Renji Abarai held the soul-cutting sword and said, "You don't have to look at how many captains and vice-captains of the Gotei 13 we have here. It's impossible to win with your level."

"Can't win?"

Gerald, who was sitting against the wall and seemed unable to stand up, suddenly showed a strange smile and said slowly: "Do you really think so? In this case, if I beat you, it should be called a miracle. ”

Abarai Renji was stunned for a moment, as if wondering what he meant by this.

"Do you know when the so-called miracle happened?"

Gerrard continued: "In normal times, when miracles happen, people don't think they are miracles. Oh, you are lucky. Such incredible things happen. Only when everyone thinks so, That would be called a miracle.”

"What are you talking about?" Renji Abarai mocked, "Have you been beaten stupid?"

Gerald ignored him and continued to talk to himself: "Didn't I say it before? It's worthy of the Gotei 13 team to inflict such serious injuries on me. Well done. The so-called miracle is only It can only be called a miracle if it happens in a moment of deep crisis!”

As soon as he finished speaking, countless small blades like cherry blossoms hit his body like spring water, blood spurted out, like a meat grinder, Gerald was instantly chopped into pieces, and the only one who was intact was him. With the steel helmet on her head, Hinamori almost vomited when she saw the blood and broken meat on the ground. She covered her mouth and said, "There's no need to do this..."

"Idiot." Mako Hirako said: "Don't be careless. Who knows if that guy may still be hiding something, and judging from his tone, he plans to regain the situation with one move after being forced into a desperate situation by us. If he doesn't Be more thorough, I don’t know what will happen, I’m right, Captain Kuchiki.”

Kuchiki Byakuya didn't say anything. Countless cherry blossoms rushed down again, hitting Gerald, or rather the pool of blood. Then he walked forward and said without looking back: "Let's go."

Chapter 190: Heart

"It's best to be just in case, he's such a scary guy..."

Before they had taken two steps, they suddenly felt a shadow covering the sky. They instinctively reacted to avoid the side. With a bang, a foot taller than a person stepped on the place where they had walked. The earth trembled and the ground was shaking. Cracks appear.

"What happened? Is this a foot?"

They looked up, and their pupils shrank suddenly. Under such circumstances, Gerald was actually able to be reborn, and he also transformed into a giant, smashing into buildings more than ten stories high with his shoulders. Everyone knew that with such a body, he had The power is not something they can stop. A casual kick from Gerrard can crush them.

"My name is Gerald Valkyrie!"

Gerald said loudly: "My strength is a miracle. In exchange for the injuries I suffered, I have the size of a god. I'm telling you once, I am worthy of being the captain of the Gotei 13 team, but he can inflict such serious injuries on me. Well done, it’s the first time that I’ve become so huge after the injury exchange.”

This power was the strongest he had ever experienced. As he spoke, he smashed the steps in front of him and hit the ground like throwing stones. Hinamori Momo had no time to dodge. In desperation, Hirako Mako pushed him away. Before he fell from the air, Gerald squatted down and pressed down with his huge palm. With a bang, the ground exploded, and Hirako Mako was also submerged in the ruins.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his arm and casually covered the attacking Sakura blade. It was as simple as grabbing quicksand. Byakuya Kuchiki did not expect that after he became giant, his attack would not be effective. De waved the huge shield in his left hand and hit Byakuya Kuchiki. He took a sharp breath and blew it towards Renji Abarai and Rukia on the ground, regardless of whether the opponent was alive or dead.

It was like a storm blew up on the ground, and the two of them were blown nearly a hundred meters away. All the attacks were carried out in one go, not very fast, but the unreasonable power made it impossible for anyone to resist.


Gerald, who stood in the real world city, laughed unbridled and said: "Incompetence is really terrible! However, don't mourn, because no matter how much you mourn, no more miracles will happen!"

His huge figure can be seen by anyone. Nacrovar seemed to have escaped the chase, sat on a stone to rest, looked into the distance, and murmured: "Is that guy Gerald also going to use the holy text? ? However, even Litebarrow was killed by his opponent, no wonder he would use it. Even so, Gerald probably didn’t notice that Litebarrow was killed. So, I will tell you a little bit. Let’s talk about the Guards.”

"Okay." Ling Bai stood not far away from him and did not make any attack. He just said calmly: "Then let this be your last words."

