Pirate System

Chapter 204 Interception

Chapter 4 Interception

The sea breeze passed by quickly, messing up Tang Ke's slightly long black hair. He was standing on the observatory of the Cang Tian, ​​holding up the binoculars to observe carefully. At this time, there was only the Cangtian ship on the sea. Tang Ke remained motionless for a while like a cold sculpture, until the target appeared, the corners of his mouth curled up with a stern look.

"Saliva dog, you finally delivered to your door"

Tang Ke's mood was agitated. He came to collect debts today. Judging from the situation, 90% of them would fight at sea. But the enemy fleet had twenty ships, and Tang Ke only drove the Cang Tian. Although there is a huge disparity in numbers, he has full confidence in this battle, and bringing other ships here will cause a drag instead.

On the sea in the distance, a fleet pierced through the faint mist, like a group of ghostly shadows, with a size of about twenty ships. As expected, the fleet of the Fang Pirates passed through this place, heading for the direction of the Greenland Empire.

Tang Ke observed through the binoculars for a while. After estimating that the distance was sufficient, he used investigation techniques and learned that the Fang Fang Pirates had a total of more than 3,000 people, including several small fast boats with fifty people on board, and two large ships with their own people. Carrying 300 people, compared to these, the most important thing is the magic ship as the flagship.

The magic ship owned by Salivary Dog is called Pudding. It is a first-order small magic ship. It has several magic cannons with higher firepower than cannons. The firepower is inferior to Cangtian, but it is not slow and has a strange Ability.

【special function】

Rebound (do not consume magic stones, use the special pudding wood on the hull and the help of the elastic magic circle to bounce back the shelling such as solid bullets)

Magic power propulsion (use the duck-shaped oars at the stern to beat forward, consume 0.1t of magic stones per hour, and the maximum time limit is one hour)

Tang Ke carefully checked the information of the Pudding, and only needed to pay attention to the rebound ability, but other aspects were similar to ordinary sailboats. Although it is only a first-order magic ship, it cannot be underestimated. With its rebounding ability, the Pudding is equivalent to the ineffectiveness of artillery shells. It can only be killed with shotguns or attacked with flames. Thinking of flames, he naturally thought of the Purgatory. The powerful fire-breathing ability of the Purgatory is simply the nemesis of the Pudding. It's a pity that the Purgatory is not here, so I can only find another way.

"Little ones, control the sails, let's stop their flagship," Tang Ke ordered.

The magic furnace of the Cangtian roared eagerly, and the hull raised half of the sails, and adjusted the position with accurate angles and slow speeds, always maintaining a "T"-shaped angle with the Fang Fang fleet.

The "T" shape is the most commonly used and practical position in fleet naval battles.

Because of this formation, the side of the hull can be used to bombard the enemy indiscriminately, but the enemy ship can only counterattack with ship guns, or even be passively beaten. The benefits of this style of play are obvious. It can weaken the enemy with very little loss and let the enemy be deflated at sea. Of course, once the enemy ship turns around, the two sides will form a "two" shape, which becomes a fair and reasonable confrontation. Winning depends entirely on hard power, and whoever has the bigger fist will win. In order to avoid forming a fair "two" shape, you have to keep moving forward and always stop in front of the enemy ship to ensure the "T" shape advantage.

If you don't want to fight hard with battle line tactics, running the "T" position is the key to winning a naval battle. This is also the most testing time for a commander or tactician, because you have to calculate the wind direction and the next change of the enemy, which is slightly different. Shen will take advantage of the injury position, and even be seized by the enemy in turn to occupy the "T" position.

The Cangtian was like a stumbling block, with obvious malice, blocking the middle of the sea, but instead of attacking in advance, it made a negotiation flag. The Fang Fang fleet paused at sea for a while, probably for some discussion, and then the whole fleet formed a line, sailed close, and stopped at a distance of about eight hundred yards.

"Tangke, what do you mean?" Peel's rough voice came across the sea, obviously using the expansion screw.

Tang Ke had already returned to the bridge, and he also held the expansion screw and replied relaxedly: "I'm just here to collect debts."

"Debt collection?"

