At this time, Kira Izuru and Hisagi Shuhei were thrown here by Hitsugaya Toshiro as if they were being thrown away. Their corpses stood in mid-air and said: "Are you still playing? Let me join in. "

"Shut up, they are my prey." Zaraki Kenpachi said unceremoniously.

All the vice-captains were defeated, and the scene of them fighting desperately appeared in Kujo Nozomi's mind. Even though they knew they were no match for the spirit skeleton, they still fought to the end. Everything they did was to protect her. Thinking of this, She dodged into the air and stood in front of Toshiro Hitsugaya. The spirit skeleton also put down the Soul-Zanbing Sword, as if he didn't understand what she meant by doing this. Was she going to take the initiative to send him to the door?

"I won't allow you to do whatever you want!"

"How interesting, I'll set you free now!"

The ice dragon roared in, and Kujo Nozomi didn't dare to relax at all. Just like he did just now, he gathered spiritual pressure, and the soul-cutting sword glowed pink, absorbing the ice dragon, and then released it, with pink spiritual pressure. It was like a shock wave, hitting Toshiro Hitsugaya who didn't understand what was going on. He didn't expect that the other party had such power. In a moment of negligence, he was hit by his own power.

The ice wings shattered, and the spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro also fell from mid-air. Yumichika Ayasekawa raised his head and said with a smile: "It is really a very troublesome ability for the enemy."

This kind of power can only catch the opponent off guard. Coupled with the opponent's carelessness, when the spiritual pressure is absorbed, it will attack the opponent in turn. This is not a difference in strength, but a problem of intelligence. If the spirit skeleton has taken precautions in advance , or if they directly use shallow strikes or ghost attacks, Kujo Nozomi will be helpless, and neither speed nor strength can be their opponent.

Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care about this. He gave up on Ling Bai, looked at Kujo Nozomi in mid-air, and said slowly: "It's really interesting. It's more powerful than just now. You should be able to let me enjoy it." ”


Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly said: "I will take care of the little girl later, and kill the other Shinigami first. This is the agreement with Inaba Kagerouzu."

"Then hurry up!"

The fierce battle started again, and all the spirit skeletons and deputy captains gathered here. Byakuya Kuchiki used thousands of cherry blossom blades to destroy the joint attack of Renji and Rukia, and suddenly changed his target, No. 61 Six Rods of Binding Road In the light prison, six pieces of golden light trapped Kujo Nozomi, making her unable to move.

Tetsuzaemon rushed out of the woods at the Soul Skeleton Shooting Field, and the sword flashed through the air. Just before Kujo Nozomi was hit, Ishida Uryu quickly rushed over and pushed her away. Byakuya Kuchiki stood He said in mid-air: "If her soul-cutting sword can take advantage of the opponent's power, just be careful not to be used by her during the battle."

His combat ability is quite rich, which is not comparable to that of Kujo Mozumi who just entered the battlefield. Ishida Uryū had just helped Kujo Mozumi break away from the six-staff light prison when Blue Fire Pendant came towards him. Ling Bai flashed in front of him and used He detonated it with his hand, and at the same time, Uryu Ishida shot out a rain of arrows, hitting Byakuya Kuchiki.

At the same time as the rain of arrows was sprinkled out, Kuchiki Byakuya disappeared from the spot, and Kujo Mochi was exposed to the rain of spiritual arrows. In desperation, Kujo Mochi raised his soul-cutting sword and absorbed the rain of arrows.

"I am sorry."

"It's okay, I can absorb more.".

Chapter 317: Escape

Hearing what she said, Ishida Uryu touched his chin, as if he was deep in thought. Byakuya Kuchiki still wanted to attack. Even though Renji and Rukia were seriously injured, they still didn't give up and tried to stop him. They took advantage of them to hold Kuchiki back. At Byakuya's timing, Uryu Ishida said: "Nozomi's ability can not only absorb the spiritual pressure of the soul-cutting sword, but also the spirit arrows of Kidou and me, right?"

