Yumichika Ayasegawa said: "What you said is quite vague. What is the ability of your soul-cutting sword?"

Everyone looked at him. They originally thought that Kujo Nozomi was unwilling to reveal the power of his soul-zanting sword. After all, the god of death was very afraid to reveal the power of his soul-zanting sword to others before fighting. Thinking of it, Kujo Nozomi said confidently: "I haven't thought of everything yet! But I know that I can definitely restrain Inaba Kagerouzuo's soul-cutting sword."

"It's really ridiculous." Madarame said unceremoniously: "Why should we believe that even you don't know something? Maybe it can be done, but it's more likely that it can't be done. We can't bet our hopes on this kind of misfortune. Something certain.”

What he said was irrefutable. Things that she didn't even know about herself were indeed unconvincing. Kujo Nozomi had no choice but to lower her head and stopped talking. Madarame Kakkaido stood up and said in a deep voice: "Speaking of which, why do we have to We have to protect her. If Inaba Kagerozu comes here, we can defeat them alone."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

Chapter 311: Trap

He felt that discussing here was a waste of time. In addition, he had just had a quarrel with Omaeda Kichiyo, and he didn't want to stay here anymore. After he left, the atmosphere gradually became depressing. After all, they were all at the level of deputy captain, and there was no one who could Hisagi Shuhei sighed at the presence of the principal and said, "There's really nothing we can do against him."

There is no way to continue like this. After all, Ise Nanao is the adjutant of the captain. He pushed up his glasses and said: "Nozomi, if you still don't know what your soul-cutting sword's ability is, we can't let you, who is already the opponent's target, Go into battle."

"But my power..." Kujo Nozomi is still very stubborn: "This is true, I can almost remember the name of the soul-cutting sword."

Ling Bai patted her shoulder and said softly: "Wangshi, don't insist anymore. In this situation, it's impossible for you to make everyone believe in you. Since you haven't remembered your strength yet, then we will help you." You wake up."

They didn't have much time. The four spirit captains, Hitsugaya Toushiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, Kiba Tetsuzamon and Zaraki Kenpachi, had already entered the broken world and rushed to the real world, but when they were about to reach the real world through the gate , hit the dazzling white light, and the entire boundary was shrouded in white light, as if someone threw a flash bomb here. This was the trap set by Urahara Kisuke.

Since the support from Soul Society cannot be counted on, Urahara Kisuke can only complete the space freezing. Inaba Kagerozuo, who monitors the broken world, immediately discovered the strangeness inside and launched a corresponding strategy. The two scientists fought in the air, although they could not Eliminating the spirit remains in the broken world bought a lot of time for the deputy captain in this world.

Ling Bai and the others took this time to give guidance to Kujo Mozumi in the open space of Karakura Town Park. They said it was guidance, but someone kept attacking Kujo Mozumi to awaken her ability. Ling Bai did not play. Ishida Uryū, Cha Watayatora and Kuchiki Rukia took turns attacking Kujo Mochimi, hoping that this would be the fastest way to awaken the Zanzantō.

Ling Bai sat on the chair, watching their training, and frowned slightly. Their attacks were very slow and lacked strength, as if they were afraid of hurting Kujo Nozomi. He couldn't help but doubt that this kind of training method was really effective. Will it work? Kujo Nozomi himself is a transformed soul and has a certain degree of fighting instinct. Although he can block their attacks, the soul-cutting sword does not make any movement.

Just like this continuous attack, when the giant right arm of Sadatora Taihu hit her countless times, Kujo Nozomi's soul-cutting sword glowed with pink light, and the giant right arm waved a light blue shock wave. It dissipated instantly, just like Ukitake Jushiro's Pisces Ritsu, but did not have the same rebound effect as him. Ling Bai also breathed a sigh of relief. He could probably guess that it was Kujo Nozomi's soul-cutting sword that absorbed Sadata Tai just now. Tiger's spiritual pressure.

