Pirate System

Chapter 207: Buying a Corpse


Chapter 7

This morning, Longxiang Port was as busy as usual. Ships of all sizes entered and left the port. The stevedores unloaded all kinds of cargo from the ships and transported them to the shore. On the surface, Longxiang Port is no different from the past. The only thing worth noting is that a brand-new sailing ship named Black Pearl has entered the port. This ship is huge and pitch-black. Lifelike dragon scale relief. On the sails of the Black Pearl, there are a few magic arrays of blessings of the wind faintly shining, adding a bit of beauty and momentum to the ship. The Black Pearl is obviously a big ship with a large capacity, but it is not loaded with cargo. It seems that this ship is here to hang out, not to do business.

The Black Pearl attracted the attention of some people. Everyone put down their work and got together to discuss heatedly. Some people even wrote poems to praise the ship, but the rhyme was very poor, which caused a lot of ridicule. As soon as the Black Pearl was unveiled, it stole the limelight on the pier, but the people who got off the ship kept a low profile and did not talk to outsiders.

The owner of the Black Pearl is naturally Tang Ke. He only brought a small group of pirates this time. As usual, he dressed up as an ordinary businessman, with a big beard on his chin, a hat covering his head and face, and a forged Certificate of Nationality of Dragon Tooth, Trading Permit and Certificate of Business Association.

As soon as Tang Ke stepped onto the wooden bridge at the wharf in Longxiang Port, a system sound sounded in his mind, and a piece of port information appeared. This port is a symbolic port of Dragon Tooth Kingdom. Its geographical location extends in all directions, its trade is busy, and it has a very strong defense capability. It also has shipyards, military factories, maritime colleges and naval bases. It is a semi-commercial and semi-military port. . After he went through the formalities of entering the port and staying temporarily, he settled down with his subordinates, took a bag of coins, and went to the local "Skeleton Church".

Three days later, an execution will be held in the local area. The prisoners to be executed are all members of the Cannon Pirates. After these prisoners are executed, they will eventually be sent to the Skeleton Church. If Tang Ke wants to get these corpses, the most direct way is to contact the pastor of the church and buy those corpses with real coins.

The so-called Skeleton Church is a special building scattered all over the place. Part of its function is the same as that of ordinary churches. It is a place for believers of the Holy Cross to pray, and the other part of its function is to hold the skeletons of the dead. In the basement of the church, there are several huge rooms, in which there are countless skeletons stacked one after another. After the dead were sent here, they had to be sent to the catacombs, where they waited until the corpses rotted naturally, processed the rotten corpses into skeletons, and finally put the skeletons in the church for permanent storage.

Tang Ke has never entered the Skeleton Church to watch it in person, but only heard others talk about the scene inside.

The room where the skeletons are placed exudes a gloomy atmosphere. These skeletons are placed very neatly and orderly. Standing in front of the pile of skeletons, you will have an illusion that the souls are hidden in those skulls and they are still alive. of. Just take a look in this room,

It will be unforgettable for a lifetime, and even have nightmares again and again.

There are two reasons for the formation of the Skeleton Church. One is for religious reasons, and the dead must always have a home. The other is that the cemetery area is not enough, so the corpses can only be disposed of in this way.

Tang Ke relied on the money offensive, and things went smoothly. After receiving the money, the pastor of the Skeleton Church promised to hand over the corpse to Tang Ke. Since this transaction was somewhat weird, the pastor suspiciously asked Tang Ke why he needed the corpse, but Tang Ke couldn't tell the truth. Fortunately, the hush money was enough, and the pastor wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

Things are settled, all that is left is to wait.

Tang Ke stayed honest with his subordinates for three days, and finally made it to the day of execution. This time the execution was public, and the place was set at the local execution platform, which had a large area and was as wide as a square around it. Although the execution was very scary, it still attracted many onlookers, including local residents and businessmen who always hated pirates. Tang Ke mixed in the crowd, watching the execution process. The audience around him was yelling, and many people were cursing the pirates, and he could only ignore these words.

A large number of guards maintained law and order together with the sailors. The guards wore bright armor, and the sailors wore solemn uniforms. They formed a square formation to keep the audience at the periphery. The officers began to enter, including the local admiral and the captain of the navy.

