Pirate of Darkness

Five hundred and eighty-four: Invasion of Forbidden Island

Due to the turmoil caused by the battle for the emperor, the central area of ​​the new world was filled with smoke. Even the Whitebeard Pirates had to avoid it and did not dare to roam freely in this large sea area.

During this period, Moonlight Moriah fought against Clown Bucky. Bucky could still fight against Moriah in the early stage, but later on, Bucky became a little unsustainable. He teamed up with Carlos to deal with Moriah, and finally defeated Moriah. repel.

The main reason is that the Evil Spirit Pirates were unwilling to be left alone and took advantage of the battle between Moria and the Clown Pirates to attack with their men.

Moria had to rush back. If it were too late, his zombie army would be swallowed up by the Wendigo.

At this time, an uninvited guest arrived on an unnamed island near the Red Continent.

After spending some time, Bundy Wald found the secret island that contained dynamite rock.

Under the boundless night, Wald quietly stepped onto the island, looking for the secret base hidden on the island. The powerful information began to be released, spreading around him with him as the center.

Now his vision has reached a terrifying level. The scope of his training during the ice period may not be large, but he has no problem sensing the breath of life and simulating the vague traces of others in his mind.

Take your time and you'll be able to find where the base is.

On the other side, the dark night sea.

"Has Bundy arrived at that island?" Teach's eyes lit up as he listened to the information coming from below.

The Night Pirates have been paying attention to Bondi's traces. On that island, Redyard also placed some mechanical eyes around the island when he went there before.

With that said, Teach took out a phone bug.

"Teach, Bundy is already here?"

In the image was Redeat's figure, sitting on a chair, facing the moonlit sea, holding a wine glass in his hand, and several bottles of red wine beside him.

When Teach's call came in, Redyard knew what was going on.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Tiqi nodded with a smile, picked up the wine glass, bowed slightly to the image, and drank it down in one gulp.

Teach was very relieved about Redyard.

The Night Pirates have already arranged their arrangements.

After receiving the news that Bundy Wold set out to search for dynamite rock, Redyard set off at the same time. With his faster speed, he arrived at an island near his destination in advance and waited.

"Don't worry." Redyard didn't panic at all. He had passed through the Holy Land of Mariejoia without anyone noticing. How could Bundy Wold and the Navy detect his traces?

There is no doubting the importance of this island, which is protected secretly by a vice-admiral.

Surveillance equipment set up by the Navy is hidden in various places on the island.

Not long after Bundy Wold set foot on the island, his traces were discovered.

"There are intruders on the island." The detection device that had been unresponsive for a long time suddenly shouted in the secret base inside the mountain. The surveillance screen was turned around, the light was dim, and the figures could not be seen clearly, but they still reacted immediately.

The importance of dynamite rock can be imagined. The navy in this secret base are top-notch in quality and their loyalty can be completely trusted.

"Quickly inform the Lieutenant General of this news."

Within a few seconds, the phone was answered immediately, "What happened?" Barolo's voice rang. Barolo was the top officer guarding the base and also a vice admiral of the navy.

Although his reputation on the sea is not outstanding, in terms of strength, he is also ranked among the navy's vice admirals.

"There are intruders on the island." The navy in the monitoring room said quickly.

"Are you sure?" Barolo asked solemnly, his tone a little serious, "Did you come to the island by accident?"

"Probably not. There is only one person, and after setting foot on the island, he has been approaching the interior of the island. The path changes back and forth, as if he is looking for something, and now he is getting closer and closer to the base."

"Okay, I understand, continue to monitor and report as soon as possible if the situation is discovered." Lieutenant General Barolo said, hung up the phone, then turned to look at the adjutant on the side, "Call headquarters."

It was no wonder that Barolo was not cautious. In the navy, only the marshal, the admiral, the naval chief staff officer, and him, the vice-admiral, knew about this forbidden weapon.

That's right, apart from Staff He, who holds the rank of lieutenant general, he is the only vice admiral who knows the news about Dynamite Rock. Even Garp doesn't know about the existence of Dynamite Rock.

At this time, someone suddenly came to the island, and without receiving any information from the headquarters in advance, he directly told him that there must be something wrong.