Nakluvar said: "The captain of the Guards is Rijebarro. He was the first Quincy to be given the Holy Text by His Majesty, and he was also the last Quincy to be given power. His status is unshakable. However, in addition to the Guards, Two people are very special, that is Gerald and Pakaja. They were very powerful before His Majesty gave them power, and they were Quincies who did not receive power from His Majesty. "

At this point, he retracted his target, showed a self-deprecating smile, and then said: "Among the All-Star Cross Knights, there are only these two people who exist like this, and His Majesty gave them the corresponding holy words just to cooperate. They already possess the power, so there are many strange rumors about the true identities of these two people. Some people say that Pakaja’s true identity is the left arm of the Spirit King.”

At this point, he paused deliberately, and then said: "And Gerald is the heart of the Soul King."

He stood up and stretched his arms: "I don't know why there are still rumors related to the Soul King even though he is a Quincy. However, he has an unknown origin but shows unparalleled power. To do something to that kind of guy Anything incredible is understandable, you should think so too, Ling Bai.”

"This kind of thing..."

In the middle of Ling Bai's words, he suddenly stopped and raised his head. He saw Chadata Taitora and Inoue Orihime rushing over. He wanted to stop them, but it was too late. After they stepped into this area, they seemed to have lost their way. With all the strength, I can't stand up anymore.

"How is this going……"

Only then did they see a dark circle with a radius of more than ten meters appearing on the ground with Nacrovar as the center. The reason why Ling Bai did not attack was because he was still outside the range. Nacrovar walked over and slowly Said: "Can't stand up, right? This is a poisonous swimming pool. Once you step into my domain, although it will not cause death, it can still be done by reducing the tolerance of the things I specify. This time I The designated thing is the spirit child.”

"Are you saying that the spirit child was poisoned?" Chatata Taihu said.

Chapter 191: Fatal injury

"That's right."

Nakluvar said: "Let me put it simply, in the real world city where you are now, where the concentration of spirit particles is very high, you will be poisoned by spirit particles. My ability is the lethal dose, which is actually to control the lethal dose of specified things. To kill the enemy, if you want to specify something, you have to consume a large amount of that thing. For example, if you specify blood, you have to drink a lot of blood to wake up. However, I have drunk too much milk coffee now and I can no longer hold it. ”

At this point, he put his hands into his pants pockets and said slowly: "So, while my stomach is not hungry yet, I hope you can stay here and don't move."


Just as he finished speaking, a woman's voice came from behind him. He turned his head, and Yoruichi grabbed the protruding stone wall, stood upside down behind him, and said with a smile: "You are really good at saying weird things. Since your opponent can't move, just pinch him Wouldn’t it be better to hold their necks?”

"Are you serious?" Nakluvar said lightly: "Many years ago, Bambietta said the same thing to me. I was very unhappy when I heard it, and I am even more unhappy now. Really, no There should be a limit to your brain!”

While speaking, he kicked out, causing Yoruichi to roll in the air and land outside his poisonous swimming pool. He raised his head slightly and said with a smile: "No brains? Do you mean to despise your opponent?"

"No." Nacrovar raised a finger and said slowly: "It's about using your own style to defeat the enemy. After all, controlling the lethality is my way of fighting. The act of choking, It’s the style of women like you and Bambietta.”

"I see."

Soul lightning appeared on Yoruichi's body, and then the lightning suddenly exploded. It seemed that her whole body was wrapped in high-concentration spiritual pressure. The clothes on her back and shoulders exploded, and a steady stream of substantial spiritual pressure poured out from her body. She tilted her head. He shook his head and said with a half-smile: "Although I don't know who the woman named Bambietta is, you want to say that it is the style of a beauty, right?"

Nakluvar opened his arms and said: "You and Bambietta are indeed beauties, but the value of a woman does not lie in her face and figure, but in being able to dress up!"

A foldable longbow appeared in his hand, and he shot two light arrows that moved like lightning. Yoruichi didn't seem to look at it, and rushed towards the light arrows. He grabbed the arrows casually, held the arrows in his hands, and threw them back. , the light arrow was inserted into Nakluvar's shoulder, and Nakluvar was directly repelled. Yoruichi did not fall to the ground and wanted to rush forward.

