"Why are you looking at me like that?" Garp asked confused.

"Stop pretending to me! Do you think I don't know that you are very thoughtful?" He said angrily.

"I do not know what you're talking about......"

Garp laughed and said, "Warring States, let's go!"


Warring States and Garp sang together, then left with Zefa and Aunt on their backs.

He was left gritting his teeth and looking at Ling Bai.

She was thinking about whether to put on sea-floor stone handcuffs first, which would make her feel more at ease.

But there is really no reason. How to explain it if Ling Bai wakes up.


Crane shook his head in distress.

She knew that Ling Bai's performance so far was even qualified for the position of marshal. He was excellent in all aspects except drinking.

But after feeling that sword, she felt very dissatisfied in her heart. She didn't know whether it was fear or awe, but it really made her want to stay away from Ling Bai.

"Sister He? You are indeed here!"

At this moment, Gion's voice came.

When Gion saw Ling Bai drunk on the ground, he shook his head helplessly, lifted it up and carried it on his shoulders, and said to He:

"Let's go! The prisoners of war and the confiscated trophies are over there. If you come here..."

Gion couldn't help but gasped when he saw half of the ocean disappearing and the seawater pouring into the abyss.

It was indeed a royal-level battle, and she could not imagine how they fought again just now.

But she didn't know that the movement of the emperor-level battle was actually in this ruins, and everything outside the island was caused by Ling Bai's sword.

"Huh? Sister He, why are you still in a daze? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Gion asked with concern.

"No..." He said subconsciously.

In fact, she was just wondering why Gion was so skillful.

But in the end, the problem of carrying Ling Bai was solved.

After calming down a little, He smiled at Gion, and then the two of them left the place.


Three days later.

The Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick.

"Dad! The rumors are true, they are all in the newspapers!"

A pirate ran towards Whitebeard with a newspaper, a look of panic on his face.

"Gu la la la! Isn't this great? We are the pirate kings!" Whitebeard said drunkenly while drinking.

"Oh, Dad! Don't be ridiculous! The navy has brought all the beasts and Big Mom in one pot, and they will definitely find a way to target us!" The pirate was very worried.

"If you have the ability, just come!"

Whitebeard slapped the barrel on the ground, still smiling.

First, the Golden Lion was captured, then Kaido's lair was bombed, and now the news came that the beasts and Big Mom were destroyed at the same time, he knew that there must be something special in the navy!

But would you be afraid if that were the case?

He is not Edward Newgate!

"Otherwise... let's take the opportunity to take over the territory of Beasts and Big Mom, right? Dad!" Diamond Jozi said.

"I don't think it's appropriate..."

Marco sat on the side of the ship and said softly, "There are so many guys on the sea, and someone will definitely share the spoils. If someone falls from the position of pirate emperor, there will definitely be someone who desperately wants to climb up..."

"The sea is going to be in chaos!"

Whitebeard chuckled, then turned to say seriously, "Take care of your family first, and if you see a powerful guy, take him over and make him your son!"

Hearing this, many captains under Whitebeard finally understood.

In the era of great pirates, pirates come one after another. The death of Kaido and Big Mom will only further arouse the desire of the pirates. If the navy wants to free up its hands to target them again, it will take how long it will take to prepare.

It seems that the Navy has cleared up a wave of troops, but in fact, it is far from enough!

"The era that Roger started can't be closed so easily! Gu la la la!"

Whitebeard's laughter echoed on the sea, intertwined with the undercurrent under the sea.

Chapter 202 Eavesdropping on high-level meetings (8/8, please give me flowers!)

Navy G-1 Branch.

The victory settlement of this war took place for a whole week!

Although the navy only killed one cake island, all the original Big Mom pirates in the entire country have retreated. This is the principle of capturing the thief first.

Originally, after Zefa woke up, he planned to take the entire territory of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms under the jurisdiction of the navy in one fell swoop, but pirates in various places along the Grand Line suddenly became extremely active.

Not only did the pressure on G-8 and G-2 double and they had to return to garrison, but a large wave of pirates also poured into the new world, causing the navy to suffer huge losses when it expanded its territory.

Obviously, it would not be a problem to attack an island with naval forces, but if you want to dominate all of BIG·MOM's territory, it will become extremely difficult to defend it in an instant.

From time to time, pirates would come out to cause trouble, which made the navy very uncomfortable. Everyone was exhausted and the gains outweighed the losses.

"I thought it would have a strong deterrent effect, but these pirates are like lunatics. They think Kaido and Big Mom should be eliminated by the times, and they overestimate their own capabilities!".

Zefa felt a headache.

He felt more and more how terrifying the era Roger had started was.

Most pirates have their own dreams, and almost all of them are determined not to give up until they hit the wall!

But just because there are so many people with self-aggrandizement, this victory of the Navy failed to achieve a major breakthrough in the new world.

Even Zefa had to announce a suspension of repairs and wait and see what happens.