It seemed to be a ghost-type soul-cutting sword. They did not pause much and continued to attack. Not long after, Kujo Nozomi was out of breath and sweating profusely. Inoue Orihime advised her to take a rest. If she acted too hastily, she might It would have the opposite effect. Kujo Nozomi also knew that things must be reversed when they go to extremes, so he walked to the sink not far away and simply washed his face.

Just where no one saw him, Madarame Ikkaku came over and said unceremoniously: "What do you think you can do with your broken sword? I think it's better to forget it. If you continue to practice like this, you will only hurt yourself. ”

His words were thorny. Kujo Nozomi was about to get angry, but he endured it. He was really useless now, so he could only say: "I haven't..."

"Forget it." Madarame Ikkaku interrupted her and said, "I admit that you do hide some power, but you are not so naive in actual combat. Even if you wake up your own soul-cutting sword and restore your strength, Only the fear of death.”

Kujo Nozomi lowered his head and said softly: "I was going to die, but someone wanted me to live. I accepted everyone's wishes, and I also want to help everyone. Even if I die in the battle, I will be there. No matter what.”

"What an idiot." Madarame turned around and said slowly: "I don't care what you think. If you don't have the courage to abandon me, things that were originally acceptable will become unacceptable."

Seeing him walking away, Kujo Nozomi pondered for a while, as if thinking something clearly, he slowly walked back to the open space, took the energy drink thrown by Ishida Uryu, and just opened the bottle cap, a dazzling light flashed As he passed, the bottle fell to the ground.

She didn't realize what happened at all. She was stunned for a moment. She raised her head and saw Ling Bai's soul-cutting knife pointing at him. She said softly: "I'm sorry, Wang Shi, there may not be much time left. Next, I will take you Considered my enemy."

Ishida Uryū wanted to persuade him, but seeing Ling Bai's attitude, he subconsciously stepped aside and also pulled Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia away. Kujo Nozomi also happily accepted.

Chapter 312: Courage and Determination

She really wanted to wake up her soul-cutting sword, and Ling Bai could come and help her train. She was suddenly full of energy again, but she was still too naive.

Ling Bai waved his hand to let everyone else get out of the way. Kujo Nozomi clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, imagining that she had just parryed. Suddenly, the light of the knife tore through the space. She opened her eyes wide, and a few strands of hair fell lightly. Ling Bai whispered He said: "Don't relax, don't waver, not even for a moment. It's training anyway, so it shouldn't hurt me. It would be too naive to think so."

At this point, he paused deliberately, and the tip of the knife flashed with a cold light. He said slowly: "I am swinging the knife with the determination to kill you."

He didn't give Kujo Mozumi much time to react. There was a loud explosion and the soul-cutting sword swept past. Kujo Mozumi was directly deflected by the futile burst of spiritual pressure and fell to the ground. Ling Bai rushed forward without any pause. He moved forward and slashed downwards. Relying on his survival instinct, Kujo Nozomi raised his soul-cutting sword to block her attack.

Only then did she realize that Ling Bai was not scaring her. He really wanted to kill her. Fear gradually arose in her heart. Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia also felt that something was wrong and wanted to stop them, but were stopped by them. Ishida Uryū blocked him. Ishida Ryugen once trained him in this way. He deeply understood that without fear and determination to swing the sword, no matter how he trains, he will stagnate.

Yumichika Ayasekawa also said: "Just let them continue fighting like this. Your training methods will not be effective no matter how long they last. They must be collided with spiritual pressure that is truly full of murderous intent. If he withstands If she can't resist Ling Bai's attack, she will die, it's that simple."

"You didn't run away, but blocked my soul-cutting sword. This is worthy of praise, but..."

Ling Bai turned her wrist and the blade slid down. Kujo Wangshi's heart suddenly accelerated and she subconsciously rolled to the side. The blade brushed her arm. If she was hit, the whole arm might be gone. She stood up quickly. Pulling away as if running away.