"Yes." Kujo Nozomi didn't understand what he meant, so he nodded and said, "As long as it's spiritual pressure, I can absorb it."

Next, Uryū Ishida explained the strategy he had thought of. As soon as he finished speaking, Orihime Inoue objected. This kind of thing was too dangerous. If it failed, even she might not be able to treat Kujo. Wang Shi said firmly: "I can do it. If this can help everyone, I am willing to go. And with Ling Bai's help, Tuihong Shiyu has been able to respond to my wish."

"But..." Inoue Orihime wanted to say something else, but stopped.

Ishida Uryu said: "In order to defeat the spirit skeleton, we can only rely on his ability."

They had no time to hesitate. Ling Bai called everyone over. The vice-captains formed a circle, which could not only resist the attack of the spirit skeletons, but also execute the plan. Ishida Uryu stood in the center and said loudly: "Everyone They all send spiritual pressure to Wang Shi."

He had no extra explanation, and he didn't have time to explain so much now. The vice-captains didn't know how they could do such a foolish thing in this situation. Besides, except for Ling Bai and the others, the rest of the Shinigami didn't fully believe in Kujo Wang. Minoru, during this hesitation, Kira Izuru said: "It doesn't matter, we have already seen her fighting style, Kujo Nozomi has the consciousness of being a Shinigami."

Hisagi Shuhei is also very optimistic about Kujo Nozomi. Matsumoto Rangiku smiled and said: "If you all say so, then let's take a gamble. Okay, brother at the shooting range."

Kiga Tezaemon could only say: "There is nothing we can do, I will just listen to you."

With everyone's support, Kujo Nozomi's depressed mood improved instantly. He raised his soul-cutting sword and prepared to accept the spiritual pressure from all of them. Ling Bai was the first to bear the brunt, and black flames swept in, followed closely by everyone's spiritual pressure moves. The spiritual pressure gathered into a huge circle of light on Kujo Nozomi's blade. Following Kujo Nozomi's scream, a pink light beam rose into the sky, and a strong explosion occurred in the center of the city.

This was an attack that brought together all the spiritual pressure of the combat power. The ground shook, the light covered the sky, and the sky above was filled with thick smoke. It took about half a minute before the explosion of spiritual pressure stopped. There were no spiritual remains around. The spiritual pressure seemed to have been eliminated. Before he could celebrate his victory, Ling Bai frowned slightly and looked into the air.

Right above them, there is a white defensive wall full of cracks. Among the spirit skeletons, only Kuchiki Byakuya and Hitsugaya Toshiro can use this method of using Kidō. Now Hitsugaya has been defeated. , the defensive wall shattered, Kuchiki Byakuya gasped and said: "Do you think I will be defeated by such a level of moves? The Seventy-Three of the Broken Path, Double Lotus Blue Fire Pendant!"

The light blue burst of spiritual pressure instantly dispersed the vice-captain. Byakuya Kuchiki raised his soul-cutting sword. Before the cherry blossoms were scattered, a tearing pain suddenly came from his chest. When he looked down, he saw a black scimitar inserted into his chest. Chest, he turned his head stiffly. The owner of the scimitar, Kyōraku Shunsui, stood behind him and said with a smile: "You were careless, Captain Kuchiki."

"how do you……"

Before he finished speaking, he fell from the sky. As the spirit corpse of all the captains in the 12th division, he did not understand until his death how Kyoryu Shunsui escaped from there, and what was the condition of the other captains. Seeing the appearance of the captain, the fallen vice-captains all ignited hopes. They could not contact their captains. Although they believed in their strength, they were still worried.

Now that Kyōraku Shunsui appears here, it is undoubtedly proved that Inaba Kage Langzuo's conspiracy has been crushed by them. Kuchiki Rukia wanted to ask about the situation in Soul Society, but Kyōraku Shunsui looked into the air and murmured: "We'll talk about it later. , the enemy is coming."

