Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy-one All three parties are happy

"MOM, MOM, there are only the last two pieces of the puzzle of all nations left." Looking at the giant members in the territory, bigmom would wake up from his dream with a smile.

Nowadays, the races that Torante Weiji of All Nations lacks are the Oni clan and the Lunaria clan, both of which are present in the Beast Pirates.

The ghost clan is relatively simple, and there are some ghost clans on the sea. The famous ones include "Moonlight" Moria, Kaido, "The King of Evil" Pizarro and others.

Those with horns on their heads basically have ghost blood. If you look carefully, you can easily collect them.

The most difficult thing is the Lunaria clan. The only Lunaria clan member on the sea is "Fire Calamity" Jhin. The others may be extinct or hidden somewhere.

This clan, called the Clan of Gods, lived on the Red Earth Continent eight hundred years ago.

In this case, it doesn't matter even if there is no Lunaria clan, unless other Lunaria clan members appear on the sea, just targeting Jhin will undoubtedly offend the Beast Pirates, which is not worth the gain.

The most desired giant race has been obtained. For other races, bigmom has no particularly urgent needs now.

"That guy Joker got a piece of information on the World Government's research on the giant race and gave it to the Night Pirates. He revealed the information. Is this to please us? MOM, MOM!"

"That guy did a good job. If the production of gigantizing potions is increased, we can definitely consider cooperation with Joker." As he said that, Big Mom showed an excited smile on his face. Big Mom Pirates are very lacking in gigantizing potions. of.

It can not help but increase the body size of a person, and can also create a warrior with good strength. After all, a tall body often represents stronger strength, stronger body, and stronger strength.

Although this theory is not correct, it makes a lot of sense to some low-level pirates.

Even if his own children have taken the enlargement potion, the extra ones can be used by other people close to the Big Mom Pirates to enhance their strength.

At least now, the strength of the members of the Big Mom Pirates who have taken the gigantizing potion has improved. After a long period of "weakness", no one's strength has declined. It is just that the fighting style and methods need some changes.

For the Big Mom Pirates,

"Yes, Mom!" Perospero nodded in agreement. The current situation is very good for the Big Mom Pirates.

For big mom's children, mother's mood is more important than anything else.

During this period, my mother was in a good mood. She even had no episodes of siphoria for almost ten months. This was something that was unimaginable in the past. She would break out four or five times a year.

It's fine during the day, but sometimes late at night my mother suddenly wakes up and wants to eat a certain dessert. Who prepares it for her in the middle of the night, delivers the news, and doesn't have enough time to start making it. Sireia breaks out while she waits hard.

The significant improvement in Katakuri's strength can also delay her mother when she suffers from Sirexia, preventing greater damage and delaying the completion of the dessert.

Nowadays, Sireia is not that scary to the children of big moms.

Everything is developing for the better.

"How about the information Doflamingo sent?"

"Most of them are valuable, especially the research data on artificial devil fruits. Although it is somewhat different from our research direction, it is of high reference value. Once fully absorbed, it can improve our research progress and directly reach the final stage." Otto's voice was a little excited.

"The most important thing is that among the batch of failed artificial Devil Fruits sent by Doflamingo, we found a finished product that is certain to gain Devil Fruit abilities if eaten."

"As we guessed, this artificial Devil Fruit contains consciousness. This is probably the key to the birth of artificial Devil Fruit. Because it is artificial, the fluctuations in consciousness in artificial animal devil fruits are more obvious than ordinary animal devil fruits. many."

"By studying it, we are likely to perfect the artificial devil fruit technology in a short period of time and successfully create an artificial animal-type devil fruit."

"Huh? What's that Devil Fruit?" Teach raised his eyebrows. He was now a little curious about how the artificial Devil Fruit was made.

"The birth of this artificial Devil Fruit can be said to be a miracle and an accident. The World Government's technology is imperfect, but it was still successfully born. It is difficult for us to copy it. We can only develop more perfect technology through further research." Otto said a little. explanation, and then a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

"According to the information, this artificial Devil Fruit uses Kaido's bloodline factor."

It was within the expectations of the Night Pirates that they could use the blood factors of people with animal Devil Fruit abilities to create artificial Devil Fruits.

Even Caesar, Quinn, the chief scientist of the Beast Pirates, knows it can be done.

Because after a person takes the Devil Fruit, the genes in his body have been modified by the Devil Fruit.

In other words, people with abilities can be said to be another race, but there is no reproductive isolation.

