Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy-seven The war is over

Teach knows a little about the changes in Wano, but not much. Now that Wano has entered a closed state again, it does not affect the Night Pirates' ability to obtain information.

The power in the hands of the Night Pirates is an important trade object of Wano Country. Even if the blockade is renewed and the domestic shortage of external goods, trade will not stop.

They can basically know what is happening in Wano and the spread of news, and they can deduce the extent of the battle between Wano and the World Government.

The mechanical eye has been put into use for a long time, but it has not made much achievements in Wano Country. One of the reasons is that it is easy to be discovered. The environmental simulation technology is not yet perfect, and it will take a few years.

Neither wanting to be discovered by the World Government nor being discovered by Wano, the number of mechanical eyes is not large and they are distributed in sparsely populated areas.

The wilderness of Wano Country, the surrounding area of ​​Wano Country, and it is hidden very deep, turning into a mechanical spider hiding under the soil, on the leafy canopy of the tree.

There are scenes capturing World Government agents and Wano warriors, but there aren't many and they don't have much meaning.

Because the Night Pirates are not currently involved in entering Wano, and they do not want to get involved without enough information. If both sides really lose, the Night Pirates will not interfere.

It would be best not to participate.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know the World Government's plan, whether it is just to take away the signpost stone or to kill Kozuki Oden.

If there are both, then he can watch the show. If it is only the former, then he needs to push at the critical moment. Of course, this is when the intelligence is sufficient and the situation is clear.

The samurai who went abroad to Wano returned after receiving the news that Wano was invaded by foreign enemies.

In order to reduce the losses of ninjas, Kozuki Oden specially sent a group of samurai to cooperate with the ninja operations. After all, the main loss of ninjas was that they were too weak in combat effectiveness. Although they had unique ninjutsu, they had no advantage in combat. The same was true for the agents of the World Government. It's elite.

It can be seen that the battle between the two parties has entered a fierce stage, with one taking the initiative and the other hiding deeper.

The most important thing is that Kozuki Oden doesn't have that much patience. He doesn't want the good situation he has established to be destroyed, and wants to catch the agents of the World Government in a short time.

Kill and drive out.

The response after the news spread throughout Wano Country made Kozuki Oden a little happy. Most of the people on the list supported their actions and took the initiative to expose the traces of World Government agents to provide convenience for the Shogun and Daming Mansion.

In comparison, the small number of people who were still pretending to be stupid were insignificant and were directly caught by the samurai and imprisoned on charges of treason and colluding with foreign rebels.

Taking advantage of this trend, under the leadership of the Shogun, a thorough census of the entire Wano Country was conducted, digging deep into the ground to find the agents of the World Government.

Although there was a small amount of opposition, it was insignificant under the common will of the Shogun Mansion, Daming Mansion and even the entire Wano Country.

There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days, let alone foreign enemies.

Personnel investigation, who disappeared mysteriously, and those who escaped were either dead or disguised as World Government agents.

Disguise yourself as a Wano native through disguise and blend directly into Wano. What about the disguised person? Of course he is dead.

A series of incidents involving the sacrifice of Wano personnel were discovered, which only made Wano even more angry.

At the same time, I was still a little scared. Before I knew it, someone I knew well died and was replaced by another person.

Some Wano residents also thought that some people suddenly behaved strangely. They didn't feel anything before, but now it seems that they have probably been replaced by thieves.

The investigation activities for the entire Wano Country lasted for a full month and a half. This was the first large-scale investigation conducted in Wano Country in so many years.

There were considerable results. Many places were deserted when we visited them. The agents of the World Government had already moved, but a small number of agents were still discovered, captured, and killed.

Even agents of the World Government cannot fully adapt to Wano, whose culture is different from that of the sea. It is normal for some of the internal culture, history, etc. to be exposed.

After this purge, the entire Wano Country suddenly became much cleaner. It seemed that all the agents of the World Government had been eliminated by them or driven out of Wano Country.

Nothing happened for a while, and the country of Wano soon returned to its original peace, and the Flower City began to flourish again.

But Kozuki Oden and the others were not very happy. Compared with the number of agents they found, they did not deal with many. This shows that there are still many agents hidden in the secrets of Wano, hiding deeper and staring at them like poisonous snakes. .