The surveillance picture was quickly transmitted to him. Barolo looked carefully at the tall shadow moving in the picture. He couldn't see the face clearly. Barolo immediately judged that this was not the navy, so it was really an invasion. By.

At this time, the call from the headquarters has been answered.

"Barolo, what's the matter?" Sengoku's voice sounded. Sengoku took Barolo's call very seriously.

"Marshal Warring States, did our headquarters send anyone to J Island?" Having already made a judgment in his mind, Barolo still asked for confirmation.

J Island means Forbidden Island, which is the name of the island where they are located.

"Huh? Is there an intruder?" Hearing Barolo's words, Sengoku's eyes narrowed and he understood the meaning of the message in Barolo's words.

"It seems so. There is an intruder on the island, approaching the base. It's too dark here to see clearly. This is a photo of the shadow of a character. I hope we can find out who the intruder is as soon as possible? Judging based on the threat level Should we send someone to support?" Barolo said seriously.

Before he had accurate information, he did not dare to take action at will. It would be fine if he lost, but it would be a serious mistake if the explosive rock they were guarding was taken away.

"If we can send people to support first, I don't know when he will find the base." Barolo has a conservative personality and likes stability.

"Okay, I'll send Porusalino to support first." Sengoku did not reject Barolo's suggestion.

Soon, a golden light shot out from the Naval Science Department and flew quickly to J Island.

This kind of support task naturally has to be handed over to Porusalino.

Later, Warring States convened members of the staff to analyze the shadows of the people in the photo.

The efficiency was very high, and soon, it was deduced who the shadow of the person in the photo was.

But Warring States and others were not happy.

"It's Wald. Damn it, how could he know about the dynamite rock?" Warring States couldn't help but curse secretly. The leakage of the dynamite rock news was one of them. The important thing is that with Wald's strong ambition, once he got it It’s hard to imagine what consequences Explosive Rock will have.

Porusalino alone would be hard-pressed to stop Bundy Wold.

Immediately after notifying Barolo, Sengoku called the Holy Land's telephone bug.

Soon, a purple light rushed out of the Red Earth Continent, and the World Government dispatched CP0 Deputy Chief Forrest.

After receiving the news from the headquarters, Barolo suddenly felt a toothache. Bundy Wold, how to deal with this?

Such a monster is not something he can deal with. He can at most contain it for a short period of time. If he really confronts him head-on, he is just courting death.

However, Barolo quickly calmed down. The most important thing now was to hold off Bundy Wold, as long as he persisted until the headquarters' support arrived.

It can be reached in ten minutes at most with Porusalino's speed.

"Make some noise in the west of the island." Barolo began to give orders.

The base is inside the mountain and underground. It has been established for who knows how many years. It has underground passages connecting all parts of the island. The navy lives underground.

Therefore, no trace of human life has been found on the island.

Now, Barolo wants to attract Bundy Wold's attention by making noise in order to delay time. For this, some sacrifices are worth it.

But Barolo still underestimated Bundy Wold.

In the west of the island, a navy made it look like it was firing a patty, with gunfire, cheers, and even firelights shining.

It's so deliberate that anyone can see there's something wrong with it.

If no trace of the base had been found, Bundy Wald would indeed have been attracted to this crude conspiracy.

Unfortunately, he has already found clues to the base.

Under the ground where he stood, he felt that there was life underground, that there were people underground.

There is a passage in the entire underground. Walking along the passage for a while, Wald can determine the location of the base because the passage is straight.

Looking forward, it is a hill.

Just like that, Bundy Wold picked up the pace.

At the same time, Wald also guessed that he was being used.

The information he got was not an accident, but someone did it deliberately, precisely because he knew that he would not refuse. He, the World Government, and the Navy were originally enemies.

This is a conspiracy, who is the person using him? Which force?

If he dares to be exposed, he will not let it go easily. No one wants to be taken advantage of, even if this kind of thing is beneficial to him.

As soon as his figure flashed, Wald burst out with astonishing speed. Even the surveillance camera could not see his shadow. Through the faint movement of the underground navy, he knew that he had been discovered.

