Pirate System

Chapter 203: A Dog Bite

Chapter 3

With a calm expression on his face, Tang Ke silently listened to Hua Lu's narration of what happened just now, occasionally interjecting to urge Hua Lu to stop crying. He was very calm, so calm that he seemed indifferent.

After Hua Lu finished speaking, she stared at Tang Ke, her expression suddenly darkened. She thought that Tang Ke was unwilling to take the thousand gold coins, and her heart fell to the bottom again. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, like two red nectarines.

Tang Ke showed a warm smile, reached out and wiped the corner of Hualu Lihua's rainy eyes, letting some tears stick to his fingertips, then got up and walked towards the door.

"let's go."

"W-Where are you going?" Hua Lu asked in frustration.

"Of course I went to save your sister. I promised you that once I meet your sister, I must redeem her." Tang Ke said naturally. The reason why he was calm was not because he was indifferent, but because he didn't take it as a big deal. It was too easy for him to just redeem a female slave.

Hua Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and then said gratefully, "Tang Ke, I really don't know how to thank you."

Tang Ke took Hua Lu's hand, and said jokingly, "Thank me? Then I promise you with your body."

Hualu's expression changed rapidly, and she stuttered and couldn't speak.

Tang Ke was just talking casually. People have many levels of liking. He has a relationship with Hualu, but unfortunately it is not high in the liking level. It was the little girl Elizabeth who really moved him.

He can say whatever he wants, but girls don't just listen to this kind of thing.

The two walked down the stairs quickly. To Tang Ke's surprise, the subordinates in the hall were already ready, excited, and all armed with weapons. It turned out that after the pirates who went to the exchange with Hualu came back, they had already publicized the matter. The pirates were still very concerned about Hualu, the public sister.

Due to time constraints, Tang Ke didn't have time to say more, so he went straight out of the hotel with the dew. All the more than eighty people in the hall followed, closely behind the regiment leader. As for the rest of the pirate group, they all lived in other hotels, or rolled in a certain courtyard.

Tang Ke heard the "boom" footsteps behind him, turned around and asked with a smile, "I'm just going to catch someone, why are you all following me?"

One of the pirates was gearing up and said, "Hey, what if there is a fight."

This band of pirates who are afraid of chaos,

Wishing to go out with the group leader and cause trouble? This group of people showed a smirk, as if it was a child's play to make a big fuss.

There was no need for Tang Ke to stop him, he turned around and said, "See if you are free, let's go together."

The pirates agreed abruptly, and followed aggressively, the pedestrians on the street avoided one after another, and those with trouble followed, intending to watch the excitement.

Since Tang Ke is determined to do this, he must make it beautiful. If he is late, Red Coral may be bought by others, or even ruined again. Although it is impossible for Red Coral to be clean now, Tang Ke does not allow Red Coral to be humiliated again. In order to buy time, Tang Ke walked very fast, Hua Lu could only keep up by stumbling. The pirates behind had to run even further.

In front of the main entrance of the Kitty Demon Slave Exchange.

Tang Ke glanced at the signboard with cold eyes, turned around and said, "You guys stay on guard at the door. Without my order, no one is allowed to go in half a step." He only planned to use money to redeem the red coral, not to come here to find trouble. He grabbed the panting Hualu and forced his way inside.

Two second-tier swordsmen at the door stopped Tang Ke with raised eyebrows, and shouted: "Wait a minute, are you so many people trying to make trouble in the exchange? Don't blame me for not reminding you, this exchange is run by the local admiral, Lord Kilo." of"

No wonder, with more than 80 fierce pirates behind Tang Ke, they didn't look like they came to buy slaves.

"What are you shouting about? It's really noisy." Tang Ke frowned slightly, grabbed a gold ring, and threw it to the guard on the right, "My reward, I'm going in to play now, so get out of here."

The guard received the ring and hesitated for a moment.

The guard on the left was irritated, spat and cursed: "You are so arrogant" and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

In an instant, Tang Ke's Scimitar scimitar was half drawn, and it was like a blade of thin ice resting on the handle of the guard's sword. His expression was like a demon reappearing, and he asked coldly, "Are you sure you want to draw the sword?"

