To put it simply, the move is activated by the powerful spiritual pressure of Kyoraku Shunsui. As long as the spiritual pressure is lower than his in this deep sea, no one can escape death. At this time, Rijebaro's body is full of blood, and the sea water It was heavy and deep. No matter how he flapped his wings, he could not get closer to the water. Instead, he got further and further away.

"Stop struggling and accept this fact.".

Jingraku Shunsui stood under the water and said: "We are in the deep sea. No matter how hard we flap our wings, it will not help. However, I can understand your mood. If you are in the cold water, the consciousness you once had will be disintegrated by the cold. ”

"This is just your self-righteousness, it's not very sad."

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely beautiful mature woman appeared from behind. Her clothes and headdress had skull-shaped patterns, purple curly hair, an eyepatch on her right eye, wearing a low-cut kimono, plump figure, and outstanding grace, just from the appearance. , I feel that no man can conquer this kind of woman. This is the embodiment of Huatian Kuanggu, Huatian.

Huatian put his arms around Jingraku Shunsui's neck from behind and whispered in his ear: "You can't understand the pitifulness of a man who once made a promise, and the love of a woman who is abandoned but still can't remember her old love. Anyway, you can't understand it." "Hide left."

Jingraku Shunsui said helplessly: "Long time no see, Xiaohua."

"Little Hua?" Hua Tian sarcastically said, "You are really shameless. It's too intimate. Master, who only comes to play with me occasionally, does he still have the nerve to call me that?"

Jingraku Shunsui smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be so sarcastic on me. I'm sorry, Xiaohua."

Huatian's hand gently touched the wound on his shoulder and said softly: "Look carefully, your kimono seems to have been torn. No matter when, you always wear women's clothes on your body, that's why It’s really embarrassing to be like this.”

"You really haven't changed at all, you're so mean."

"Whether you are mean or not, I am the sword in your hand." Hua Tian raised his head slightly and said, "Whether you like it or not, you must accept it and become a partner who will go to hell together."

In fact, Li Jieba Luo couldn't see the sky. He felt that he couldn't break out of the water, so he simply floated on the bottom of the water. When he heard Jingraku Shunsui talking, he subconsciously said: "Who are you talking to? Do you think you will win?" Have you divided your losses? Do you think you can kill me, a mere god of death?”

Having said this, he swooped down, but to his surprise, Jingraku Shunsui actually sheathed his sword.

"Women's feelings are sad, pitiful, and extremely cruel, but the men who are fighting everywhere are indifferent. The light of love turns into white silk full of nostalgia."

Kyoryaku Shunsui raised his hand, his index finger and middle finger came together, and white silky spirit seeds appeared on the fingertips.

"If you want to give up the messy and entangled thread of attachment, you can only cut it off with your own hands. Finally, the last scene comes, the final chapter, the Ito cut and the blood stains the throat!"

The thin thread of spirit seeds was still spinning on the bottom of the sea, and finally wrapped around Rijebalo's neck. Kyoryaku Shunsui waved his arm and instantly cut off Rijebalo's neck. Immediately afterwards, a large number of spherical spirit seeds surged from the wound. After the energy was gathered, a strong explosion occurred. Li Jieba Luo's upper body and entire head were destroyed. Like a butterfly with its head cut off, it fell into the sea and fell into the dark abyss.

Jingraku Shunshui also seemed to have exhausted all his strength and fell down on his back. However, his head was resting on the legs of Huatian who was kneeling on the ground. Looking at the turbulence above his head, he smiled and said: "I can actually lie on Xiaohua's lap." On the thigh, it seems that it’s good to have sex once in a while.”

Huatian sneered and clicked hard with his middle finger. Jingraku Shunsui quickly turned his head to avoid it and said with a bitter smile: "Spare me, I only have one eye left."

"It's unforgivable." Hua Tian said: "You actually did the same thing as me. It seems that the relationship between the sword and the God of Death is really incredible, but no matter what, it's good to win."

"What's going on? I'm extremely candid today."

"Shut up if you only have half a life left!"

"Xiaohua, I...".

