Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and eighty-three The secret plan

The collision between the Clown Pirates and the Moonlight Pirates is not over yet.

Not long after the Clown Pirates were stationed on an island, Moonlight Moria killed them single-handedly, and instantly attracted the attention of the world.

"A clown? You're really nosy." Caesar had obviously gotten the news. Without Moria as a powerful combat power, his bargaining chip against the red-haired man dropped.

However, even if Moria cannot participate, their pirate alliance still has a considerable advantage in strength.

There are more than ten pirate groups with a maximum bounty of more than 600 million beli, plus the pirate forces he invited with promises of various benefits.

The powerful pirate alliance gave Caesar strong confidence in this battle. At the same time, he would not give in in the face of the rise of red hair.

In order to deal with the red-haired pirates, Caesar still has a hidden card.

Although it is a bit despicable, there are too many disputes among pirates. Even within the pirate group, there are often killings among each other. This is the norm on the sea.

"When we deal with the clowns in the future, let's deal with the red-haired pirates first." Caesar said to himself, with a confident smile on his face, as if the destruction of the red-haired pirates was right in front of him.

He paid a huge price for this battle.

Most of the pirates only care about profit. Even if they want to deal with the red-haired pirates first, the main force is still the devil pirates. If they succeed, it will be the devil pirates who will benefit the most in the end.

If they don't pay anything, how can other forces be willing to join the Pirate Alliance?

"Where are the red-haired pirates now?" Caesar looked at his deputy and asked.

"Staying in the Rubel Sea area, you should know that we are waiting for them here and are unwilling to come over on our own initiative."

This is a normal thing. The overall strength of our own side is not as good as that of the pirate coalition led by the Demon Pirates. Why should we rush forward to meet the enemy head-on?

This war will not end so soon. Both overlords are very powerful and have huge forces. It is difficult to defeat the enemy in one battle.

"Then let's set off and see what Hongfa's strength is now." Caesar knew that Hongfa was very strong and not weaker than him.

There has never been a real fight between the two.

Under Caesar's order, the mighty pirate coalition attacked the Rubel Navy, targeting the red-haired pirates staying there.

This whole war has attracted so much attention that even the Emperor of the Sea will not ignore it. Who can stand alongside them in the end? Become the last of the five poles of the new world?

Caesar thought he was very promising, but sadly, Teach and the others did not take him seriously. It was completely nonsense for him to want to be tied with them.

Strength is one thing, and power is another. The battle to become an emperor also requires a coalition of pirates to deal with their competitors, which makes them feel a little ridiculous when they see it.

With such courage, how can he be on the same level as them?

The war between pirates will not last too long.

In the battle to become an emperor, the best way to reduce losses is to defeat your enemy in the shortest possible time.

Golden Lion Shiji is like this, Whitebeard is like this, Big Mom and Kaido are like this too.

The way Teach became emperor was different from theirs.

The sooner you defeat your opponent, the sooner the war will end and the losses will naturally be reduced.

This is based on having great confidence in one's own strength.

This performance of the devil Caesar shows that he is timid and does not have enough confidence in his own strength.

The Emperor's War itself would not affect many affiliated forces, but Caesar's approach expanded the scale of the war.

It turned into a war between two power groups headed by the Red Hair Pirates and the Demon Pirates, and the number of sacrifices would greatly increase.

But they are very unfriendly to the Red-haired Pirates. The Devil Pirates are an alliance of pirates. Even if those alliance pirate groups are destroyed, they have nothing to do with the Devil Pirates. It is equivalent to recruiting a group of thugs.

On the contrary, the Demon Pirates hope that they will die in battle, so that they don't have to take the things they promised to heart at all.

The losses suffered by the red-haired pirates were all due to their own forces.

In this way, even if the Demon Pirates defeated the Red-haired Pirates, they would not be qualified to become emperor. At least Teach and the others, the emperors of the sea, would not recognize it at all.

The cause of this war was not that the demon Caesar wanted to become the emperor, but that the many pirate forces in the new world, especially those close to the territory where the Red-haired Pirates were located, did not want the Red-haired Pirates to become the emperor.

In other words, they don’t want the fifth sea emperor to be born.

I want this position to be empty rather than occupied.

This is now the pinnacle throne on the sea besides the Pirate King. If you keep it, you will still have hope and thoughts.