"What will be the consequences of eating it?" Tiqi was a little curious.

"Naturally, the body is modified and Kaido's genes are acquired. After our speculation, not only can you use Kaido's abilities, but you will also gain Kaido's physique and bloodline. It will be more powerful than ordinary devil fruits."

"Of course, it is incomplete in terms of ability. This is just Kaido's genes, not a complete Devil Fruit. No one can reach the limit of the Devil Fruit now, so the strength of the ability will be greatly weakened, and there is no awakening. Ability has an obvious limit, and this limit is Kaido who had his blood factor removed."

"Taken together, this is a top-notch phantom beast devil fruit."

The limit is Kaido? How many people can reach Kaido's level? This devil fruit can completely turn waste into a monster and a replica of Kaido.

That's why Otto said that the birth of this Devil Fruit was a complete miracle.

In the plan of the Night Pirates, the most powerful artificial Devil Fruits were finally created, which are those Devil Fruits made from ancient creatures, like Neptunes.

Using the genes of ability users, it is difficult to solve the problem of consciousness alone. Although it is possible in theory, it is difficult to achieve in practice.

He knew that in their plan, the birth of an artificial Devil Fruit would involve killing a beast and integrating everything from it into the artificial Devil Fruit.

"So, this Devil Fruit contains Kaido's will, and the person who eats this Devil Fruit can be regarded as Kaido's child." As if thinking of something, a mysterious smile appeared on Tikki's face.

"That's right."

It's interesting to think about Kaido suddenly having a son.

"We'll look at this later. You should study it first." Teach would not be willing to give this precious Devil Fruit to anyone else.

With Kaido's bloodline, Kaido's physique, and the increase in the Phantom Beast species, careful planning is required even if it is to be used, but it is impossible. This Devil Fruit will definitely be destroyed during the research process.

If you want to research artificial devil fruits, it will be difficult to finally have a finished product, and sacrifices are necessary.

It is not clear whether the artificial Devil Fruit will be able to gain powers by just eating one bite like a Devil Fruit if cut open, and it is also unknown whether the user with the ability will have a weakness of being afraid of water.

It is also unknown whether he will be restrained by his Dark Fruit ability.

Someone must eat it and then test the final experimental data. This "person" does not have to be a human, it may also be a dog.

Otto has a pet dog named "Peter", a dog he adopted after coming to the Dark Night Sea. It is actually a wolf, but it was raised as a dog by the Dark Night Pirates.

At first, Peter was only half a meter tall, but now after so many years, with the supply of sufficient energy, "Peter" has grown into a black wolf with a height of five meters, with a shiny black body and a tangle of purple hair on the top of his head, making him look extremely handsome.

It has superb intelligence, can understand human speech, and its body has been biologically and mechanically modified by Otto. It has a strong body. It is not weak. It is not a problem to deal with pirates with a bounty of 100 million beli.

If nothing else, this artificial devil fruit is a "delicious meal" for Peter to enjoy.

This kind of devil fruit should not appear. If you eat it, you will probably guess something. In order not to waste it, you might as well feed it to dogs directly.

They also wanted to see what "Peter" would become in the end.

If Caesar and Doflamingo knew about it, they would definitely regret it. After the World Government stopped research on artificial devil fruits, the laboratory was shut down, and the operation of this devil fruit continued.

When Caesar sorted out the failed products, he put them together as failures.

After all, the artificial devil fruits all look similar, they are all in the shape of an apple, with a circle-like pattern on the surface.

Research with finished products and research without finished products are completely different concepts.

Now, Otto is confident that he will be able to develop artificial devil fruits within three years.

Although the time is only a little shorter than Caesar's, the quality of the Devil Fruit they want to research is completely different from heaven and earth.

One is a finished product, and you will 100% gain abilities if you eat it. The other one has side effects. You can succeed if you eat it, but the failure rate is very high. It depends on luck.

Even the artificial Devil Fruit technology developed by the Beast Pirates is very different from theirs. The World Government's research data can only be used as a reference, not directly taken over.

After all, each party has a different understanding and research direction of artificial devil fruits.

"Did Doflamingo also reveal this news to BigMom?" Doflamingo's thoughts naturally couldn't be hidden from Tikki. He wanted to please the BigMom pirate group. Dressrosa is located in front of the new world. The location near the middle can be said to be located in a chaotic area where all forces gather.

