Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom…… The extremely heavy and rapid footsteps, the board of the pirate ship trembled, making many pirates on the ship a little unstable, and hurriedly found a place to grab it in order to stabilize their figures.

A huge beast rushed in one direction under the orders of the beast trainer Mochi.

Speed doesn’t seem to be shackled by its size.

It’s almost less than two or three seconds.

A large and burly figure….

Right in front of Roya.

Blocked his retreat.


A huge roar came from the front, and the sound wave shook Luo’s hair continuously, if it was an ordinary person, I was afraid that he would be perforated by this throat!

The sound is mixed with a fishy smell, as if you haven’t brushed your teeth in decades.

And it also carries a strong fishy smell.

It makes people feel sick to their stomachs.

It was a huge lion!

At first glance, it looks like an elephant!

Luo Ya’s surprised gaze glanced at the big lion, and he felt that his height… Probably, only this big lion is as tall as one leg, and may not even be that tall.

However, there are all kinds of strange animals in the One Piece world, which can be said to be countless.

There are even super-large sea kings the size of islands in the sea!

That kind of super-large sea king, even the strong on the sea….

They don’t dare to provoke that kind of behemoth.

After all, it was hit by that island-sized sea king.

Even if the physique is strong, you have to vomit blood and fracture it….

That power is no joke!

But this big lion in front of you….

Looks like the body shape is ok.

But the strength is not great.

At least…… This big lion was roaring, and the kind of momentum it emitted, did not scare Luo Ya, in Luo Ya’s eyes… The other party is similar to a big cat.

It’s this big cat that has a bit of bad breath, and the devil knows how many days it hasn’t brushed its teeth.

“Niche! Fast! Hurry up and save Captain Bucky!! ”

Mochi, the tamer, shouted and ordered.

The big lion named “Liki” listened, roared and raised a paw, a claw as big as a sofa, and suddenly slammed towards Roya, and the huge force even set off a gust of wind, blowing away some dust on the deck.

Roya expressionlessly… He threw a sack in his hand towards him.

Bucky’s more than a hundred pounds of weight was in his hands.

It’s like a light feather.

This scene stunned the beast trainer Mochi.

He hurriedly stopped shouting: “Niche don’t! ”

However…… His shouting was too late.

Bucky, who was tied up in a sack, before he could know what was going on, felt like he was flying.

Then the next moment, a huge force suddenly slammed on his body!

Bucky’s expression suddenly became extremely exciting!

The eyeballs almost didn’t bulge.

Bloodshot streaks spread in the whites of the eyes….

The sound of fractures is faintly heard.

The sack, like a leather ball, was flown out by the big lion niche and slammed into the fence next to the boat, fortunately these fences are all metal, otherwise Bucky would have flown into the sea.

If a Devil Fruit Ability person falls into the sea, the end is basically nine deaths.

Because the Devil Fruit Powers are once immersed in seawater.

Almost not the slightest bit of strength!

In this case, let alone swimming….

Even with a sharp knife, the strength to cut through that burlap bag is too impossible.

“Mixed… Bastard…… Ahem! ”

“That’s enough!!”

The pain all over his body and the feeling of suffocation in his heart made Bucky surprisingly angry, and he frantically cut the sack with the knife in his hand, but what made him stunned was that this time… He actually cut the burlap bag directly.

A ray of sunlight seeped through the burlap bag, which made Bucky almost stop crying.

Finally…… I finally came out of the bag myself!

But why can’t it be cut just now?!

It’s obviously just ordinary sackcloth!

But…… When you first cut with a knife, it was like cutting a steel plate.

Wait, could it be that?

Bucky’s mind came to mind.

But before he could get out of the burlap bag, a cone tingling pain came again, and the violent impact made his bloodshot eyes bulge again, and his eyeballs almost fell.

The funny clown makeup, combined with this expression, makes him even more funny now.

“The niche … Niche was actually knocked out with one blow! ”

The tamer Mochi was stunned.

It is difficult to accept this fact.

Just now, he saw that the strange man, just kicked, kicked the huge niche out, and then the niche slammed into a burlap bag.

Looking at Liki’s white eyes rolling wildly, even if he is not dead, it is estimated that he will not have the power to fight again.

This, this, this… Who the hell is this guy?

Not only did he kidnap Captain Bucky right away.

And also beat the niche with one blow!

When did the East China Sea produce such a ruthless person?

I’ve never heard of it!

Who the hell is he?!

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