But only by letting slaves do the work can the unique identity of the world's nobility be reflected!

"Didn't the Celestial Dragons pass?"

The man on the other end of the phone was also very strange and said, "This is the blood factor scanner invented by Vegapunk. It will only send us a signal if it is confirmed to be a descendant of the Queen of Gods..."

"I know!"

Kong said in a deep voice.

When Vegapunk was captured and brought back to the World Government, the Five Old Stars personally asked Vegapunk to serve God!

This bloodline factor scanner is also called the Divine Gate by the Tianlong people!

Only when God comes will the door open!

Therefore, there is not even a single guard in front of the entire Tianlong Gate, just because there is this device specially used to send signals to the slave room!

"Are you a world noble living outside? It's normal to have different clothing..."

As the man spoke, he asked his subordinates to turn on the surveillance phone and look at the situation at Tianlong Gate. However, after seeing the man's clothes clearly, his reaction was even more intense than Sora's.

"Navy? Are there Celestial Dragons in the navy?"

"Of course it's impossible!"

Kong said firmly, "So there must be something wrong with the blood factor scanner! This is a big deal! Don't let us be careless! Close the Tianlong Gate quickly!"

"But if it is closed, wouldn't he be in the Kingdom of God?"

On the other end of the phone, the officer in charge of controlling the slaves was having a headache.

"Tsk...damn it!"

Sora hung up the phone, and anxiously, he could only dial Zefa's number.

As soon as the connection was connected, he shouted angrily: "Zefa! Are you crazy? Quickly pull Ling Bai out of the Kingdom of Gods!"

But Zefa's mind was blank now, and he said in a daze: "I remember that Bega Punk contributed a set of blood factor detectors. Only the world's nobles can obtain permission to enter and exit the Tianlong Gate..."

"You mean Ling Bai is a Tianlong? Absolutely impossible! Pull him out quickly!" Kong roared.

"Can I come in?"

What Zefa meant was that there was a blood factor detection device there. Wouldn't it trigger an alarm if he went in?

Especially after Fisher Tiger caused havoc in the Holy Land, many monitoring and defense systems have been upgraded.

"That's just an access control. Once it's opened, anyone can get in! Quick!" Kong ordered.

Zefa's eyelids twitched, he didn't expect it to be this extent.

But then I thought about it, the Celestial Dragons often rode slaves in and out, so it would be unreasonable to have an alarm.

Immediately, while the iron fence was not lowering, he used Shao to rush into the Kingdom of God.

Behind the door, there is another world!

From the roads to the air, it is unimaginable luxury!

"This is where the Celestial Dragons live..."

Zefa gritted his teeth.

He has never been to this place before, and he never thought that he could come in. Despite Ezerfa's courage, he is a little scared now!

But Jindu came in and had to take Ling Bai away!

Zefa used all his strength to display his domineering power, and suddenly found Ling Bai's voice of life in a warehouse of a Tianlong family!


Zefa cursed secretly.

He thought about ten thousand possibilities for Ling Bai to touch the warehouse of the Holy Land, but he never thought that Ling Bai could walk in from the Tianlong Gate with such arrogance that he was so arrogant!

The front door of the house has been knocked open, Zefa is terrified!

But when he found out that there was another Tianlong man in the room who had been beaten to death like a pig's head, he was completely stunned!


Zefa collapsed on the ground.

He said it wasn't Ling Bai who beat him, who could believe it?

"Teacher, do you dare to come in?"

Ling Bai was carrying a pot of holy tens of billions Bailey wine in his left hand, a pot of holy Golden City wine in his right hand, and a pot of holy brilliant diamond wine in his mouth.

Brilliant diamond wine, the body hardness will be MAX after drinking it! Light refraction MAX! The aura of wealth MAX! Significantly extend lifespan!

"Do you know what you are doing?" Zefa said desperately.

"The door was not closed, so I walked in! As expected of a world noble, so rich!"

Ling Bai drank the dazzling diamond wine and said, "Diamonds are forever, and one will be passed down forever. This one is really big..."

With that said, Ling Bai walked around Zefa, drunkenly, and prepared to raid the nest of a Celestial Dragon!

Even though he only has three pots in his hand, Du Kangsheng's wine cellar actually has a lot of holy and divine wines, including five pots of devil fruit wine alone.


Zefa used his last bit of strength to grab Ling Bai's ankles and said, "Stop making trouble! Run quickly..."

Although he had never experienced any battle, Zefa was soaked with sweat and almost on the verge of collapse.

"Why should I run? I am a world noble!"

Ling Bai chuckled and lifted Zefa up from the ground, "I'm here! The Kingdom of God is the Navy Headquarters. You can move around as you like!"


Zefa didn't catch a breath, and suddenly felt pain in his chest. During the struggle, he fainted.

"Huh? Are you so timid?"

Ling Bai drooped his eyelids, disapprovingly, and carried Zefa out of Tianlongmen's house.