Red-haired Shanks is already on the verge of becoming emperor. The Red-haired Pirates still maintain an elite lineup and are not weak in numbers. However, the number of affiliated pirate groups under their protection is increasing, and this sea area has begun to become chaotic.

It is precisely because of the many forces that even the closest G5 branch dare not approach.

Although Doflamingo has already established a foothold in that sea area, if he has a cooperative relationship and support from Big Mom, his development will definitely be smoother.

After all, compared to the Night Pirates, the Big Mom Pirates are closer to Dressrosa and more convenient for support. With the support of two sea emperors, he doesn't have to worry about threats to his life. Even the world government is Don't dare to touch him.

"Tell bigmom that this information is very useful. We have made a huge breakthrough in the research of giant chemical agents. The manufacturing speed has been greatly improved, and the annual output can reach seven or eight."

Since Doflamingo sent such a big gift and wanted to use it to make friends with the Big Mom Pirates, Teach didn't mind helping him. Anyway, there was no loss for the three parties.

Doflamingo's foothold in the new world is helpful to him. The Night Pirates' counter-invasion of the World Government has a good infiltration effect, but there is not much intelligence that can actually be obtained.

In addition, the World Government carried out internal purges several times a few years ago. Many people died, but there were some results, and the informants of many forces were eliminated.

Obtaining some core information relies more on Stephanie and Doflamingo.

Doflamingo has his own way of obtaining information and can directly contact the world's nobles. Even if he is a fallen Celestial Dragon, he is still a world noble. This cannot be changed at all due to his bloodline.

Coupled with Doflamingo's current strength and influence, many officials within the World Government believe that Doflamingo can return to the Holy Land, and are secretly willing to invest in this "Tenyasha".

Doflamingo also has direct contact with the Celestial Dragons, and has a black-and-white network of connections. He is also the world's largest slave trader, and he indirectly controls many slave-catching teams to provide slaves for the needs of the Celestial Dragons.

Although he is not in the Holy Land, Doflamingo still has considerable influence within the Holy Land. What's more, he is one of the few kings of the World Government in the New World and is qualified to participate in the World Conference.

Now that the power of the world government has been greatly reduced, there are even some Celestial Dragons who are willing to get close to Doflamingo.

With a huge network of connections, there are many people who want Doflamingo to fall, and even more people who don't want Doflamingo to fall. Behind them are the Night Pirates, and on the surface they have the endorsement of the World Government.

Under the prohibition of the World Government, the navy cannot take action against Doflamingo at will. Even if it can take action, it must be wary of the Night Pirates behind Doflamingo.

Moreover, Doflamingo's current power is not weak. In addition to the members of the Don Quixote family, there are many affiliated forces with bounties of over 100 million, including some with bounties as high as 500 million beli.

The news from the Night Pirates quickly spread to the Big Mom Pirates, which made Big Mom happy and held a grand dessert banquet.

At the same time, Doflamingo also received news from the Big Mom Pirates asking for cooperation.

"Baboons, baboons! It's as expected." This shows that his approach is not wrong. Everything is only difficult at the beginning. As long as the cooperation with bigmom begins, he will be confident to expand the scale of the cooperation and become an important partner of bigmom.

At least he can provide the Big Mom Pirates with raw materials for various desserts, special ingredients from the Navy that Big Mom can't access.

In this way, he can gain the support of the two sea emperors. This is still part of his plan. If he develops an artificial animal devil fruit, even if the Beast Pirates have developed it, there will still be a big gap. He needs to get it from him. trade.

In this way, there are three sea emperors standing behind him. Even if the world government wants to touch him, it has to think twice.

In the battle pyramid, in a battle field, a young and tall girl with long blue hair, holding a Western sword, was fighting with her opponent with a sharp attack, and a cold edge flashed on the sword.

His opponent's arms were covered with Armed Color Haki, and he fought seriously, and did not dare to underestimate the girl in front of him who had not even awakened the Armed Color yet.

The previous series of battles have shown how powerful she is, with powerful swordsmanship, knowledge, speed and strength. Even without armed color and domineering, she can still fight with him.

The strength of the two is about the same, and it depends more on the fighting consciousness of both sides.

The one currently fighting is Esdeath, the strongest rising star in the Night Pirates today.

Every battle was very difficult for Esdeath, and Esdeath also experienced many defeats, but this only made her more excited.

The most eye-catching thing is Esdeath's astonishing speed of progress. He becomes stronger in battle, breaks through, and fights up from the bottom step by step.

