Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and seventy-eight 3 brothers and sisters

In a few months, Saga has become completely familiar with life inside the battle pyramid.

Exercise, fight, rest, life is extremely fulfilling, but also extremely exhausting.

He knew why his father waited until he was seven years old to see him. This was to give him time to enjoy his short childhood.

Compared to the life on Arcas Island, although I can also practice fighting, it is far inferior to the life in the fighting pyramid.

Of course, what's more important is the pressure he puts on himself, forcing himself to become stronger and move forward.

His identity as the son of the Dark Emperor is his glory, and he needs to protect it with his own strength.

As the son of the Dark Emperor, he enjoys special rights, but others don't know it.

He will not fall behind in the development of devil fruits and the training of physical skills.

The development of Devil Fruit depends on him. Although there is a template, Thunder Fruit and Plasma Fruit are still very different in some aspects.

The enhancement of physical skills depends on honing oneself in battle.

Every physical master has his own fighting style and fighting skills. It does not mean that he is physically strong or domineering to be called a physical master.

Tiqi's claw skills are also based on basic claw skills and finger guns, and were finally formed after a long period of training.

Find your own shortcomings in battle, improve, optimize, and improve.

This is necessary if you want to become a strong person in physical skills. Becoming stronger through fighting is a recognized law in the sea.

Even ordinary people can become stronger, improve their momentum through fighting, master the burst of power, and evolve psychologically.

Tiqi has set a plan for him, and will spend three days every month to the research base to learn knowledge. Knowledge can change his destiny, let him understand the nature and effects of thunder and lightning, and enhance his speed and ability development. Effect.

Otherwise, even with Enelu's template, some abilities will be difficult to develop.

God knows how much brainpower it took for Enel to understand what plasma is.

Fortunately, Enelu himself is very smart. After taking the first step, the next step is easy to follow, and he will actively devote himself to learning.

Without sufficient knowledge reserves, Saga may not be able to discuss anything, such as some professional terms, even if he discusses it with Enelu.

Teach hired the best teacher for him, who would teach him in other aspects besides thunder and lightning.

Saga didn't know if he had any talent for swordsmanship, but he wasn't interested in it. Learning swordsmanship with the Thunder Fruit was just a waste of energy.

Like Tiqi, swordsmanship was an early transition. With the awakening of domineering, the improvement of strength, and the acquisition of the Dark Fruit, it has now been eliminated.

The sword intention has been absorbed into his claw skills, and he has reached the bottleneck, which can even be said to be his limit. Even if his physical strength increases slowly, he will not pick up the sword skills again, and will not focus on a situation where he cannot reach the peak. things above.

The existence of Longyuan Sword is more of a weapon than a sword.

Compared to him, Garen was very interested in swordsmanship. He was only four years old and was practicing basic swordsmanship while polishing his body.

After the Sky Pirates were destroyed, a large amount of inheritance fell into the hands of the Night Pirates, and the remaining power was absorbed by the Night Pirates. There was nothing left for the pirates who fled.

Among the inheritance is the second-generation ghost sword.

The two famous swords Sakuragi and Kushi were buried in the sea together with the golden lion Shiji.

There is only one Golden Lion Shiji, it will not be the past or the future.

However, Rhine's Saber Meteor was not buried and fell into the hands of the Night Pirates.

In addition, every three months, he would go to the Dark Night Palace, and Tiqi would personally teach him, also wanting to see Saga's progress.

The time span of three months is not short, and you can see the difference between before and after, and how much improvement there is.

With his current status, Tiqi would not be too close to Saga. After all, he did not know how to get along with his son. This kind of contact was also a special way for their father and son to communicate, allowing them to understand each other better.

As for Saga, Tiqi only occasionally went to Arcas Island to pay close attention to her a few times.

As for Saga, facing his father, he has more of a legend in his heart. He is a living legend, a man standing at the top of the sea.

This way of communication is more suitable for them to feel the warmth between father and son. There is no barrier between them, they just need some time to get to know each other.