Chapter 186: Dual Swords

Before he could finish speaking, there was severe pain in his chest. A white beam of light was pulled out from the abyss and penetrated his chest. Hua Tian's pupils suddenly shrank. She had never thought that someone could survive the last scene in Heisong's heart. , It’s not that you are conceited, but that this ability itself has an irresistible factor.

"I told you so."

The spirit son slowly rose from the darkness, and Li Jieba Luo's voice also came: "It's just a swastika of the god of death, don't think you can kill the god!"

The sea water gradually faded away, and the originally dark sky became brighter. This was the process of Huatian Kuanggu's swastika power disappearing. Spirits gathered in mid-air, forming a four-legged long-necked bird, eight wings, and a monster with a halo above its head. If we say This is the word of God, but that would be too alien.

"how so……"

Jingraku Shunsui's consciousness gradually blurred, and he murmured: "Beheading the capital can't kill him, it's really troublesome..."

"That's right."

Litebaro's long neck swung from side to side, and his bird-like head made a sound, and he said slowly: "This is despair, Kyoraku Shunsui, you can't kill me with weapons, and you can't die by beheading me with spiritual pressure. I'm so sinful." You can imagine the despair that the God of Death feels when facing such a situation. I am immortal, I am invincible, and I am the messenger of God who has been given privileges. All the sinful Gods of Death are facing this god like me. The messenger can only sit back and wait for death."

Having said this, he stretched out his arm, and while raising it, he emitted a huge beam of penetrating light, which struck the Soul King Palace. The buildings that came into contact with the light were instantly destroyed. Half of the town fell because of this, but Kyoryaku Shunsui was no longer there. His strength was exhausted, he was seriously injured, and he was no longer able to move. If Hua Tian hadn't taken him to hide in a nearby tower in desperation, he would have been charred by now.

"Hidden in the tower?"

Lijebarro made a sizzling sound, and then said: "You still have the strength to escape my judgment light, and at the same time, you use pure light to dig out that black belly. You are worthy of being the captain of the God of Death. You are really guilty. ”

Huatian gently placed Jingraku Shunsui on the ground, hugged him from behind, and said softly: "Zou Zangzuo, let's escape. In this black pine heart, we have tried our best to face the immortal enemy. There is nothing we can do. Even as the captain, you have tried your best to fight. Even if we escape from here, no one will blame you. Come on, take a little sleep first. During this time, I will take you to escape. "

Kyōraku Shunsui sat there, unable to move or even have the strength to speak. His consciousness gradually blurred, his eyes slowly closed, and he began to fall into a drowsy state. He didn't know how long it took, but just when he was about to fall into darkness, A familiar voice came to my ears.

"Captain, get up quickly! Don't sleep anymore!"

Kyōraku Shunsui suddenly opened his eyes and found that Ise Nanao was tugging on his collar. He spat out a mouthful of blood and said softly: "Little Nanao, it's great that I didn't involve you."

After he finished speaking, he kept coughing. Ise Nanao said breathlessly: "Okay, stop talking and give me my soul-cutting sword!"

Hearing this, Kyoraku Shunsui's pupils gradually shrank, as if he was greatly shocked. For a moment, he was speechless. Ise Nanao hurriedly said: "There is no time to hesitate now, hurry up "As for the agreement between you and my mother, please forget it for now."

"What are you still doing?"

Li Jieba Luo appeared in mid-air behind them and said with a sibilant voice: "I said why is it so noisy? It turns out that the vice-captain is back. Your captain finally let you escape. You really don't know how to cherish it." Ah, so sinful."

"Crazy bones..."

The white light swept through the town, but did not damage any buildings, just like the atmosphere. After the light disappeared, they also disappeared in place. Li Jibaro shook his head and said: "Did you let them escape again? Good eyesight." Go ahead, keep staring at the sinful people, my eyes are so dry."

In the deep darkness, only a ray of light penetrated from the ceiling, but it was enough to reflect the figures of the two people. Except for the location where the two of them were, everything else was dark. Kyoryu Shunsui sat on the ground and said slowly: "Things about your mother , have you known it for a long time?"

"Yes." Ise Nanao nodded.

"I really lost to you." Jingraku Shunsui sighed, and then said: "Then I'll give it to you, your soul-cutting sword, Kuang Gu."

