Ling Bai took a look at the style of the warship. It was a standard navy ship. He immediately hummed a little tune and went to the kitchen.

Chapter 31 Grouping of Problem Children (4/4, please give me flowers!)

Warship conference room.

Zefa signed the last document and put the pen aside.

Opposite him, Gion was sitting on the sofa, already awake and back to normal.

"Gion, the Navy Headquarters will be here soon. I will take Ling Bai directly to the training camp. As for Crane, I ask you to convey my thoughts..." Zefa said to Gion.

"But teacher, for new recruits who have just come to the Navy Headquarters, Chief of Staff Tsuruta will personally handle the placement matters before they can report to the training camp. Your behavior is somewhat against the rules..." Gion said tactfully.

She understood that Zefa didn't want He to come into contact with Ling Bai.

"I think you misunderstood me..."

Zefa stood up, took the previously signed document to Gion, and said coldly, "I'm just informing you of something, not discussing with you!".


It was rare for Gion to see Zefa being so domineering.

But when I think about Ling Bai's situation, it's really special, and I feel helpless.

Until now, she has not had the chance to contact He, nor can she take any unauthorized action.

Taking the document from Zefa's hand, Gion examined it, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What? You want Ling Bai to skip a grade and enter the second grade directly?"

Generally speaking, it usually takes three years from entering elite naval training camp to graduating.

From the beginning to the present, there has never been a navy skipping a grade. Even the best people in the training camps such as Sakaski, Porusalino, and Kuzan have completed their studies step by step.

Even Zefa himself has said publicly that every stage of the training camp is necessary, and no one is allowed to skip a level for any reason!

But now, Zefa is obviously slapping himself in the face!

"With his strength, do you think it is necessary for him to learn the basics of first grade?"

"But after all, his foundation is not strong, and the first grade will teach the knowledge and etiquette of each country in the world government, which is equally important to the navy!"

"Do you think he can listen?" Zefa said amusedly.

Gion didn't answer, and quickly checked several other documents signed by Zefa, all related to Ling Bai.

"Applying for a warship? Ling Bai is still a corporal, and you want to help him apply for his own warship?"

"Closed training plan? You actually want to apply for a land with a diameter of two kilometers in a residential area for training? Isn't this too big?"

"Isn't it? You actually signed the general's blockade order... not allowing the navy to spread any news about Ling Bai, this..."

Reading between the lines, Gion can feel the importance Zefa attaches to Ling Bai.

A road to fame that has been accumulated through secret training is gradually unfolding in front of Gion through various documents.

Zefa explained: "Not all of them are prepared for Ling Bai. I have recruited a few guys before. They are all ability users like Ling Bai. I want to form a group with them."

"It can't be that smoker..."

"He has already told you?" Zefa laughed.


Gion did hear from Tsuru that one of Zefa's students was a notoriously problematic child named Smoker, who got into a lot of trouble in the first grade.

But because it is a natural devil fruit and he has good talent, many punishments were suppressed by Zefa.

But now, Zefa also wants to form a team between Ling Bai and Smoker!

"Don't you think you are too worried about two problem children?" Gion said bitterly.

"That's why I need a larger training area to prevent them from causing trouble and hurting others!"

"You are too messy..."

Gion felt a headache for Zefa, and immediately said, "Hey, I will help you submit the application materials, but I can't guarantee whether it will pass..."

Although Zefa is a general and has many transcendent rights in the navy, the status of the navy headquarters is really special, and some of the documents still need He's approval.

At this moment, a navy man hurried over.

Diao Diao barged in without even knocking on the door.

Zefa and Gion looked up and saw the accompanying chef.

"Is it time to eat? So soon?" Zefa asked.

"No! No!" the chef said urgently, "The student you just admitted has woken up and is eating in the kitchen now!"

"Let him eat something. If I remember correctly, that kid hasn't eaten for a long time." Zefa said disapprovingly.

"Eat something?"

The chef looked horrified, as if he had seen something terrible, "He didn't just eat a little!"

"Did you also eat our lunch? That's really a big appetite..." Gion said.


Zefa finally realized the seriousness of the matter and asked the chef, "How much did he eat?"

"He...he...he ate everything on the boat!" the chef said in horror.

"What did you say?"

Gion suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

"Eat everything?" Zefa confirmed again.

"Eat them all!" the chef cried sadly.

Gion didn't believe it, and walked over and said, "We have a month's worth of food on the ship! How could he eat it all by himself?"