They looked up and saw cracks in the sky. It looked like they were about to fight again. The vice-captains had just sent all their spiritual pressure to Kujo Nozomi. In addition, they were attacked by Kuchiki Byakuya and were now exhausted. They were all injured in the previous battle, but they still had to stand up, but Jingraku Shunsui said: "Everyone, please step back. Your bodies are only in the way. Let's go to treatment first."

The vice-captains are no longer insisting. Many people know that Kyoraku Shunsui cannot display his true strength in a place where there are many friendly forces. Once his soul-cutting sword is unlocked, the coverage of spiritual pressure will be too wide, and it will inevitably spread. Not to mention the ability of the law of cause and effect, he only used it when he was on the verge of death and ran to the edge of the Soul Palace in the battle with Rijebalo.

Chapter 318: Misestimated Strength

The crack in the sky gradually expanded, and dazzling white light spread around. The spirit skeleton Kyoraku Shunsui and Hirako Mako walked out of it. Such a powerful enemy made everyone's heart sink. Both of them were very senior. Captain, and all the Shinigami who could fight on their side have fallen, so they can only place their hope on Ling Bai and Kyoryu Shunsui.

"Hopefully, stay back."

Ling Bai said softly: "I will not promise not to involve you in the next battle."

Kujo Mozumi bit her lower lip, suddenly held the handle of the knife, flew into the air, and faced the two captain-level spirit corpses. She wanted to make a break on her own. Facing Nozomi who rushed up, Kyoraku Shunsui lowered the hat and said : "Is this lady our opponent? We must fight carefully to ensure that she cannot be injured and capture her completely intact."

"I know." Mako Hirako said: "You know her soul-cutting sword's ability, right? You can't fight her easily, or your spiritual pressure will be absorbed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kujo Mozumi was already in front of them. The soul-cutting sword swept past them. The two easily avoided it, and it was in different directions. Kujo Mozumi paused and chose to pursue Kyoraku Shunsui. Ling Bai had no choice but to help him stop Mako Hirako to prevent her from being attacked from both sides.

The real Jingraku Shunsui looked at the battle in mid-air. He did not take action rashly, but was just waiting to see what happened. Since Ling Bai had joined the battle, there would not be any big problems. He only needed to find the right moment to give the opponent a fatal blow. That's fine, even though he thought so, his opponent didn't give him this chance. Kotetsu Yuune, who came from nowhere, appeared behind him.

"Sixty-one of the Dao of Binding, the Six-Stand Light Prison!"

"Sixty-two steps of binding the road, one hundred steps to the end!"

"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding, bound by chains!"

"The Seventy-five Five-Pillar Iron Piercer of Binding Dao!"

Continuous high-level bindings, golden light sheets, white light rods, snake-like chains, and five iron pillars hit Kyoryu Shunsui at the same time. Even he was restrained so that he could not move. The spirit skeleton tiger Tetsu Yongin said: " You're careless, Captain, you're full of flaws, it's really not your style."

The battle in mid-air is still going on. Even Ling Bai can't kill Hirako Mako easily. The opponent's Soul-Slaying Sword's ability is too troublesome. It's a complete visual reversal. Even if he has experienced a lot of battles with the Shinigami, he can't face this kind of thing. It was difficult for Hajime to exert his full strength. Kujo Nozomi's situation was even worse. He fell to the ground and Kyoraku Shunsui completely disappeared from his sight.

Suddenly, as if she had an instinctive reaction, she turned around and swung her sword, just in time to hit the black scimitar extending from the shadow on the ground. Kyoryu Shunsui also slowly emerged from the shadow, without knowing the opponent's ability. , you can't attack rashly, even Kujo Nozomi also understands this truth, she quickly jumped into the air, using a relatively safe force.

"The response is quite fast."

Jingraku Shunsui smiled and said: "Your judgment is correct. If there is no shadow, there is no way to use Shadow Ghost. However, Huatian Kuanggu has many other ways to play, such as..."

Having said this, he suddenly appeared above Kujo Nozomi and said in a deep voice: "The higher you stand than your opponent, the more advantageous you are!"