Both of them were swordsmen, and they judged each other as soon as they struck. The guard was shocked by Tang Ke's sharp knife, and his forehead was sweating, and he couldn't move. The swordsman on the right who had benefited smoothed things over and agreed to let Tang Ke in.

Tang Ke didn't have time to delay, he put the knife back into the sheath, and entered the exchange with the dew. As for the pirates, they stayed outside dryly, waiting for the opportunity to make a big fuss.

The two walked through the corridor, and Hualu led the way in a panic based on memory, passing by the bidders and staff, and finally arrived at the room used to pay for slaves, and the auction hall was next door.

Hua Lu immediately recognized the stinky fat man who made things difficult for her just now, stepped forward and asked, "Where is my sister? Where is she? I've brought the money, now I'm going to take her away"

Out of caution, Tang Ke used investigative techniques to find out all the people in the room, including Fatty, because Fatty was a second-tier fighter, and the rest of them were ordinary little ones.

Fatty is obviously a figure in this exchange, he didn't pay much attention to Hualu, but he took a few more glances at Tang Ke, and replied: "***, it's all because you didn't bring any money, that woman named Ye Nu Later, it was put on the auction table and bought by others. You made trouble just now, and I didn’t clean up you. It’s considered a great kindness, and you should thank me.”

Tears welled up in Hua Lu's eyes again, and she accused painfully, "You villains, you actually sold my sister out again..."

Not long after, even if it was sold, it shouldn't be far away. Tang Ke held Hualu, and clenched his palms slightly, trying to reassure Hualu. He asked the fat man, "Who did you sell that woman to?"

Just as the fat man was about to answer, the door was pushed open, and the auctioneer walked in, followed by two fully armed bodyguards. Seeing Tang Ke and the two, the auctioneer was stunned for a moment, and asked with a frown, "The auction is over, what are you doing here? Hey, aren't you the one who made trouble at the auction just now?"

Tang Ke looked at the auctioneer and saw that this guy was in charge, so he repeated his question just now. Hua Lu stared at the auctioneer with angry eyes, she was kind and never showed such eyes.

When the auctioneer heard this kind of question, he brushed off his collar and said arrogantly: "I sold so many women a day, how can I remember who I sold them to. This is a place that is open for business, but today's business has already been done. It's over, please go back, both of you."

Tang Ke's lips were tightly closed, and the corners of his lips were pressed down. The other party's attitude made him very angry. In addition, the more time was delayed, the more likely the red coral would be ruined, so he decided to take a direct method to get the answer.

The auctioneer was still holding a lofty posture, as if he was looking for the sense of superiority of a high-ranking person. Unexpectedly, an iron-like hand grabbed his collar and lifted him up. Before he could scream, his whole body was pressed heavily to the ground. His face was pressed against the cold marble floor, his eyes widened, and he saw a sharp sword thrust in front of his eyes. The blade was as thin as tinfoil.

"I'll ask this question again for the last time. If I still can't get the answer, my sword will drink blood and who has she been sold to?" Tang Kehan ​​asked, his foot on the auctioneer's foot. On the back, as long as the sword in hand moves a little, it will cut off the auctioneer's head.

Others in the room had already reacted and pointed their weapons at Tang Ke, including pistols.

Hua Lu panicked and grabbed Tang Ke's sleeve tightly. She was obviously scared, but she bit her lip and blocked a gunshot with her body.

Tang Ke was sure to launch a counterattack before anyone in the room made a move, so he had no scruples at all. He counted silently in his heart. If the auctioneer's answer was too slow, he would ask another person.

Looking at the cold sword edge, the auctioneer lost all arrogance, even the eloquence of the past, and stammered, "It's saliva, saliva dog Peel."

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the person who bought Sister Hualu turned out to be a pirate he knew. Among the five regiments of the alliance, there is a guy named Peel the Saliva Dog. He is the leader of the Fang Fang Pirates and has twenty ships under his command. Although he didn't have a deep friendship, Tang Ke felt that he should be able to rescue Hualu's sister through negotiation, so he was determined.

