
Zefa is disgusted!

After all, the bubble is full of Ling Bai’s breath!

But the strange thing is that there is no peculiar smell, but the fragrance of peach blossom wine.

While everyone was speechless, Ling Bai sat on the bow of the boat again. Part of his body merged with the Yunbian. The boat suddenly tilted and plunged into the water.

Chapter 234 Please swim in the deep sea (8/8, please give me flowers!)

"Are you really going to drive 10,000 meters to the bottom of the sea?"

Zefa was shocked.

The rest of the navy accompanying the ship also turned pale with fright.

Many people gathered around the mirror, ready to escape to the mirror world as soon as the bubble burst.

Even He and Sengoku were no exception. Despite their calm appearance, they still took two imperceptible steps in the direction of the mirror.

Not to mention Ling Bai's weird blowing of this big bubble, but the pressure of 10,000 meters under the sea is so terrifying that a normal warship would be crushed. It's surprising that this casually blown bubble can withstand it!

"You were delayed because of something before...can't you speed up?"

Ling Bai glanced at Gion and expressed that he was also in a dilemma.

Gion's pretty face turned red, but he suddenly realized that several days had passed since the mission was completed!

While his thoughts were wandering, he saw Ling Bai pouring the wine into the small hole.

Suddenly, the hull began to vibrate violently.

"What! You still want to use wine to get wind!"

Now, even Zefa retreated to the mirror.

When the navy saw this, they were almost scared out of their wits. They scrambled to sneak into the mirror world early.

You know, the wind pressure in the drunken state, even the lieutenant general had to be blown against the cabin. This is still under the sea, and the pressure will only be greater!

This bubble will only be awesome if you can hold it!

"Gion! Carry Ling Bai away quickly! It's too late!"

He said in shock, and quickly got into the mirror world.

At this moment, Jiulaifeng started!


Because it was launched 10,000 meters to the bottom of the sea, a huge feeling of weightlessness came instantly. Zefa's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhole, and he almost fainted from the anger!

In addition to him, many naval forces that had not had time to evacuate, including Sengoku and Gion, were also instantly blown away.

A group of human figures retreated, clinging closely to the bubble, and then human figures printed out of the bubble one after another, stretched out very long!


Zhan Guo's heart dropped to the bottom of his heart.

He hesitated just now, expecting Zefa to successfully stop Ling Bai.

However, at this moment, Jiurei Feng suddenly started.

The entire bubble was originally round, but was stretched like plasticine. All of them were outside the normal range of the bubble, but there was still a layer of membrane covering the back.

But the problem is that it seems to be stuck, but in fact it will break immediately!

Once the seawater pours in, he is an esper and will lose his powers immediately. Zefa and Gion are also unable to protect themselves and may not be able to control him at all!

"Why the hell should I follow you!"

Warring States roared crazily in his heart.

Ling Bai is really more powerful than the Pirate Emperor. He only needs to pour a pot of wine and kill the navy marshal and deputy marshal in an instant!

In that moment, Warring States thought a lot!

He was really unwilling to be killed at the bottom of the sea by a drunkard's blind JB operation!

However, a few seconds passed, and the expected feeling of loss of strength did not come.

Even though the man was hung far away from the stern of the boat like a kite, there was still a membrane surrounding him.

Subconsciously, Warring States raised his hand and touched the bubble wrap.

"The bubble blown by Ling Bai is so tough?" Warring States was shocked.

It's not that it's hard, but it's very tough and difficult to break.

Gradually, more and more people discovered the abnormality and began to touch the bubble membrane.

"It's almost the same as the coating on the Chambord Islands?"

"But the best coater has to work hard for several days. Lieutenant General Ling Bai can just blow a bubble?"

"And I didn't feel any pressure from the bottom of the sea. Is this really blown out?"

No one can figure out what kind of bubble this is.

In fact, the Warring States Period should be glad that they did not deduct the sparkling wine that Zhepu gave to Ling Bai. Otherwise, the amount of wine would not be enough and the bubbles would not be able to add such toughness and strength!

As for the front of the bubble, Ling Bai also knew that Jiulaifeng's momentum was terrifying, so he covered it with armed domineering energy to block the pressure at the front.

A few minutes later, everyone had arrived under the deep sea, and the speed of the Cloud Bian also slowed down.

The light became dim and I couldn't see.

