"You're in luck!"

Ling Bai caught the giant agouti on the chopping board, and the relevant cooking knowledge naturally emerged in his mind.

"Our great chef, hurry up, I'm hungry!" Zefa also cheered.

Only Gion was left, sitting next to Zefa a little depressed.

When they were in the training camp, they had eaten a lot of poisonous food to train themselves to tolerate poison. Now even if they eat a little poison, it would be nothing to the two of them.

Being poisonous is a trivial matter. What makes Gion depressed is that Zefa is too indulgent towards Ling Bai. Is it possible that he really believes that Ling Bai is an all-powerful treasure boy?


Suddenly, a sword flashed.

Ling Bai pulled out the black knife Minghong from his waist and split the agouti in half.

"What! You want to use a black knife to cook?"

Gion just sat down and suddenly jumped up.

"The bones of the giant agoli are hard, and the spines are many and dense, so they need extremely sharp blades. If you are willing to lend me Jinpilao, I can do without Minghong!" Ling Bai said with a smile.

"No borrowing!"

Gion sat back down angrily, looking very unhappy.

That is a black knife, the best blade that all great swordsmen want to own. It is not a kitchen knife. It is a waste of money to use it for cooking!

"Knives are meant to be used. If they are not sharpened regularly, they will rust and rot. Black knives will also become ordinary knives..."

Ling Bai said this, but his hand movements were not slow at all.

He slapped the agouti with extremely flexible hands, not caring about the hard thorns on the agouti at all. Then he seemed to have found a certain point, his eyes suddenly burst with light, and he drew a circle on the agouti with the black knife!

With one stroke, one pat, and one take, a complete liver was taken out by Ling Bai.


Zefa couldn't help shouting.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, with no delays at all.

This skill alone is enough to show his cooking skills.

"You really know how to handle it?"

Gion was also shocked.

Giant agouti dolphins are found in the deep sea and are highly toxic in the liver and slightly toxic in other parts of the body.

In addition, the bones and bones of this fish are different from ordinary fish. If you are not careful, your liver will be scratched, making the whole fish inedible.

Now that Ling Bai has removed the complete liver, he has completed the most difficult step!

"How is it possible..." Gion still couldn't believe what was happening in front of him!

Next, Ling Bai did not speak, but dealt with it seriously.

With a slap on the table, the agouti bounced up, countless swords flashed, and the fish fillets, as thin as cicada wings, fell into the plate in an orderly manner.

Although he was just cooking, Gion could see his extremely high swordsmanship skills.

"That's amazing!" Gion couldn't help but praise.

What makes her even more strange is that despite his extremely high swordsmanship skills, she actually feels that Ling Bai's movements are extremely elegant, and every move he makes appears to be impeccable.

"Ling Bai, you still said you have no identity?"

On the side, Zefa also noticed that Ling Bai's movements were very stylish, his eyes were like a fire, and he said, "This kind of temperament revealed from the bones can only be developed by being among the nobles and royal families for many years. You can't deceive me!"

"Hey! It's hard to give up on natural beauty!"

Naturally, Ling Bai would not say that his charm increased a lot because he drank the royal wine.

Instead, he handed over a whole plate of sliced ​​agouti.

"The first dish of lunch, agouti sashimi, please try it!".

Chapter 33: Eat or fight? (Please give me flowers!)

The sashimi handed over was crystal clear, without any decoration, but it gave people the feeling of shining like crystal glass.

"Even if you don't want to tell me your life experience, I will definitely be able to find out slowly!"

Zefa picked up the chopsticks and gently picked up a piece of sashimi from the plate.

No seasonings used, just put it in your mouth.

Suddenly, Zefa froze up, as if struck by lightning, motionless.


Seeing Zefa freeze, Gion bit his lip.

Even if the body has a certain tolerance to poison, the poison will still have a certain effect.

From the look of Zefa, something doesn't look good.

"How is the taste?".

Ling Bai held his chin with his hand, picked up a piece of chopsticks, and put it into his mouth.

Suddenly, the two of them said in unison:

"This is so damn delicious..."


The eyes of Zefa and Ling Bai collided fiercely, and Gion could even see sparks.

Bang bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, their chopsticks were engaged in a fierce confrontation over the tattoo.