"I'm sorry. Although you are an interesting man, it's unfortunate. I have something urgent to go on now, so I'll leave first. Shunhu, Thunder God Battle Form!"

She stopped in mid-air, her spiritual pressure exploded unstoppably, and six magatama haloes in the form of a thunder god appeared on her back. The magatama moved quickly, she opened her hands, and rained down large-scale thunderbolts within a radius of half a kilometer, with continuous explosions. All nearby buildings were destroyed. Such explosive power made not only Nakluvar, but also Ling Bai take a breath.

The next moment, Yoruichi appeared in front of Nacrovar, and his fists hit his face like missiles. He had no time to react. The shocking destructive power made Nacrovar unable to even scream. His whole body was like It was like a deflated rubber ball, flying backwards. The entire street was destroyed, and the buildings collapsed, just like a bomb detonating here.

The combination of strength and speed made Ling Bai smile bitterly. In the collision of air, Yoruichi held Inoue Orihime, who was about to be blown away, and said softly: "Heal your injury first, and then go after you stabilize." Medical Chad, don’t worry, I’ll go over and identify his body.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed the noise behind her, turned slightly to avoid the hug from behind by Xi Siliang of Sifengyuan, kicked him to the ground, folded her arms and said: "Xi Siliang, you are here What are you doing? Shouldn’t you go and help them?”

Xi Siliang said expectantly: "There are a group of captain-level people over there. They don't need me. I think it's more important to help you, sister, so I came here."

Since Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke came to the world, the siblings have not seen each other for almost a hundred years. When he heard this, Yoruichi's face suddenly darkened and he said in a deep voice: "You want to help me? Yushirō, I During your absence, you seem to have become stronger."

Xi Siliang did not understand the meaning of her words, but said with tears in his eyes: "Yes, you can feel it, it's great, I have become stronger."

Yoruichi sighed, and then she thought that this guy was so dumb that he couldn't even understand the sarcastic words. She was about to say something, when suddenly there was the sound of slight footsteps behind her, and the thick sound of Nacrovar rising from the ruins. He walked out of the smoke and said as he walked: "This is the end of the pleasant sadness. The battle is not over yet. Isn't it too careless?".

Chapter 192: Explosive Flame

"It seems you didn't hear our conversation clearly."

Yoruichi turned around, although he was a little surprised, but it was natural. If he could defeat him with one move, the members of Team Zero would not lose to Yhwach's bodyguards. He smiled and said, "Even if it's a child crying, , it’s not necessarily a sad conversation.”

Nakluvar adjusted his hair and said, "Really? Let's stop this irrelevant conversation."

Ling Bai helped Taihu Chadu, walked behind Yoichi, and said softly: "I'll leave this to you, it should be fine. He should be a difficult opponent, so be careful."

Ye Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Who are you talking to? How could I lose to him? You go first, I will come right away."

Afterwards, they ran towards the castle. Ling Bai felt that apart from Yhwach, the heart of the Soul King, Gerald, was the most difficult enemy to deal with. It should be no problem to leave this place to Yoruichi. He couldn't imagine it. No matter what, Yoruichi looked defeated, and Nakluvar had no intention of pursuing him. He just scratched his head and said, "Let them pass. Your Majesty will scold him later."

Yoruichi sneered: "Don't worry about that, he won't be angry, because both you and Yhwach will be defeated by us."

Nakluvar pointed at Yoruichi and said, "Are you just using the Thunder God move you just did? It's really disturbing."

Before Ye Yi could speak, Xi Siliang stepped forward and said loudly: "That is the Thunder God's battle form. If you dare to insult my sister, I will deal with you."

Seeing him, the dusty Nakluvar didn't take it seriously. No matter from which angle he looked, Siyuro looked very weak, and his appearance was a bit feminine, as if he could fall down with a push. He laughed and said: "You Do you also want to fight me? Miss, please agree in advance that even if you have to fight with bare hands, I will use a bow and arrow."

"I'm a man!" Xi Siliang's face turned red and he rushed forward.

"Really, that's really rude..."

Before Nakluvar finished speaking, he was punched in the face. He didn't see Siyuro's movements clearly. Then, there was a violent storm of attacks. There was no time to use the bow and arrow, and there was no room to fight back. , vomiting blood from his nose and mouth, and pulling the distance between Siyuro's attacks, he retreated repeatedly, covering his face, and said in great pain: "Wait a minute, what are you doing? Even a person like you is so strong."