There is a sense of instant vision of watching the opponent grow. Therefore, Esdeath has a great reputation within the battle pyramid.

Chasing stars exists in every world, but in different forms.

As the battle continued, as Esdeath's breathing became heavier, his opponent seized the opportunity, blocked Esdeath's sword with one hand, and at the same time kicked out, directly hitting Esdeath's waist.

Esdeath flew backwards, flipped twice in the air, slid her legs back on the ground, leaned forward, and stopped steadily. She looked at her opponent with sharp eyes and her body was as fast as an arrow. dash forward.

Time passed quickly and Esdeath was defeated, but his opponent did not fare well either and suffered considerable physical injuries.

Shaking his body and standing up despite the pain, Esdeath looked at his opponent, "I will challenge you again next time." After saying that, Esdeath turned and left, preparing to receive treatment to let his body speed up recover.

His opponent looked at Esdeath's leaving figure and couldn't help but smile bitterly. He knew that he would no longer be Esdeath's opponent soon. He had already seen many such monsters and their astonishing speed of increasing strength. Esdeath is one of the best.

You must know that it took him six years to get from the bottom to the fourteenth floor. This is not bad in the battle pyramid, but compared with those monsters, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Esdeath left amid cheers from all around, and at the same time, the members of the Night Pirates were also watching secretly.

"You're growing so fast. You'll be able to reach the top in a few years, right?"

Although Esdeath has amazing potential, she still has the body of an ordinary person. Her physical growth is limited due to her age, and she will soon reach a period of rapid growth in strength. At that time, the speed of her strength improvement will be further accelerated.

Especially after mastering Armament Haki, your strength will skyrocket.

"There are many Devil Fruits to choose from inside, and the Lord also has powerful abilities, but she has taken a liking to the Temperature Fruit and feels that the Temperature Fruit is more suitable for her." Gal folded his arms and said solemnly.

"Does she like high temperatures? Doesn't it look like it?" A member on one side was a little confused, "I remember that she has lived on a cold island since she was a child."

"Why can't it be low temperature?" Gal explained softly, "The zero degree of the temperature fruit is not zero in the broad sense, but absolute zero. It not only reaches the extreme in high temperature, but also reaches the extreme in low temperature. This is the real temperature fruit. , but we only introduced one aspect of it.”

He brought Esdeath back. Before Esdeath grew up, he took care of him. Although he had his own responsibilities, as one of the Night Demons, many people had to help him with the things under his protection, not to mention what he was doing. The legion he led also had twenty deputy commanders.

So they have a lot of freedom to a certain extent.

Even in the Battle Pyramid, there is a need to protect to a certain extent, especially for young monsters like Esdeath who have shown amazing potential to become the Demon King.

However, the days of being a nanny will last until Esdeath grows up. When she is seventeen or eighteen years old, if she eats a powerful Devil Fruit, she will be a strong person in the new world.

In the final analysis, Esdeath is still worthy of the protection of the Night Pirates. At the same time, Gar is also Esdeath's teacher, providing guidance in combat, physical training, and armed color Haki. He will also teach Esdeath at the right time. Des awakening mastery, and the use of techniques.

Through the hard work of battle, the accumulation of training, and the guidance of teachers, only in this way can we avoid detours, improve our strength and develop our potential at a faster speed.

Van Oka was taught by Cos, and Bashas also practiced with Clemons. While Poison Q was improving his strength, he was also learning medical skills and studying bacteria in the research base.

Some other outstanding members will also be arranged to study. Without studying, it will be difficult to improve their strength by simply fighting.

The competition for the Temperature Fruit in the Battle Pyramid is very fierce, and it is difficult to obtain a total of 1,500 points. Even now, more than two years have passed, the person with the highest points has 1,260 points, and the remaining two hundred and fourteen It is more difficult to accumulate ten points, and you need to ensure the improvement of your own strength to win more victories.

The treasure at the top of the pyramid is prepared for these geniuses.

There is no time limit for those at the bottom to challenge those at the top, and they cannot refuse, so those who grow faster will also accumulate points faster.

The person at the top cannot take the initiative to challenge the person at the bottom, and can only wait for the people behind to challenge him. If no one challenges him for a period of time, and he does not challenge the person at the top, he will be randomly assigned an opponent.

This time is usually one month, so the later you go, the slower the points accumulate.

It is precisely because of this system that it can prevent strong people from taking advantage of loopholes to quickly accumulate points, and it also has enough time for Esdeath to catch up.

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