As soon as she finished speaking, a girl with short purple hair wearing black shorts appeared behind her. Half of her face was covered by a black mask and bangs. Only one cold eye was exposed. Ise Nanao was surprised: "This is What's going on? I know Huatian Kuanggu is a pair of swords composed of Huatian and Kuanggu. Is Kuanggu my soul-killing sword? "

"Yes." Jingraku Shunsui said: "But not entirely, there is only one difference.".

Chapter 187: The heart is like a mirror

Jingraku Shunsui said slowly: "It is precisely to hide your soul-cutting sword that the flower genius gave birth to the mad bone. This is also done at your mother's request."

"This..." Ise Nanao's mouth trembled: "Why is this?"

Jingraku Shunsui hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the reason, sighed, and then said: "Your Nanao family is a matrilineal family. According to historical records, all newborns in the family are female without exception, so , your family can only recruit sons-in-law from outside to continue the family bloodline. It is said that men who enter the Ise family will die young because of the Ise family's curse."

Ise Nanao looked at him silently, said nothing, and waited for the next sentence.

Jingraku Shunsui took a deep breath and continued: "Although some people think that curses and other things are nonsense and nothing to be afraid of, your mother doesn't think so. She wanted to break this rumor, so she hugged Ise She decided to sever ties with her family and marry far away. However, her husband died soon after, and your mother was also my brother’s wife.”

Hearing this, Ise Nanao opened her eyes wide. She didn't expect that she and the captain had such a relationship.

Jingraku Shunsui sighed silently, lowered his head and said: "My brother and I couldn't get along at all, but since your mother came, the atmosphere between us has changed. My brother's home has become more and more comfortable. I I would often go to my brother’s house to play, and sometimes take a nap in the corridor. Despite this, my brother still died.”

The Ise family also has this rule. If a man in the family dies, he must sever ties with the person he married and return to his parents' family. Ise Nanao's mother was forced to return to the family in this way. She originally wanted to abandon the family. He could not escape this fate in the end.

Ise Nanao's mother felt that the women in the family could not escape the curse, maybe because of the sword.

"She desperately wanted her daughter, that is, you, to get rid of the bad luck of the curse." Jingraku Shunsui said: "So, she entrusted the sword to me and hid it in the body of Ah Kuang, who likes to hide and seek."

Having said this, Kuang Gu took out the sword wrapped in light blue patterns from nowhere. Ise Nanao stretched out his hand to hold it and said slowly: "Captain, the reason why you don't want to give this sword to me is, It's also for my own sake, right? Just like my mother decided to give up the curse because of her own will, I also decided to accept the curse because of my own will. Moreover, even if I accept the curse..."

Having said this, she smiled sweetly, looked at Jingraku Shunsui, and said with a smile: "My intuition tells me that the person I have always admired will definitely laugh and say curses and other things, which are just nonsense. ”

Hearing this, Jingraku Shunsui was surprised at first, then smiled softly, let go of the sword, and said softly: "I understand, then I'll leave it to you. If I have this sword, I can definitely win."

At this time, Li Jieba Luo was looking impatiently outside, and finally found the big black shadow of his palm under the wall. He shook his head and said: "So that's it, the shadow ghost can stay in the shadow for such a long time, so Come on, if the shadow disappears from the ground, you will come out."

Just as he was about to bomb the shadow, Ise Nanao jumped up from below, holding swords in both hands, standing on the roof.

"Look carefully, aren't you the vice-captain?"

Li Jieba Luo said: "Your captain has been defeated by me. I am just a deputy captain. Do you still want to fight me?"

He didn't know the sword in the opponent's hand, and even if he knew it, he might not take it seriously. Even Ise Nanao didn't know the sword's ability. However, in Kyoraku Shunsui's opinion, this sword was the only one that could defeat Lee. Jebarro.

In addition to being a matrilineal family, the Ise family is also a family of priests who are in charge of sacrifices. Not everyone has their own soul-zanting sword, but as the head of the family, he will inherit a soul-zanting sword that has been passed down from generation to generation. However, this sword only Used for sacrifices, it is an unedged sword. It is ineffective against humans and cannot kill anyone. It confronts gods, accepts the power of gods with its own body, and has the ability to spread in all directions.