They are not satisfied with the small results, and the agents of the World Government are more difficult to deal with, and they are planning something secretly.

The brief calm is just preparation for the future explosion.

At this time on the sea, the war between the Navy and the Beast Pirates was coming to an end. After discovering the problem of drug consumption, the Navy rushed to produce a large amount of antidotes.

The battle with the Beast Pirates took two days and lasted almost two months.

The navy suffered losses as high as thirty-five thousand, and the Beast Pirates also suffered huge losses of more than twenty thousand.

The navy is difficult to maintain, with huge economic consumption and personnel damage. The support of the World Government is not great. Two months of fighting is the limit for them. All subsequent processing will require a lot of Bailey and time.

The same is true for the Beast Pirates. Compared with the Navy, they consume more money economically. Fire attacks cost money, and ammunition is expensive to manufacture. They consume a lot of money, and they are not far away from running out of ammunition. .

The losses in this war reduced the total strength of the Beast Pirates by one-third. This was a huge loss, but it was actually not that big.

Due to the tempering of the war, the Beast Pirates have trained a group of elites. This is the most important thing to them and the main purpose of this war.

The main members did not suffer much loss. Due to the threat posed by the Red Devil virus, each war did not last long. If there were no accidents, it would be difficult for high-end combat power to determine the winner in a short time.

What's more, both sides had the help of other members. Similarly, except for cp0 who was killed by Quinn, there were not many major losses to the navy's main members in the subsequent war.

This is the situation of the main members. The commodore, major general, and school-level navy below them, these backbones have lost a lot of combat power.

Three of the affiliated pirate groups under the protection of the Beasts Pirates were destroyed in the war. Four pirate groups were destroyed in the war.

In addition, the reputation brought by the war has begun to feed back to the Beast Pirates, and many pirates hope to join the Beast Pirates.

Today's four sea emperors are undoubtedly the best choice if they want to join the Night Pirates. However, the requirements for joining the Night Pirates are very demanding. They have passed the time of rapid expansion.

Ordinary members can be cultivated by themselves and are more reliable in loyalty. What is really needed are those powerful beings.

In addition, although the Whitebeard Pirates are powerful, few people would like to have an extra father on their head. The current power of the Whitebeard Pirates has been accumulated over many years.

The failure of the war with the Night Pirates caused them heavy losses. The new members were not very strong. Many people could also see that the Whitebeard Pirates had lost the potential to continue to rise and were surpassed by latecomers. How to reach the top?

The identity of a bigmom woman will always be looked down upon by others. She is allied with the Night Pirates and has become attached to the Night Pirates in the eyes of many people.

In this way, in the chaotic new world, the Beast Pirates, now famous and facing the navy, became their best choice.

For a time, many pirates wanted to join the Beast Pirates. This is what fame brings, just as the core members of the Beast Pirates expected.

As long as you spend some time cultivating and taking advantage of this momentum, the Beast Pirates' overall numbers and strength will soon be restored.

Anyway, after this battle, the Beast Pirates should not make any big moves and begin to enter a peaceful development stage.

The heavenly gold stolen from the World Government was basically spent during the war, and now a lot of it has been repaid.

The Beasts Pirates didn't care about the slight economic losses. Compared with what they gained, the economic losses were still within their tolerance.

It did not affect the operation of the Kingdom of Barbarossa, nor did it have much impact on the Beast Pirates as a whole.

It will take some time to recover.

Moreover, the purpose of robbing the heavenly gold is to obtain sufficient funds to speed up research on artificial devil fruit technology and the orc plan.

After purchasing a large amount of information on the World Government's research on artificial devil fruit technology from Doflamingo, the research progress was greatly advanced, and the original goal was exceeded with only three billion beli.

Before and after this war, no matter how you look at it, it's not a loss. Dead pirates have no value. In the new world, if you die, you will die. Who cares?

As pirates, they don't need to pay pensions or other things like the navy. Of course, there are similar things, but only some of the more important members and those with families can get it.

In the Great Pirate Age, a large number of pirates entered the new world from the Great Line every year to replenish the new world with fresh blood.

Through the springboard of Fish-Man Island, with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates and the protection of the Night Pirates, Fish-Man Island has become much more stable. Basically no pirates dare to cause trouble on Fish-Man Island.

