Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy-three laser cannon missiles

In the fifth month of the nautical calendar year 1511, the war between the Navy and the Beast Pirates began again, attracting countless attention in the slightly calm new world.

Times have changed, and major events are not as frequent as they were years ago. This makes many people feel a little uncomfortable and bored, and hope that the big forces on the sea will cause trouble.

This is a relatively common psychology.

Of course, the sea has never been truly calm. The rise of the Four Seas, the Four Seas Alliance, and the Four Seas Tritons have begun to show their extraordinary influence through public opinion and images.

Although the new world is chaotic, this chaos is widespread and not large in scale.

For this battle, countless people had expectations. The first battle ended with the Beast Pirates' Red Devil virus becoming famous all over the world and the navy's defeat.

What about this battle?

Precisely because this is the second battle and with the experience of the first battle, the final outcome is unpredictable and even more difficult to guess.

Some people think that the Beast Pirates will win, while others support the navy. Casinos around the world have already opened, betting on the outcome of this battle. Whether it is a win, a loss, or a tie, there are countless people betting on it.

The war is about to begin, Beast Kaido returns, and the Beast Pirates' iron-like defense line has been established, waiting for the arrival of the navy.

In order to win the war, no matter how many methods are used, it is worth it. Facing the navy again, the Beast Pirates still have strong confidence.

A longer time is enough for them to build more forts and maximize the effectiveness of arms in war.

Moreover, Quinn's method only used the Red Devil virus in previous wars. Plague bombs, mummies, and various other dangerous biological and chemical weapons have not been used yet.

Yamato, Krell and others who did not appear in the previous war will also appear in this battle.

The navy was better prepared, as were they, and had the advantage of homeland and defensive fortresses.

The expansion over the years, whether it is the battle to become an emperor against the established overlord, the Golden Sea Battle, the war between the New World and the Navy, or the battle for territory with the Whitebeard Pirates, have given the Beast Pirates great confidence.

The navy wants to frighten the sea;

The Beast Pirates also want to spread their power, but which side is better? We need to wait until the war actually begins to know.

The general lineup of the navy is similar to last time. After making up for the losses, the 30,000-strong army has reached 50,000, which is very powerful in terms of momentum.

There are no changes in the high-end combat personnel, but there are a few more strong men. Ghost Spider and Mole are all powerful beings among the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters. There is also Garp’s deputy general, Bogart, who has powerful A powerful navy.

He was a member of the Marine Corps many years ago. He could be a candidate for the grand prize at any time if he wanted, but he was willing to be Garp's adjutant.

The existence of Bogart, who is comparable to the top combat power, is enough to break the balance, and this is where the Navy's real confidence in the victory of the war lies.

The navy's information is not very secretive, and the latest lineup information was learned by the Beast Pirates.

Garp and Sakaski, the two top combat powers, plus Bogart, who is comparable to the top combat power, including He, the quasi-admiral level combat power, there are six Vice Admirals besides He and Garp. Bit.

Together with Novoa and Vergo, they have two cp0s.

The lineup is huge, and it can be said that they are rushing to destroy the Beast Pirates.

But in terms of high-end combat power, the Beasts Pirates are still not weaker than the Navy. There are also affiliated pirate groups, and the advantage will be even greater. In the last battle, this advantage was not fully exerted, and the Navy was frightened by the Red Devil Virus. retreat.

The only thing lacking is the gap in top combat power.

This is what the Beasts Pirates need to solve, strategic deployment issues, how to maximize their own advantages. If something goes wrong, it will cause great losses to the Beasts Pirates.

Kaido still has no problem against Garp. Kaido is the only one in the Beast Pirates who can resist Garp.

Whether it's against Sakaski or Bogart, Gates has a big disadvantage.

Bogart needs to be left to Jhin to deal with, then Sakaski can only be handed over to Omen. He alone is not enough. Sakaski's strength is terrifying. In the war with the Flying Pirates, a All the reborn pirates died in Sakaski's hands, and one person was needed to assist Omen to successfully hold Sakaski back.

After some thinking, they chose Laimer, and it was enough for the two disasters to join forces to deal with Sakaski.

In addition, one of the Beast Pirates' two precious ancient Devil Fruits finally belongs to them.

A pirate named Houston escaped from the Beast Pirates. Without eating the Devil Fruit, he used his own strength to gain recognition from Beast Kaido and obtained the ancient species Crocodile. Fruit·Pig-crocodile form.