Its name is Divine Sword, Eight Mirror Sword.

Ise Nanao took off the cloth bag. The soul-cutting sword was in the shape of a ruler, with four prisms on both sides, and it also emitted a dazzling white light. Rijebaro murmured: "What happened to that sword? It turned out that It emits such a vulgar light that I can’t see clearly. It’s really annoying.”

"Really?" Ise Nanao said: "That's great. This sword can reflect the power of God when you confront it. The reason why you feel dazzled is precisely because of the power of God you release. The light is reflected into your eyes."

Lijebalo tilted his head, as if smiling, and said slowly: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, you seem to say that I am a god, and the feeling of being called a god seems not bad."

Chapter 188: Sharpening

What first caught Ise Nanao's attention was the hairpin Kyoraku Shunsui wore on his head.

She hadn't joined the Gotei 13 yet. When she was still a student, she often heard people talking about Kyoraku Shunsui. She didn't seem to behave frivolously, but behaved lazily. She often wore very fancy women's clothes, and the colors were still very ordinary. , a style that can be seen everywhere, and such a person is the captain of the Gotei 13. However, she always felt that there was something similar in him to her mother.

Especially that hairpin, no matter how you look at it, it looks very similar to my mother's hairpin.

Not long after her mother died, Ise Nanao was adopted by a strange old couple. She didn't know who they were. She had never met them before. She only knew that they were friends of the Ise family. However, the old couple regarded them as their biological daughters. Let’s look at it.

She successfully entered the Central Spiritual Arts Academy. Although she did not fully master the allotted shallow fighting skills, in fact, she could not master them. However, her talent in Kidō was recognized by many people, and she quickly accepted the audition to join the team. Lian, she didn’t have a soul-cutting sword. She originally thought that she might have a place in the Ghost Daoist Society, so she submitted an application.

What she didn't expect was that she would be assigned to the eighth division, under Kyoraku Shunsui.

After she entered the eighth division, Kyōraku Shunsui took the hairpin, and she became even more convinced that her mother had entrusted an important item to someone, and that person was Kyōraku Shunsui, her captain.

Now, she got the Eight Mirror Sword, and jumped up without hesitation, slashing at Li Jieba Luo in mid-air. She thought she would make an effective attack, but unexpectedly, she was blocked by Li Jie Ba Luo in an understatement, and He also threw her back. She didn't understand. The other party was obviously very careless and careless. Why couldn't she chop him?

Lijebalo laughed and said: "I always thought that sword was strange. When I looked carefully, I saw that it didn't have an edge. You are really stupid to use that kind of sword to slash at me. You don't really think that that sword If you can hurt my body, you are finished this time. As a messenger of God, I will not let down my guard anymore."

A white light ball appeared on his finger. Looking at the move that could kill him, Ise Nanao broke into cold sweat. The hands holding the sword were also trembling faintly. His legs gradually became weak and he could no longer take a step. He came with confidence. The blow just now was not even considered a battle. It hadn't even started yet, was it about to end? .

After joining the Gotei Thirteenth Team, perhaps because of Kyōraku Shunsui's protection, or perhaps because of her own abilities, she spent a lot of time doing logistics work. She never knew that fighting with a sword could be such a terrifying thing. It was all sweat, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and blood was flowing down his legs.

Will die...

If you were hit by that light, you would die. Is it so painful to be injured?

She never knew that the seemingly frivolous Kyōraku Shunsui was suffering from some kind of pain. Not long after he obtained the Eight Mirror Sword, Ise Nanao's mother was executed by the Forty-sixth Chamber for the crime of missing. He once thought that it was all his fault. After everyone entrusted the most important things to him, they would die. He obviously couldn't bear such pain.

He no longer wanted anyone to entrust me with that sword. In order to lighten the burden on his shoulders, he asked me...

Just when Ise Nanao couldn't bear the fear and was about to fall, a pair of warm hands held her hand. Kyoraku Shunsui appeared behind her and said softly: "I'm going to go, Nanao-chan, no need." Afraid, I am behind you, supporting you.”