The door of the room opened, and Ling Bai staggered in, very unhappy.

"Why are you here again..." Zefa said in distress, moving the bandages on his body.

Originally, after the battle of Cake Island, the three senior executives were still a little uncomfortable with Ling Bai's strength, but Ling Bai was pestering them all the time, and they got used to everything!

"Of course I'm coming! You promised me the G-9 branch! Why don't you give it to me!"

Ling Bai lay on the table, stretched out his hands, and asked Zefa to fulfill his promise.

"It takes a lot of time to build a naval branch! And the approval process is complicated! According to the process, the Navy Marshal will first report to the commander-in-chief of the whole army, and then discuss and analyze it before it can be approved! After approval, the payment of funds is another problem!" Zefa explained.

Now both the positions of the Navy Marshal and the commander-in-chief of the whole army are vacant, so it is naturally more troublesome to approve!

In fact, He and Zhan Guo explained it very clearly to Ling Bai.

But Ling Bai wanted to move to Peach Blossom Island right away.

If G-1 had not been brought back at the beginning, and the ice on Peach Blossom Island had melted, Ling Bai might have taken the initiative to build a large-scale construction on Peach Blossom Island!

"I think you are just thinking of something! You want to stop me from drinking!" Ling Bai said angrily.

"Really not..."

Zefa hurried to explain.

Who in the entire navy has the courage to stop Ling Bai from drinking now?

"You'd better not lie to me!"

Ling Bai's eyes flashed fiercely, but he turned his wrist and took out a mechanical Den Den Mushi and threw it to Zefa, "This thing is for you!"

"Den Den Mushi?"

Zefa took it up and looked at it for a while, but didn't see anything strange.

"This is a 'one-to-many' Den Den Mushi, which can dial multiple people at the same time! I see that you Cake Island has gone through so much trouble to call for retreat, and with this, you don't even need to contact the middleman!" Ling Bai introduced.


Zefa's eyes lit up and nodded, "A new invention? It sounds good!"

Just as he was about to study it, another Den Den Mushi rang.

It's He.

"Zefa, I heard that you can move recently?" He said.

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone is in G-1. Instead of caring about me on the phone, why don't you come to visit me!" Zefa said unhappily.

"Then I'll get back to the point! Marshal Kong has arrived at G-1! If you can move, come to my office for a meeting!"

Hearing this, Zefa looked solemn.

Ever since Kong was seriously injured by Ling Bai's punch, he has been recuperating in the Holy Land. Now that several months have passed, he finally has time to come down in person.

And he has to hold a meeting as soon as he comes, probably to deal with the destruction of the beasts and BIG·MOM.

Zefa immediately stood up and went to He's office.

"Since the bribe has been accepted, you have to pay attention to the matter of G-9!" Ling Bai shouted from behind.

Hearing this, Zefa almost fell to the ground.

Good guy, he thought it was a gift, but it turned out to be a bribe!

However, even if Ling Bai didn't say it, the G-9 branch was a very important move for him, so they would definitely talk about it!

Entering the meeting room, Zefa held his head high, but found that Kong's expression was serious and he didn't look very happy.

With doubts in his heart, Zefa looked at He and Zhan Guo, but found that He raised his chin and motioned him to sit down first.

At the same time, Ling Bai had gathered a bunch of generals outside in advance.

"Let me make it clear first! If you want to listen to the high-level meeting, each of you will get a pot of good wine! I have invested a lot of money in eavesdropping on Den Den Mushi!"

A lot of people gathered in Ling Bai's own small room.

Each of them had made great achievements on Cake Island.

There were even Sakaski, Borsalino and Kuzan.

Originally, Sakaski and Kuzan disdained to participate, but Borsalino came secretly!

After thinking about it carefully, they had a hunch that this meeting might involve the selection of generals!

After all, the rights of the marshal candidate are already above the generals, and the navy currently does not have a real general.

The merits of the three major natural systems are sufficient, so it won't be delayed for too long. If you don't listen, you may miss the opportunity!

The other generals, each with their own thoughts, are very concerned about the content of the meeting. Even Garp came to join in the fun when he was free. He brought his own tea and rice crackers and was very interested in Ling Bai's leading the trouble.

Everyone handed over wine, ranging from low-grade to high-grade.

But Ling Bai didn't care, he accepted all the orders, and then turned on the eavesdropping Den Den Mushi!


A 3D projection bloomed from the eyes of the Den Den Mushi.

"What? There is an image?"

"What is the imaging principle?"

"Although I can't see the face clearly, this should be Marshal Kong..."

The generals just wanted to listen to the voice, but they didn't expect Ling Bai to give such a full sense of technology, and they immediately felt that a pot of wine was worth it.

"Don't worry, do business with me, no one will cheat! Take care of me often in the future!"

Ling Bai smiled.

It's just the first time, just have wine, pull up the network, and slowly routine a few waves, and you still have everything you need!

At this moment, the space in the 3D projection moved, and at the same time, a sound was heard.

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