This is a pirate who worships Kaido of all beasts. He goes to sea because of his worship of Kaido.

This kind of situation is not uncommon on the sea. As the famous sea emperor, many people worship, respect and fear him.

There are even more pirates who are inspired by the experience of the Night Pirates and go to sea.

The huge reputation can attract a steady stream of followers. Even if the Night Pirates do nothing, their power will continue to expand.

This adds another powerful fighter to the Beast Pirates.

It also seems to be clear that the war is not over yet, it is still the original battlefield, and the land made of solidified magma has not disappeared and has been cleared by the Beast Pirates.

The battlefield is somewhat dilapidated, and you can vaguely see traces of the battles and artillery attacks a few months ago, as well as countless craters on the ground.

The advantage of the previous battle has increased the power of the Beasts Pirates a lot. It is obvious that the number of pirates joining the Beasts Pirates is more than before.


With the sound of artillery fire, the war between the Navy and the Beast Pirates began. Facing the fast-attacking Navy, a powerful firepower offensive was the first greeting gift.

Even a strong person can die from a small bullet.

Countless cannonballs covered the sky and fell rapidly from the sky.

It was mixed with plague bombs, red devil smoke, and mummy smoke.

The whole scene is thrilling. Just one attack seems to be able to easily kill a city and wipe out a kingdom.

The fire suppression of the Beast Pirates was much more fierce than expected, and it was more oppressive than last time.

The steel wall in front kept pushing forward, resisting the cannonballs and approaching like a fortress.

The strong men in the navy took action one after another, kicking and slashing with swords, and most of the cannonballs falling from the sky were intercepted.

The strong ones opened the way in front, taking the lead, driving the navy behind.

Every navy was injected with an antidote before the war started. At first, they were a little scared when facing the red smoke. But after they found out that they were fine, they were fearless and went straight through the red smoke to fight with the members of the Beast Pirates. .

Considering the other powerful biochemical weapons of the Beast Pirates, the antidote produced by the navy has a comprehensive effect, mainly targeting the Red Devil virus, and it is also highly resistant to other biochemical viruses.

In addition to the steel walls that resisted the artillery fire, the navy's firepower was also very powerful. Cannonballs were shot out one after another and landed in the area near the fortress where the members of the Beast Pirates were mainly located.

The high-tech weapons on the warships attracted the attention of others. They looked similar to cannonballs, but some scientists knew what kind of weapons they were, energy weapons, just by looking at them.

Taking advantage of the height of the battleship, these weapons were aimed at the steel fortress of the Beast Pirates.

The next moment, powerful power condensed, and a golden light visible to the naked eye flashed at the muzzle for almost five seconds.

Golden laser beams shot straight out, spanning a kilometer distance and landing directly on the steel fortress of the Beast Pirates.

The huge explosion affected a huge area, and many members of the Beast Pirates were engulfed by the golden light, or were knocked away by the terrifying force.

This power and effect are more than ten times more terrifying than cannonballs, especially the powerful penetrating power. Most pirates dare not resist it. Even armed Haki will be injured.

The wall of the steel fortress was directly punched with a large hole by the laser cannon, which melted under the high temperature of the laser.

This is the laser cannon, a weapon developed by the Naval Science Department through the Porusalino Shining Fruit. It is not perfect yet and takes too long to charge.

This is just one part of the ultimate weapon that the Ministry of Science wants to research. In order to increase the chance of winning and at the same time demonstrate the technology to shock the sea, the Navy and the World Government took it out in advance.

In the eyes of many people who don't understand lasers, they are an imitation of the ancient weapon King of Heaven by the world government. In essence, they are not much different. They are all energy weapons.

In the sea, lasers are indeed relatively rare weapons, but for top scientists, this technology can be produced.

Quinn alone knows this technology. As a modified person, he can shoot laser cannons from his body. Although the power may not be comparable, it is completely instantaneous and is many times better than the navy's laser cannon.

This is somewhat intriguing. With Vegapunk's wisdom and technology, things like laser cannons must have been developed long ago, and there is no need to rely on the ability of the Sparkling Fruit.

The Night Pirates obtained the weapons invention documents left by Vegapunk from the two huge scientific research institutes on the island that once belonged to Vegapunk. They were all Vegapunk's manuscripts about high technology. Research on lethal weapons.

Although the weapons brought out by the navy today are shocking, they are a bit ridiculous to some people. If Vegapunk is really serious, it is completely capable of creating weapons hundreds of times more powerful than laser cannons.