Ling Bai slowly walked towards her and said as he walked: "I can't feel your spiritual power. What you are holding in your hand is just an ordinary knife. I tell you in advance, if this continues, I will really kill you."

Kujo Nozomi's pupils suddenly shrank, and cold sweat flowed down her cheeks. She really felt the fear of death. Facing Ling Bai's attack, she didn't even seem to have the courage to parry, so she could only keep retreating, pulling She thought she was at a relatively safe distance, but if it continued repeatedly, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

It’s really embarrassing. What am I doing? I don’t even have the courage to resist. Is this the only level of awareness I have? It was so embarrassing that she couldn't bear to look at it. In this trance of running away, she heard someone calling her. The voice asked her, why are you running away? You haven't called me yet. Look ahead. What's covering your ears is just Pointless fear.

The other person is just one person, and you are also one person, so what is there to be afraid of?

When the sound disappeared, she stopped, no longer retreating, but clenched the handle of the knife. Ling Bai also stopped. Suddenly, Kujo Nozomi's body glowed with pink light. She could not retreat, abandon fear, Looking straight ahead, retreating will only lead to aging, and timidity will definitely lead to death.

"Let's splash down, fade away the red rain!"

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Kujo Nozomi finally awakened his soul-cutting sword. However, this excitement did not last long. Suddenly, overwhelming spiritual pressure came from the sky, cracks appeared in the sky, and the spiritual skeleton had arrived in the real world. , although Kujo Nozomi can already be understood, it still takes time to master it and use it freely.

Kuchiki Rukia suggested that Kujo Mochimi be taken to a safe place first for the next training, but this suggestion was rejected by Ling Bai.

"Now that the spirit skeleton has arrived, there is no safe place, so hurry up."

The spiritual pressure of the spirit skeleton fell not far away from them. The first one to arrive in the world was Zaraki Kenpachi. As soon as he landed, Madarame Ikkaku came up to meet him. He was not interested in watching Kujo Nozomi's training. Since the enemy was coming, Just go fight, that's it. After a brief confrontation between the two, Madarame Ikkaku was knocked away by the golden spiritual pressure. The other vice-captains also rushed here and wanted to help, but Madarame Ikkaku refused.

"This is my battle, don't make trouble." Madarame Ikkaku said, "You go deal with the others."

As soon as he finished speaking, other cracks appeared in the air, which was a sign that the spirit bones had arrived, and they had to separate to find their respective enemies.

Facing the corpse of his captain, Madarame released the soul-cutting sword without hesitation, and attacked continuously. No matter how his Oni Toumaru changed, the opponent just used strength and spiritual pressure to smash it, and the golden spiritual pressure smashed it. On his body, cracks appeared on the ground.

"Stop looking around."

The battle is nearby, Kujo Nozomi is restless, and seems to want to go over and support Madarame Kazuo.

Chapter 313: Awakening the Power

"Ikkaku is stalling for time. If you really want to help him, make good use of your Soul Zantoto."

In fact, the battle was nearby. Ling Bai could rush over to help Madarame in less than half a minute, but he still chose to stay. Their enemies were not only the nearby spirit skeletons, but if they wanted to repel Inaba Kage Langzu, they might really have to wake him up. Kujo Nozomi's soul-cutting sword, not to mention Madarame Ikkaku is not a man who will die so easily.

Thinking of this, Ling Bai swung his sword forward again. In the spiritual pressure full of murderous intent, he still left some room and did not use black flames. Kujo no longer flinched. She knew that there was no point in flinching. While blocking his attack, , a slight pain came from her wrist, and there was no extra time to apply it. She had to be prepared for the next attack.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent storm of attacks, the light of the sword was like lightning, and the collision of soul-cutting knives was heard endlessly, creating dazzling sparks. Facing Ling Bai's attack, Kujo Nozomi gradually felt strenuous, but she did not dare to relax. She knew He knew that if he stopped, he would only face death. Minor wounds appeared constantly on his arms and shoulders. Blood and sweat made the clothes stick to his body. Fighting was always accompanied by fear.

