Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy-six: Changes in the Country of Harmony

The country of Wano has experienced the founding of the country and the governance of General Kozuki Oden, and the overall appearance is prosperous.

But in recent times, there has been a secret trend. The samurai's searches have revealed traces of ninjas from time to time. Especially the residents of the Flower City, they can feel that something is happening inside the country of Wano, in a place they don't know. Bad things.

Compared with the previous Wano Country, they could easily see the frequent changes in the General's Mansion, and the more obvious signs were signs of fighting.

Moreover, the secrecy work of the General Office is not very good. The administration of Wano Country has not changed much from the past. Compared with the outside system, it is simpler and less rigorous, which also leads to the leakage of some intelligence.

This is the drawback of Wano's isolation from the country for hundreds of years, and it is very difficult to change it in a short period of time.

The generals and daimyo of Wano each ruled their own territory. With the founding of Wano, various things happened.

A few years before Wano discovered that the World Government had infiltrated them, the World Government had obtained a lot of intelligence about Wano.

Even the location of the signpost stone has been determined. The only difficulty is how to capture the signpost stone.

The signpost stone is hidden in the underground of the Wano Shogun's Mansion. It is guarded by powerful samurai and stored in a secret room made of Kailou Stone. The only key to open the secret room is protected by the Wano General Kozuki Oden.

What seems to be the most critical key to Wano Country is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the World Government. Some special ability users can easily create the key to open the cage.

On the contrary, the General's Mansion, where powerful men gather, is the most troublesome to the World Government, like a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

With the exposure of the World Government, the guards at the General's Mansion increased several times and their strength doubled.

This is also because the World Government was too careless and underestimated the intelligence power of Wano, the legendary ninja.

If many of their arrangements in Wano were to be cut off, there would be considerable losses.

The World Government had previously carried out a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and the signpost stone was almost taken away by the World Government. Wano Country became more vigilant and careful about the World Government.

The exposure of the World Government's infiltration of Wano and the vigorous training of Wano ninjas made the battle between the two parties even more intense.

Occasionally, World Government agents are exposed,

It is basically impossible to escape. This is the territory of Wano. Even if you hide in the wilderness, you can find it with a lot of effort. The battle between the two sides caused great damage, and even many residents of Wano were affected. .

Flower City is a top priority in the secret war between the two sides. The constant turmoil has made the residents of Flower City very unsettled. They even go out less. The original prosperous scene has become a bit depressed, and some residents have even moved away from Flower City. Either way, go to other areas with fewer accidents.

After the battle with Kaido and the disastrous defeat in the war with the Beast Pirates, Kozuki Oden returned to Wano and began to sharpen his sword.

After all, with the founding of the country of Wano, he was a little lax, or there were so many things on his mind that he had no time to think about improving his strength.

Moreover, he has basically reached his peak, and it is difficult to further improve his strength.

The defeat against Kaido and the sacrifice of a large number of samurai made Kozuki Oden sober up and realize his lack of strength.

Defeat is not a shame, but as a samurai and a general of Wano, he represents Wano and needs an invincible image.

In addition, he needs revenge. How can they be willing to accept that tragic defeat and the sacrifices of so many compatriots?

Not only must we take back the signpost stone, but we must also take back the fur tribe's share.

Every day, no matter how busy things are, Oden will take some time to exercise.

"How's it going? Have you found the traces of those thieves?" I saw Oden naked to the waist, holding Yan Mo and Tian Yu Yu Zhan. He turned around and looked at the ninja who was wearing black ninja clothes and kneeling on the ground.

Beside him were Asura Doji and Kinemon.

As he said that, Oden looked a little angry. He had already cultivated his body and energy well, but he was still disgusted by the actions of the World Government.

The heirs of two important ministers of the General's Palace died "accidentally", and one minister died of a poisonous attack. There was no cover-up at all, causing panic in the entire Flower City.

What's more, he is still angry. He is not afraid of the World Government trying to force him, but he did not expect that the World Government would use such disgusting methods.

This has no effect on snatching the signpost stone, but it obviously affects the internal order and stability of Wano.

He worked hard to lead the founding of the country of Wano, and he created such a good situation that was destroyed by the World Government.

The actions of the World Government have no bottom line at all. The entire Wano Country is like a powder keg, which is the anger of all samurai.

This also allowed Oden to send people to protect the relatives of important family officials in Wano Country, especially his wife Tenzuki, two sons, and daughter Hiyori.

