Pirate System

Chapter 206: The Tsunami Is Coming


Chapter 6 The Tsunami Is Coming

The beams of light cast from the sky were gorgeous and colorful, illuminating Tang Ke's dark head, the air was somewhat scorching, and a drop of sweat emerged from his forehead. He strolled to Hao Zhan Kendo Gym, explained his purpose to the waiter, and found Admiral Kiro who was drinking in the house. He took off his hat and saluted, and said straight to the point: "Master Admiral, I'm here to apologize."

"Apology? Please what crime?" Kilo asked while drinking, his rough face was flushed with drunkenness. He was holding a dark wine jar in his hand, and the table in front of him was covered with greasy meat. kind of food.

"I made some trouble at the Little Cat Fairy Exchange a few days ago. I heard that it is your property, so I apologize."

Kilo waved his hand and said: "It turned out to be such a trivial matter. The brat below seemed to mention it to me once, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Since you think you are at fault, you can fine yourself three glasses of wine. You can't let it go." I chopped you off with a sword, right? Haha, your blood must be very dirty, and then I have to clean the sword, so it’s not worth cutting you.” After he finished speaking, he took out another huge wine jar and put it on In front of Tang Ke.

Tang Ke smiled slightly, and he knew that Kylo was not the kind of person with a small belly. He let go of his hands and feet, sat on the chair, and drank with Kylo.

The two drank and chatted, and had a fun afternoon.

When Tang Ke left, it was already night. Even so, there were still a group of young men sweating in Hao Zhan Sword Dojo, unwilling to leave. He walked forward with staggering steps, step by step on the clear moonlight. There are two rows of windows in the corridor, and you can see the scenery in the yard. The shouts of practitioners came in bursts, and it seemed that he was still full of energy .

This is a crossroads where two corridors cross each other.

Tang Ke stepped into the center of the intersection with his front foot, and heard footsteps beside him, heels kicking, and 99% of them were women's footsteps. He concentrated on resisting the drunkenness, and looked at the source of the sound. Unlike the corridor just now, this corridor was completely dark, without even a single light, as if extending infinitely, without end.

A woman stepped out of the darkness, but there was no sense of abruptness, as if she had merged with the darkness, derived from the darkness. It turned out to be the fortune teller Ivy. She was wearing a violet robe with the neckline turned upside down, and the special fabric material was shining darkly. She wore a peaked hat with a wide brim that cast a shadow and completely concealed her features. A crow stood on her left shoulder. The crow's eyes were like glass beads, smooth and shiny, staring at Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was a little surprised, he was sober for a little while, he didn't expect to have an intersection with Ivy. This woman gave him a sense of mystery. The other party was of unknown origin and identity, and could counteract the power of the system. It was terrifying. This woman looked weak,

But people dare not take it lightly. Although Ivy is nominally Kilo's guest, Tang Ke feels that there seems to be a more terrifying power and influence hidden behind Ivy.

Ivy asked in a casual tone: "Poor man, there seems to be something extra on you?" She even omitted the greeting.

"Ivy." Tang Ke read aloud, with the strength of alcohol and the experience of talking, he was no longer as trembling as last time, and calmly teased, "It's very difficult to see you Right? I can meet you today, does it mean that I am very lucky today?"

"I'm playing hide-and-seek with fate. It just so happens that fate is not chasing you closely today, so I'm here to talk to you." Ivy stopped and kept a distance from Tang Ke. Her facial features were hidden in the shadows, no matter how hard she tried. Can't see clearly.

"Hide and seek with fate?"

"That's right, he chased me and hid, it was a joy."

"Can I delve deeper into this topic? Actually, I quite like talking about fate with you."

"Of course not." Ivy shrugged her slender shoulders, "I don't like being a one-sided confidant. Obviously, in terms of fate, you have nothing to talk about."

"Okay then." Tang Ke didn't think there was any benefit in disobeying Ivy's ideas or being a clingy candy, so he could only continue to ask the business, "You just said that there is something extra on me, what do you mean?"

Ivy did not answer, but slowly opened her hand, obviously alluding to the Curse of Fish in Tang Ke's palm.

Tang Ke's face changed slightly. He didn't spread the curse of the fish everywhere, but Ivy knew it without asking, which made him feel hairy and felt like he was seen through by Ivy. This sense of fear is very strange, making him feel that no matter what he does, he is under Ivy's surveillance.

Standing in the dark, Ivy seems to have countless pairs of eyes behind her, peeking at everything in the world, the passage of time, the melting drops of snowy mountains on the permafrost continent, and the buds growing in the early spring of the southern New Continent. Everything can't be hidden from her eyes.

Tang Ke frowned slightly, and opened his palm to look. Although it was still wrapped in gauze, the black mark of the curse loomed from the gap. He is also a rookie warlock now, and he can feel the shadow power implied by the curse, which is purely negative power, corroding his body silently.

"That's right, I'm cursed. As the saying goes, pass by, pass by, don't miss it, you have to do something for me, right?"