When Tang Ke saw the officer's team, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he smiled wryly.

“Michael, I didn’t expect you to come.”

Among the chief's team, Michael, one of the three masters, was on the list, and even presided over the execution. Tang Ke didn't have a good impression of Michael, or he didn't have a good impression of all the navies.

After the officers took their seats with serious faces, the members of the Cannon Pirates were brought up. According to the news, there were more than 700 people.

The leader of the pirates, Noah, wore fully armed handcuffs and shackles, and even put an iron cover like an iron hoop on his head. The total weight of these heavy metals weighed about 50 kilograms. The handcuffs and shackles were covered with blood, new and old, overlapping each other, forming a dazzling dark red. As for the ordinary pirates, it was also difficult. Almost everyone had wounds and blood everywhere. They must have suffered a lot these days.

Noah was able to become a pirate leader who led more than 700 people. Naturally, he had to be a little skilled. Like Tang Ke, he was a fourth-level swordsman, and ordinary handcuffs couldn't be locked at all. But the handcuffs of the empire are not ordinary handcuffs. They have a debilitating curse on them. Once a person wears them, his strength will disappear for no reason. Regardless of whether you were a hero or a hero before, once you put on this kind of handcuffs, you can only be a bear.

For the pirates, this journey is the road of death, and when they come to the end, life will also come to an end. Except for Noah who was honest, the rest of the pirates were a little impatient, and several of them were cursing. One pirate also took off his pants to the audience and humiliated the audience by slapping his ass, obviously wanting to make the world feel a little more uncomfortable before he died.

The attitude of the pirates angered the onlookers, who also used all kinds of foul language to insult the pirates who were about to die. Among the audience, only a woman who was a woman sighed at her lover who was about to die, and then disappeared in the crowd.

The sailors drove the pirates to the gallows like shepherding sheep with fists and kicks and crackling whips.

The gallows can hang up to 20 people at a time, and the efficiency is very high. In addition to the ordinary hanging tools, there is also a red stone statue in the shape of a flying dragon. Blackened stone pillars. This extra stone statue is not just a decoration, but a cruel fire torture tool, which is specially used to execute some important criminals, such as the captain of the pirates like Noah.

Everything was in place, Michael walked up to the stage to speak, his appearance caused many young girls in the audience to discuss privately, he was very famous in Longya Kingdom, and he was the perfect partner in the minds of many unmarried women. It's all because Michael is a perfect man, that's why so many women miss him day and night. He was born with a handsome face that would kill anyone, and any look in his eyes is full of masculine charm. Because he is a sixth-level fighter, he is tall and burly, with a piece of muscle and no fat. Still the youngest naval captain, the future looks bright.

Perfect to impeccable, this is Sanjie Michael.

Michael first praised the greatness of the Dragon Tooth Kingdom, and then his voice turned cold: "The criminals, members of the Cannon Pirates, Noah and others, were sentenced to death for committing piracy, homicide, extortion... and many other crimes. , execute immediately"

The audience was waiting for this sentence, and immediately burst into cheers, which were also confused with the screams of some little girls, many of which might be addressed to Michael.

The first one to be executed was Enoah. He was pushed in front of the red dragon stone statue, stood in front of a pillar, and was chained to the pillar. The executioner walked behind the stone statue and pulled the mechanism. The eyes and mouth of the Red Dragon Stone Statue lit up, and at first it spewed out billowing hot air, and after brewing for a while, it spewed out a fierce flame.

"Ah" Noah let out a wailing full of unwillingness, struggling violently in the flames, his clothes and flesh began to burn, turning into grease or fly ash. A disgusting burnt stench seeped out.

This scene was extremely shocking. The cheering audience stopped for a while, silently watching the damned pirate perish in the flames, and everyone's faces were glowing with scorching fire.

Tang Ke took off his hat silently, closed his eyes and mourned for a moment. Men who dare to beg for food at sea are men, and he deserves his respect for this alone.

In the raging flames, this pirate captain ended his sinful life, his body was reduced to scorched earth, leaving only a blackened iron skeleton standing there.

People started cheering again.