But human traffickers are not within the management scope of the Night Pirates. If they are discovered, they will naturally deal with them. If they are not discovered, they have nothing to do. This is the responsibility of Fish-Man Island itself.

Being able to scare pirates is already a huge help to Fish-Man Island. After all, many pirates also serve as human traffickers. If they can catch a beautiful mermaid, they can make a lot of money. After all, they go to sea to seek wealth.

In the chaotic new world, a large number of pirates are born every year.

Now that airships are spread all over the world, they have another way to reach the new world. Airships connect the four seas. They can gather to the West Sea through the airship, and then take the airship from the West Sea directly across the windless zone to the dark night sea.

In the West Sea, if ordinary pirates want to reach the New World West Sea Alliance via airship, they will not stop it. The departure of the pirates is conducive to the stability of the overall order in the West Sea, and they will naturally not refuse this.

This can be regarded as an unspoken rule. You can go, but you can't come back. This is for the pirate group.

Large airships and even pirate ships can be transported, but there is no such business from the Dark Night Sea to the West Sea. This is also the result of discussions between the Dark Night Pirates and the West Sea Alliance.

But hiding one's identity and abandoning the pirate ship and returning to the West Sea via airship is another matter. The Night Pirates will not care about such a thing.

This is mostly due to the huge attraction of the Dark Night Sea and the Battle Pyramid. There are not many pirates among them, but more characters like loners.

With the addition of personnel, the strength of the Beast Pirates can be restored in just a few years, coupled with their subsequent stable development strategy, focusing mainly on their own development, the Arena, and the Colosseum.

Similar to the Night Pirates' battle pyramid, the Beast Pirates also use the arena they run, the Colosseum, as an important means of recruiting members.

The Beasts Pirates operate a large number of arenas, and the method of fighting beasts has attracted a lot of people's attention. Most of these arenas are quite popular, bringing considerable economic resources to the Beasts Pirates.

In terms of scope, apart from the Sea of ​​Beasts, there are establishments in the central and front parts of the new world.

But even if they are added together, they cannot compare with the battle pyramid.

In this way, it also indirectly releases its influence in other sea areas outside its own territory, which is also beneficial to possible power expansion in the future.

This is a lose-lose war with no winner.

But again, both sides can be said to be winners.

The Beast Pirates achieved their goal, as did the Navy and the World Government.

Although the losses were great, the power demonstrated through the war was enough to deter the sea.

Even though it was at a huge disadvantage, the navy still fought evenly with the Beast Pirates.

Moreover, compared to the Beasts Pirates, which were at their fullest, the navy only dispatched less than half of its combat power. Only one of the three generals appeared, and neither Navy Marshal Sengoku nor Black Arms Zefa took action.

It is enough to show the powerful power of the navy, and in conjunction with the publicity of public opinion, it greatly enhances the prestige of the navy.

However, the Navy still needs to take time to lick its wounds and develop itself with peace of mind. This is the price they need to pay for this battle.

They don't want to make any big moves in the next few years. The war with the Sky Pirates will not end long, and there will be another war.

If the sky gold hadn't represented the face of the World Government and the Navy, the World Government's support and the batch of Devil Fruits sent to them, the Navy might have swallowed their anger and wouldn't have started a war at will. After all, compared to temporary face, strength is the last word.

The Navy Headquarters has formulated a series of post-war plans aimed at the deployment of the great shipping route.

At the same time, Novoa successfully became a vice admiral in the navy in just six years, and officially became the base commander of the G8 branch, achieving his goal.

Vergo, who was also promoted to Vice Admiral, voluntarily came to the new world and served as the base commander of the G5 branch. Today's G5 branch is undergoing reconstruction after the war with the Beast Pirates. During the truce time, it will be again later When the war started, the time span spanned half a year.

Even if it is not as good as several other naval branches close to the Red Earth Continent, the G5 branch has been mostly rebuilt and has become a large military fortress capable of accommodating tens of thousands of troops.

Currently, there are only 3,000 people under Vergo, and another 2,000 people will be mobilized later. For the rest to continue to develop, Vergo needs to recruit and train himself.

This is exactly what he wanted. The G5 branch is the navy branch closest to Dressrosa and an important part of Doflamingo's plan.

There is enough time and energy to infiltrate and control the G5 branch, which is far away from the Navy headquarters. Even if you want to find something, it will be difficult.

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