"of course!"

Fire-like spiritual pressure erupted from Xi Siling's body, gathering on his arms, and the clothes on his back exploded. Amidst the continuous crackling sounds, his neutral voice came out: "I am the 23rd generation head of Sifengyuan. There is no reason for Sifengyuan Xisi to lose to a mere Quincy! Shuangyan, Wushuang!"

The fist hit Nakluvar's body, as if explosives were detonated. With a loud bang, flames shot up into the sky, forming a mushroom cloud in mid-air. Nakluvar seemed to be burned into pieces in the flames.

Seeing this scene, Yoruichi sighed, crossed his arms and said, "You are so messy. If I had injured her beforehand, I don't know what would have happened. Forget it, I can teach you The instantaneous movement is worth performing to this extent.”

Hearing this, Si Xilang's face turned red. It seemed that he had been praised by his sister, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"What? Are beginners so strong?"

Hearing the unpleasant sound, they turned around. Xi Siyang's eyes were surprised. Nakluvar stood in the middle of the flames, roasted like charcoal. Before the flames on his body were completely extinguished, he said slowly: " What are your expressions? Haven't I already said that I can control the lethal amount by taking in large amounts of designated things? I still want to thank you for giving me the huge amount of spiritual pressure that is enough to kill me. Now your Reiatsu can no longer kill me!"

The flames gradually extinguished, and his body was covered with traces of burns. However, the clothes he was wearing did not know what material they were made of. It might also be wrapped with spiritual pressure, but not much damage was done. He fiddled with his hair and walked out of the thick smoke. .

Yoruichi looked at him and said slowly: "Is the wound healed?"

"This is natural." Nacroval said: "By increasing the lethal dose, the body's immunity will be improved. Aren't we surprised? If you don't hurry up, you may be killed by me. Now you, Not to mention killing me, it is impossible to cause any harm to me."

Xi Siliang was still too young and didn't take the weak-looking Nacrovar seriously. He didn't care how lethal he was, just hit him.

He rushed forward again, with spiritual pressure like gas flames on his back. Yoruichi wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Yoruichi punched Nakluvar in the stomach. It was clear that he had hit the target, and he hit it with all his strength. , but Nakluvar stood there, not moving, resisting with his body, as if nothing happened.

Chapter 193: The flying dragon dances

"Don't you understand yet? I've already suffered this trick."

While Nacrovar was speaking, three spiritual arrows had been inserted into Xi Siliang's back and passed through his chest. He pushed Xi Siliang away and walked forward: "I have gained immunity. What do you think of my ability?" Understanding seems to be slower than I thought. This is very fatal, Shifengyuan Yoruichi.”

Yoruichi passed by him and helped Xi Siliang, who had fallen to the ground and lost consciousness, with unprecedented anxiety on his face.

In the narrow ruins, Gerald leaned against the building. The nearby buildings were like building blocks around him. He said lazily: "It's really vulnerable. A man of the captain level of the 13th Gotei Team, in the Am I so fragile in front of my miracle? My spiritual pressure is so weak that I can barely feel it. Using this giant body to look for those who are still alive in the ruins is like crushing them to death in the sand. Like ants, it’s impossible.”

While speaking, he suddenly turned around, crushed the building behind him, and said loudly: "It is precisely because of this that I was able to find you. It is a miracle to make the impossible possible!".

Facts have proved that his feeling was correct. Sarugaki Hiyori jumped out of the ruins, put on a mask, and sneered: "We don't know what you said before, and some miracle suddenly appeared. We have no idea about you." What are you talking about, bald man!”

While speaking, she released a red virtual flash, hitting Gerald's head directly. This was all her power. Gerald just waved his arm to scatter it, and mocked: "You think this little trick can hurt him?" Come to me?"

"I don't think so..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other members of the Masked Legion, Aikawa Ratake, Yatomaru Lisa, and Ariakida Hakigen jumped on top of him at the same time, each using their strongest moves. Immediately afterwards, Gerald's upper body exploded, and his body They also showed a backward posture, and were about to fall down, but it only lasted a few seconds before Gerald dispersed the thick smoke and used his shield to knock them all down.

