Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy-four trap cracked

In addition, Kaido's daughter Yamato performed extremely well on the battlefield, holding a mace and sweeping across the battlefield.

Her opponent is Vice Admiral Mole, who possesses the powerful ability of a fantasy beast species, a naturally powerful physique, and has been taught by Jhin and Kaido.

This is a young monster who possesses two-color domineering energy and is definitely the strongest among his age.

In head-on combat, even Tikki couldn't compare with him. Tikki's main strength at that time was his Haki.

Of course, this is without Ares.

The White Tiger Fruit, a species of phantom beast, possesses the power of thunder, wind, and sound waves. It is somewhat similar to Kaido's abilities, except that the sound waves and flames are different.

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato perfectly inherited Kaido's fighting skills.

The mace wrapped with thunder and lightning swung at the mole at an extremely fast speed. Such speed made it impossible for the mole to dodge and could only resist it head-on.

Yamato's eyes flashed with thick flames of war, and the White Tiger Palm was killing. Affected by the fruit's ability, she naturally became a little belligerent, completely turning into a human-animal form, with long gradient hair flying. She only has one thought now, and that is Defeat the navy in front of you.

But Mole's strength is not weak, and his strength has not yet reached its peak. Now he is among the top group of vice admirals in the navy. After some years of accumulation, he can reach the level of quasi-admiral. If he can still get one Powerful, suitable for his fruit ability, he might even become a top combat power.

He wanted to kill the big threat in front of him, but it was difficult to do so because the person in front of him was a real monster with amazing fighting awareness and skills.

The battle between the two was somewhat evenly matched.

Yamato was a little excited. This was her first time on the battlefield. In the past, she had fought as a member of the pirate group. Those who were more powerful basically had some reserve when facing her. Their attacks looked fierce, but in fact The force has been controlled so that she will not be seriously injured.

Although the navy in front of her may not be comparable to her uncles in terms of strength, his fighting style is also somewhat different, more agile, and much weaker in strength.

But this was the first time she felt the strong murderous intention.

The deadly edge made her blood boil.

Quinn's opponent is still the CP0. With the experience of the last battle, this CP0 is very careful to avoid being caught by Quinn's mechanical claws and has difficulty breaking free. Not to mention, Quinn doesn't know what he will do to him. s method.

Just the antidote could not make him feel at ease. His mission was to hold back Quinn, a powerful fighter. After all, he wanted to kill Quinn, who had a terrible vitality, but he thought he could not do it.

Quinn, on the other hand, was sneering in his heart. He knew that this CP0 would soon be infected by the Red Devil virus again.

Without CP0 being able to see it, Quinn's mechanical weapons were all smeared with the Red Devil virus.

During this period, Quinn did not do anything. When he could not improve the Red Devil virus, he researched factors that enhance the activity of the Red Devil virus.

In other words, the Red Devil virus can survive longer. What is more obvious is that the Red Devil smoke can only stay in the air for three seconds before dying and disappearing into the air, but now this time has increased to five seconds.

The longer it stays, especially on the battlefield, the stronger the effect will naturally be.

At the same time, Quinn's body was transformed to have steel-like defense. In order to be able to use the Red Devil Virus in battle and enhance his own strength, Quinn also transformed his body.

His arms are thicker, and a layer of artificial flesh is artificially added to the outside of the arms. The Red Devil virus lives in these artificial flesh.

By using a special method to isolate this layer of flesh and blood from his own body, he will not be affected by the Red Devil Virus. Even if it is affected, it doesn't matter. There are many antidotes backed up in his body.

The Red Devil virus was parasitic and in artificial flesh and blood. While keeping the virus alive, its activity was suppressed to the extreme, but it did not die.

Once there is flesh-to-blood contact, or even close proximity, these red devil viruses will become excited and invade the enemy's body without others knowing.

Because the skin surface has been specially modified and the activity of the Red Devil virus has been suppressed, the iconic red color does not appear, like a devil.

This is the battle of scientists. War is an intelligence war, and the same is true for battle. At this point, Quinn already has an absolute advantage.

As the battle continued, there was a lot of contact between the two sides. Now in terms of high-end combat power, due to layout reasons, the two sides maintained a balance.

But the balance will soon be disturbed, just by the Red Devils virus.

There is a huge gap in casualties between the two sides. The navy's losses are more than twice those of the Beasts Pirates. This is to be expected. The Beasts Pirates' steel fortress is not a vegetarian, and no navy has yet boarded the fortress.

Most of them died under the powerful firepower of the Beast Pirates.

With the advancement of the rear navy, the large naval force and the Beast Pirates fought together. The battlefield completely shifted to the steel fortress. The Beast Pirates did not dare to use firepower offensive anymore because it would hurt their own people.

For the Navy, the most difficult part is over, and the next step is the frontal battle.

Without the suppression of firepower, these navies are undoubtedly much more relaxed and can focus on fighting.