He slashed straight down. Kujo Nozomi didn't know the rules of his game. He raised his soul-cutting sword and tried to resist his attack. For some unknown reason, just before the blades collided, Kyōraku Shunsui suddenly Stopping, the distance between the two blades was only less than five centimeters. Kyoryaku Shunsui said slowly: "It seems that I can't play with you like this. If the two swords hit each other, my spiritual pressure will be absorbed by you."

With a bang, he raised his foot and kicked Kujo Nozomi, knocking her to the ground. While fighting, Ling Bai noticed the situation here and had no time to think. He ducked over and black flames shot out from the blade. He broke out and swept towards Kyōraku Shunsui who was about to capture Kujo Nozomi. In a panic, Kyōraku Shunsui could only avoid it and temporarily gave up on Kujo Nozomi.

Both sides were at a stalemate here. Rukia and Renji struggled to stand up and wanted to go over to help. Even if it was a hindrance, they had to face it and at least help a little. With Ling Bai's ability, it could be over quickly. During the battle, at this moment, strong spiritual pressure fluctuations suddenly came from not far away, and Kyōraku Shunsui, who was trapped by four high-level binding paths, was already showing signs of breaking free.

"You still don't understand?"

The real Kotetsu Yongin appeared here, binding her spiritual body with a golden chain, and said slowly: "This level of binding can only delay it for a while. I have said it before, you are wrong Estimated the strength of the Gotei 13."

All the binding roads were shattered, followed closely by the black rectangular parallelepiped, No. 90's broken black coffin. If Ling Bai hadn't dragged Kujo Nozomi up in time, she would have been hit by the black coffin. Kuchiki Luqi Ya could see clearly from below that the impact of Kyōraku Shunsui just now was definitely not just to destroy the binding path, but also to eliminate Kujo Nozomi.

Chapter 319: Complete reversal

Although Kyoraku Shunsui didn't speak, his intention was already obvious. If Kujo Mochimi was really affected, he might also say that it was an accidental attack. If it was for victory and maintaining the long-standing peace, he could do anything. This It's the captain's responsibilities, including the Quincy invasion, and he can even join forces with Aizenmono Usuke.

Moreover, the existence of transformed souls is a negative history for the Soul Society. Kujo Nozomi looked at him and said softly: "In order to stop Inaba Kagerouzuo's plan, erasing me is indeed the most correct choice, but , I will not die.”

In any case, the captain has been liberated, and the situation on the field has begun to reverse. The only variable is Hirako Mako's soul-cutting sword. I just don't know if the spirit skeleton can activate the swastika. After all, Hirako Mako's counterattack has not been around for a hundred years. His swastika is too dangerous and he has been banned from Soul Society for a long time. As long as everyone is within the scope of the swastika, their cognition will be completely reversed, including the cognition of the enemy and himself.

The spirit skeletons jumped down from mid-air and surrounded Kyōraku Shunsui who had just escaped from the binding path. They wanted to jointly attack. Suddenly, the voice of Inabata Rōzuo came from above: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, please step back. I'll leave the rest to you." give it to me."

They quickly dodged, and Inabata Rangzuo appeared in front of Kyoraku Shunsui, and said with a smile: "As expected of the captain, you can actually escape Soul Society, but this is expected, I hope I will bring him back personally, for the sake of achievement my wish."

He was completely unafraid of Kyōraku Shunsui and took the initiative to attack. He ducked in front of the opponent and slashed with his sword. Kyōraku Shunsui turned sideways and avoided the slashing attack. At the same time, the black scimitar swept past him and forced Inaba Kagerozuo into the air. He also knew that he could never fight Kyōraku Shunsui on the ground again. Although Shadow Ghost's ability could be avoided, sooner or later he would fall into an irreversible disadvantage if he continued fighting like this.

Kyōraku Shunsui dodged to the top of his head and slashed straight down. The one with the higher position won, and Inabata Rangzuo could only run away in confusion. The momentum just now was gone after two fights. However, Kyōraku Shunsui did not The pursuit was not continued.

"You should know his abilities." Ling Bai appeared next to Jingle Shunsui.