"This attack is not painful at all."

Gerald said: "If this continues, it will be endless. I will kill all of you guys in one go."

He half-crouched down and hit the ground with his fist, wanting to destroy the entire battlefield, but before his fist fell, his entire arm was frozen by ice. He stopped, raised his head, and saw the short and handsome Death standing there. On the long bridge made of ice, the tip of the sword touched the ice, and he said: "Judging from the spiritual pressure, Kyoryu and several vice-captains over there are still alive. We can't let them fall too. As for you, just Stay frozen here forever."

"Who are you?" Gerald straightened up and said coldly.

"The captain of the Gotei 13th Division, the 10th Division, Hitsugaya Toushiro."

"I am the Knights of the Star Cross, Gerald Valkyrie! Let's have a good time!"

While his arms were shaking, he peeled off the ice on it, and then used his shield to smash the ice bridge formed by Hitsugaya Toshiro, trying to defeat it with brute force. However, the opponent's reaction was much faster than his. Almost flying past him, unfolding his swastika, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru's wings suddenly formed, the flying dragon danced, and an ice storm blew up in mid-air, instantly wrapping his upper body.

"Sorry, I'm not here to have a good time with you."

When he was very young, Uryu Ishida wanted to be a doctor, but since he saw his father, Ryuuzen Ishida, dissecting his mother's body, he suddenly decided that he would never be a doctor again. If he was right, he was already dead. It was a doctor's job to perform anatomy analysis on his wife, so he didn't want to engage in that kind of work.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of what happened when he was a child. Walking in the long corridor, he thought he would be safe, but Hasward came down the stairs next to him and said calmly: "What's wrong with you, Ishida Uryu? Looks quite distressed.”

Ishida Uryu's heart trembled, but he still said calmly: "I think you are the one, you look quite distressed."

"Have you forgotten?" Hasward said: "When Your Majesty enters sleep, your Majesty and I will exchange our powers and see through the future. What I see is all very distressing things, yes." Come on, Ishida Uryu."

Hearing this, Ishida Uryū's pupils gradually shrank, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Did you see my betrayal?"

Hasward sneered: "Why do you ask? I didn't say anything."

Having said this, he took out a lot of white chips from his arms, threw them on the ground, and said slowly: "I just found a lot of these things in the real world city. You should have placed them there."

Uryū Ishida retorted: "I don't remember letting something like this go."

"Really?" said Hasward. "I have seen a device using this chip.".

Chapter 194: Panoramic view

"This is very similar to what was used on the suffering handbag that Ishida Sogenu took away. It is a component used to decompose and spread the spirit."

Hasward said softly: "Ishida Uryu, what do you want to do by placing this in the real world city?"

"Unfounded accusation." Ishida Uryu turned around and wanted to leave here.

"Groundless accusation?" Hasward pulled out his long sword and said coldly: "Then come and prove it. Prove that you are not a traitor."

"Wait a minute, Hasward!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wall of the castle suddenly exploded. Ling Bai and the others smashed the wall and rushed in. Seeing the scene in front of them, Ling Bai just raised the corner of his mouth and showed an inexplicable smile, but Inoue Orihime and Chadota Taitora I don't know what to say, the abrupt encounter, the complicated emotions intertwined.

"It seems that the protagonists are all here."

Hasward walked over slowly with a long sword in his hand and said in a cold voice: "You are really lucky. Fate has given you the conditions to prove it. Since you said you are not a traitor, then come and prove it. Here are these Kill them all, what answer will you give me, I will watch carefully, Ishida Uryu."

Ishida Uryū frowned slightly, took out his spiritual bow, and as expected, he changed the direction and shot two spiritual arrows at Ling Bai and the others. Ling Bai sneered, grabbed the spiritual arrow, crushed it to pieces, and then attacked with the spiritual arrow. He unexpectedly changed the attack track and ran towards where Inoue Orihime was standing. As if he knew his intention, Ling Bai did not stop him. The ground exploded, gravel flew, and Inoue and Chadari also fell down.

Below is an open area similar to a square. Ling Bai also followed the trend. In mid-air, Inoue Orihime opened her three-day shield. They fell down, and Ishida Uryu also followed. Ling Bai said lightly: "Okay, you can say "Tell me, Ishida, why you are fighting with us."

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