"But this is a fact! It is also the fundamental purpose of the World Government's establishment of a navy! Don't forget! You are a soldier! Soldiers are the tools of the ruler from beginning to end! This is true whether it is you or me! " Kong said seriously.

The meaning is obvious, everyone is the same, they are all tool people!

"I am a soldier, but I am a human being first! I don't mind maintaining your rule, and I don't mind the distinction between high and low in the world. But if you continue to say that Destroy the Beasts and Big Mom are wrong, I will have no choice but to quit the military and go to Establish a navy that can truly represent justice!”

"Zefa, you are crazy!"

Sengoku said sharply.

Zefa has said more than once that he wants to quit the navy, and several people have heard it many times. However, the meaning of establishing a navy is completely different, and the world government will never allow it.

In name, he will definitely be treated the same as a pirate and will be hunted down!

The Warring States Period does not want former colleagues to become enemies!

Sure enough, upon hearing about the new navy, an extremely dangerous aura erupted from Sora's body, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little violent.

Danzefa firmly believed in the justice in his heart and stared at Sora without any wavering in his eyes!

"The first time I said this, I can pretend I didn't hear it! But if it happens a second time..."

As soon as the empty words fell, the teacup on the table broke.

It's not a domineering and domineering look, but a simple aura.

"No need to pretend not to hear, I..."

Zefa's temper got worse, and his stubborn side was exposed.

What else does he dare not say?

Warring States quickly covered Zefa's mouth, and Crane immediately washed away Zefa's anger and strength.

"Stop talking!"


The two senior executives know Zefa's temper well. If it continues to develop, they might actually go out and build a new navy, which would be a big trouble!

Zefa struggled to push the two away.

But it seems that because of Crane's fruit ability, he was obviously calmer, and he did not continue to say useless nonsense, but instead said:

"Aren't you just worried that once the beasts and Big Mom are wiped out, the pirates will rush out and the number will not be reduced? Then I will personally catch all the pirates who may affect the stability of the rule! This way, the head office Come on!"


Sora yelled again!

But this time it was not directed at Zefa, but at Lian He and Warring States!

"Speaking of going in person... Did the three of you serve as high-level officials for nothing for so many years? During the entire war, you all went to the front line without a single commanding officer?"

Hearing the sound, both Seng Guo and He were a little confused.

It's not that this issue has not been considered, but Ling Bai suddenly detonated Jack at that time, and the time was tight, so he could only divide the work according to the tentative personnel battle schedule.

"And... I also heard that it was Ling Bai who arranged the troops for you? He personally arranged your opponents?"

Kong looked at the three of them with a smile on his face, obviously angry, angry and funny.

Now, even Zefa realizes that he is wrong, and his moral aura has weakened a lot.

"Yes..." Crane whispered.

"You are so outstanding! You are sixty or seventy years old, and you are still fooling around with a drunkard! Fortunately, we won this war! If we had lost, the three of you would have waited to go to the military court!" Kong pointed at the three of them.

Hearing the sound, Warring States felt bitter.

Now listen to what Kong means. It’s wrong to win, and it’s even more wrong to lose. In short, you shouldn’t fight!

It seemed that he had scolded enough and his words were very clear. Sora did not continue to criticize, but said:

"The matter has come to this, and I don't want to hold anyone accountable. I'm just very disappointed in the overall situation of the three of you! This is a big lesson, and it also allows you three to recognize your identities! Now, hurry up and find a way to make up for it!"

After hearing this, Zefa immediately wanted to make up for it!

But He seemed to have expected it, and directly hung Zefa up to dry, and then quickly handed Sora a document.

"Jin of the Beasts and Big Mom's Perospero have not been captured. Both of them have strength and prestige. We can increase their bounty and push them to the forefront to relieve the pressure!" Crane suggested.

Sora pondered for a moment and then ordered: "I will directly promote him as the new pirate emperor. I will arrange for people from the newspaper to cooperate in making fishing boats! Before the next pirate emperor worthy of the name is born, the navy cancels all operations in the new world!"

"So urgent?"

He didn't expect Sora to arrange it like this.

"Now the Pirate Emperor only has a white beard, and he is a man who can destroy the world! If there is no big pirate to put pressure on him, if he becomes as ambitious as Rocks, he will become the biggest threat!"

But this time, everyone understood.

This is the real reason why Sora is so angry!

Because the power to check the development of Whitebeard is gone! .

Chapter 205 Marshal Zefa (please give me flowers!)

Some people say that this era is the era of great pirates.

But there is actually another statement——

Because the era of Roger the Pirate King has come to an end...

This era is actually the era of white beard!

The strongest man in the world has the power to destroy the world!

No matter in terms of personality, strength, domineering, fruit ability, or experience, they are all impeccably powerful, and he has countless large pirate groups under his command.

Although there are rumors that Whitebeard is old and his strength is declining, the title of the strongest in the world is still firmly on Whitebeard's head.

"If such a person takes the opportunity to develop and dominate the new world! Then launching this war will be the most serious mistake in the history of the navy!"