Crane and a group of sailors returned to the Cloudside from the mirror world, looking outside, dumbfounded!

"Can you really handle the pressure?"

He looked at the bubbles and was lost for a while.

At the same time, Warring States and others also returned to the normal range little by little under the tension of the bubble film.

When he landed on the deck, Seng Guo realized that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

"Isn't it exciting?" Ling Bai said with a smile, holding the wine bottle.

"I'll stimulate your head!"

Zefa and Warring States said angrily.

They were scared to death.

The navy marshal and deputy marshal took action at the same time, attacking from the left and right, and punched Ling Bai.

"If you take action, this bubble may still be broken!" Ling Bai said coldly.


Two punches passed by Ling Bai's face, making his hair dance. However, neither Zefa nor Zhan Guo's fists fell, but stopped in front of Ling Bai unwillingly.


Suddenly, a whale-like cry echoed in the sea.

Coupled with the fact that nothing could be seen around them, many sailors felt their scalps numb.

"I heard that there are many giant sea kings at the bottom of the deep sea!"

"Don't scare me! If you encounter one here, the bubble will definitely burst!"

"But I really heard a lot of weird sounds! There's not even a little light here!"

While the marines were whispering, for some reason, Ling Bai's body suddenly lit up with light.

Although it is very light, it is indeed brighter than them.

Like a little fluorescent light in the dark night, a little bit of light has become the only sustenance under the deep sea.

But He looked at it and shouted that something was wrong!

"Hurry up and block Ling Bai's light!" He said urgently.

"Why?" The navy members were puzzled.

"He'll attract people like Neptune!"

As soon as He finished speaking, a pupil three times the size of the Yunbian suddenly appeared in everyone's sight!

The horrifyingly huge body scared many sailors to the point of forgetting to breathe!


Super giant Neptune type!

"Well done!"

Ling Bai had long heard a large wave of sea kings muttering around him.

I just happened to catch one and use it as a mount, leading the Yunbian number away!


Ling Bai suddenly shouted, "Since you don't want to leave! Then help catch a Sea King to pull the boat!"

After that, before Zefa could react, Ling Bai blew out another bubble and put it on Zefa.

"What are you doing?" Zefa had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Please experience the deep sea for free!"

Ling Bai grinned and threw Zefa out with all his strength!


Sengoku and He's jaws almost dropped to the floor.

What kind of trouble is this?

I saw Zefa breaking away from the big bubble of the ship's hull, and he was alone in a small bubble. Then, like lightning, he hit the eye of the giant sea king.


The sea king was in pain, and the whale's sound was obviously manic. In the blink of an eye, it was like two mountains closing in, pinching Zefa!

"Depend on!"

Zefa clenched his teeth and subconsciously used Moon Step!

But he discovered that he could walk freely in the sea with his moon steps!

The feeling of swimming in the deep sea was something he had never experienced before in his life.

"Hey! Teacher! Catch him quickly! Otherwise he will run away!" Ling Bai yelled.

Hearing the sound, Zefa twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Does this brat think I'm here to fish?"

But when he glanced at the giant sea king, he showed a thoughtful expression.

Indeed, it seems good to catch one to pull the boat...

Chapter 235 Dragon Palace Kingdom (Please give me flowers!)

The super-giant Neptune class is so large that a flick of its tail is enough to lift even the highest-standard warships.

If the number accumulates to a certain scale and they swim in groups, it will be easy to control ocean currents and trigger tsunamis!

It's a pity that the people who are interested in this super giant sea king now are the top combat forces of the navy!

Under the deep sea, several muffled sounds rang out in shock, and a large amount of seawater exploded in all directions, scaring several surrounding sea kings into hastily running away.

A few minutes later, the anchor of the Cloud Edge was fixed to the super giant Neptune, and Zefa also clapped his hands and landed back on the Cloud Edge.

"You are really fooling around!" He said with a frown.

A man in his 60s or 70s, still acting like a child, went 10,000 meters under the sea to bully the sea kings. How shameless is it?

"I've been feeling sick from sitting in the office for the past half month! I'll stretch my muscles and tsk... I'll feel much better!"

To be honest, Zefa really doesn't adapt to the life of a navy marshal.

Although he can deploy naval combat power according to his own wishes, in order to coordinate the overall situation, he often has to consult various information and hold endless meetings, which is really a tiring job.

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