The red-haired pirates stand at the forefront of this crisis, with their rapid expansion of power and increasing prestige to the point where many pirates are afraid of them.

Therefore, it will lead to the current situation. Even if it survives, it is likely to fail.

To be honest, the foundation of the red-haired pirate group in the new world is a bit weak and unstable, mainly because the red-haired pirates do not have the intimidating power of the Dark Emperor. One move of the Star of Destruction is enough to cut off the thoughts of others, so His intimidating power is unmatched by red hair.

The red-haired man's strength and potential are very promising. This is recognized, just like Teach back then.

But if you die, there is no future at all.

"Can little Shanks survive this?"

In an ordinary bar in Shampoo Islands, Xia Qi watched the video live broadcast, and then asked Rayleigh, who was drinking leisurely in front of the bar.

"Believe Shanks, few people can develop smoothly all the time. At this moment, the only ones you can rely on are yourself and your companions." Rayleigh put down his wine glass, and the scene of the Roger Pirates galloping across the sea seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

Even the Roger Pirates, the Navy, and the Sky Pirates have experienced desperate situations many times, but in the end, I and the others relied on their own strength to get through it.

Raising his head slightly, Rayleigh looked at the scene in the video, which was the scene of Bucky and Moriah fighting. The entire island became a battlefield between Bucky and Moriah.

The terrifying power of the Split Fruit, the strange ability of the Shadow Fruit.

No matter how powerful the attack is, it is nothing if it cannot hit. This is what makes Bucky troublesome.

In terms of combat experience, physical fitness, and domineering strength, the tempered Moriah is much stronger than Bucky.

Therefore, from what can be seen in the battle, Bucky is completely at a disadvantage.

The main reason was that he was not used to Moria's fighting style, and his various weird abilities made him suffer a lot.

In the past battles, Bucky mostly relied on the powerful ability of the split fruit to defeat enemies, but now he has completely encountered a powerful enemy.

Although Bucky looked a little embarrassed, his life was not in danger. What Rayleigh saw in his eyes was Bucky's growth, "Bucky has also grown to this point."

"I remember that this little guy was not reassuring in the past!" Xia Qi knew a lot about the Roger Pirates, and through Rayleigh's mouth, she also learned some things about Bucky and Shanks.

"But, is there really no problem? The difference between the overall strength, little Shanks's enemies are half the New World." Xia Qi smiled calmly, she knew that Rayleigh's heart was as calm as he appeared on the surface. Shanks was really in danger, and Rayleigh couldn't ignore it.

The only real opponent is the Demon Pirates, so that's much easier.

Although today's intelligence power is basically controlled by the Night Pirates, Xia Qi still has a small number of channels to obtain information, and can also obtain some of the information held by the Night Pirates.

Xia Qi still knows very well about the whirlpool in the new world. If one or two more overlord-level forces take action, the red-haired pirates will be unable to resist it.

"Look, he has a companion he can trust. Since he is willing to face it, it means he already has a way to deal with it."

A real man can stretch and bend, even if he can't fight or run away, it won't be a problem. After a few years, his strength will improve and he will come back to sweep everything.

The Roger Pirates had no idea how many times they had escaped from the navy.

But this is the worst way. The Red-haired Pirates have many affiliated forces, so how can they give up easily? Once they retreat, the huge force established over the years will collapse, which will also be a huge blow to his reputation. If he wants to I don't know how long the recovery will take.

In the new world, although strength is important, reputation is also indispensable.

Reputation is potential benefit.

For this reason, the Beast Pirates are willing to pay huge losses to fight a war with the navy.

"Yes, this is not something we should worry about." The red-haired pirates have Ben Beckman, a powerful deputy with super intelligence, who may be able to see the situation they are facing before they can.

The position of highly intelligent pirates on the sea is very important. They are the cornerstone of a strong pirate group. At this point, they are different from ordinary pirate groups.

The development of the pirate group and the overall strategy can be clearly reflected.

Since the red-haired pirates are not worried, they don't need to be anxious.

On the other side, not long after the pirate fleet set off, Caesar's face turned gloomy, and a piece of news made him furious.

"Isn't it possible?" Caesar asked again, unwilling to give up.

"I'm sorry, this transaction can't be completed. I will send back what you gave me." A calm voice sounded, "Eagle Eye Mihawk sent a message and wanted to challenge me. I can't leave now." , can’t help you.”

"Mihawk has some friendship with Red Hair, and he should be here to help Red Hair deal with me."