Sora leaned back in his chair, and his expression showed that he was very wary of Whitebeard, far more than Kaido.

"But the Whitebeard Pirates have been very quiet recently. They have only strengthened patrols in various territories, and have no intention of expanding their territory!" Crane reported.

"It's hard to say... Although he doesn't seem to have any ambitions, he has followed Rocks' ship after all! I also hope that he will not make any moves and just stay in the New World with peace of mind!" Sora said cautiously.

"But the problem is that the entire navy is now immersed in the joy of a great victory. If I tell them that this war is wrong, I'm afraid that many people will not be able to accept it..." Crane said worriedly.

Hearing this, the vice admirals in the small room immediately became extremely excited, as if they had thousands of words to say!

That's right, they really couldn't accept it!

And many places couldn't accept it!

Sora's words were too realistic, but every word made sense!

Justice is bullshit, and rule and power are the eternal themes!

They all felt that they might as well get paid to live in the navy, so why work so hard on the front line?

"Of course, we will reward according to merit! We will resolutely implement justice thoroughly!

I will only say this in this room about the wrong remarks about this war! The purpose is to tell you that you must know how to check and balance!

What if there is a pirate who can become the pirate emperor to fight against Whitebeard in the future, but you don't even give him a chance to develop and directly destroy him, what will happen?" Kong said with regret.

Such a simple truth, how can a group of people sitting in this position not understand it?

"What about the outside world? We still insist on being right and win a great victory?" Crane asked.

"Yes! In this war, Zefa was awarded the first merit and promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Navy, and Sengoku was awarded the second merit and promoted to the rank of Vice Marshal!" Kong said coldly.

"What did you say?!!"

The news came a little suddenly, causing Zefa and Sengoku's eyes to bulge suddenly.

In the small room, the generals stood up with a bang, looking shocked.

The result announced by Kong suddenly was beyond everyone's expectations!

Just now, he criticized Zefa so badly, and then he was promoted to Marshal. This wave of magical operation was not understood by anyone present.

And what the hell is that deputy admiral?

When did a deputy come into the navy system?

"Are you sure?"

Zefa pointed at himself.

He was about to quit the navy just now, but Sora said he was now the admiral of the navy?

What's going on?

"For this war, the people above also hold two views! One is what I just said, holding a negative view, and the other is that they think they can take the opportunity to destroy the pirates, end the era of pirates, and eliminate future troubles!"

Sora seemed reluctant to tell the top leaders about the views of the Five Elders.

But this time the vote was three to two, which was beyond his control!

"So that's it..."

Zefa looked at Sora meaningfully, and the dark clouds in his heart disappeared immediately.

Although Sora had just criticized him for nothing, he now looked quite timid.

With Sora's calmness, if everything was under control, he would never be as furious as before!

Obviously, that was a manifestation of incompetence and rage!

He just wanted to instill some ideas into himself as much as possible before announcing the result of the marshal.

And in the small room, many people suddenly realized.

It turns out that not only the navy has hawks and doves, but also the rulers of the world government are divided into hawks and doves.

This time, it seems that the hawks have won.


Sengoku felt like he was about to vomit blood.

Life is really full of twists and turns.

When the navy won a great victory, he thought he could no longer compete with Zephyr, but Kong's remarks made him see the light again, thinking that the opportunity to show his strength had come.

But what happened in the end? It's so uncomfortable...

In fact, how could Kong not be uncomfortable?

He thought that the most suitable candidate for the navy was Sengoku!

His meticulous character would neither cause the navy to suffer excessive losses nor would he be impatient to take down two pirate emperors at once.

Slowly eroding the pirate forces in the New World and closing the Great Pirate Era bit by bit while balancing and balancing is undoubtedly the best choice.

But the Five Elders don't think so!

Especially when the news of the destruction of the Beasts and BIG·MOM spread to the world, the Revolutionary Army, which had been a headache for the government, suddenly stopped!

After all, the Revolutionary Army and the pirates are different in being brainless!

That group of organized and disciplined criminals immediately realized that there was a huge gap between themselves and the overall strength of the Navy, and their activities in various places gradually decreased.

So far, the expected deterrent effect of this victory has been fully demonstrated, causing a more centrist Five Elders to turn to the hawks and order Zefa to be elected as the Navy Marshal!

"Zefah, be serious! Your face is about to burst!" Kong said angrily.

"Really? I'm very angry at this moment, and I want to quit the Navy..." Zefa said with a smile.

"Believe it or not, I approved it for you!" Kong glared, "I'm the commander-in-chief of the entire army now, don't think I can't control you!"

"Then you stay in G-1 all the time!"

Zefah rolled his eyes and didn't buy it at all.

He had long seen that if Kong could find a way to get him out of class, he wouldn't talk too much!

Once Kong left, he would still have the final say in the entire Navy!

"But what about the deputy marshal Sengoku?"

He also knew that Zephyr and Sora had different philosophies and it was hard for them to get along.

Immediately changed the subject and asked about the position of deputy marshal.

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