Ling Bai had no intention of stopping. Even Kuchiki Rukia felt that this was going too far. Kujo Nozomi had never experienced such a battle. If it continued like this, something would probably happen. Suddenly, With a bang, black spiritual pressure swept across. Kujo Nozomi could no longer resist it and was thrown away. With a scream, he flew dozens of meters before stopping.

After landing, she felt tearing pain, but Ling Bai noticed that it was already a desperate situation for Kujo Nozomi, but there was no sign of spiritual pressure on her blade, nor did it bounce or absorb. This shows that he is not yet able to use the soul-cutting sword's ability freely. He just remembered the name of the soul-cutting sword.

"This won't work..."

Ling Bai walked over and said slowly: "No matter when and where you are, you must be able to use the power of the Soul-Slaying Sword. If you can't use it, you will be in trouble. Listen up, now you can use the real power of the Soul-Slaying Sword." He also gradually learned many combat methods in the battle with his soul-cutting sword. It is indeed rare and he is very talented. However, he is still far from the level of deputy captain, let alone facing those captain-level spirits. skeleton."

Kujo Nozomi endured the pain all over his body, stood up from the ground, bit his lips, nodded, and said softly: "I don't know how I did it just now, I have no impression at all."

"That's why I want to force you into a desperate situation..."

Ling Bai suddenly increased his speed and thrust forward fiercely. Kujo Mozumi turned sideways instinctively, but his arm was cut. Ling Bai passed by her, deliberately exposing the flaw in his back, but Kujo Mozumi did not fight back. Awakening, he clenched the blade with both hands, preparing for the next attack. Ling Bai inserted the soul-killing knife into the ground, rotated his body, and kicked her away.

Kujo Nozomi's body broke the branches next to the clearing before stopping. He felt that his bones were about to fall apart. Inoue Orihime ran over and wanted to treat her, but was blocked by Ling Bai. It was still early, Ling Bai rushed In the past, the soul-cutting sword struck the place where Kujo Nozomi fell. Kujo Nozomi quickly rolled away, and a crack more than ten meters deep appeared on the ground.

Seeing such a gap, Kujo Wangshi couldn't help but shed a cold sweat. If this knife struck her, even her ten lives would be over. Ling Bai didn't give her much time to pay attention to this, and struck with another knife. , Kujo Nozomi could no longer resist, and fled towards the clearing. The trees were cut off one after another, and the woods next to the clearing were in a mess.

If she continued, she was really going to die. It was as if Kujo Nogashi had lost all her strength. The tip of the knife touched the ground, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, gasping for air. She no longer had the strength to resist. Ling Bai seemed to know this. , turned around and said in a deep voice: "Wangshi, you really disappoint me. Is this all you can do? I can only see fear from your sword."

Hearing this, Kujo Nozomi was stunned. Others also felt that it was a bit excessive. They looked at Ling Bai and signaled him to stop talking. This would probably damage Kujo Nozomi's newly built confidence. Ling Bai did not. Concerned, he continued: "When you were running away, you were afraid of being cut by me, and you didn't even have the consciousness to attack. Even when you wanted to protect others, you were afraid that you would die."

Having said this, he raised his soul-cutting sword and pointed the tip towards the sky. A whirlwind of spiritual pressure blew around him. The maple leaves were blown up and a strong sense of oppression spread over him. He said slowly: "Your sword conveys to All I have is unnecessary fear, it shouldn’t be like this, you don’t need to be afraid when fighting, it won’t help you at all.”

Kujo Nozomi opened her eyes wide, and she noticed that Ling Bai's blade did not have any spiritual pressure, but it could make her feel a slight vibration and an irresistible pressure that was breathtaking.

Chapter 314: Repression

You should understand.

Ling Bai said slowly: "Did you see it? My determination to kill you is clearly conveyed in my sword. If you don't experience fighting and experience despair, you will stay where you are forever. We can't teach you anything." , all I can teach you is determination. When you dodge, you must think that I will not be hit by you. When you want to protect others, you must think that I will not let you die. When you attack, you must use a knife to chop."