It seems that Vegapunk and the World Government are not of the same mind. They are completely hiding it and are not serving the World Government wholeheartedly.

Needless to say, the Night Pirates need not mention this. Although the Vinsmoke family prefers human body modification in terms of technology, if they want to and spend some time, the Germa Kingdom can also produce laser cannons.

But they have a tacit agreement not to reveal this kind of thing. Since Vegapunk is not of the same mind as the World Government, it is in their interest to maintain the status quo.

"Hoo ho, laser cannon? Look at my Wolf missile!" Quinn didn't care about the slight loss. He was also very confident in weapons manufacturing.

"Young men, use missiles to destroy those laser cannons and the warships!"

From behind the steel fortress, Wolfhead missiles were shot out one after another, with flames burning at the tail, quickly pushing the missiles forward towards the target, dozens of warships in the navy.

The Wolf Head missile flies rapidly in the sky. Under the action of the propulsion device, the range is far beyond that of artillery shells. Even for laser cannons, a few kilometers may be the limit.

Along with the navy's laser cannon, the weapons displayed by the Beast Pirates also attracted attention. The camera of the reporter bird was flexibly aimed at the fast-flying missiles.

The precise strikes of the missiles were aimed at the laser cannon weapons on those warships.

"Block them." These flying missiles made He's face change. She had never expected that such a weapon could have such a wide range, and the power of the missiles was not weak. She knew it without guessing.

There were not many powerful forces left behind, and the speed of the missiles was much faster than expected.

"Wash!" With a colorful display of power, Crane used the ability to wash fruits, forming a barrier in front of the missiles.

The fruit of washing, which can even wash away the soul, can naturally wash away the power.

The missiles landed on the barrier, and the forward force was weakened, but the power behind them was still pushing them.

Next, something surprising happened. The missile deflected and flew through the barrier toward the rear of the warship. This seemed to be the end.

However, the direction of the missile was seen turning downward in the air, flying straight towards the laser cannon on the warship.

Even He was caught off guard by this spiritual turn. By the time she reacted, it was already too late. Her ability was only enough to protect half of the warships.


The missile hit the target and exploded directly. The power of the explosion was very terrifying, and the violent flames directly engulfed half of the warship.

This was not an explosion of one warship, but more than twenty, and the warships were very close to each other.

The sturdy warship was directly blown to pieces by the horrific explosion. This scene was too shocking.

It was as if I saw dozens of fireballs blooming in an instant, and the sea was rough.

Crane's face darkened, and the barrier created by the washed fruits changed, and he swatted the remaining missiles toward the distant sea like a palm.

The missile fell into the sea and had no time to turn. The next moment, an astonishing explosion erupted from under the sea. The sea surface exploded, splashing large waves. The second wave of explosions erupted again. Thanks to the crane's reaction, the explosion did not affect the remaining people. Battleship.

"This is a tracking missile. It won't stop until it hits the target." Quinn laughed excitedly when he saw the effect of his weapon, which directly destroyed more than 20 warships in the Navy. Such a record , amazing enough.

Tracking missiles sounds scary. The power of the missiles can be seen, and the most important thing is that they can track. I didn't expect that the Beasts Pirates would have such powerful weapons.

"Don't think it's too scary. This missile only tracks coordinates, not moving objects." In the Night Pirates, Otto saw at a glance the details of Quinn's tracking missile, and that he couldn't sense life.

In other words, the tracking effect of this missile can be said to be wherever it hits.

"Advisor He still doesn't understand the effect of this weapon. The ability to wash the fruit has little effect on it to a certain extent. If an iron wall blocks the front, it can cause the missile to detonate in advance, but the power gained from the washing fruit will not It did not give the missile enough impact to detonate, which was also the reason for the subsequent turn."

Otto explained that he was also very concerned about this battle. After all, Quinn was a top scientist who had worked with his father, and he also wanted to see what inventions other scientists would come up with.

Otto, the navy's laser cannon, didn't take it seriously at all. The Night Pirates with the King in their hands could create energy weapons hundreds or thousands of times more powerful at any time.

However, missiles have some merits. A large number of missiles can completely cover an entire area, and their efficiency and power far exceed the Navy's Demon-Slaying Order.

Teach, on the other hand, has seen more. Facing the powerful weapons displayed by the Beast Pirates and the World Government, other kingdoms will not feel at ease, especially Shihai, which can have a greater effect in the war.

With such weapons, even those who have learned the Sixth Form of the Navy may die if faced with these weapons.

