In an unknown area of the East China Sea, a ship looks… It is like a circus ship, sailing slowly on the sea, and the canvas on the ship is painted with a pirate skull, and a huge red nose on the skull is very eye-catching and conspicuous at first glance.

“Hey! Why does a newspaper cost 150 Bailey? This is almost catching up with the prices on the other side of the Great Route! ”

“Tweet! Tweet!! ”

“What? Also tip?! ”




Listening to the noise on the ship, a man with clown makeup shouted irritably: “Mochi! What are you tossing around with that stinky bird? It was directly slaughtered and roasted, wouldn’t it be okay?! ”

The beast trainer “Mochi” on the Baki Pirates, listening to this, could only say helplessly: “Captain Baki, if we kill the news bird, we will offend that underground tycoon!” ”

The irritated expression on Bucky’s face froze, and he hurriedly coughed, acting as if he hadn’t said anything.

He was lying on a beach chair wearing only a pair of big pants.

At first glance, it seems to be a very laid-back look.

It’s just that his mood is not very good.

Because the Bucky Pirates have so far….

It’s been more than three months….

I haven’t opened it once!

If it goes on like this, don’t say that you are a pirate, let alone find some treasure in the sea, it is estimated that you will starve to death on the sea, but it makes Bucky quite helpless and painful.

These days, passing by places where Jean lives, are the kind of poor small villages that can’t open the pot.

Even if you rob that kind of ghost place, you probably can’t grab anything.

Maybe even a few shells and bullets will be wasted in vain.

He hadn’t seen a bustling town in a long time!

If you don’t grab a wave, there will be no money!

Bucky wailed in his heart, but on the surface he maintained the demeanor of a captain, but at this moment, a shadow suddenly enveloped him, which made Bucky’s face show displeasure.

“Which guy doesn’t have long eyes? Get out of here! Don’t disturb Uncle Bucky sunbathing! ”

Bucky roared without raising his head.

However, instead of hearing his subordinates’ terrified pleas for mercy and apology, he heard a very strange voice that had never been heard on the ship, it was a man’s voice.

“You’re Bucky the Clown? Well…… With such a big and round red nose, it seems that there is no mistake. ”

Originally, Bucky was startled by the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

But the three words “red nose” surprised him and flew out of cloud nine.

Bucky’s expression visibly twisted.

The anger on his face almost turned into a flame, he stood up directly from the beach chair, turned to the person behind him, and opened his mouth to curse angrily: “What are you talking about, bastard?” What did you say? You just said red nose, didn’t you? Are you talking about my nose? Come on! To Uncle Bucky I slaughtered him!! ”

The next moment, Bucky’s eyes suddenly darkened, and he felt something cloth covering his face.

Even that cloth object shrouded its body!

This is…… This is…… This seems to be a burlap bag?!

Uncle Bucky, why was I kidnapped?!

When he heard the sound of someone tying a sack with a rope, “Si Si Soso”, Bucky’s whole person was not good, and the other party said the three words “red nose”, let alone the bastard looked down on him Uncle Bucky.

Now cover his Uncle Bucky in a burlap bag, and it is clear that it is a kidnapping… This is simply insulting yourself!

Bastard! Lao Tzu is Bucky the Clown who offers a reward of 15 million Bailey!

It’s the captain of the famous Baki Pirates!

Lao Tzu even went to the first half of the Great Voyage!

Lao Tzu even roamed the New World!

Lao Tzu almost went to Ralph Drew!

The result is Bucky! I’m a good bucky!

It was actually in broad daylight….

Kidnapped in a sack?!

Bastard! What a shame!

What a shame!!

Bucky roared inwardly for a while, he gritted his teeth and didn’t know where to come from, he took out a throwing knife-like knife, and smiled viciously and kept cutting to the side, as if he wanted to cut the burlap bag.

“You wait for Uncle Bucky! When Uncle Bucky goes out, be sure to dry you!! ”

However, when the knife collides with the burlap bag.

The expected tearing of burlap bags did not sound.

Instead, there was a sound of metal clashing!!

Bucky was a little confused for a moment….

Isn’t this just a burlap bag?

Why can’t I cut it myself?

The movement on Bucky’s side also attracted the attention of the other pirates on the ship, especially Mochi, the tamer who was arguing with the news bird about why the newspaper was so expensive now.

He was even more stunned to see his captain, who was taken away by a stranger in a sack….

Captain…… Captain Bucky… By…… Kidnapped?!

I was stunned for several seconds.

Mochi, the tamer, reacted.

Facing the strange back, Mochi hurriedly shouted: “Stop! Put Captain Bucky down!! ”

“Niche! Stop him for me!! ”

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