"Tsk tsk, Captain Peel, your memory is too bad. I deposited 10,000 gold coins with you two days ago, and you promised to return 20,000 gold coins to me. Why, you probably forgot Right?" Tang Ke showed a sneer. He has always blackmailed others, how can he tolerate others blackmailing him in turn, so he must find his place today

Peel was silent for a while, as if a storm was brewing, he roared angrily: "Tonk, have you ever heard a saying? Don't pull your teeth out of a tiger's mouth"

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it. And I'm not here to study proverbs with you, I'm here to collect debts"

"Where is there any bullshit debt between us?"

"Okay, I wish you could answer like this. Since you reneged on the debt, I can only use my fists to collect the debt." Veins appeared on Tang Ke's forehead, and he shouted violently, "The gunners of the first and second floors of the port side team obey the order and fire."

The pirates on the ship were waiting for this sound. They screamed excitedly. The pirates on the deck chose to shoot or raise their swords, while the gunners on the gun deck pressed red-hot irons into the gun ports, and ignited the flames of war with passion. , ten ordinary cannons and sixteen magical cannons attacked together, and the shells whizzed past the sea like black meteors.

Because the distance was too far, when the shells hit the Pudding, their strength was exhausted, and they hit the ship feebly and were bounced off one after another. Although the shells failed to kill, the significance of the firing this time was to declare war, not to strike the enemy.

"Tang Ke, you are a mere ship, do you dare to fight our entire fleet? Do you think you can scare me with your golden beard?" Pierre snorted coldly on the Pudding, his narrowed eyes flickering. , he waved his claws and said, "At ten o'clock, the fleet turns, all forward."

When Peel was provoked, he was naturally furious, but apart from that, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Tang Ke to have such courage, to dare to declare war with twenty ships with one ship. He knew that Tang Ke relied on his strength. Golden Beard protected him, but he responded with disdain. As long as he didn't sink the Cang Tian, ​​he could have won the battle by boarding.

The reason for the Pudding to turn around, trying to get rid of the T-shaped disadvantage, but due to the slow speed of the ordinary ships behind, the Pudding could not drive too fast. The distance of 800 yards is just a matter of sliding forward for the sailboat. After a while, the Cangtian bit the Pudding's boat again, and threw another round of shelling fiercely. This time, the two sides were already close at hand, and all the shelling from the Cangtian hit. Tang Ke already knew that the Pudding had the ability to bounce back, so of course he would not ask for trouble. The shells he ordered to fire were all explosive shells newly invented by the goblin Norman. This kind of artillery shell has a thin iron skin on the outside, gunpowder and small iron bullets inside, and a fuse protruding from the outside, which can explode after being shot.

Explosive bombs are still in their infancy, the accuracy is not very high, and the timing of the explosion is uneven. Some exploded in mid-air, and only a few exploded at the right time, giving the Pudding a powerful blow. The hull of the Pudding was very elastic and could bounce off all the scattered iron bullets, but the people on board suffered accordingly. Those jujube-sized iron bullets, even with shields or helmets as defenses, could not completely offset the damage. Two pirates on the ship were killed on the spot, bleeding all over the place.

The Pudding's ship had a small cannon, and it made a few rare counterattacks, with no real effect at all. The pirates on the Pudding screamed in anger, tried hard to control the steering of the sailboat, and tried to advance side by side with the Cangtian.

Under Tang Ke's accurate command, the Cangtian always maintained its positional advantage, and the rounds of shelling were like raindrops, fiercely venting the past.

"Damn it, it's impossible for the whole team to get rid of the interception if this continues." Pierre dodged in a hurry, thinking about countermeasures angrily. He had heard a little about the Cang Tian and knew that the ship could fly, so the most effective outflanking tactic could not be used. In this way, there are only two options left. One is to fight a war of attrition. With the ammunition of twenty ships, there are more than one ship anyway; Unable to fly, and then use outflank tactics to take Cang Tian in one fell swoop

Pierre has been the captain of the pirates for so many years, so it is not for nothing. Both solutions can break the advantage of the Cangtian. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to choose the second option, and ordered the whole ship to adjust to the direction of the wind, move forward slowly, wait for the right time, and then rush over. As for the nineteen ships behind, in order not to scare Cang Tian away, they will not move for the time being.