"Ling Bai, now you are the chef and I am the diner, how can you steal my things?" Zefa said in a deep voice.

"Hmph! I made all this stuff, why can't I eat it!" Ling Bai was not timid at all.

"You've eaten a month's worth of food, and you haven't even spared the last thing?"

"I'm hungry again, can't I?"

The two of them were quarreling with each other in words, and their chopsticks were already waving in waves.

"Aren't you exaggerating too much?"

Gion didn't believe in evil, so while the two of them were fighting fiercely, he took out his chopsticks and stabbed him in an instant, just like drawing a sword to chop.

Put it in your mouth, it melts in your mouth, and a fresh and sweet taste flows down your throat, seeming to fill your soul.

"Fuck! This is so damn delicious..."

Gion's eyes also changed.

"Peach Blossom·Smile!"

Using chopsticks as a knife, he took out the chopsticks several times in an instant and swept away most of the sashimi in a blink of an eye.

Gion chewed gently in his mouth, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Gion! You are so mean!"

Zefar gritted his teeth, and his Armament Haki covered his chopsticks.

With a very fast blow, Ling Bai's chopsticks were broken on the spot.

He then used the chopsticks to push all the remaining sashimi into his small bowl.

"Damn it, old man, you are shameless!" Ling Bai threw the broken chopsticks aside.

"Hehe! Boy, don't you know how to use Armament Haki yet? It's okay, after eating your apprenticeship gift today, I will teach you well!"

Zefar said proudly.

Zefa was in a good mood because he could make Ling Bai lose face at his hands.

After finishing the food in the bowl in a few bites, Zefa felt unsatisfied and knocked the bowl with chopsticks like a child.

"Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!"

Zefar had never eaten such delicious sashimi, which preserved the original flavor of the ingredients to the best state, and it seemed that sashimi was brought to the extreme in terms of taste and texture.

Gion didn't care about his image at this time, and there was even a trace of drool hanging from the corner of his mouth.

The two of them looked back and forth between Ling Bai and the remaining giant porcupine.

"Really... Is the food at the Navy Headquarters so bad?" Ling Bai said with a smile.

He turned to heat the oil in a pan and took out some flour and other seasonings from under the cupboard.

After a while of busy work, the aroma spread through the kitchen and out.

"The second dish is porcupine tempura, please taste it!"

"The third dish is braised porcupine, please taste it!"

"The fourth dish is soup, porcupine bone soup, please taste it!"


Outside the kitchen, on the deck.

"Fuck, what a smell, it smells so good!"

"I just smelled it, I was so intoxicated by it that I lost my mind!"

"It seems to be coming from the kitchen, could it be..."

The smell in the kitchen was so fragrant that even on the vast sea, even the sea breeze could not blow it away, provoking everyone's sense of smell.

The marines grabbed the freshly caught ingredients in their hands, and went straight to the kitchen without even changing their wet clothes.

"What are you cooking!"

The chef had been obsessed with cooking for many years, and such a tempting taste made him uneasy.

Everyone pushed open the kitchen door together and found that Zefa and Gion were wolfing down something, with no image at all, not like the usual superiors.

"Next dish!"

Zefa licked the plate clean with his tongue, and roared as if possessed.

And Gion also held the chopsticks firmly in his hand, the sword energy turned into momentum, and the pink energy condensed to the extreme, ready to compete with Zefa.

Such a scene, the marines' jaws almost fell to the ground.

Is this eating, or fighting?

"No, there is only this piece left!"

Ling Bai tossed the liver in his hand, quite speechless.

What a bullshit general level, it's just like two starving ghosts reincarnated!


Zefa stood up suddenly.

He felt that his stomach was still empty!

Looking at the chopping board, the giant porcupine fish that was huge before was left with no bones!

Gion touched his bulging stomach and said aggrievedly: "I, I haven't eaten enough yet..."

At this time, Zefa and Gion found that the navy who went to prepare the ingredients had returned.


Zefa had a malicious smile on his face.

Step by step, he walked towards the kitchen door.

His terrifying expression like Shura scared many navy back.

"Did you catch something?" Zefa smiled.

But this smile was extremely scary in everyone's eyes.

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