Coming to the office of the commander-in-chief of the army, Kong left Zefa aside and immediately began to draw blood from Ling Bai.

But soon, he found that Ling Bai was simply not a human!

Whether it was the seastone needle or the knife, it could not leave any trace on its surface, and no blood could be seen!

In a state of anxiety, Kong could only pull out a hair of Ling Bai, dip a part of the oral mucosa and other things that could assist in the determination of bloodline factors, and send someone to send it for determination as soon as possible!

After everything was done, Kong's mood still could not calm down.

"The higher-ups will soon know that something happened in the Kingdom of God... The results of the identification will be available in a few minutes, and I must find a way to delay it for a while!"

While thinking, Kong fumbled around on Ling Bai's body, trying to find something that would interest the Five Elders.

In an instant, a Den Den Mushi came out of Ling Bai's arms.


Looking at this semi-mechanized Den Den Mushi, Kong knew he had an idea!

The "one-to-many" Den Den Mushi that was displayed during the battle of the generals actually has extremely wide application value, and it can barely make the higher-ups take a closer look!

That's enough!

Kong locked the room and walked towards the Five Elders!

But because he was nervous, he accidentally pressed a button on the Den Den Mushi...


New World.

World Economic News Agency.

"President Morgans! There is a signal!" A reporter said excitedly.

"What signal?"

Morgans was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he was also very excited, "Are you talking about the surveillance Den Den Mushi for Lieutenant General Ling Bai?"

"That's right!"

"Is it a photo or an image?"



Morgans flew up from his seat, and then ordered his subordinates to quickly connect the signal to the TV Den Den Mushi. He wanted to see what the big news was!

The image slowly appeared on the TV...

"Kong, this is indeed a good invention! Leave the thing here first, I want to test it!"

The blond Five Elders received the surveillance Den Den Mushi.

Then, as if sensing something, the bald Five Elders said: "We still have some things to discuss, you go out first!"

Morgans was confused, but this made him more serious.

I thought that whether it was the environment or the tone, it was not the atmosphere of an ordinary place!

At this time, the surveillance Den Den Mushi was casually placed on the ground!

It seemed that the owner of the Den Den Mushi knelt down.

And the camera was aimed at a huge throne high up!

"It turned out to be inside the World Government..."

Morgause knew the meaning of the throne. The void throne surrounded by many swords symbolized the World Alliance.

But the picture of the next second made Morgause's feathers stand up!

A black shadow sat on the void throne that no one should sit on...

Chapter 243 Im's personal attention (please give flowers!)


Morgause's albatross eyes were wide open.

His head kept moving in front of the TV Den Den Mushi, almost sticking to the screen!

After panting violently for a few breaths, he suddenly shouted hoarsely: "Big news! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Because he used too much force, Morgause coughed after shouting, but the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his body was shaking constantly!

"What kind of news can make the president so excited!"

"It seems to be the image sent by Lieutenant General Ling Bai. It must be quite explosive news!"

"It turned out to be him! No wonder, he is really the number one news source of our newspaper!"

The reporters of the World Economic Newspaper all leaned over curiously, but few people could really understand the meaning of the picture.

Morgans explained:

"The Void Throne standing in the Holy Land of Mary Joa symbolizes the absolute equality among the allies of the World Government. However, now, someone is sitting on the throne of supreme power. Do you know what this means?"

The reporters pondered for a moment, and suddenly, everyone's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"The dictator behind the peace! This news bomb is enough to subvert people's worldview!"

"The allies will definitely resist the World Government! The whole world will be in chaos!"

"The more chaotic it is, the more news there will be. I feel that the future of the news industry is bright!"

The reporters stood behind Morgans and surrounded the TV!

Everyone held their breath, fearing that they would miss any information.

After all, being able to sit in that position means that the black shadow is actually the supreme power behind the world government, and the newspaper needs more information to prove the credibility of the news to the world.

Otherwise, no one will believe it, and the truth will become a lie!


Pongel Castle.

"Lord Yimu..."

The Five Elders knelt on one knee and lowered their heads humbly.

As the supreme leader of the Celestial Dragons, the master of the Void Throne, and the ruler of the highest power in the entire world, this lord will adjust the world by "turning off the lights" every time he appears.