She felt that the captain's tenderness spread throughout her body. She originally came here with the intention of supporting the captain, but with the captain's support, she realized that she, who could not even stand up on her own, had actually always been there because of the captain. Back support.

"Finally out?"

Li Jieba Luo shook his head and said: "I really can't stand you. You are hiding behind your subordinates. After listening to my god's trumpet, go to hell."

He raised his hands above his head and leaned back slightly. Reiko created a huge trumpet. The next moment, light penetrated the place where the sound was affected, just like the light reflected by the sun. In just an instant, half of Zero Banli Temple was cut. In ruins, like a hell on earth.

He looked down and saw that everything had fallen away. Only the high platform they were standing on was motionless, like a lonely tree on the ocean.

The Divine Sword, the Eight Mirror Sword, is ineffective against humans, but it kills gods when encountered.

"You just said that you can reflect the power of God?"

Half of Li Jieba Luo's body was turned into spirit fragments, and his wings were crushed to pieces. He never expected that his attack would be reflected back to him by the Eight Mirror Sword, even though he already knew the opponent's attack. Ability, but how could it work so well? He made a slow sound.

"Your ability to reflect the power of God is really sinful..."

After he finished speaking, his entire body turned into spirits and fell like a heavy rain.

Chapter 189: Miracle

Ritsubaro was torn into pieces and fell from the Soul King Palace. Ise Nanao's tense nerves relaxed. If Kyoraku Shunsui hadn't been holding him up from behind, he would have collapsed to the ground. In fact, at the moment when the spiritual pressure light flickered, She really thought she was going to die, and even doubted whether the Eight Mirror Sword could really reflect the power of God.

"Well done, Nanao-chan."

Kyoraku Shunsui turned around and walked toward the castle, murmuring: "Let's catch up with everyone now."

As soon as he finished speaking, his feet softened, and he sat on the ground with a helpless smile. His physical strength was exhausted, and even he could not fight anymore. He smiled bitterly and said: "Take a rest for a while, and then go after them."

The fallen souls scattered throughout the Soul Society, like a sudden rainstorm of souls. The fragments of souls that fell on the ground turned into crane-shaped monsters with long legs and spread throughout the Quiet Spirit Garden. Unbeknownst to the team members, What happened, people gathered around him, but before they could figure it out, his chest and head were penetrated.

"It hurts me to death!"

The long-legged monster shouted: "The halo has disappeared, falling from the sky, losing the halo, it is simply saying that I am a sinner, Jingraku Shunsui, cannot be forgiven, even if I lose the power of God, I will kill this corpse you are guarding." The soul world is turned into mud."

Even with the weakened version of all things penetrating, the Death God team members still couldn't stop it. In less than five minutes, more than ten Death Gods were lying on the ground. When they didn't know what to do, golden thunder and lightning swept past, and in an instant Just cut off the necks of several long-legged monsters.

"It's such a chirping bird, it's so noisy."

Kira Izuru, who was "killed" by the Quincy the first time he invaded the Seireitei, crawled out from nowhere, stood on the high platform, practiced gloomily, and said in a deep voice: "Your voice has been heard. Coming from the grave."

"who are you?"


Kira Izuru jumped down from the high platform, his sword shining brightly, cutting off the long-legged monster in front of him, looking around, and said slowly: "Really, it's good to be alive, but the scene in front of me is really terrible, like It’s really unclear whether a person like me can protect Soul Society well.”

"Now that you're alive, shouldn't you take a good rest?"

At the same time as the voice came, silver light swept across the entire street. The heads and bodies of more than a dozen long-legged monsters were instantly separated and scattered on the ground. Kira Izuru's pupils gradually shrank, and he looked to the side. Ichimaru Gin walked away with a smile. Come here, sheath your sword.

Two of the four members of the Yhwach Guards have been killed in the battle, and the remaining Nakluvar is still being chased by Ling Bai and the others. Gerald's situation is not much better. He seems to be unable to stop Asan. Renji Ii, who had been knocked down countless times and was covered in scars, looked like a soldier who swore to defend the castle to the death. How could he be on the same level as Rijebaro and become a member of the Guards at such a level.

"Don't underestimate us."

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