"Hua Lu, let's go." Tang Ke drew out the long sword stuck in the marble, he looked around at the few half-baked bodyguards, and threatened, "Anyone who dares to point a gun at me again, I will take off his arm. "

The auctioneer got up from the ground in embarrassment, scrambled and hid behind the bodyguard, pointed at Tang Ke angrily and shouted: "How dare you make trouble in the little cat demon exchange, you will kill him!"

"Wait a minute, don't do anything, put down the gun, and let them leave." Fatty stopped him categorically. He is a person with some background, and he can see that Tang Ke's skills are extraordinary, and everyone present is no match.

The sword and the pistol fell hesitantly, and at the same time, beads of sweat fell. Even a blind man could see how difficult this oriental man in front of him was, not to mention the group of people begging for food on the edge of the knife.

Tang Ke didn't bother to talk to this group of people anymore, so he took Hualu and left, but when he was walking, his ears were pricked up. If any of the group of people dared to raise their guns again, he would turn around and fight back. But fortunately, the fat man who was a little more interesting suppressed the bodyguards, and the auctioneer only dared to bark there.

"What an offense today, I will personally go to Lord Kilo to make amends some other day." Tang Ke finally left this sentence and disappeared around the corner. He has practiced for many days in Hao Zhanjian Dojo, and Kylo must give him face.

After going out, the pirates immediately gathered around and complained.

"Captain, why didn't you fight?"

Tang Ke couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said, "This is my brother's store, so don't mess around. If you like to mess up the scene so much, I'll take you to mess with others someday."

This sentence made the pirates very excited. When the people on the side of the road heard it, they hid further away, and cast their eyes as if they were looking at the plague god.

Tang Ke kept walking, inquiring about Peel's hotel all the way, and went straight there with the dew. He didn't know Red Coral, so he had to bring the flower dew to identify it. If he saved the wrong person, it would be a lot of fun. The two of them were the first to find the hotel, and the eighty-odd people also rushed there in a mighty manner.

This hotel has been taken over by Salivary Dogs, and all the people living in it are members of the Fang Fang Pirates. There are about four hundred people.

Tang Ke rushed in with a sullen face, and the people in the hotel stopped moving and looked over. Hua Lu followed closely beside Tang Ke, not daring to take half a step away. Tang Ke glanced around, and the guys present, just like other pirate groups, were all ferocious people, and there were many orcs, which was also a major feature of the Fang Fang pirate group. Tang Ke asked a group of fangs who came over: "Little boy, take me to see your boss."

The orc seemed to be the leader, and even recognized Tang Ke's identity, and asked fiercely, "Tang Ke, what do you mean by bringing so many people here?"

"I want to correct you, you have to call 'Commander Tang Ke' instead of 'Tang Ke', this suffix is ​​very important because it means respect." Tang Ke approached as he said.

A pirate group of more than 1,500 people, seven ships, two magic ships, once wiped out the Black Toad pirate group... These are the capital of the dragon pirate group, and also the capital of Tang Ke's respect.

"Sorry. Captain Tang Ke, I said something wrong just now." The orc took a step back and apologized.

"Take me to Peel," Tonk said. Pirate captains can call each other by first name.

Tang Ke came here alone, and seemed to have something to discuss, and the Fangfang group didn't dare to neglect, the orc obediently took the two of them upstairs. Walking in the middle of the road, Tang Ke keenly heard some movement, like Peel's voice, and was laughing at Tang Ke, who was able to judge the location of the room by the voice, and rolled up the flower dew on the side with one arm, regardless of the sharpness of the flower dew. He screamed, stepped on one handrail and flew upstairs, and kicked open the room where the slight sound came from.

In the room, Peel was about to untie his trouser belt, but his upper body was already naked, revealing his long yellow hair. He turned away his slobbering dog face, narrowed his eyes and said, "Tang Ke, you interrupted my good business."

