"Don't be unhappy! I'm done with my business, go back to the room!"

"Huh? Why go back to your room?"

Gion was stunned. He had asked her where she was just now, saying she was going to a meeting.

"Didn't you ask me to go back and continue?"

Ling Bai said matter-of-factly.

Hearing the sound, Gion was shocked and ashamed.


It had been two days and two nights, and her physical condition was almost unbearable. Ling Bai could still continue...

"You're welcome......"

Ling Bai said and took her back to the room.


Gion couldn't help but exclaimed as he felt the aura close at hand.

She just walked out of the room, why did she come back again?

This is too awesome!

It's really the hardest time to let go when the peach blossoms are warm.


As soon as it got dark, the phone in the office kept ringing.

Gion left unknown when, and Ling Bai didn't wake up until now.


Ling Bai yawned and answered the phone.

"What are you feeding me? Lieutenant General Ling Bai! You promised me to go on a mission! Why haven't you returned to the Holy Land from the New World yet?"

Stussy's obviously angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

The World Government sent a special person to wait for Ling Bai at the port of the Holy Land. As a result, Ling Bai has been waiting for so many days, but there is still no movement at all!


Ling Bai drooped his eyelids. Suddenly, he remembered that there was still a world noble waiting for him to save.

"that is because......"

Ling Bai thought about how to explain.

"If you want to go to Fish-Man Island, you must first go from the Holy Land to the Chambord Islands for coating! I can't wait for you now. The superiors thought I didn't convey the message well enough, so they gave me a good scolding. I really admire you!"

Stussy has always been dealing with smart people. Even if everyone pretends not to care on the surface, in fact they care deeply!

Only Ling Bai!

It seems like he doesn’t care, he really doesn’t care!

"Of course I'm very interested! However, I entered Fish-Man Island from the New World side, so I don't have to go through Mary Joa again!"

"There must be a limit to lying! Where are you going to get coating in the new world?" Stussy yelled.

"Every pirate has a way to return to the first half, why can't I have it? Stop nagging me, old lady, I have my own sense of discretion!" Ling Bai said and hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Stusy crushed the phone bug with a bang.

Old woman?

She clearly looks like a twenty-year-old girl!

(I have been locked up in a small dark room. Please read this chapter and pass it.)

Chapter 233 If there is no membrane bubble, then blow one (please give me flowers!)

Ling Bai told Peng En to carefully guard G-9, and then arrived at G-1 from the mirror world!

In fact, the Yunbian has been parked at the port of G-1 and has never set off.

"Lieutenant General Ling Bai!"

Tina led the Yunbian Navy to conduct daily training and maintenance. When she saw Ling Bai, she immediately saluted!

"Get ready to leave the port! We are going out to perform a mission!"

Ling Bai jumped on the boat, sat down next to the rudder, then took out a bottle of wine, and started drinking it leisurely.

The targets this time are Fish-Man Island and Marigioa. There are definitely a lot of good things in both places!

As he savored the aroma of the wine, he began to vaguely look forward to it.

"Huh? Departure?".

As for Tina, she didn’t react for a while.

She didn't receive any notification about her recent mission, so why was she suddenly leaving Hong Kong?

But everyone in G-1 had long wanted to go to sea. Although Ling Bai's words made many people stunned for a moment, the crowd soon became excited. Before Tina could take command, the navy spontaneously unloaded the anchor, raised the sails, and set sail. !

The Yunbian quickly set sail from the port.

A few minutes later, the G-1 branch building.

Zefa, Sengoku, Tsuru, and Gion were sitting around for a meeting.

"The Navy Headquarters was transferred to G-1, and the stable relationship between Marinefando, Judiciary Island, and Impel Down City was destroyed to a certain extent!

As for Impel Down City, many big pirates have been imprisoned in half a year, as well as several criminals from the Revolutionary Army. The supervision pressure has increased a lot!

For this reason, the mirror world of Impel Castle and Navy Headquarters must be stably established! This matter is very important, Gion, I hope you go to Impel Down and bring Bree with you! "

Zefa expressed his thoughts.

On the one hand, it is to connect with Impel City, and on the other hand, it is to ensure Bree's safety, which requires at least general-level combat power to be more appropriate.

"Yes!" Gion said seriously.

