"Zefa! Look at the good things you have done with your senior management! Who asked you to kill all the beasts and Big Mom?"

Hearing the sound, the lieutenants were immediately stunned.


Is this something they did wrong? .

Chapter 203 True Justice (Please give me flowers!)

Not only the lieutenants, but Zefa also stared when he heard Sora say this.

He looked at Sora in disbelief with a complicated expression.

"What do you mean?"

Although he used honorifics, Zefa's tone was very unkind.

Through the phone bug, the lieutenant generals could feel that Zefa was trying his best to suppress his temper.

"The teacher is going to explode!"

"If it were me, I'd be angry too!"

"I can't understand what Marshal Kong is thinking..."

Everyone was working hard on the front line, but the first thing Kong said was to blame. Everyone at the scene felt very uncomfortable.

Although some words were not said, even Garp understood them.

Sora did not participate in the battle between Hundred Beasts and Big Mom. He was originally a person who stayed out of the matter. If he was praised, everyone would be happy to hear it. But now, if he criticizes like this, he will offend a lot of people.

"If it's to beat me! No need to! The destruction of the beasts and Big Mom this time makes me very proud of the current navy! I am very proud that my students have upheld justice!"

Zefa did not go short.

The body is sitting very upright, with a clear conscience.

"Hmph! Justice?"

Kong snorted coldly, slapped the table, and scolded louder: "Do you know what justice is?"

"Destroying pirates is justice!"

Zefa did his part and said without hesitation.

"Wine is justice!" In the small room, Ling Bai replied drunkenly.

Upon hearing the sound, many lieutenant generals had black lines appearing on their foreheads.

They were all concentrating on watching the show... No, they were listening to the meeting!

Can you please stop interrupting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Who the hell doesn’t know that wine is your justice? !

Now even the naval branch in the East China Sea knows that there is an alcoholic lieutenant general in the headquarters!


Kong's violent voice came, more powerful than Zefa's, saying: "World peace! Is the real justice!"

"How can the world be truly peaceful unless all pirates are wiped out!" Zefa also roared.

"Did you destroy them all? Huh?!" Kong immediately asked loudly.

Instead, he threw a large pile of documents in front of Zefa.

"What is this?" Zefa snapped.

Even if it is not completely destroyed now, it will be clean one day!

"This is a pirate report coming from all over the place! The activity level has increased at least three times!" Sora stared.

Each copy has the seal of a special CP organization, and the source of information is very careful!

"So what? The two pirate emperors who were the biggest threat to the navy have been eliminated. Do you dare to say that this was not done correctly?!"

What Zefa can't accept the most is Kong's complete denial of this war!

"It's not incorrect! It's just completely wrong!"

Kong glared at Zefa, and then asked with suppressed anger, "Do you know how many pirates the Beasts and Big Mom help us eliminate every year?"


Zefa was immediately stunned.

The other lieutenant generals also opened their mouths.

Could it be that the Pirate Emperor is cooperating with the World Government?

"This data is confidential. Only the CP organization can calculate it. I don't blame you if you don't know... But today, I will convince you!"

Sora took out another statistics, which was a list of pirates from last year, with countless names densely listed.

Among them, the pirates with bounties of over 100 million are like the Lord of the River, and they are too numerous to count!

But what’s even more shocking is that most of them are crossed out in red!

The simple reasons behind it are all "challenge the emperor to death in battle"!

"How come there are so many!"

Zefa was completely dumbfounded.

More than 70% of the pirates either died in battle, were destroyed by the group, were absorbed, or left the Grand Line in despair!

The pirates who really have direct conflicts and victories with the navy are just mediocre.

In a small room.

The clarity of the 3D projection made it difficult to see the words on the list, but from Zefa's mood, everyone knew that this number was very high!

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Sora said disdainfully, "The Pirate Emperor's territory in the New World was deliberately given to them by the World Government! In order to allow the villains from all over the world to rush to one place and kill each other!"


Upon hearing this, the lieutenants glared at each other.



They have always felt that the navy could not defeat the pirates, so they retreated to the first half of the New World!

In fact, not only them, but also Warring States who heard a little bit of the news were shocked inside at this time!

"Are you sure this isn't arrogance?" Zefa naturally didn't believe it even more.

He is already a general, and has been involved in a series of battles recently, so he knows that the pirates in the New World are terrifyingly powerful.

The word "give" in Sora's mouth sounds really funny and has no credibility at all!

"No matter what the outside world thinks! As long as the world government is willing, all the territory in the New World can be taken back in an instant!" Kong said firmly.

Having said this, the generals on the other end of the phone fell into deep thought.