Tang Ke only gave condolences to Noah, and he just watched indifferently when the rest of the minions were hanged. He waited until the execution was over, and when the audience dispersed, he also left, but he did not go far, but observed the whereabouts of the corpses in the dark.

For the first time in his life, he regarded the corpse as a good thing. Although the devil language on the treasure chest did not indicate what corpse was needed, Tang Ke still felt that it was safer to use a fresh corpse, after all, it was a sacrifice for the devil.

There is only a thin line between life and death. The pirates who were yelling just now are now so quiet that they are all reduced to lying corpses.

The body was removed by the guards and sent to the priest of the Skull Church.

Tang Ke paid attention to the transportation of the corpses all the way, and he didn't show up to negotiate with the priest until all the corpses were handed over to the priest.

"Hurry up and take the corpse away, remember to cover it up, and don't let anyone find out. If the matter gets out, I must be punished."

Although the corpse is really useless waste, the priest is also an act of using power for personal gain, so he seems very nervous.

Tang Ke was more reluctant to make a statement than the pastor. He led the people, loaded the corpse onto the cart or carriage as quickly as possible, covered it with a quilt, and nailed the four corners firmly with nails to prevent the quilt from being blown away by the wind. More than 700 corpses shared more than 50 carts and carriages. After loading the corpses, they left immediately, and chose some out-of-the-way roads to advance, bypassing the noisy city, and rushed to the pier without stopping.

When they were about to reach the pier, Tang Ke and the others came to a narrow street. There was no one on the road at first, but a few men suddenly turned out from the alley, these few people chatted in low voices, one of them was about thirty years old, wearing the official uniform of Longya Kingdom, and the others seemed to be followers or men.

For a team like Tang Ke, it's hard not to be noticed. The bureaucrats stared at Tang Ke and the others for a few moments, felt that there was nothing special, and continued to chat.

Tang Ke drove a carriage and passed those people. There were too many people on the road, and he didn't take it seriously. Anyway, he had already disguised himself, so he wasn't afraid of being recognized.

It just so happened that at this time, a screw was loose on a pushcart due to its age, and the wheels of the cart were tilted, causing the cart to fall to the side of the road. This is not a big deal, but there is a bloody foot protruding from the gap in the quilt, which is a big problem

The pirate who caused trouble hurriedly stood up and stuffed the exposed human feet back under the quilt.

The bureaucrats happened to see this scene, but because the pirates moved quickly and quickly stuffed it back, they didn't seem to see the foot, only the bureaucrat frowned.

The pirate who got into trouble looked nervously at the few people, sweat dripped down his neckline.

The bureaucrat smiled relaxedly and said, "Sir, you must pay attention to safety when you work." After speaking, he took the person away as if nothing had happened.

The pirate thought that the bureaucrat hadn't seen the leg, so he wiped off his sweat and said, "Thank you for reminding me, good afternoon."

Tang Ke was driving ahead, tightened the reins after hearing the movement, turned around and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

The pirate with the damaged cart was afraid of Tang Ke's punishment, so he lied quickly: "It's nothing, nothing, nothing." The pirates next to him were all focused on their own affairs just now, and didn't pay attention to that foot, so no one poked it. bit of a lie.

Tang Ke had no doubts, turned around and continued driving. A group of pirates just left.

As for the bureaucrat, he was very relaxed when he spoke just now, but after turning around and walking away, his face became extremely pale, as if he had suffered a serious illness. The few people around him were still chatting, but he didn't say a word. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the motorcade behind him had gone away.

"There was a problem with that group of people just now." The bureaucrat frowned.

The rest of the people froze for a moment, and the hot topic just now came to an abrupt end. They all looked at the bureaucrats, and one of them asked, "What's the problem?"

"One of the trolleys in the team just overturned, exposing a bloody foot. I suspect that there may be corpses. Those people are all big and three rough. They don't look like good people. This is also a suspicious point. .”

Several people shook their heads, saying that they didn't see any human feet, but their expressions became solemn.

"Then why didn't you say it just now?"

"There are so many of them, should I say that I want to die?" The bureaucrat said in a deep voice, "Let's go quickly and report this matter to Colonel Michael for him to make a decision."

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\u00261t;!——If it is the last page of a chapter——\u003e.

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