After all, he is still too young.

Teach was okay when he was young, but now he is not used to contact with children.

Coming to the Dark Night Sea was a new world for Saga. The concealment of his identity made him a little lonely. Apart from fighting, he didn't have much time to make friends. He didn't have such thoughts. As the son of the Dark Emperor, , he knows the meaning of his identity.

My favorite thing is to soak in the sauna after exercise and look at the night view outside the Battle Pyramid. The beautiful scenery of the entire Pajira Island and its rapid development over the years. From a height, the night view of this bustling metropolis is extremely spectacular. .

Now, he was looking forward to the arrival of his brother. Nearly half a year had passed in the blink of an eye since he came to the Dark Night Sea.

In half a year's time, his younger brother and sister will also be seven years old and can leave Arcas Island and come to the dark night sea.

Based on his understanding of his younger brothers and sisters, he would definitely not be willing to stay on Arcas Island.

The surname Marshall D was an honor to them. No matter what evil deeds Teach had done and how many people he had killed, the Golden Sea Battle's single move of the Star of Destruction had swallowed up countless navies and armies.

That kind of picture is still at the forefront of the World Network's broadcast platform. It was the turning point from victory to decline of the World Government.

The blood in their bodies means that they will not settle for the ordinary.

Moreover, there are already many bloody scenes in the images, and in this era, there are countless more over the years. When you get used to this world, it shows that people have truly grown up.

The image tears apart the veil of the world, shows the ugly side to the world, and allows people to understand what the world is really like.

Pirates have never been equated with dreams. What truly represents pirates is always killing, money, and plunder.

When his younger brother Garen arrived, he had a companion. It had been almost half a year, and he had not been to many places in the Battle Pyramid.

He didn't long for friends, and he didn't have any friends on Arcas Island. As the children of the Dark Emperor, they always kept a distance from other residents on the island, and they didn't even have any contact with them.

For example, the medical clinic has already been moved to a place near the back mountain, which is relatively remote.

Teach's fame created some calm on the island, and as time went by, his fame only grew.

Due to its remote location, it did not cause any bad effects. In addition, the island was considered to be inside the dark night sea, and Teach never came back.

If their identities are exposed, it will inevitably have an impact on the island, and even the peaceful life of their mother and grandpa. This is something they do not want to see.

In this case, it is better to cut it all off at the source. Not many people on the island know that Monica gave birth to a child, and it can be said that there are none who have actually seen it.

The back mountain is where they play, and a large courtyard is built behind the medical center.

Usually there are images for them to pass the time and watch the outside world, which is not boring.

On the other side, Arcas Island.

The young Garen, holding a relatively heavy iron sword in his hand, was practicing his basic swordsmanship and strength.

Garen and Saga look almost exactly the same, but Saga has blond hair and Garen has black hair.

On one side, a little girl was sitting on a swing, chewing gum in her mouth while swinging her legs, wearing a black princess dress, quietly watching her brother train.

Yes, this is Mijela, Teach's daughter. Although she is a compatriot with Garen, she came out earlier than Garen, so she is her sister.

She has long silver hair, which is different from Tikki and Monica. The silver hair is the color of Tikki’s grandma’s hair. In Tikki’s memory, her grandma passed away when he was very young, leaving only He is alone.

Although Tiqi's life was very painful when he was young, his grandmother was one of the few people who showed him warmth. She took care of him and left beautiful memories deep in his memory.

After that it became Monica.

Mijela has a delicate face, very similar to her mother Monica, and has a very gentle smile. However, Garen and Saga, who know her well, know that Mijela is actually a bit shady, and they will die miserably if they offend her.

Compared to her grandfather's high demands on Saga and Garon, Mijela's life is very comfortable. Mijela is raised as a princess, and Mijela often does things like being lazy during exercise.

And this is what Tiqi means. Regarding Saga and Garen, Tiqi completely treats them as successors, the top strong men in the future to train, and has strict requirements.