On the side, He pondered for a moment and said:

"In the past, we could quickly support Impel Down from Marineford, but now it's very troublesome to support from G-1. Although there hasn't been an incident there for a long time, it's right to be careful after all! I happen to have something to go to Doflamingo. , I will accompany you all the way to Gion!”

"That's fine! Gion has never been to Impel Down City, and I don't know what the environment is like inside. With you accompanying me, things should go much smoother!" Zefa agreed.

Everyone discussed some other details.

Halfway through the meeting, the phone suddenly rang.

Puff, puff —

"Wait me a moment!"

Zefa signaled for the meeting to be suspended and then answered the phone.

But before he heard a word, his eyes suddenly bulged.

"Are you sure Ling Bai is on the Yunbian? And it's still heading towards the Holy Land?"

"Yes! And the Jiulaifeng accelerator was activated. It looked very urgent!" the port navy report reported.

"I know..."

Zeffa hung up the phone calmly.

However, that was just because he didn't want his subordinates to feel that he, the marshal, was not calm!

As soon as he hung up the phone, Zefa stood up suddenly, and without saying a word, he rushed out of the main table of the meeting!

In a blink of an eye, there was no one.

"What happened?"

This movement scared Zhan Guo and He.

The two didn't know why, but they didn't dare to neglect it, and followed Zefa out of the meeting room.

Although Gion had a mission, he was not in a hurry. He frowned slightly and followed the three people.

Under Zefa's leadership, the four entered the mirror world together, and then arrived at Yunbian from a mirror.

At this time, Yunbian had just landed on the sea from the extreme speed of Jiulaifeng, and the navy was still retching.

Zefa also felt that the hull was shaking violently, but he forced himself to stabilize his body and found Ling Bai with the perception of the color of seeing!

"Stinky boy! Why don't you stay in the G-9 branch and stay honestly? Where are you going?"

When they met, Zefa opened his eyes and shouted.

"Hey? Teacher, long time no see!"

Ling Bai smiled and looked at Zefa's hair with more interest, "You have more white hair!"

"Nonsense! I'm almost too busy with the marshal's affairs, and I still have time to take care of you! Tell me! Why are you running to the Holy Land?" Zefa said angrily.

"Although I'm not going from the Holy Land, I have a mission..."

As he said, Ling Bai handed the file that Stussy gave him to Zefa.

Zefar found that the file was not even sealed, and stared at Ling Bai unhappily and said: "You dare to go out to carry out the mission without even reading the content of the mission?"

Speechless, he quickly opened the file and read the content carefully.

However, after reading it, he secretly said that it was not good.

"It's finally here!" Zefa gritted his teeth.

How could Ling Bai be arranged for such a transaction investigation? It was clearly related to the Tianlong people's shipwreck a few days ago!

In the end, the Celestial Dragons will definitely ask Ling Bai to escort him back to the Holy Land! By then...

"Damn it!"

Zeffa is a little confused now.

In this case, Ling Bai will definitely enter the Holy Land!

And from the route point of view, Ling Bai will first pass through the Holy Land once from here, and then go to the Sabaody Archipelago for coating...

"It takes two stops..."

Zeffa shook his head helplessly, and had to say, "Gion, you first guard Ling Bai and prevent him from entering the Holy Land. I will send a warship to the Sabaody Archipelago to pick you up and push you to the city!"


Gion completely understands Zephyr.

But Sengoku and Crane looked at each other.

Could it be that the look of facing a great enemy just now was just because Ling Bai was going to Marijoa?

While they were wondering, a thunderbolt suddenly flashed through their minds!

"Are you afraid that he will touch the warehouse of the Holy Land?!" Sengoku exclaimed.

"We have guarded against him several times! We must not let him get off the ship!" Zephyr said to Gion, but he answered Sengoku's words invisibly.


Zhan Guo and He were speechless.

But thinking carefully, with Ling Bai's character, he could really do such a thing.

If he angered the Celestial Dragons, even Zefa would be powerless to deal with him!

"You don't need to send Gion to watch me! I won't go to Shampoo Land, I will go upstream from here to Fishman Island!" Ling Bai said lazily.

"From here? You don't even have a bubble, how can you withstand the pressure of 10,000 meters under the sea!"

Zefa rolled his eyes at Ling Bai.

He hasn't drunk much wine yet, but he's already talking nonsense.

"If there is no bubble, why not blow one?"

After saying that, Ling Bai jumped up.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, he blew out a huge bubble, wrapping the entire Yunbian in it!

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