Kujo Nozomi took a deep breath and looked at Ling Bai's blade glowing with black light. She tightened the handle of the knife, and like the other party, she raised the soul-cutting knife, pointing the tip to the sky, and a swirling storm blew around her. , the blade also glowed with pink light, and others could also feel that the two soul-killing knives were resonating with each other.

"Are you ready..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black storm swept over, followed by a strong explosion in the open space. The dazzling white light blocked everyone's sight. After the light dissipated, the black flame was absorbed into the blade of Shigure, and the pink light became even more intense. Dazzling, at this moment, a deafening explosion sounded not far away, Ling Bai said softly: "Go."

While they were fighting, Madarame Ikkaku had been defeated by the spirit skeleton Zaraki Kenpachi. However, Zaraki Kenpachi did not give him the final blow. In his opinion, the enemy who had lost his fighting power was worthless. As he walked toward the clearing, his ankle was grabbed. Madarame Ikkaku lay on the ground and said in a deep voice: "It's not over yet."

Zaraki Kenpachi snorted coldly, raised his foot, kicked him away, and said slowly: "It's really boring. Didn't I tell you before? You are not qualified to be my opponent at all."

"Whether it's qualified or not depends on you seeing this."

Madarame Ikkaku stood up with force, and his body emitted a red light. Immediately afterwards, there was a spiritual pressure storm. He used swastika, dragon pattern ghost pill, and three huge black ax blades. This was his reserved work. Zaraki Kenpachi was only slightly surprised, then sneered: "If you want to find someone to stop me, then give it a try."

The three ax blades looked extremely heavy, perhaps weighing hundreds of kilograms, but Ikkaku Madarame could swing them freely and launched attacks continuously. The sound of the blades clashing against each other was endless. Zaraki Kenpachi gradually retreated, holding the sword in one hand. He was able to cope with it easily, and he became more and more excited, but he also noticed that the dragon pattern on the middle ax blade was showing signs of staining red.

Dragon Mark Oni Toumaru is originally a slow-heating soul-cutting sword, which is also similar to Madarame's character. It gradually shows its true strength in the fight. When the dragon mark is completely dyed red, the destructive power will reach its maximum, and the continuous After the blow, Dragon Pattern Kidenmaru had awakened, and red spiritual pressure shot into the sky, which was the explosion just now. However, in less than five seconds, it was broken by golden spiritual pressure.

After the collision of spiritual pressure calmed down, the Dragon Pattern Kitomaru was broken on the ground. Madarame's body was covered in wounds, and the ground under his feet was stained red with blood. He fell to his knees and no longer had the strength to stand up. However, Zaraki Kenpachi was unscathed. Carrying the soul-cutting knife, he sneered: "Is this the end? You still let me enjoy it."

Zaraki Kenpachi raised his soul-cutting sword and was about to chop it down when Kujo Nozomi ran over and shouted to stop. Zaraki Kenpachi did not expect to find such a surprise, so he turned around and said, "You came here specially to let me know." Did I catch it?”

"How can this be!"

Kujo Nozomi gently stroked the blade, awakening the red Shigure, and then raised the soul-cutting sword above her head. The pink light flowed freely. She swung a long-charged blow, and slashed at Zaraki Kenpachi with fierce spiritual pressure. Zaraki Kenpachi didn't pay attention at first. By the time he tried to block it with all his strength, it was already too late. His entire body was torn apart by pink lightning and disappeared from sight.

"Isn't this pretty awesome?"

Madarame smiled happily and fell to the ground.

Ling Bai and the others also rushed over and helped Kujo Nozomi who was about to fall to the ground. Kujo Nozomi's face turned red and he gently pushed Ling Bai away. She just felt a little dizzy. Ling Bai chuckled and said: "This time Do you know what your soul-cutting sword is capable of?"