"General, we found it. The thieves have many strongholds in the wild and they can change at any time. We have great advantages in concealment and intelligence collection. Now we have four strongholds confirmed."

"Okay, I will immediately send people to cooperate with you in the secret encirclement and suppression, and strive to eliminate them in one fell swoop." Oden nodded. He hated the World Government more than the Beast Pirates.

In his eyes, the country of Wano is more important than the signpost stone.

As long as the World Government is not resolved, the country of Wano will never be at peace.

For this reason, the country of Wano has now entered a state of lockdown again, restricting the entry and exit of outsiders, and even its own people will have their identities checked.

Kozuki Oden controls the strongest samurai legion, and as a general of Wano, he can also borrow the power of other daimyo to command the samurai within Wano.

Kozuki Oden is a little wary of the power of the World Government in Wano, as many agents are not weak.

After watching the live broadcast of the video, Kozuki Oden knew that the earth fruit ability user "Gaia" was hidden in the country of Wano. He had the power to control the earth and could hide his body underground.

Such an existence made Oden dare not act rashly. He left the General's Mansion and the Flower City at will. The warriors he sent were each powerful, and together they had the power to withstand Gaia.

For the mobilization of domestic forces, combined with things like telephone bugs, he could make the warriors who were already on standby take action with just one order.

"What I have to admit is that compared to the thieves, our Yu Ting Fan is not as strong as those thieves. After they were exposed, they also knew about our existence and even took the initiative to attack us. After this period of consumption, Yu Ting Fan is still One-third of the ninjas have died."

The ninja kneeling on the ground said bitterly, this is the leader of the Yutei Fan, who was given the title of Kage, but his true strength is not particularly powerful in Wano Country, and is only at the level of an elite lieutenant general.

This is a man with great fighting power, but he is not a big shot in Wano, a country where there are many great swordsmen. Moreover, samurai are more respected in status than ninjas.

One is on the bright side, the other is in the dark.

The leader has such strength. Compared with CP0, the gap can be imagined.

"One-third. I remember that the number of Yuteiban was less than 10,000." Hearing this, Oden couldn't help but frowned. Yuteiban was a powerful weapon for Wano to deal with the World Government. He did not expect to lose so many people, and he felt a little heartbroken at the same time.

Compared with samurai, the strength of ninjas is still a bit weak. After all, ninjas are not trained in strength, but in concealment, intelligence, assassination, etc.

"To be precise, the loss is close to half. There are still 6,000 people left, and 2,000 of them were newly trained in recent days. But the general also knows that the Yutingfan has maintained a small scale for a long time. Suddenly, There is a lot of pressure on us to train a large number of ninjas, and the training cycle of ninjas is very long, taking at least three years."

Kage sighed helplessly. The loss was huge, but he was actually a little happy in his heart. Nothing was more important than a ninja gaining a great name and getting the general's attention.

Although the losses were relatively large, with the support of the generals and daimyo, it would only take some time to develop.

At the same time, this also represents the improvement of the status of ninja in the country of Wano.

"Really?" At this point, there is nothing Oden can do except to provide support. Now one can imagine the importance of Oden to the country of Wano.

"Be careful, put your own life first, don't die easily." Oden also knows about the difficulty of training ninjas. It is not easier than the growth of a swordsman, but there are more things to learn.

As if thinking of something, Oden said, "The six postures spread in the sea can be used for them to learn." The six postures are very useless for samurai, and very few samurai can practice this kind of thing.

"In addition, it is..." Ying was a little embarrassed and took out a list from his arms, "General, please take a look. This is what we found during this period."

Seeing the contents on the list, a powerful aura erupted from Kozuki Oden's body, and he clenched his fists so tightly that the list was wrinkled.

"What are those bastards doing?" Kinemon on the side glanced briefly and couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and suddenly pulled out the katana from his waist.

"I'm going to chop them down."

This list is a list of collusion between the internal forces of Wano and external forces, namely the World Government.

It was found out by Yu Tianban that some of them were familiar to Yu Tian and had heard of them.

There is evidence, there is no evidence but there are signs.

The number of them made Oden a little frightened. He did not expect that the World Government had penetrated Wano to such an extent in just a few years.

And this will only make him angrier, and what gives him a headache is, how should these forces and characters on the list be dealt with?

Among them, a small number of officials and businessmen within Wano did not shake the foundation of Wano.