Cangtian fired happily, and the pirates were hooked, and the Pudding didn't even move around anymore, and dawdled forward in a straight line, so that they could focus on firing, and the hit rate of the shells was greatly improved.

Tang Ke didn't regard the enemy as a fool. After realizing the motive of the Pudding, he sneered. The advantage of the Cangtian lies in flying. How can it fight side-by-side with the enemy ship? Without fighting on board, naturally he couldn't let the enemy ship get close to him and immediately pulled up the rudder to let the Cang Tian flutter its wings and take off.

The Cang Tian quickly furled the sails, the Pudding saw something was wrong, and rushed up, the Cang Tian flew up proudly before the Pudding, the huge propellers buzzed, the wind stirred, and a burst of water mist was set off on the sea.

"Damn cunning coward" Peel cursed angrily when his collision plan aborted.

After the Cang Tian reached the sky, it appeared to be more advantageous, able to resist the disadvantages of the wind direction, and advance above the Fang Fang fleet. Due to the altitude, all the straight guns of the Fang Fang Fleet were scrapped, and they couldn't hit the Cang Tian at all. Only a few mortars could shoot into the sky at an angle of elevation, but the chances of hitting were pitiful. The magic cannons carried by the Cangtian are all specially built for flying, and the muzzle can be adjusted downwards to shoot at the enemy ships on the lower left or lower right in a sharp angle.

The altitude contributed to the opportunity of the Cangtian to attack unilaterally, and without any scruples, it violently beat up the Fangfang Fleet crawling below. Apart from being beaten, the Fangfang Fleet had no chance to fight back

In order to avoid the bombardment, the Fang Fang fleet could only flee with the wind. The Cangtian chased after it viciously, but unfortunately failed to catch up with the flagship, so it could only accept it as soon as it was good, and dropped several huge gunpowder barrels on a ship in the middle of the Fang Fang fleet. The power of this thing is very terrifying. The poor ship was bombed and sunk. The powder keg was made by Norman, and the goblin danced excitedly after seeing the scene of the explosion.

The Fang Fang fleet was cut in the middle, and the fleet was forced to split into two teams, but continued to move in the same direction. When the Cangtian used the enemy ship to adjust its direction to delay time, it aimed at another ship and dropped several barrels of explosives. In the midst of the sky-high flames, the ship was also reduced to a semi-defective state.

Seeing this, Tang Ke laughed heartily. The feeling of beating someone one-sidedly is really good, and the scene of the enemy ship sinking in the explosion is really pleasing to the eye. What bothered him a little was that in the ranking of the pirate groups made by the system, the Fang Fang Pirates ranked ahead of the Dragon Pirates, but when they really fought at sea, Tang Ke used a single ship to defeat the Fang Fangs. Play around. Could it be that the ranking of the system does not count? He thought about it and made a guess.

After all, the system is a dead thing. When making judgments, the number of ships, number of people, reputation, and level should be used as the standard. Taken together, the Fang Fang Pirates are higher than the Dragon Pirates, but the magic ship alone In a competition, Pudding is no match for Cangtian

Relying on the sharp weapon of gunpowder barrel, Cang Tian sank two ships in a row, and achieved a lot of victories. But Tang Ke was still not satisfied, and still couldn't understand his hatred. Under his ruthless command, the Cangtian was like a ruthless beast, with bright red eyes, it aimed at the third prey, and rushed over with a grin.

Several gunpowder barrels were dropped from the air, two fell into the water, and two landed on the stern, blowing up the ship, the stern was covered in billowing smoke, lost the ability to turn, drift.

It was only at this time that Peel found out in despair that he had made a mistake in his calculations. He had made a big mistake. He originally thought that on the sea, he had the advantage. After all, he had twenty ships, but what if they really fought? It's a shame to chase twenty ships around with one ship, making them feel like dogs. He gritted his teeth and calculated. The current loss alone has exceeded 20,000 gold coins, which is really not worth the candle. He regretted and hated at the same time, he shouldn't be obsessed with money and treat Tang Ke as a soft persimmon. Thinking about it this way, Tang Ke is not only a soft persimmon, but also a smelly and hard stone. It is impossible to take a bite without tearing out two bloody teeth

The Cang Tian was staring at the third ship in hot pursuit, and it was only a matter of time before it succeeded.