After seeing the power of these weapons, they naturally want to own, buy and manufacture them. This is much faster in terms of cost performance than cultivating strong men. As long as they have technology, powerful weapons can be manufactured in batches like warships.

The more potential impact is on those scientists and weapons manufacturing experts who are more valued.

However, the emergence of these weapons will not pose any threat to high-end combat power and top-level combat power, but the war may change in the future, with these powerful weapons as the mainstay.

This is the trend. The future development trend of the sea will not happen suddenly, but will require a process that will take many years.

War can promote the development and progress of technology.

Seeing these powerful weapons made some people realize that humans can create such powerful weapons. When thinking of the terrifying ancient weapon king, wasn't it also made by humans?

Times seem to have changed, and the pattern of strength being respected has not changed. However, powerful technological weapons can defeat the weak, deter pirates, and defend their homeland. Especially for the kingdom, such weapons are the most cost-effective.

All of a sudden, many kingdoms took action, and the Four Seas Alliance planned to gather scientists to study these powerful technological weapons. If others have it but I don't have it, I always feel insecure.

But it has no impact on the Night Pirates at all. The Night Pirates have mastered the most advanced technology. With the transformed King in hand, no one is afraid.

The Night Pirates now attach most importance to scientists who have researched genes and biology. Super genetic medicine, human evolution, and the improvement of life levels are the future.

On the sea, the captain of a pirate ship looked at the laser cannons and missiles in the image, and then looked at the artillery that he was proud of and bought at a huge price from the black market. He suddenly felt bad.

The gap is too big. Artillery used to be so powerful, but now, in comparison, why do they feel so low?

Many people have this feeling, not only those in the kingdom, but also a large number of pirates who feel that it is unreal.

Today's pirates not only need to improve their strength, but also improve their technology?

Technology is not something everyone can afford. Among the pirates now, there are only the Beasts Pirates and the Night Pirates. Overall, the impact on them is not that big.

Even if some kingdoms want to do research, without a large number of scientists, decades of research and tens of billions of investments are not enough. It is more affordable to spend money to buy it.

Like the Night Pirates, they also obtained the technology of Vegapunk Research Base, part of the moon technology, all the technology of the Drum Kingdom, etc., standing on the shoulders of giants, relying on the principle of appropriation, with the help of a large amount of money and talents Only with support can we develop to this level in a short period of time, directly through plunder, spanning a long period of primitive accumulation.

The power of the missile is somewhat astonishing, but the cost is also staggering, and the Beasts Pirates dare not squander it.

After all, Quinn also knew the flaws of the missile. If it weren't for the navy's laser cannon, which posed a great threat to them, Quinn wouldn't have put out this technologically imperfect result compared to his ideal.

Although a missile is very powerful, it is best used against things like warships and buildings that are not easy to move, such as fortresses.

How many people can be killed by using it against an ordinary navy? People will avoid it, and the damage caused is completely inconsistent with the consumption. No matter how much money you have, it can't be wasted like that.

The effect was very obvious, destroying nearly half of the navy's warships at once.

In comparison, the navy's losses were undoubtedly greater. Some people were left on the warships, and most of them died in the missile explosion.

The war is still going on, but under the deterrence of both sides' ultra-long-range weapons, neither side dares to use laser cannons and missiles to attack the enemy's rear.

Krell, who has grown up, performed brilliantly on the battlefield. His figure shuttled past, and the terrifying cold air was released. The surrounding navy was all frozen, and he quickly harvested lives.

Soon Novoa stood in front of him, and the high-temperature steam contained his killing pace. The two of them fought together, one hot and one cold.

Laimer and Omen dealt with Sakaski, and Novoa naturally had his hands free.

A rising star in the navy, a user with natural devil fruit abilities. At only twenty-one years old, he possesses great strength and will soon become a monster of a vice-admiral.

A rising pirate star, an important member of the Beast Pirates, and a user of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit ability. He is only twenty-three years old and also has the name of a monster.

The battle between the two was eye-catching and intense.

The collision of cold and heat, the collision of ice and cold, whether it is cold steam or hot steam, are all displayed to the extreme in Novoa's hands.

As for Krell, as a phantom beast, he has been developing the abilities of the phantom beast while improving himself. He has also gone a long way on the road of ice and cold.

The battle between the two, with their powerful abilities, was no less effective than the battle between other strong men. In terms of flexibility and large-scale damage, it was even more intense.

No one dared to disturb them at all, and the few who got too close had turned into ice sculptures standing there.

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