Jingraku Shunsui nodded and said: "Can I still act rashly? If my moves are copied, it will be really difficult. It seems that the only way is to attack him so that he can't use the moves smoothly."

It's not impossible for him to do this, but someone needs to attract Inaba Kagerouzu's attention. Kujo Nozomi suddenly said: "I will be the bait."

They looked at Kujo Nozomi. As a captain-level figure, of course he understood that he could never procrastinate in the battle. If he had a woman's heart, he would lose sooner or later. The two of them just hesitated a little and agreed without too much thought. After much discussion and agreement, Kujo Mozumi rushed forward first. With such an attack method, Inabata Rangzuo was also very confused. It was impossible for Kujo Mozumi to throw herself into a trap. What was her purpose?

Continuous slashes were easily avoided by Inaba Kagerozuo. He seemed to understand their strategy and ducked to her side, saying in a deep voice: "Do you want to touch my sword and absorb the spiritual pressure? Sorry, I You won’t be fooled.”

As if someone had seen through everything, Kujo Nozomi did not stop. As she swung her soul-cutting sword, the blade glowed with pink spiritual pressure. Inabata Rangzuo's pupils suddenly shrank. When did she absorb the spiritual pressure? He suddenly remembered that just now, Kyōraku Shunsui's back was turned to him, and it must have been through the contact of the blade that the spiritual pressure was transmitted to Kujo Nozomi's soul-cutting sword.

Inabata didn't dare to touch him head-on, so he could only avoid it. He was about to say that such a move was useless to him, but before he could say anything, Kyoraku Shunsui came from behind and he quickly turned his double-edged sword. But the opponent's spiritual pressure was too powerful, and he would not be able to copy it for a while, and beside him, Lingbai's black flames roared towards him.

There was a bang, and a strong explosion occurred in the sky. Inabata Wolf's figure was completely covered in thick smoke. Ling Bai turned the blade and stared at the black magma. He could not feel the spiritual pressure and could not confirm Inabata Wolf. Zuo's condition, suddenly, black flames spread in all directions, as if being pushed away, Inabata Wolf Zuo gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

"What a critical moment..."

Inaba Kagerozuo completely reduced the flames and said slowly: "My judgment is correct. The captain's spiritual pressure is indeed powerful, but I have copied the ability of Mochimi Soul-Slaying Sword a long time ago, and then I used her ability to absorb it. After using the moves of the two of you, my Raiku now contains both Captain Kyōraku Shunsui's spiritual pressure and Lingbai's hellfire. Even you, if attacked by such power, won't be able to escape. ”

Ling Bai looked at him expressionlessly. It was indeed an excellent on-the-spot judgment. He couldn't copy his Raiko, so he copied Kujo Nozomi's Fading Red Shigure.

Chapter 320: The story behind

They had previously used Kujo Mochimi as a bait to attack first, but instead they had Inaba Shadow Wolfsa take advantage of it. His double-edged sword erupted with black and red lightning, which contained an irresistible power.

Inaba Kagerozuo wanted to end it all. He turned the double-edged sword, and black-red flames burst out in the black space, rushing towards Kyoraku Shunsui like a wave. He did not choose to attack Ling Bai, even though Ling Bai was the biggest target in his plan. Obstruction, but the best strategy is to eliminate the captain of Gotei 13 first.

Kyōraku Shunsui frowned slightly. He had no time to think about it. Maybe a high-level broken path could offset his moves, but there was only one chance. He couldn't try it. It seemed that he could only use the swastika. Others were involved, and they didn't. The solution was that just before he was about to activate his swastika, Kujo Nozomi suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because the pupils of Hata Kagerouzuo suddenly shrank, Kujo Mochi tried to resist the impact of energy, but he could not accept either outcome. Kujo Mochi's soul-cutting sword could absorb the energy he released and attack him in turn, like this He could not guarantee that he would be able to survive the spiritual pressure. If Kujo Nozomi could not absorb it, the situation would be even worse. Her death would undoubtedly destroy his plan.