The person speaking was Demon Sword Apep, one of the overlords at the beginning of the Great Pirate Age, a great swordsman and a teleportation fruit user.

Apart from the now-Emperor, the dead and disbanded Weird Pirates, and the retired trickster Akane Rexter, the only remaining overlords at that time were the Demon Caesar and the Demon Sword Apep.

But Apep had no interest in becoming emperor. He knew that he could not become emperor.

The demon sword Apep has some friendship with Caesar, and he is also the trump card invited by Caesar to deal with the red hair. It is also a deal.

With Apep's ability, he can deliver a fatal blow to the red-haired man at a critical moment. He can be severely injured even if he does not die, or he can attack the members of the red-haired pirate group to distract the red-haired man during the battle.

This is why Caesar still had the confidence to win even after knowing that Moria could not come.

But now, his trump cards have been discovered and cracked one after another, which makes him very angry.

The Clown Pirates and Hawkeye Mihawk blocked Moriah and Apep respectively, which was equivalent to directly pulling out the two sharpest fangs of his entire plan.

He didn't expect that his confident plan would be seen through by the red-haired pirates. This was the most embarrassing thing for him.

Caesar has always been quite conceited. He also learned a lot when he participated in the battle between the Sky Pirates and the World Government. He also learned a lot about the pirate alliance and inviting foreign aid to maximize his side's strength and reduce losses. .

Regarding the spread of the red-haired pirates' reputation in the new world, Caesar also secretly contributed to the current situation and contributed a lot.

In this way, Caesar has lost two trump cards that determine the outcome.

Originally, together with Moria and Apep, this battle was completely a red-haired hunting battle, and there was no possibility of failure.

But now this situation will not be realized. Even if he invites some strong people, it is far insufficient compared with Moria and Apep.

However, to deal with the crew of the red-haired pirates, the affiliated forces are enough. As long as the forces under the red-haired pirates are wiped out, the remaining red-haired pirates will not be afraid at all.

Moreover, he is confident in his own strength, and his confidence is no less than that of the current red-haired man.

Even without the help of Moria and Apep, he still has a huge advantage.

In secret, he provoked the relationship between the forces under the protection of the Red-haired Pirates, incited them to rebel, and weakened the overall power of the Red-haired Pirates.

There are always opportunists among pirates. Sincere surrender to someone is too false and very rare. It is more likely to rely on the strong to seek shelter.

Many forces attached to the Red-haired Pirates value the future of the Red-haired Pirates, and it is this reputation that attracts many forces to join them.

But the current situation is very unfavorable to the Red-haired Pirates. They cannot see the future of the Red-haired Pirates and are pessimistic about it.

Some forces have begun to fear and are no longer optimistic about the Red Haired Pirates. Faced with the terrifying momentum of the pirate alliance, a small number of forces are unwilling to accompany the Red Haired Pirates in this journey and have already separated from the Red Haired Pirates. .

This inevitably caused turmoil in people's hearts, but under the strong hand of the red-haired pirates, they settled down.

"If they want to leave, let them go. If you dare to show up in front of us in the future, you will be the enemy." Beckman said coldly with a cigarette in his mouth and looking at the pirate ship sneaking away at the rear of the fleet.

Traitors never have a good end. They can come and leave when they want, and the red-haired pirates will not let them go. It is conceivable that if they survive this disaster, these forces will not have an easy time. They have been remembered. On the red-haired pirates' blacklist.

Beckman had already had a step-by-step plan in his mind to deal with the Demon Pirates. In terms of intelligence, the Red-haired Pirates had their own channels, and combined with his wisdom, he guessed Caesar's plan.

Therefore, Bucky and Mihawk were asked to block the two most difficult enemies.

"I have sent people to attack the rear of those forces. When the time comes, part of the pirate alliance of the Demon Pirates will leave and be led back to their own territory." Beckman looked at the crew around him and said calmly.

"The rest is up to us." He has tried his best to weaken the strength of the Demon Pirates Alliance, but in the end, strength will speak for itself.

"Don't worry, we won't lose." Seeing Beckman's frown, the red-haired man put one hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Haha, you should worry about yourself, Captain, don't lose." A smile appeared on Beckman's lips, and he glanced at Shanks.

All they can do is try their best to create a fair fighting environment for Shanks and Caesar, and wait for Shanks to defeat Caesar.

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