Pirate System

Chapter 209: Big Gamble


Chapter 9

The sun is like fire, hanging above the sky, emitting passionate light and heat. The blue waters of the sea are the same color, and under the provocation of the wind and current, one wave is higher than the other, and some white wave walls are like a galloping army of cavalry. The Li Angel crushed the waves and moved forward with high spirits. Among the fleet sent by Michael, the rest of the ships are in a group of two, and only the Li Angel is acting alone, because this ship does not need companions, and the so-called companions are just a drag for this ship.

The ship of Li Angel was raised high, and the female angel looked pure and flawless, with an inviolable sense of holiness.

Michael stood on the boat, letting the bitter sea wind blow, there was a large area around him, and no one dared to disturb him. He didn't move at all at first, only the corners of his white clothes danced with the wind, he didn't move, but when he moved, his whole body was affected, like a violent storm. His footsteps can be called frenzied, but every step is so delicate that the boards creak. His hands turned into fists or palms, the fist whizzed past like a hammer, and the palm was as sharp as a sharp knife.

On the deck, a group of sailors stared blankly at Michael's movements, not because they wanted to be lazy, but because this set of punches was so attractive. In their eyes, Michael's fists and feet turned into phantoms, forming the shape of a flying dragon amidst the dazzle.

The Hahn family's family-inherited boxing method——Dragon-shaped boxing

Michael leaped in the air at the end and slammed his iron fist high into the sky. Several figures merged together to form an image of a flying dragon soaring in the sky, with a faint tinge of fiery red, as beautiful as a mirage.

Of course, in addition to being beautiful, this punch also contained terrifying destructive power.


There was a muffled sound in the sky, which was more terrifying than dozens of thunderbolts bundled together. With Michael's fist as the center, a ripple spread out, and the scene became blurred, as if distorting the surrounding space with pure power.

The viewers subconsciously feel that this punch is much more terrifying than a shell, enough to smash any sailboat

Michael fell down suddenly, and with a beautiful backflip, he lost the strength of the fall, and landed firmly on his toes.

No one dared to applaud, but they all applauded secretly in their hearts, and the sailors who reacted quickly buried their work immediately to avoid being scolded.

It was just Michael's morning exercise.

After he settled down, he didn't move any more. He looked at the high sky in front of him, his golden hair was blown away by the wind,

Like a loose golden thread. There are so many things in his heart, even looking at the vast sea, it is really hard to let go. He was not only thinking about the corpse and the Black Pearl, even if it was actually Tang Ke's ship, there was nothing to worry about, Tang Ke was just one of the enemies that had to be eradicated. There are many key points and many sea characters in his mind. To realize his grand goal in life, there are too many people who need to be eradicated, and even, he must personally end the era of pirates

"The cake of the Age of Discovery is not allowed to be divided by the pirates."

Michael's hand was facing the entire sea, and it was clenched into an iron fist suddenly, as if to grasp it all in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, his eyebrows twitched suddenly, and he caught a glimpse of a slowly enlarging black spot high in the sky, which looked like a falcon by visual inspection.

Xunying swooped down, controlling the wind with its pitch-black wings, and finally landed on the deck of the Angel of Power, screaming a few times. Someone rushed forward, took off the letter from Xunying, glanced at the letterman, hurried to the boat, and handed it over.

"Colonel, there is a letter from the captain of the Lion Awakening."

Michael took the letter, swiped his fingers, cut the seal, took out the letter paper inside, and read it quickly. The letter stated that after the fleet dispersed and pursued, the Lion Awakening and the Interceptor spotted the Black Pearl yesterday, but the ships of both sides were basically at the same level and could not catch up in a short time, so they could only follow closely behind. And call for reinforcements from other ships. In addition, the letter also stated that through a telescope, there was a leader on the Black Pearl who was very similar to the pirate Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke, it really is you this time, and I will never let you escape again." Michael shook one hand, and the letter paper was shattered into pieces and scattered with the wind. When he thought of Tang Ke, his heart aroused raging anger, Fei calculated how to do it, "It's unlucky for you to step on the center of the whole big net. This time, it's hard for you to fly."

Michael's fleet spread out in a fan shape, and the Lion Awakening and the Interceptor were in the middle. That is to say, Tang Ke's ships could only flee forward. If they fled to the left and right, they would be ruthlessly blocked. . Because the Angel of Power is a magic ship, it has been ahead of all the ships in the past two days by virtue of its far superior speed. Now, instead of heading back, it is better to stay in front and wait for the Black Pearl to deliver it to the door.

With only one ship, Tang Ke will only end up being suppressed by firepower when encountering two or three naval ships, and will undoubtedly die.

It can be said that Tang Ke has already been caught, so there is nothing to worry about. The only remaining problem is how to deal with Tang Ke. Right now, the two ships can be ordered to launch a strong attack immediately, but it is safer to let several ships outflank. And because of Jinbeard's relationship, Tang Ke couldn't be executed, he could only be caught alive. Although this is a bit irritating, it is also a pleasure to hold Tang Ke in his hands and abuse him.

The corner of Michael's mouth raised an arc, and a plan emerged in his mind. He planned to let the fleet close the net, like a closed fan, to force the Black Pearl into a dead end, and then force the Angel to block the way ahead, letting Tang K had a taste of despair.

Of course, the ships in the fleet vary from fast to slow, leaving behind the two sluggish first-class battleships, among the remaining ships, only six to seven ships have enough speed to catch up.

