea. The bounty will be set at 200 million beli. The remaining researchers will serve as accomplices, with a bounty of 30 million beli."

Naturally, the World Government also sent intelligence personnel to investigate, and the conclusions found by the Navy may be somewhat different and can complement each other.

After making such a big mistake, offering a reward is a must.

Even if a reward is offered, Warring States knows that it will not be of much use. As a scientist, he will definitely be hidden in a secret place and protected, and he can only wait until he is exposed later.

On the other side, Doflamingo first entertained Caesar, and then took him to the research base he established for him. This research base was located in Greenbit, an isolated island north of Dressrosa.

It is only connected to the main island by a steel suspension bridge. Originally, local residents could pass the bridge safely. However, two hundred years ago, swarms of ferocious fighting fish began to appear around the waters of the suspension bridge, which could easily make people come and go. The boat capsizes so boats cannot pass, even on the drawbridge they are attacked by bettas.

Now Greenland has become an uninhabited island with no one to disturb it, which is just right for Caesar to do research.

Of course, the research base established by Doflamingo is not comparable in scale to the research base established by the World Government, but it is enough for Caesar.

Various advanced equipment are transported through connections in the underground world.

Caesar is very satisfied with this research base and can continue to expand and transform it according to demand.

They had talked about some things before, and Doflamingo had already prepared them in advance, so he could start studying them as soon as Caesar came over.

Under Doflamingo's management, after years of development, the Kingdom of Dressrosa is very prosperous, and the people's lives are rich, which is a huge difference from before.

No matter what Doflamingo looks like to the outside world, for the kingdom, Doflamingo is undoubtedly a very qualified king, and he has changed the face of the entire kingdom in a short period of time.

The previous king, King Riku, and the strongest warrior in the kingdom, Cyrus, were both dead. No one could stop Doflamingo. In addition, his rise to the throne was very legal. When the reputation of the Riku royal family dropped to the extreme, he accepted it. The abdication of Queen Violet.

The eldest princess Scarlet has lived in seclusion and turned into a commoner. As Doflamingo's important subordinate, Violet's ability to stare at fruits is deeply valued by Doflamingo.

Under Doflamingo's hands, he naturally saw many dark things, but so what? As long as it's harmless to Dressrosa, Doflamingo himself is a pirate.

Dressrosa is very good now. If something happens to Doflamingo, Dressrosa won't be much better. This is something Violet doesn't want to see. She can only follow Doflamingo all the way. To black.

Moreover, after some physical contact and Doflamingo's own unique charm, Violet had already transformed into Doflamingo's shape.

A powerful force, Dressrosa was also turned into an iron barrel by Doflamingo. The bug ability of the toy fruit turned those members of the various forces who invaded Dressrosa into toys, and their own existence was ignored by the world. Forget.

At the same time, the appearance of toys will not be doubted. This is the power of the toy fruit, which can tamper with the consciousness of others. Today, Dressrosa is known as the "Land of Love, Passion and Toys".

It took some time to make two copies of the information that Caesar brought back, including research information on artificial devil fruits. The smaller one was for Doflamingo to trade with the Beasts Pirates.

The other larger document also contains other technologies of the research base, as well as research data on the World Government's giant experiments, as well as the failed products of artificial Devil Fruits, which Doflamingo wants to give to the Night Pirates.

Most of the research materials and technologies are relatively useless to Doflamingo, and he doesn't like them. He can't use them, so he might as well be a favor and give them to the Night Pirates together.

Except for a few necessary techniques, Doflamingo also feels that they are very useful, and besides, the Night Pirates may not necessarily appreciate them.

The Night Pirates' technological power is already very powerful, not to mention that they have now absorbed the technology of the powerful technological power of the Kingdom of Germa.

It's not that Doflamingo licks it, but that the strength gap between the two sides is really too big, and the Night Pirates have the power to easily take away everything from him.

There is no relationship between them, only interest transactions, and only by continuously showing interests, can he stand firmly on the side of the Night Pirates.

"Is it joker? What's going on?"

"About the World Government's research information on artificial Devil Fruits? How do you have such a thing?"

The Beast Pirates received news from Doflamingo, and some crew members were very surprised.

Artificial Devil Fruit, this is a technology that their pirate group is currently secretly researching. Unexpectedly, someone would send something up at this time, which can greatly improve the progress of their research.

In addition, their internal information was exposed, indicating that they had intelligence personnel from the other side and knew that they were researching artificial devil fruits.

"Baboon, baboon, this kind of thing is not important, right? As long as you know that the things in my hands are genuine." He didn't want to answer the Beasts Pirates' question. He knew that this deal would be a big deal for the Beasts Pirates. Impossible to say no.

"Why are you looking for us? I remember you are very close to the Night Pirates." Jhin's voice came. Although this information was very helpful to them, Doflamingo came to them for nothing, which made them a little bit confused. I wonder if they are plotting against them secretly.

"Don't worry, of course the Night Pirates also have a copy of these information. This is just a transaction."

"Tell me, what do you want?" Doflamingo's words made them lower their guard. Jhin and Krell looked at each other and then said.

"Baboon, Baboon, we have cooperated several times. This information is the research of the World Government for many years, which is enough to shorten your time by several years. I don't want much, I only need three billion Baileys."

Three billion Baileys is indeed not expensive to shorten several years of research time. It sounds like a lot, and it can be used by today's Beasts Pirates.

After thinking for a while, "First trade a part, one billion Baileys. We need to confirm the authenticity of the information. If you dare to lie to us, you know the consequences." Jhin threatened, he still didn't believe Dover. Brother Lang Ming, this vigilance is necessary.

Now that the Governor is not at the base camp and doesn't know where to train, he asked them to notify him when the navy starts fighting again.

Naturally, the Navy's war preparations cannot be hidden from the Beasts Pirates. The Navy is preparing for war, and so are the Beasts Pirates.

Since Kaido is not here, the main affairs are decided by them.

"No problem. Prepare the funds. Let's trade some data first." With the real guy in hand, Doflamingo has nothing to worry about.

"Inform Mr. Quinn and let him check the authenticity and function of the information after it is delivered." After the caller hung up, Krell said to Jhin.

Only Quinn could understand this information.

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