Red Coral was standing sluggishly, waiting for an order. As soon as Hua Lu saw her sister, she couldn't help but walked over, and hugged her stiff body, tears streaming down her face again.

"I came here to spoil your good deeds. Here is a thousand gold coins as my compensation to you. This woman, let me take it away." Tang Ke said lightly, and put a goblin bank deposit in his pocket The single shot was placed on the table, and there were exactly one thousand gold coins in it, a little more insignificant fraction.

One thousand gold coins is enough to buy dozens of women like Red Coral. Tang Ke's move is definitely considered generous, as if he was giving money to Peel.

But Pierre didn't seem to appreciate it. He didn't go to get the deposit slip, and squinted his eyes to show that he had a bad idea: "It turns out that these two sisters are your best friends, no wonder they are so generous."

If it's a woman who has nothing to do with him, it's not easy for Tang Ke to take her away, so he can only say along the way: "Yes, she is my girlfriend, so let me take her away. We work together, such a small Please, you should sell me thin noodles, right?"

"Okay. After all, we are allies and should help each other, but you took people away from me with only a thousand gold coins. The brothers in the pirate group will laugh at me. What do you say? I Face is more important than life."

Tang Ke smiled contemptuously. He heard that Peel disliked the lack of money, and it seemed that he wanted the lion to open his mouth. In his heart, he was extremely disdainful of Peel's practice of only caring about small profits.

"Then make an offer."

"Friendship price, 10,000 gold coins."

"I didn't hear what you said clearly." This time it was Tang Ke's turn to squint his eyes, which was no longer within the scope of the lion's wide mouth.

"I, say, one, ten thousand, gold, coins, this, one, next, you, listen, clear, clear, okay?" Pierre said each word, obviously not giving Tang Ke any leeway. It was determined enough to blackmail Tang Ke. Looking at Tang Ke's devastated expression, he was very satisfied.

"How can you do this? My sister obviously only..." Hua Lu couldn't bear to listen, and interrupted.

"Hua Lu, don't interrupt, only you can't talk about this woman's price" Tang Ke shouted abruptly, even the pirate leader found it unbearable to see his relatives being bought and sold, and made up his mind to help Hua Lu. Lu Yili undertook it, "Pierre, I will pay you the other 9,000 gold coins afterwards, but I have to take this woman away now."

Pier smiled and said: "Haha, Captain Tang Ke is really generous. You can buy as many female slaves as you want with these ten thousand gold coins. Well, I believe in your character, and you will never owe nine thousand gold coins. This woman You take it away." He still had a little bit of sense of propriety, he would accept it when he knew it was good, and forcing Tang Ke would only make the two sides turn against each other.

"Your laughter is really ugly." Tang Ke snorted and went to pull Sister Hualu away.


"What else do you want?"

Peel smiled and threw a small golden bell over, and said: "Don't forget the bell, the auctioneer calls this bell the 'spirit-lifting bell', which is specially used to order her to act, without this bell, she will not follow you." let's go."

Tang Ke grabbed the bell in mid-air, and found a hint of strength in the bell, which made his palms numb. Pierre is a fifth-level swordsman, and Tang Ke should be afraid of his single-handed strength. He glared at Peel, and the other party smiled and talked about how to use the Soul Lifting Bell. He did so, and ordered Red Coral to follow him away. In this way, amidst Peel's triumphant laughter, he left the hotel with the Hualu sisters.

On the road, Tang Ke walked forward with a sullen face, feeling angry in his heart. Red Coral has been reduced to a walking dead, no matter what Hua Lu said, she didn't respond, but followed her master silently according to the order. Hua Lu saw her sister become like this, of course she was very sad, but she was lucky to find her sister again in the vast world, and her tears stopped halfway.

"Tang Ke, I'm sorry for causing you to lose so much money. Even if I don't pay it for the rest of my life... If it really doesn't work, just follow what you said..." After Hualu spoke, her voice was already low.

Hearing this, Tang Ke clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, the ten thousand gold coins are just deposited with him. The dragon will not allow himself to be bitten by a dog."

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