Then, the naval support is likely to have already set off, or even on the way, leaving him little time and he needs to act.

Lieutenant General Barolo's face changed drastically when he received the bad news. He knew that his operation had failed and Bundy Wald had arrived.

There is a cave at the bottom of the hill, with a steel gate hidden in the cave. This is the entrance to the base.

Behind the gate, in a wide space, a large number of sailors gathered here, holding guns and weapons tightly, looking at the gate, and waiting in full formation.

There were a lot of people, three thousand people.

At the front is Lieutenant General Barolo, taking the lead. Only in this way can they have the fighting spirit and not be easily defeated.

"Momo, one hundred times bigger!"


The steel gate twisted and deformed in an instant, as if it had been hit by a powerful force. The next moment, the gate was broken open from the center, and a huge boulder appeared and attacked them. The huge boulder and its shadow shrouded them.

If not stopped, many sailors will be killed.


Lieutenant General Barolo jumped up at this moment and slashed out two swords in an instant, splitting the entire boulder into four pieces.

The stone was guided by Barolo's power and landed on the edge of the base, avoiding the marine soldiers behind him as much as possible.

However, the next moment, a dark shadow flashed, and a tall figure appeared above Barolo. It was Bundy Wold who appeared with a cruel smile on his face.

"Momo Ten times the power!"

A powerful punch wrapped with armed domineering energy, carrying a terrifying power, hit Barolo's left temple directly.

Lieutenant General Barolo's figure was in the air, and Bundy Wold seized the opportunity very well. At this time, Barolo was unable to resist at all.

Barolo's figure fell like a meteor, hitting the ground hard, and the hard steel plate floor was smashed through.

Smoke and dust spread everywhere and slowly dissipated. Barolo was in a mess, his trembling body was holding a knife to support the ground, and blood was flowing from his mouth and head.

This powerful punch almost made him lose consciousness. In the end, Barolo bit his tongue and used the huge pain to wake himself up.

Although there is suspicion of a sneak attack, the huge gap in strength can be clearly seen.

At this time, Barolo still felt that his head was dizzy and his vision was a little blurry.

Taking advantage of the victory, Bundy Wold kicked Barolo in the abdomen, trying to completely knock him out of the fight.

Barolo's body hit the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

"Lieutenant General!" I couldn't believe that the powerful Lieutenant General was defeated like this.

The rest of the navy looked at Bundy Wold in fear, their confidence shattered.

As a vice admiral, Barolo is already a strong man on the sea and can be called a monster.

There are too many monsters in the vast sea, and his strength is not worth mentioning in front of the real monsters. Just two moves made him lose his combat effectiveness.

Bundy Wald's strength has been increased by abilities. With such powerful strength, before his physical strength is exhausted, even the naval hero Garp, Bundy Wald is confident that he will not be weak.

In other words, Barolo is proud enough to be able to block Walder's punch without falling.

Bundy Wold liked to see the fearful eyes of these marines, their bodies trembling and holding their weapons, afraid to step forward.

He really wanted to kill these marines, but now he had more important things to do.

Ignoring these marines, Wald walked towards the interior of the base.

He has a general idea of ​​the situation inside the base.

The powerful business capabilities of the Night Pirates also told a little about the internal situation of the Wald Naval Base, such as the location of the storage room where the explosive rock is stored.

The door to the storage room opened, and bursts of cold air came out from inside. What came into view were special containers. Inside the containers, there was purple liquid, wrapped in a purple-red rock that looked like an ostrich egg.

It is this kind of stone that possesses terrifying power. As long as it comes into contact with the air, it can produce a terrifying explosion that can destroy an island.

It is known as the ultimate weapon with the same destructive power as ancient weapons.

Holding a cloth bag in his hand, Bundy quickly put the containers into the bag, and then looked at the remaining dynamite rocks with some pity that he could not take them away.

In his mind, he also had the idea of ​​destroying this place, but it would probably affect him, so he didn't dare to do it.

He has never seen the true power of dynamite rock, but he already has a stronghold in his heart, that is the King of Heaven. It would be really ridiculous if he died like this.

Then he turned around and left. He wanted to leave the island quickly.

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