Kujo Nozomi whispered: "Absorb the opponent's power, then transform it into your own power, and then attack the opponent. This is the ability of Shigure."

Ling Bai smiled softly. To put it this way, what she just absorbed was her own power, and then she rushed here and released it, thus hitting the spiritual skeleton Zaraki Kenpachi.

"What an annoying ability."

Yumichika Ayasegawa suddenly said: "It would be really a headache to face an enemy like you."

As soon as he finished speaking, golden spiritual pressure erupted not far away, and the spirit skeleton Zaraki Kenpachi appeared here again, sneering: "You are quite capable, woman, I will be your opponent next."

Ling Bai frowned slightly. From the beginning, he felt that how could Zaraki Kenpachi's spirit body be defeated so easily? If that were the case, the battle would have been over long ago, and the captains would not have to be in crisis.

Chapter 315: Annihilation

Kujo Nozomi clenched the handle of the sword with both hands and wanted to go up to fight, but Yumichika Ayasekawa stood in front of her and said softly: "This opportunity is rare, can you take the first step? You take Ikkaku away, I want to avenge him. "

Without giving them a chance to refuse, Ayasegawa Yumuchika pulled out his soul-cutting sword and faced the spirit corpse Zaraki Kenpachi. The blades collided, sparking dazzling sparks. For Zaraki Kenpachi, who should start first? It doesn't matter, as long as the opponent can show his true ability, he can enjoy it. Ayase Kawa Yumichika naturally knows the opponent's strength and releases the soul-cutting sword without hesitation.

Taking advantage of the gap in their fight, Ling Bai brought Madarame Ikkaku, who had fallen to the ground and lost consciousness, to the original open space. He knew that no matter how powerful the opponent was, the purpose of the 11th Squadron's battle was to fight one on one, and would not This leaves room for others to intervene, and battles elsewhere have already begun.

The spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro appeared in the sky above Karakura Town, where Kira Izuru and Hisagi Shuhei were stationed. Facing the two deputy captains, Hitsugaya Toshiro did not take them seriously, and his personality was far from good. The original species was so calm, but he said almost arrogantly: "It's fate that we meet here. Come and have fun with me."

Facing the captain-level spirit skeleton, they also released the Soul Zanto and fought with all their strength, but were still suppressed by the opponent. Matsumoto Rangiku and Kiba Tetsuaemon faced the Kiba Tetsuaemon soul, although they were the same. The spirit body and the transformed soul in the shooting range seem to be transformed. The strength of the spirit body is far beyond that of the original species, and it may also be because the original body is too weak.

The crimson spiritual pressure shot straight into the sky, overwhelmingly holding them down.

Ohmaeda Kichiyo is very unfortunate. It seems that no one wants to be in the same group with him. He faces the spirit skeleton Kuchiki Byakuya alone. Kuchiki Byakuya seems to be unwilling to even look at him, saying that he looks wretched and his weapons are also wretched. , the actions were even more obscene, Omaeda Kichiyo actually wanted to use money to beg him to forgive herself. This method was not a bad idea, but he chose the wrong person.

In any case, the opponent is the head of the four nobles, the head of the Kuchiki family, and the captain who cares most about glory. How could he be bribed with money? After the spirit skeleton Kuchiki Byakuya shot him down, he even wanted to go back and clean the soul-zanting sword. , Abarai Renji and Kuchiki Rukia followed the spiritual pressure and came here. Kujo Nozomi also caught up and wanted to join the battle.

"Wait a moment."

Renji Abarai stood in front of her and said: "We are here to meet the captain-level spirit skeletons, and you go to rescue the wounded."

Having said that, he released the soul-cutting sword and rushed forward. Facing the spirit corpses that had invaded the human world, all the vice-captains did not reserve their strength. They gave up their tentative attacks and fought with all their strength. Kujo Mochima did not dare to neglect, she He deeply knows that he may be the key to this war. If he is accidentally caught by the other party, all his efforts will be in vain.