However, as soon as he went out, a group of CP0 and Kong surrounded Ling Bai!

"Ling Bai! Although I don't know what means you used to hide it from Tianlongmen! But how dare you disrespect the world's nobles! No one in this world can save you!" Kong said in a deep voice.

"Haven't you wanted to see me do this for a long time?"

Ling Bai grinned and said disapprovingly, "But don't blame me for not reminding you. If you are disrespectful to the world's nobles! Shouldn't you... also be punished?"

"What do you mean?!"

Kong's heart skipped a beat, and a ridiculous and unrealistic idea quietly emerged.

"That's what you're thinking! Sora! Do you dare to touch me?"

Chapter 242 The Snoring of God’s Kingdom (8/8, please give me flowers!)

Ling Bai had a playful smile on his lips.

Carrying wine in one hand and Zefa in the other, he was not convincing at all in the eyes of the CP0s!

But just such an alcoholic with no credibility made Sora's vigilance rise to an unprecedented height!

"Are you really a world noble?"

Sora clenched his fist tightly.

This idea is ridiculous no matter how you think about it! But it's not impossible!

What if the ancestry factor scanner is not malfunctioning? What if the Tianlongmen really opens for Ling Bai? What if it is just an unknown descendant of some Celestial Dragon people who settled in the outside world?

just in case.......

Just some bastard left outside by some Heavenly Dragon? No, what about illegitimate children?

But no matter what the outcome is, it is not something he can offend!

Even though he has a high position of authority and sits in the position of commander-in-chief of the entire army!

After all, no matter how high he sits, he is still a mortal, and the descendants of the 20 royal families who founded the world government are the real gods!

Even when he was qualified for the position, Wu Laoxing specifically reminded him to recognize his identity and not to be inflated!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ling Bai made a half-mocking sound, without saying much, carrying Zefa towards the next Tianlong man's house.

"Commander? What should I do?"

"What if he just lied to you! We are guilty of dereliction of duty!"

"If we continue to let him do nothing, once he is no longer a noble of the world, we will all be turned into slaves and never see the light of day!"

Everyone in CP0, who has always been cold and taciturn, is now panicking!

Several people followed Ling Bai and rushed into the house. They decided to protect the Tianlong family first. There was nothing wrong!

"Damn it! How could this happen!"

Sora's head is in a mess right now!

In the past, he always felt that Ling Bai underestimated everything in the world, was dissolute and played with life, which he thought was arrogance and impetuous!

But if it is really a noble of the world, then no matter how arrogant the eyes are, it will become a matter of course!

But the problem is, there is no way to identify Ling Bai's identity now!

The safest way is to obtain Ling Bai's blood or hair!

As long as we use the theory of life design diagram to analyze Ling Bai's bloodline factors, we can even know exactly which generation of descendants Ling Bai is!

After all, there is a person in the Five Old Stars who is responsible for scientific research. He quickly learned the theory of life design after Vegapunk discovered it, and entered into in-depth research on the bloodline of God!

But with Ling Bai's strength, if he wanted to bleed, he would be the only one present to take action himself...

This is a big gamble!

Once he loses the bet, Sora can't even imagine the consequences!

Several CP0s were always hesitant when they saw Kong. They couldn't help it and rushed in to try to stop Ling Bai!

But ten seconds later, all of them were severely injured and thrown out of the Tianlong family's house!

"So strong!"

There were several CP0s following Kong who were all startled.

Each of them has the strength of a lieutenant general, but in front of the extremely drunk Ling Bai, they were all eliminated in an instant!

This gap in strength can no longer be made up by quantity!

At this moment, the Tianlong people's huge house disappeared and turned into a pot of wine in Ling Bai's hand.

"Ding - the transformation is completed, you will get a pot of Tianlong Castle wine, a holy product. After drinking it, your construction skills will be MAX! House design will be MAX! Decoration skills will be MAX! Masonry skills will be MAX! Dungeon design will be MAX! If you pour it on people, you can trap enemies in the castle! "

Ling Bai drank it down, his eyes completely hazy.

It is indeed a holy place, even if it just turns the house into wine, it is a holy product!

But he had only raided the homes of two Tianlong people, and even he could hardly drink anymore!

Drunkness came to mind, Ling Bai's mouth curved in a strange way, and he staggered towards the sky.

Gently leaning against Kong's ear, Ling Bai said, "So what if you try every possible means to set me up? Old man! Are you stupid..."

After saying that, Ling Bai's body softened, and he collapsed on Kong's body with no strength left.

Slowly, he slipped to the ground and fell asleep.

When the loud snoring echoed in the Kingdom of God, many Tianlong people opened the door irritably, wondering which family member was making the noise!

Complaints! Complain! Roar! Mix it up!

"Quick! Let's evacuate the Kingdom of God!"

Sora was sweating profusely while trying to remain rational.

Lift up Ling Bai and Zefa and enter Pangle Castle from the social square as quickly as possible.

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