And they are just the most loyal executors!

"What's going on with the movement in the Kingdom of God..." Yimu said.


The Five Elders were stunned.

Is there any movement in the Kingdom of God?

"Is this how you protect the Holy Land and protect my safety..." Im asked.

Looking down at the humble five people on the floor, an invisible pressure suddenly came down.

The range of this coercion is very small, but it is extremely powerful. Even with the strength of the Five Old Stars, it feels like a mountain is heavy on the shoulders!

"I actually used Overlord's color and domineering energy..."

This shows that Lord Im is extremely dissatisfied!

Wulaoxing's body was obviously bent a lot and he became more humble.

However, in everyone's memory, the last time Im was extremely dissatisfied was when the Rocks Pirates invaded the Valley of Gods!

After more than twenty years, this gentleman never showed his domineering power to them again!

But even if it wasn't many times, every time he felt Im's dissatisfaction, Wu Laoxing was frightened and didn't dare to speak.

When the pressure dissipated, every Five Old Star's forehead was wet with sweat, and even the floor beneath them had an obvious puddle of sweat.

"Did you forget the lesson that the fishmen made when they made a big fuss about Mariejoia a few years ago so quickly?"

Im said softly, then threw out a photo.

The photo fell from the high platform and stopped right in front of Wulaoxing!

"Within ten minutes, I want all the information about this navy!" Im said.

Hearing the sound, Wu Laoxing suddenly raised his head and looked at the photo.

"It's him?"

"Ling Bai?"


Wulaoxing was very surprised.

Although they all cared about Ling Bai, they never thought that Ling Bai would let Master Yimu personally intervene!

"Nine minutes and fifty seconds left!" Im said softly.

On the Throne of the Void, no one was sitting upright for some time.

With such power, the five old stars were immediately shocked.

In a blink of an eye, they all made phone calls!

Some were called to the CP organization, some were called to the dark world, some were called to the Navy, and some were brought to Sora...

Five minutes later, a large amount of information was brought into the room one after another and presented to Wulaoxing one after another!

Although they are all briefings, the five old stars still spent a lot of time putting them together!

After they sorted out all the information from all sides, including gossip, their eyes suddenly changed!

"The world's greatest swordsman, with impeccable physical fitness, he mastered the six naval styles in an instant, his knowledge, appearance, and armament have reached the world's pinnacle level, and his fermented fruit has been developed to the level of awakening..."

"Proficient in cooking, music, theft, nautical charts, painting, chemistry, poetry, calligraphy, negotiation, medicine, shipbuilding, scientific research, masonry..."

"But his age was actually listed as 17 years old! He started drinking soon after he came out of his mother's womb..."

Wulaoxing looked at Ling Bai's photo in a daze for a while!

What kind of monster is this that can actually master so many skills?

Even these old guys who have lived for hundreds of years put together, they know far less than Ling Bai!

"Lord Im..."

Wulaoxing buried his head deeply on the ground.

In the past, because of the Revolutionary Army affairs, they paid little attention to this famous lieutenant general. Now that they think about it, this Ling Bai who is drunk every day definitely has an ulterior secret!

"You didn't pay attention to such an important person? You asked me to remind you personally?"

Im didn't look at the information compiled by Wulaoxing.

From Wu Laoxing's regretful, ignorant, and frightened expressions, he had gotten the information he wanted!

"Are you going to extinguish this light from the long river of history?" Swordsman Wulao Xing said.

Hearing this, the other five old stars narrowed their eyes.

Judging from Ling Bai's current performance, apart from drinking, he is undoubtedly a very useful chess piece. It would be a pity to kill him.

But if Master Yimu really ordered this, they would have no choice but to bear the pain and kill Ling Bai!

"No rush...I'm still waiting for the most critical information!" Im sitting on the Void Throne, closing his eyes to rest.

He didn't speak, and no one in Wulaoxing dared to speak.

In the World Economic News office, no one spoke, only some reporters silently wrote all the content just now into a press release.

Suddenly, Im opened his eyes and said: "Here we come..."

He didn't see any movement, and there was no one else on the Void Throne.

At the same time, Sora's voice came from outside the door, shaking very hard.

"My lords! There is must take a look...".

Chapter 244 A grandpa falls from the sky (please give me flowers!)

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