The black-red flames and pink spiritual pressure collided, and the entire sky dimmed. Kujo Nozomi looked extremely strenuous. Such an impact made her wrists tremble. If she relaxed a little, the soul-cutting sword would come out and absorb it. During the process of spiritual pressure, cracks appeared in the soul-cutting sword, and amid the deafening impact, Inabata Rangzuo said in a deep voice: "You can't absorb any more, run away quickly, I hope it's true!"

Kujo Nozomi's will was extremely firm. With a bang, the soul-cutting sword shattered. Inabata Rangzuo's face suddenly turned pale. He could no longer take back the moves he released. What was waiting for him was a plan that wasted all his efforts. At the moment when Kujo Nozomi was about to be swallowed up by energy, Ling Bai appeared behind him and put his left hand on her shoulder. Black flames suddenly enveloped Kujo Nozomi and spread quickly around.

The two forces collided in the sky. In the loud explosion, the sky was covered with thick smoke, and the whole sky was shaking. It took about two minutes for Karakura Town to calm down, and the smoke in the sky gradually dissipated. , Inabata Langzuo crawled out of the pit, looked towards them, and said slowly: "I hope you're okay, I'm really glad."

At this time, Kyoraku Shunsui has been entangled in the spirit skeleton, and Ling Bai's spiritual pressure has been exhausted. Rukia and Renji have no fighting strength. Standing up, still wanting to fight, looking at the broken blade in her hand, Inaba Kage Rangzuo sneered: "It's useless, Nozomi, you can't fight with the soul-cutting sword now."

"Back off, I hope..."

Ling Bai dodged over, the tip of the knife swept across the ground, stirring up large amounts of smoke and dust. Inabata Langzuo finally stopped, turned the double-edged knife, and said loudly: "Ling Bai, why do you want to block my way?"

Ling Bai chuckled and said, "Because she doesn't want to go with you, I can't let her go, that's all."

"Don't want to leave with me?" Inaba Kagelangzuo asked back: "What is the reason for you to make this judgment? I am the person who created Nozomi, I can say that I am his father, just like Nirvana Like his Mian No. 8, I want to complete this research."

"You said it's done?" Renji Abarai said, "Don't you want to rule Soul Society and the present world?"

Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo said: "That's right. If I do this, Nozomi will be happy too!"

"Nozomi is different from you!" Rukia Kuchiki said without hesitation.

Inabata Rangzuo suddenly laughed loudly, making them confused and even more vigilant. He was so unscrupulous. Could it be that there was some trump card that had not appeared, or that he had already created the spirit remains of the deceased captain? For example, Yamamoto Genryuzai, however, he said: "You said this as if you understand Nozomi very well. It's really a pity. The person who understands her best is me."

They turned back and looked at Kujo Mozumi. They didn't know why. It seemed that the other party was talking about something deep in their hearts, and it seemed as if they were about to be exposed something they didn't want to mention. Kujo Mozumi turned his head and put down his soul-killing act. Dao lowered his head and said nothing, Kuchiki Rukia said in a deep voice: "Inaba Kage Langzuo, what do you mean?"

"It's a very simple truth." Inaba Kagerozuo smiled: "It means that Nozomi and I were originally born from the same spirit son of the God of Death."

The meaning of his words seemed to be that they were one and the same. Others looked at Kujo Nozomi. Kujo Nozomi just lowered his head and said nothing. Ling Bai didn't say anything either, just looked at him quietly. , and stopped Abarai Renji who wanted to ask questions. Suddenly, as if Kujo Nozomi could no longer hold on, he dropped his soul-cutting sword and fell to his knees.

"It seems you haven't forgotten it yet.".

Chapter 321: Successfully recaptured

"Stop laughing, what do you mean?"

Inabata Rangzuo ignored them and said with a smile: "Nozomi should also understand that if you are caught by me, we will become one and become your enemy, so you want to distance yourself from me, right, Nozomi Reality."