"If we really want to fight, our side is still stronger!"

"But the problem is that the price is too high, right? I don't know how many people will die!"

"But that 'give', tsk... With all due respect, Marshal Kong has not been on the front line for a long time..."

The lieutenants all had their own ideas, and Zefa couldn't find any obvious flaws in what he said to Sora.

Looking at the entire world, the territory in the second half of the Grand Line is indeed not very large. However, the World Government owns the Red Continent, the Four Seas, and the first half of the Grand Line. If we insist on fighting, the government will definitely win.

But this assumption is simply not true. The people above will definitely not launch a world-level war!

"This question is not worth arguing about!"

Zefa was not prepared to get entangled too much and got right to the point, "Even if the Beasts and Big Mom digest a large number of pirates every year, it also shows that they pose a greater threat. The advantages of this battle will definitely outweigh the disadvantages!"

After all, he still didn't agree with Sora's statement.

"It seems you still don't understand!"

Sora sat back in his seat and said in a gradually colder tone, "Then let me make it clear! The Pirate Emperor is a mortal enemy of the navy, yes! But to the World Government, he is just the same thing as the King's Shichibukai. Do you understand?"

"Checks and balances..." He thought to himself.

Zefa and Warring States were also lost in thought.

They have always regarded themselves as naval forces, but what Sora shows them now is obviously on a higher level!

This is the position of the world government!

Sora continued:

"The Age of Great Pirates has begun, and the number of pirates has increased unprecedentedly. However, the navy has not suffered major losses, which actually illustrates the significance of internal friction! Even if people continue to pour into the Grand Line, the total number of pirates and their total strength have not fluctuated greatly!

The reason is that the beasts, Big Mom, and Whitebeard formed horns to restrain each other, causing a large number of pirates to die in the new world!

Such a stable pattern is a great situation for the entire world. It has not changed much for more than ten years, but now, you have broken it! "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone felt as if they were suffocating, whether in the conference room or the small room.

Chapter 204 Everyone is a tool (please give me flowers!)

After Sora finished speaking, no one spoke for a long time.

The changes in the pattern are terrifying to think about.

Suddenly, Zefa clenched his fists.

"Even if that's true! Shouldn't we take care of the Pirate Emperor?

Kaido is cruel and murderous, enslaving a whole country! The aunt is weird and irritable, draining the life span of others!

They are not helpers of justice, they are just a group of vicious people! If the Navy doesn't even dare to deal with such people, then what's the point of establishing the Navy! "

Through the 3D projection, the lieutenant generals can feel Zefa's sense of justice!


The Pirate Emperor did kill a large number of pirates, but they also brought disaster to countless islands in the New World!

As a righteous person and as a navy, if we should not punish such villains, then what is the point of establishing the navy! .

"Since we are talking about this! I might as well tell you directly!"

Sora pointed at the seagull flag hanging on the wall of the conference room.

"The world government establishes a navy for three purposes!

1. Deter pirates and maintain the just image and rule of the world government!

2. Fine-tune the numbers to prevent the emergence of a powerful pirate group like Rocks that may subvert the rule of the world government!

3. Cultivate combat power. The world's nobles and the kings of allied countries need protection. A group of warriors who fight on the front line and have a sense of justice are the best protectors! "

After finishing speaking, Zefa and Zhan Guo were dumbfounded for a moment, while He seemed to have known about it for a long time and remained silent.

But inside the small room, the lieutenants felt that their world view was about to explode!

Among all the empty goals, there is no justice, no ambition, only ruthless political power!

They are no longer representatives of justice, no longer heroes fighting evil, but tools to maintain rule and the bodyguards of those rulers!

"Is this what you call peace?"

Zefa's breathing gradually became rapid, showing his inner unrest!

"Only when the world government's rule is stable can there be true peace!"

"Then shouldn't we care about pirates who kill people and set fires? Shouldn't we protect ordinary people who are separated from their wives by pirates?!"

As the problem intensified, Zefa's emotions gradually got out of control!

Warring States and He secretly had a bad idea, Sora's words were too macroscopic, and the reason for Zefa's actions all along was just to avenge his wife and children!

Sora also knew that this was Zefa's sensitive issue, so he avoided talking about it and instead said: "Only when the big family of the world is stable, will everyone's small family be stable! Now that we are in our position, we should take a longer view. !”

"I won't agree!"

Zefa said categorically, "I became a general and swore allegiance to the World Government. I just wanted to have more space to fight against pirates! Now I sit in the position of alternate marshal! If the navy is just a navy that 'maintains rule' as you say, I Never admit it!”

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