"Does this curse disturb you?" Ivy asked back.

"Even if you treat it as a tattoo, it still makes people feel uncomfortable." Tang Ke felt that his attitude was free and easy enough, but if someone else was cursed, he didn't know what to worry about.

Ivy picked up the airs of a fortune teller again, and said mysteriously: "I can't guide you easily, but I can give you a small suggestion, you should choose the path according to your own ideas, is it left? Or right? Destiny is a choice, if you are influenced by miscellaneous things, you may deviate from the original track, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Tang Ke chewed on the meaning of the words for a while, but the result he got seemed to be the same as if he didn't say anything. The meaning was to let him do what he wanted, and not to change randomly. He smiled wryly, "You mean to let me keep my head down."

"Hehe, be careful hitting the wall." Ivy covered her mouth and chuckled, her hands hidden in her wide sleeves, her laughter was like the melody played by a bard in a tavern.

"Then I'm going to make a choice now. I want to treat you to a drink or two. Would it be a favor?"

"Hey, no, I really don't have that leisure time." Ivy was a little helpless and disappointed, but it wasn't because she couldn't have a drink with Tang Ke, but because she didn't have time.

"That's such a pity." Tang Ke said a little insincerely, and he didn't expect much.

Ivy picked up her original mood and said, "I want to ask you one more thing when I come here. The end of the year is coming soon. Are you ready?"

"The Black Pearl will be ready to go to sea soon, then I will go to find the scapegoat, and it should be completed smoothly."

"This matter will bring you new opportunities, don't give up, and work hard."

"of course."

"I've said everything I want to say, goodbye." Ivy waved her large sleeve robe, and it could be seen that the hands in the sleeves were very small.

"Don't say a few words just now," Tang Ke hurriedly stopped him.

Ivy giggled and disappeared in the darkness. The sound of kicking and tapping came out again, and a distant sound floated out from the darkness.

"Poor man, the tsunami is coming and it will test you, me, and everyone else in the world."

Tang Ke remembered that Ivy had said last time that a tsunami was coming, but he thought the tsunami was a metaphor, referring to a catastrophe like a tsunami. His heart was shrouded in a haze by this metaphor. The catastrophe that Ivy referred to would certainly not be small, and even affect the fate of the entire world.

Suddenly, he remembered an important matter, and hurried to catch up and asked, "Hey, master of the world, I want to ask you one more thing, if I kill the person who cast the curse, will the curse follow?" disappear?"

Tang Ke ran for a certain distance into the dark corridor. During his running, the kicking sound disappeared, and Ivy even disappeared. He stood still in the darkness, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I'll go, I really look like a worldly expert."

Tang Ke couldn't catch up with Ivy, so he had to go back to the hotel and sleep.

A few days later, during this period, Tang Ke inquired about some news, with the goal of collecting 666 sacrifices. His idea is to find a caravan to start with, so that he can not only find sacrifices, but also make a small fortune. Moreover, he deliberately selected several notorious caravans, intending to find those profiteers. He is very bad, but he is not inhumane, or he has not been bad to the end. When working on a case, he subconsciously wants to find a bad person. Fortunately, there were many bad guys and few good guys in the Age of Discovery, so it was too easy to find bad guys as targets.

Tang Ke searched and picked, but found a few targets, but there were two fleets that were too tight in numbers. Once a ship was released, the number of sacrifices would be insufficient, which was a small problem. He was in a dilemma about whom to strike, when a special message came to his ears and attracted his attention.

In Longya Kingdom, a naval fortress called Longxiang Port, there will be a execution after a while, and the prisoners who will be hanged are all members of the Giant Cannon Pirates, and the number is as high as more than 700. This pirate group had done a few small cases, but it was considered unlucky. They were wiped out by the Navy of Longya Kingdom, and all the remaining party members were captured.

Tang Ke would not feel sad for the death of his colleagues. Pirates were originally a group of people dancing on the knife's edge, and they would have the consciousness of losing their heads if they did evil at sea. He mainly came up with the idea of ​​these more than 700 corpses. Anyway, the corpses of condemned prisoners are very easy to get, much easier than robbing a caravan. He is about to work on a big case, but he hopes to keep a low profile during this period to avoid complications. After much deliberation, he finally decided to go to Longxiang Port to get these more than 700 corpses.

As time went by, the construction of the Black Pearl was finally completed, and there was a lively launching ceremony. After all, this ship was quite large, and it was considered a rare good ship in the shipyard, attracting many people to the scene. Both Master Garvey and Admiral Kilo attended the ceremony, as well as a few other prominent pirate captains, bringing a lot of glory to the ceremony. Being able to attract so many important people here, Tang Ke also has a lot of face, and he is a little proud.

To be honest, Tang Ke really couldn't wait to open the devil's treasure chest. On the day of the ceremony, he stuffed all the necessary materials into the warehouse of the Black Pearl, and set off for Longxiang Port the next day, with a very clear purpose.

the end of the year is approaching

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