She felt the edge of the lake and wanted to rescue Tetsuzaemon who had been knocked down, but the other party scolded him: "Idiot, what are you doing here!"

They didn't have much time to talk. Matsumoto Rangiku was in a hard fight. The opponent's power was surprisingly strong and could not be resisted. When he fell into the bottom of the lake, Chado Taihu rushed to the battlefield. The giant's right arm, the light blue spiritual pressure shock wave roared. After coming out and temporarily repelling the spirit skeleton shooting range, Tetsuzaemon of the shooting range rescued Matsumoto Rangiku from the bottom of the lake and said in a deep voice: "Ms. Nozomi, this place is quite dangerous. Go to a safe place quickly."

The spirit skeleton rushed out from the bottom of the lake, and Tetsuzaemon at the shooting range was even more anxious. They couldn't protect her and fight at the same time, so they could only drive away Kujo Mochimi. He said so, and Kujo Mochimi couldn't hold on anymore, so he had to Leaving here and running to other battlefields, she could only see the afterimages of the swords and figures intersecting in mid-air. Suddenly, countless ice picks came down, and she couldn't even think of dodging.

With a loud explosion, the red artillery blasted the ice cone that was about to stab Kujo Nozomi into pieces. Kujo Nozomi survived. In fact, Hitsugaya Toshiro's target was not on her at all. The ice cone only attacked Hisagi Shuhei. The remaining power of the ice dragon's spiral tail could hurt her. Kira Izuru rushed to her side and said in a deep voice: "What are you doing here?"

"I..." Kujo Nozomi really wanted to help you fight, but seeing his look, he didn't say it after all.

Kira Izuru didn't have time to say too much to her. He just said: "Anyway, you should stay away from here. You will hinder our fight."

She was not needed anywhere, and she was inevitably a little disappointed. The power she had just gained, she wanted to protect others and at least be of some use, but she was not needed by others. This feeling was difficult for people to understand. She returned to the open space in the park, Inoue Orihime was healing Ikkaku Madarame. Seeing that she was in a low mood, Ling Bai chuckled and said, "Don't force yourself too much."

Kujo Nozomi lowered his head and said: "It took a lot of effort to wake up the soul-cutting sword. I wanted to help everyone, but it didn't come in handy."

Ling Bai said softly: "Don't be too disappointed. Their purpose is to catch you. If you act rashly, it will only increase everyone's burden."

Chapter 316: Troublesome

"But if this continues..." Kujo Nozomi lowered his head and hesitated to speak. After a long time, he continued: "The opponents are all captain-level spirit corpses. No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to defeat them. ”

What she said is indeed correct. The difference between the vice-captain and the captain is not just a matter of level. It is an insurmountable gap. As Byakuya Kuchiki said, the gap between them is like a monkey fishing for the moon. Many vice-captains They all thought they could touch the captain, but in fact all they could see was the moon's reflection in the water. Even if they tried their best to fish it out, they would end up sinking to the bottom of the water.

Suddenly, there was a strong vibration in the distance. Yumichika Ayasegawa had been knocked to the ground by the spirit corpse Zaraki Kenpachi. Zaraki Kenpachi walked to him with the soul-cutting sword and sneered: "It's really interesting. Use all your strength to attack, that’s what will be fun.”

Ling Bai rushed over to help him, but Yumichika Ayasekawa stood up and said loudly: "Don't come over! Let me fight until the last moment, please, otherwise, I will be laughed at by Ikkaku."

Even though he lost his strength, Ayasegawa Yumichika still chose to rush forward. He already had the consciousness of death. He was slashed in the front by Zaraki Kenpachi. Blood spurted out and he fell to the ground. Ling Bai shook his head slightly. This is Eleven. Is the squad stubborn? He raised his head and looked into the air. Renji Abarai and Rukia Kuchiki were about to lose.

"Don't even think about helping them."

Kenpachi Zaraki said in a deep voice: "Your opponent is me. After I defeat you, I will settle accounts with that little girl."

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