For Mijela, it was a bit casual, and she didn't need to bear the pain that shouldn't be endured at this age.

With Mijela's potential and a top-notch Devil Fruit, he can easily become a strong one.

Daughters always get preferential treatment, whether it is Modi or Teach, they all think so.

In contrast, Migela Monica has a bit of a headache. Of course, maternal love is always fair for her children, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

Garen was still practicing his swordsmanship calmly, while Mijela's thoughts wandered to nowhere, waiting for the arrival of her seventh year. At that time, she would be able to leave here and find her father.

As she waited, she felt a little bored again, and her thoughts began to get confused. What would happen if she saw her father? What was she going to say, etc.?

For this matter, like Saga, Garen and Mijela were looking forward to it. Mijela was not a person who could stand his temper, and soon he couldn't sit still. He looked at Garen who was exercising and stood aside. Start shooting at a wooden stake.

Mijela's offense is very fierce, even a little ferocious, focusing more on speed and skills. In terms of style, it is somewhat similar to Tich.

At such a young age, they already know how their future will take them, Saga's fist, Garon's sword, and Mijela's claws.

However, due to his age, his body is relatively fragile, especially in areas like his fingers, and he loves to be clean, so Mijela only exercises skills and strength.

It is still too early for Mijela to learn claw skills. Without the support of ability, practicing claw skills is very painful, but Mijela has the capital to take shortcuts.

The Dark Emperor is his father.

Saga never came back, but during this period, they would contact each other through video phone bugs every other month. Tich did not stop this kind of thing, but there were restrictions. He didn't know if there would be anything inside the battle pyramid. The monitoring measures of other forces are in place.

This is also to prevent Saga from being too distracted.

There is nothing hidden about their connection. Saga’s experiences, what he saw and heard, and his conversations with his father. What does Saga think of his father? There are many different topics.

Naturally, it also includes the Devil Fruit that Tikki gave him, the Thunder Fruit, the Black Hole Homiz Hades, and Saga can roughly remember the Devil Fruit that Tikki showed him.

This lets Garen and Mijela know that this is probably the process they will face, and they will also have what Saga has, because they are Tiqi's children.

As the sons of the Dark Emperor, the top level Devil Fruit will be their standard equipment.

They had basically figured out their future path, and they also took note of what Saga told them about the top-notch Devil Fruits in Teach's hands.

Garen already has his own goal, which is his favorite Devil Fruit.

Mijela was not satisfied. Although these Devil Fruits were powerful, she felt that none of them she liked.

She wanted the ability that was most suitable for her, so she immediately set her sights on the animal-type devil fruit that would increase her body the most and give her strong recovery power. How could she like the ordinary animal-type devil fruit? Phantom species.

The Titan Fruit was powerful, but too bulky for her liking.

Mijela is proud. She will not eat until the right ability appears. Moreover, she has confidence in Tiqi and believes that her father will help her find the right ability.

Even though they have never met him, in Mijela's mind, Tikki's image is very tall and omnipotent.

Garen, who was practicing his sword, couldn't help but glance at Mijela. He didn't know what was going on with his sister. He didn't make too many guesses and devoted himself to training.

As time passed, Garen became a little nervous and anxious, so he became more serious about training.

Saga's words made him mentally prepared, and his expectations were even higher.

Maybe it's because he wants to gain his father's approval and show a better version of himself.

Boys and girls have different thoughts, but the same thing is that they are also prepared.

Monica watched from the sidelines, watching her children leave here one by one and go to Teach's side.

Although she felt a little reluctant to give up, she would not stop it. Although she wanted her children to stay, she wanted to watch her children grow up.

To grow into a man who stands upright, even as a daughter, she hopes that Mijela can grow up happily.

Monica was very young and had already taken the super gene potion. She gently touched the gemstone ring in her hand. It was very beautiful. It was a gift from Teach. Under the gemstone, there was also a small piece of bright pure gold inlaid. Keep her in the best years of her life.

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