He also knows that there may be many uninformed people among them. Only the top leaders of Wano Country know about the confrontation between Wano Country and the World Government. Ordinary civilians have not been exposed to this level. This is why Oden blocked the news, leading to this situation.

It is possible that some of these people are being taken advantage of unknowingly.

However, now like Kinemon, Oden also feels betrayed, but he is more rational and will think about what they would do such a thing and find reasons for them.

Oden is kind and has always been like this.

In addition, suddenly attacking so many people will definitely cause great chaos within Wano Country.

The original purpose of blocking the news was not to affect ordinary residents, but unfortunately it backfired.

It’s time to make up your mind!

Oden took a deep breath, looked seriously, and put the list aside. "Give them another chance. Also, by announcing this news, I believe that the people of Wano will join us in fighting against the World Government."

"Yes." Kinemon calmed down, lowered his head slightly, and joined Ashura Doji and the others.

Oden is their master, and they will follow him no matter what decision he makes.

Soon, other daimyo also received the news, summoned their samurai, and went to the Imperial Palace to find out the stronghold belonging to the World Government agents.

Under the encirclement and suppression by a large number of warriors and strong men, none of these agents could escape, and they were all beheaded at the first opportunity.

At the same time, a piece of news spread within the territory of Wano. Now, the civilians of Wano knew that the general and the daimyo were fighting against foreign invaders. The turmoil and destruction during this period were all caused by these invaders.

There was a moment of outrage, and some Wano people on the list also realized that they had been used or deceived by the invaders, and directly told the Shogun's Mansion about the identities of some hidden World Government agents.

Oden's decision caused the World Government to once again lose a group of elite agents. These agents were exposed and were rounded up. Some noticed the accident and escaped in advance.

But in the country of Wano, where can I run to?

The country of Wano is not that big. There are samurai from the country of Wano in every region. As long as they find traces, they can continue to hunt them down. The chance of survival is only one in ten.

Among them, in addition to the World Government losing a lot of power, Wano Country also suffered a lot.

"Is the loss so big?" An official in the General's Mansion looked calm and a little surprised.

"Within tolerance, how is your plan going?" There was a small phone bug in front of him.

Kozuki Oden and the others would not have thought that the World Government had penetrated into the upper echelons of the Shogun Mansion and often appeared in front of them.

Although the World Government agents on the surface have suffered heavy losses, the secret agents are hidden deeper, hiding in places they don't know.

Disguise, return life and change appearance, these agents have long been integrated into important aspects of Wano.

"It went very well. Ordinary poisons have no effect and are easy to detect. This kind of poison takes three years to explode. Once it breaks out, even this legendary warrior will have difficulty resisting it. Even if he is still alive, his strength will There will be nothing left out of ten, and at that time, it is the best time to kill him." The official said with a smile on his face and his mouth stretched to the base of his ears, looking extremely horrified.

"It's only been a year and a half now. Don't worry. If it's him, the entire General's Mansion will die."

"Haha, you have to be careful, don't make any mistakes, evil insect."

"You too, Kushe, Hailou Stone is very important to the government."

"Why should the government focus on Wano? It has lost so much combat power?"

"Who knows? The higher ups have their own ideas. As long as we complete the mission, it will have no impact on us as long as we are alive."

On the other side, a man with a rich face hung up the phone. This was a famous businessman from the country of Wano. He cooperated with the Shogun Mansion to help mine and sell seastones. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a member of the World Government.

Or rather, when agents of the World Government will replace him.

Although they are not well-known, they have a very famous name among the world's governments and intelligence agencies, "King Agents", which is enough to show how powerful their abilities are.

Why does the World Government target Wano? A lot of power was invested in it, and a lot of power was wasted.

Such behavior seems a bit stupid, and Wano Country will be able to deal with it sooner or later, taking longer to lay out and get what it wants at the minimum cost.

Except for the signpost stone and Kozuki Oden, who can understand the text of history.

The most essential reason is the eight-hundred-year-old prophecy. The weakening of the world government makes them have to wonder whether the person in the prophecy is coming back?

Is the unprecedented weakening of world government a precursor to that moment? Plus the Devil Fruit escaped from their hands once again.

Is Lord Im's unexpected awakening a sign of this?

Roger's words before his death and changes in the sea situation

These various speculations made the World Government panic, even a little afraid, and determined to deal with Wano.

At this moment when strength should be preserved and restored, we must risk our losses to cut off the hope of the truth being revealed and prevent the second person from landing on the final island.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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