Kujo Nozomi didn't speak. She just knelt on the ground with her hands on the ground. There was unconcealable fear on her face. She was not afraid of death, but she was just afraid that her secret would be exposed. The others also had their eyes wide open. It was incredible. From the previous Judging from the battle, Inaba Kage Langzuo already has the strength of a captain, plus Kujo Nozomi's soul-cutting sword, if they are really fused together, the consequences will be disastrous.

Moreover, none of them are Shinigami who are known for their own abilities. Whether it is spiritual pressure, speed or strength, they are far lower than other captains. It is just that the ability of the soul-cutting sword is difficult to crack. If they are fused, will their own abilities be different? With the quality improvement, will there be other more troublesome soul-cutting swords?

Inaba Kagerozuo continued: "What I didn't expect was that your firm attitude in protecting her caused her to change and form a bond with you, so until now, she can only remain silent."

Kuchiki Rukia said loudly: "You bastard, don't speculate on other people's thoughts."

"Nozomi is me, I am Nozomi." Inaba Kagerozuo said: "Whether what I said is right or wrong, you can ask Nozomi, and you will naturally get the answer."

No one asked, they all knew that maybe what Inabata Rangzuo said was true, but Kujo was now an independent individual and was helping them, so there was no need to poke her heart.

After that, he laughed loudly. Abarai Renji and Kuchiki Rukia could no longer stand his arrogant attitude. Regardless of their injured bodies, they drew their swords and rushed forward. Lingbai wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo had long expected that they would attack, so he turned sideways to avoid the two men's slashes. His double-edged sword turned, and they fell to the ground just after meeting each other.

"Wangshi, come with me, return to my home, and restore our original appearance."

"No, I don't want to go..."

Seeing his companion who fell to the ground, Kujo stood up unwillingly, but because of fear, he couldn't help but took half a step back. In this case, Inaba Kage Langzuo could only force himself, Ling Bai ducked over, and Ling Bai walked over. However, Kumeirako Mako suddenly appeared and blocked his way. The two could only face each other head-on. They were also captain-level beings and could not decide the outcome in a short period of time.

Ling Bai was not in the mood to fight. When she turned around, she found that Kujo Nozomi had run away. She also knew that the situation was over now. If she didn't run away, she would be caught by Inaba Kagerouzu sooner or later, and it would also drag down others. However, she had already lost How could she, who wielded the soul-cutting sword, escape Inaba Kagerozuo's pursuit.

Seeing the boundary gate in the sky slowly closing, Ling Bai knew that Kujo Nozomi had been recaptured by the opponent. He picked up Hirako Mako's red pill that fell on the ground and crushed it to pieces. Since things had already happened so far, At this point, it seems that we can only take it slow, wait until the captain and vice-captain are well-trained, form a fighting force, and then go to conquer Inaba Kagerouzuo.

He brought all the wounded back to Urahara Shop and gave them to Kotetsu Yuune and Inoue Orihime for treatment. In just one day, most of the Shinigami were out of danger, only Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika were seriously injured. , there are no signs of improvement yet, so we can only wait patiently for this kind of thing.

Renji Abarai was very anxious. He felt that Inaba Kage Rangzu was also seriously injured, and they should have been pursued by Chen Sheng. Ling Bai did not think so. Inaba Kage Rangzu was cautious and would definitely return to Soul Society now. Having deployed an invasion force, he could understand Renji and Rukia's desire to save Kujo Nozomi, but from the perspective of the God of Death, they could only stand on standby at any time.

Although Ling Bai is not the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, in a sense, he still has the right to speak as the captain. Indeed, as Renji Abarai said, Inaba Kage Langzu's return to Soul Society belongs to his research. After that, he fell to the ground and was attacked by Ling Bai. He was also seriously injured. The spirit skeleton Ise Nanao wanted him to rest, but he pushed him away. He wanted to start his relationship with Kujo Nozomi immediately. Fusion work.

He had waited for nearly a hundred years, wishing to restore his proper form immediately. However, in his current condition, the burden after the fusion would be too heavy, causing irreparable damage to the spirit skeleton itself.

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