Discouraged, Peel had no choice but to admit defeat. He didn't dare to do anything to Cangtian, but he had no scruples, and the situation was too bad. The front fleet of the Fang Pirates turned back, and all the ships flew the white flag symbolizing shame.

"Tang Ke, I think it's unlucky for you to win. I'll pay you back the debt of 20,000 gold coins," Pierre roared in a muffled voice.

"I'm sorry, due to the interest rate, the 20,000 gold coins have now risen to 30,000, and there must be no less, otherwise I will continue to collect debts." Tang Ke replied in an unreasonable voice. In the current situation, whose fist whoever is bigger is right

"Don't push yourself too far"

Tang Ke simply stopped answering, and continued to attack with the boat. Under the bombardment of a round of shells, the situation of the boat was in jeopardy.

"Okay, 30,000 gold coins, I promise to give you." Pierre agreed with hatred. He really had no way to deal with it. There were several slow boats in the fleet, and it was impossible to escape. Compared with gold coins, ships and personnel more important.

In order to collect the money smoothly, Tang Ke ordered Peel to send someone to send the money by boat. When paying the money, the boats of both parties should keep a certain distance and cannot start. Peale followed suit without any tricks. Tang Ke was also very careful, taking turns investigating the people and finances on the boat, and only letting the boat approach after ensuring safety. During this period, the Fang Fang Pirates rescued all their companions who fell into the water, sank two ships in total, and only rescued one dilapidated ship.

Tang Ke opened the treasure box sent by Peel, and a burst of golden light dazzled his eyes. It was full of golden gold coins, only about 10,000 in number, but there was a deposit slip of 20,000 gold coins on the surface of the gold coins. Together they are worth exactly 30,000 gold coins. He smiled contentedly and closed the treasure chest.

The Fang pirates rowed away, and the two sides parted ways at sea.

Pierre lost 20,000 gold coins, of course he was not convinced, and roared viciously: "Tang Ke, I have written down the account of the 30,000 gold coins."

"Saliva dog, this is your own fault. If you dare to play this game, you must be prepared to be a loser." Tang Ke replied with a cold snort.

Pierre's broken teeth could only be swallowed in his stomach, his face twitched in anger, and he gritted his teeth in a low voice: "Tang Ke, this game will not end like this."

The fleet of the Fang Fang Pirates gradually went away, and Peel stopped talking, and saying anything else was just a waste of face.

The moods of Tonk and Peel are in stark contrast. There is a crescent-shaped arc hanging on his mouth, and the fluttering black is like an unrestrained pirate flag. After watching Fang Fang's fleet go away, he turned around and announced that he would return to the Little Pirate City today to celebrate and share the spoils.

The pirates were naturally so happy from ear to ear, they cheered happily and shot into the sky. Every time a successful sale is made, it means that they have money in their pockets to squander. And defeating the Fang Fang Pirates is still a good talking point, which can be used to brag to the prostitutes.

Tang Ke looked at the rough smiling faces around him, and ordered maliciously: "After you arrive at the Little Pirate City, spread the news for me, saying that Peel took the initiative to attack the Cangtian, and preached that he didn't care about the golden beard's revenge. .Remember to exaggerate it, add oil and vinegar to it, say that Peel is talking nonsense, and don't pay attention to the golden beard. I mean, do you understand?"

The pirates looked at each other in blank dismay, first stunned for a moment, and the smarter ones soon realized it.

"Haha, Captain, you are really bad."

There was an evil smile on Tang Ke's face, yes, his trick was indeed sinister. If he flaunts around the port and reports that Peel despises Golden Beard, it will probably lead to Golden Beard's anger. If this old guy gets angry, there will be no place for the Poison Fang Pirates in the entire sea. To put it bluntly, he is also killing people with a knife That's all.

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