"Absolutely true! You should go and see for yourself!"

After saying that, the chef ran out immediately, followed by Zefa and Gion.

The group came to the kitchen and found that many navy officers had gathered here.

In the kitchen, a meat mountain was wiping its mouth leisurely.

"Finally full!"

Zefa heard the voice and it was Ling Bai.

But at this time, Ling Bai had swelled into a meat ball, and his stomach was like a bottomless pit, swallowing a whole month's worth of food on the warship.

Such an exaggerated appearance made Zefa and Gion a little bit uncomfortable.

However, white smoke came out of the meat mountain, and after a while, Ling Bai shrank again and returned to his normal size.


The onlookers' eyes widened.

Could it be that a month's worth of food was digested just like that?

"Why are you looking at me?"

Ling Bai looked at himself, nothing special.

Zefa had seen the world after all, so he quickly calmed down and said playfully: "They want to ask you...what are you going to eat for lunch?"

"Nothing to eat?"

Ling Bai looked around and found a huge strange fish in the corner of the kitchen. He asked puzzledly, "Isn't there another big one?"

The chef answered first: "That's a giant porcupine, it's highly poisonous, I don't know how to deal with it at all!"

It was something caught by chance and was going to be sold at the Navy Headquarters. No one thought of eating it.

"Oh, oh, it's okay, I'll deal with it! Leave it to me!"

Ling Bai said confidently.

Then he searched in the kitchen again, and finally found a bottle of good cooking wine in the corner.

Chapter 32 Treasure Boy (Please give me flowers!)

"Got it!"

Ling Bai raised the corner of his mouth and took the cooking wine in his hand.

"Ding——Identification completed, palace cooking wine, top grade, can enhance digestion ability and improve cooking skills after drinking, can be stacked; if poured on food, it can remove fishy smell and remove toxicity of food ingredients, but the effect is weaker than the divine product."

"Why is it from the palace again?"

Ling Bai couldn't help but wonder if this warship had robbed Tianshangjin once.

But since it is a top-grade cooking wine, it is much higher than the medium-grade level of G-8, and it will also increase the improvement of digestion ability and cooking skills.

Sniffing lightly, Ling Bai took a sip of cooking wine.

"You stinky boy!"

Zefar thought Ling Bai was using cooking wine to remove fishy smell and cook.

Unexpectedly, he drank it again.

When the other navy saw Ling Bai drinking cooking wine, they felt a chill...

"Does that thing taste good?"

"I don't know, I've never tried it..."

"I would rather not drink alcohol, and I will never drink cooking wine..."

The navy complained.

Just now, many of them were deceived by Ling Bai's confident appearance, and even had expectations for Ling Bai's cooking skills. It was ridiculous!

"Let's find a way to get some edible things in the sea..."

The most depressed person here is the chef.

A good cook cannot cook without rice. He is responsible for the food of the whole ship. It is his fault that there is no food at this time.

As for Ling Bai...

"The body structure of the giant porcupine is completely different from that of the ordinary small porcupine. It is extremely difficult to handle. If you are not careful, the meat of the whole big fish will be highly poisonous. Even I can't handle it, how can this kid do it!"

The chef didn't have any hope for Ling Bai from the beginning!

Just when everyone was about to disperse to find food, Ling Bai rarely put down the wine.

"Those who leave now, don't blame me for not giving you food!" Ling Bai smiled.

"Tsk! Who wants to eat the food you cook?"

"Even if the ingredients themselves are not poisonous, I'm afraid they will be poisoned by your food!"

"Isn't the food cooked by the kitchen brothers delicious? I'll go to the sea and catch some fish right away!"

The navy didn't want to listen to Ling Bai's nonsense at all.

What amazing things can a little brat who likes to drink make.

"Hahaha, Ling Bai, I'm not leaving!"

Zefa laughed loudly, but found a seat at the kitchen bar and sat down steadily.


Gion glanced at the chef on his ship and felt embarrassed.

"Go and catch whatever you want to eat. Today, I want to eat the giant porgy made by Ling Bai!"

Zefa said, and he had already pulled out a pair of chopsticks and a small bowl from the side.


Gion really couldn't figure out Zefa's routine, so he comforted his chef and said, "You guys go prepare the ingredients for lunch, leave this to me for now..."

The chef himself was a lieutenant, and it was not easy for him to comment on the major general and the admiral. He nodded unhappily and left with the other navy.

After everyone left, only Ling Bai, Zefa and Gion were left in the kitchen.

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