The dose of antidote was sufficient, and it was beyond Quinn's expectation that he could last for such a long time.

The CP0 in front of him was vaguely aware of Quinn's movements during the battle, but he was just more careful.

Suddenly, his expression changed. Although he couldn't see clearly with the mask on, a familiar feeling spread from his body again.

This was too sudden, and his body suddenly became stiff. Quinn, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, seized the opportunity and grabbed his body with powerful mechanical claws.

The familiar red color spread over his body, and soon half of his body turned into the appearance of a red devil.

His body instinctively struggled desperately to break away from Quinn's mechanical claws. At this time, he realized that the antidote was useful, but it could not completely eliminate the Red Devil virus.

Although this guess was wrong, he made the best choice he could do now and gave up control of his body. The Red Devil virus quickly spread throughout his body.

Controlling the Red Devil Virus prevented him from using all his strength. The only way to escape was to let the Red Devil Virus control his body.

cp0 transformed into a red devil. While struggling, he also wanted to remind others. He wanted to speak but couldn't because his neck was clamped by the small claws extending out of Quinn's mechanical claws.

There was smoke all around, and Quinn was well prepared. He didn't want the Navy to know the news too early. The moment he discovered that the CP0 Red Devil virus started to attack, two smoke bombs fell from nowhere on his body.

The white smoke covered a large area in just a few seconds, making it impossible for the navy and the Beast Pirates in the distance to see the battle between the two.

This time, Quinn, who has been transformed again, is no longer afraid of the Red Devil virus, so he will naturally not throw CP0 over.

CP0 resisted desperately. Under the influence of the Red Devil Virus, his strength was exerted to the extreme, or it was consuming his own potential and vitality. The Red Devil Virus itself was extremely draining on the body.

The mechanical claws created by Quinn were actually trembling, and this was even when he was using Armament Haki.

He knew that he couldn't drag it on. No matter how hard the material of the mechanical claw was, it would only be a matter of time for a strong person to destroy it.

Now he has to cut off a powerful combat force of the Navy first. Reputation on the sea depends on achievements. Quinn naturally has vanity. He is not as good as Jhin in terms of hard power. With the Red Devil Virus and the addition of killing one Maybe the cp0 record will be comparable to that of Yajin, and then he can show off in front of this cold-faced man.

The pure power was brought to its extreme under the influence of the Red Devil Virus, but the body could no longer be controlled, and the two-color domineering nature could not be used. At this time, CP0 was just a squishie in front of Quinn.

Quinn's body contains a large number of weapons, especially his most mechanized left arm.

In the middle of the mechanical claw, a high-speed rotating drill bit slowly protruded from a round hole and penetrated directly into CP0's neck. CP0 lost his life in an instant.

The body fell to the ground, and Quinn shook off the blood stained on the mechanical claw with disdain.

Seeing that the time is almost up, the plan can begin. This is a plan specially formulated by the Beast Pirates with the help of the characteristics of the Red Devil Virus mentioned by Quinn.

The outbreak of this cp0 Red Devil virus took a long time, and other navies will definitely need to be exposed to more Red Devil viruses before they can break out.

Today, the Beasts Pirates are still using Red Devil Smoke, but both sides don't care at all. The members of the Beasts Pirates also took the antidote before the war.

The outbreak of the Navy must be faster than that of the Beast Pirates. Based on this time difference, in order to prevent the outbreak of the Red Devil virus from affecting our own people.

Quinn secretly pressed a button, and the alarm sounded throughout the steel fortress, allowing everyone on the battlefield to hear it.

Some people's eyes fell on the steel fortress, and they saw the gate of the steel fortress open, open the door, and release the beast.

Countless ferocious beasts rushed towards the battlefield as if breaking free from a cage, passing over the members of the Beasts Pirates, opening their big mouths and biting directly towards the navy.

This was actually a signal, and the members of the Beast Pirates took the opportunity to retreat. At the same time, more red smoke fell from the sky and fell on the battlefield.

As the members of the Beast Pirates retreated, the powerful firepower offensive that had stopped on the steel fortress started again, including the navy and the beasts.

For these beasts, they don't feel bad when they die. There are too many and they need to consume some.

He looked at the situation on the battlefield from a distance and was keenly aware that the members of the Beast Pirates were retreating, but he didn't know what the Beast Pirates were going to do.

With the ferocious beasts to contain and fight, and the powerful firepower on the high wall, the Beast Pirates' losses have been greatly reduced, while the navy's losses have been rising rapidly.

She knew that this was not going to work, as the firepower and these beasts alone could cause huge losses to the navy.

At the same time, she felt that the Beasts Pirates had some hidden plans.

In the previous battle, the Beast Pirates did not use their beast legion, but that does not mean that they will not use it, they just need to find the most suitable time.

Now that the Beast Legion is out again, the scene of the Wano warriors being wantonly killed many years ago seems to be vivid in our minds.

Is the Navy going to make the same mistake again?

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the Navy to show any trump cards, the situation cannot be reversed, and the losses cannot be reduced.

Novoa took action immediately, broke away from the battle with Krell, and quickly flew towards the Steel Fortress.

"Steam·Extreme Cold Storm!"

The steam power in his body exploded rapidly, draining his physical strength.

A large amount of cold steam was released from his body and spread around.

The temperature of the air dropped sharply, and wherever the steam passed, the bodies of the beasts stiffened, their blood coagulated, and they died under the cold air.

With a wide range of moves, the wide open door on the steel fortress was directly blocked by ice. Even the cold air passed through the door under the control of Novoa and invaded the inside of the steel fortress. Even above the steel fortress, a large area was affected.

Many members of the Beast Pirates were directly affected within this area.

This powerful move directly curbed the Beast Legion of the Beast Pirates. Only a small number of beasts escaped, and most of them were confined inside the steel fortress.

Novoa's move directly reversed the situation that would have caused the navy to suffer massive losses.

People secretly clapped and applauded, and his reputation within the navy suddenly increased. I don't know how many navy lives were saved.

Krell didn't expect that Novoa could have this trick, but there was nothing he could do about it. Novoa could fly, and he couldn't stop him if he wanted to leave. He quickly appeared in front of Novoa and launched a fierce offensive. Fight towards Novoa.

"Continue, don't stop!" Quinn's voice sounded. At this time, the smoke had dissipated, and the corpse of CP0 was lying on the ground. This situation greatly increased the morale of the Beast Pirates. Originally, whether it was above the fortress or under the fortress Some of the chaotic situation suddenly disappeared.

CP0 is dead. This is the first high-end combat force to be sacrificed in this war. It brings a huge shock to people. The most important thing is, how did he die?

Thinking of the white smoke before, Quinn didn't want cp0's death to be seen, indicating that cp0's death was not normal.

He thought of this immediately, and when she saw the red mist that filled the battlefield, she suddenly understood.

Although we still don’t know what the cause is, it must be related to the Red Devil virus.

Looking at the actions of the members of the Beasts Pirates, they retreated to an area where the Red Devil's smoke could not reach. This shows that even the antidote cannot perfectly solve the Red Devil virus.

Realizing this, He didn't hesitate and directly set off the retreat alarm.

Following the Beast Pirates, the Navy also launched an alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, a large number of Marines began to retreat and hide behind steel walls.

This situation makes people feel a little confused. Since the Beast Legion of the Beast Pirates has been resisted and a small number of beasts have been killed, why does the navy have to retreat?

Finally, in the diffuse red smoke, a navy man felt something strange in his body, and his face changed drastically, "No, the virus has broken out again, please stay away from me."

Hearing his companion's words, the other marines distanced themselves from him with frightened expressions.

This is still the beginning. With the release and contact of the Red Devil smoke, the antidote in these marines' bodies is gradually exhausted in the fight against the virus, and they are unable to resist the Red Devil virus.

The outbreak period has arrived, the Red Devil virus gradually broke out, and more and more navy began to turn into the feared Red Devil.

This time, the navy already knew the effects of the Red Devil virus, and quickly moved away and retreated, without any casualties for a while.

The navy infected with the Red Devil virus chased after them.

"Wash and purify!" The colorful energy spread rapidly, covering a small battlefield, and swept past the navy infected with the Red Devil virus, directly washing away the virus in their bodies and returning them to their original state.

This time He discovered the problem in advance and brought it in time. If the problem had been discovered later, the Red Devil virus would have spread very quickly. By then it would have been too late and there would have been a lot of casualties.

The Red Devil virus developed again, and it was like a thorn stuck in the throat, unable to continue fighting.

"What a pity." The navy retreated. The one who felt the most pity was the Beast Pirates, especially Krell, because he personally formulated this plan.

Once successful, as they expected, most of the 50,000 navy could be left behind. The beast army, arms suppression, and the chaos caused by the Red Devil virus would make them kill each other. After that, those who had taken the antidote again would If the Beast Pirates pursue him, they can decide the outcome in one battle.

But Novoa's outbreak, the navy's timely retreat, and Crane's reaction failed their plan.

"As expected of a staff officer!"

Whether it's Novoa's outburst or He's wisdom, they are both crucial.

This battle ended like this, but the impact it brought caused people to talk about it. The Red Devil virus broke out again in the navy camp, which made some people see that the Beast Pirates had some hidden conspiracy.

This war is not only a battle of strength, but also a battle of wisdom on both sides.

The Beast Pirates set up a series of extremely dangerous schemes, but they were all solved by the navy in time.

This battle greatly increased the reputation of the four of them. Krell, the brains of the Beast Pirates who formulated the plan, and Crane, the Navy's chief staff officer, saw through the Beast Pirates' trap in time.

Quinn, who single-handedly killed CP0 and the Red Devil virus was not completely cracked, reacted in time to stop the Beasts Pirates, the Beast Legion, and showed off Novoa's powerful moves.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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