"Tangke, this time I will make your life worse than death." Michael gritted his teeth viciously.


"Captain, there is another navy ship at four o'clock now... now we have enemy ships on the left, right, and rear except for the front." There was a layer of haze.

On the deck, Tang Ke put down his binoculars with a serious face. Even without Hualu's report, he had already seen the bleak situation. There are a total of four enemy ships around, two on the left and two on the left, and two behind. Although these ships are keeping a certain distance and not approaching too much, judging from this posture, the opponent seems to be gathering forces and intends to outflank them in one fell swoop. Siege.

The following two ships chased the Black Pearl hard for two days, and then two other ships appeared one after another. These two ships were small and very fast, like two swimming sharks.

It is no exaggeration to say that the navy has driven the pirates into a corner. Although in the past few days, Tang Ke spent points to replenish the number of people on board, but once he recruited people, it would delay time and shorten the distance between the two sides greatly, so he only replenished once during the period.

Today is the end of the year, and it is already evening, and the most critical moment is getting closer and closer.

Because the navy wanted to fight a safe victory, it gave Tang Ke a chance to breathe. The fire of hope did not die out, but flickered with tiny flames

"Brothers, people are not as good as heaven. This time, it was a plan with no risks, but it ended up in this situation. I didn't expect it to develop like this, but God seems to like to make things difficult for me. , I can’t help it.” Tang Ke shrugged, and with a helpless wry smile, he looked at the crowd.

The pirates said nothing.

"The current situation is very unfavorable to us. We are surrounded by naval ships, and there are as many as four ships. If we make a breakthrough now, the four ships will be stimulated and attack immediately. We are at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Now If we go to war, there is no chance of winning. But we are not guaranteed to die, and we still have the last chance to come back. Once the ceremony is performed at night, the Black Pearl will be able to evolve into a magic ship, which will have the strength to break through. So , life or death is all bet on tonight. Are you afraid?" Tang Ke asked provocatively.

The pirates raised eyebrows and shouted in response, full of decisive masculinity.

"Of course I'm not afraid that there are no cowards among pirates"

"If you are afraid of a hair, you will die at best"

"Hehe, I have slaughtered a lot of people, so it's okay to give them a knife."

Tang Ke was full of passion and shouted: "Just don't be afraid. Judging from the current situation, these sea dogs won't do anything for a while. Once I stay up until night, it's time for me to turn around. At that time, Let's make a big fuss again, come and get the wine, and I'll have a drink with each of you."

The pirates agreed abruptly, and someone immediately walked down the gangway, and when they came back, they held a whole case of rum, and the bottles collided with each other, making a ping-pong sound. In addition, someone went to the kitchen to fetch a large number of cups and bowls. The wine box was put on the ground, and the pirates were not polite, they rushed up, unscrewed the sieve, and filled the cups and bowls.

"Cheers" The pirates on the deck counted one by one, and everyone had wine in their hands.

Tang Ke raised his wine glass to everyone, and said sincerely: "I, Tang Ke, can have a group of brothers like you who live and die together. I have no regrets in this life."

There was a hot current flowing in the hearts of everyone, and they shouted excitedly: "We will have no regrets in this life."

Ru Lin's wine glass was raised, and then it was drank, no one left a drop. After drinking, everyone felt much happier and couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this time, a skinny pirate bowed his head and pondered for a while, then said hesitantly, "Commander, I have a suggestion."

Tang Ke accepted the new wine bottle handed over with a smile, and asked, "Oh? Tell me about it."

The thin pirate nodded, and then said: "We can take the initiative to meet their ship at night, and they will definitely try to stop us, but at night, the visibility on the sea is not good. When we are fighting, you can take the A small boat can escape a long distance in one night. As long as you are still there, the bones of the Dragon Pirates will still be there, and the soul of the Dragon Pirates will still be there."

It is true that the devil's treasure chest is not a 100% reliable treasure, and it has a lot of risks. Rather than betting fate on a 50-50 chance of winning, it is better to try to let Tang Ke break through alone. This is indeed a safer plan.

Tang Ke is here, and the Dragon Pirates are here.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about the plan, they all turned their attention to the leader. It can be seen that quite a few people quite agree with this plan.

"Bullshit" Tang Ke said firmly, "How can a dragon's soul and bones be so weak? If I abandon you, what face will I have standing between the sky and the earth? The real soul and bones of the Dragon Pirates are connected by blood." My brothers are passionate, I must stand with you and fight to the end, everyone must muster up your courage and bet with me on this one."

An impassioned speech left only firmness in the eyes of the pirates. They should not be greedy for life and fear death, but fight with their spines straight to the end.

Before dark, the pirates made intensive battle preparations. Tang Ke also held the Devil's Treasure Chest and the Mermaid Key in his hands. He felt a little anxious, and every minute and every second was a kind of torment. During this period, the navy did not take any action, but narrowed the encirclement a little bit. In addition, another ship appeared on the right, forming a situation where five ships surrounded the Black Pearl.

During the resolute march of the Black Pearl, the sun moved from the top of the head to the west, sinking, and the world fell into darkness, but darkness was exactly the stage Tang Ke wanted.

On the observation deck, Tang Ke looked around with the binoculars. Because of the darkness, he couldn't see anything clearly on the sea, and the five ships of the navy were only dotted with light. These dots of light are slowly approaching here with malicious intentions.

"They started to close the net." Tang Ke said in a deep voice.

Hua Lu bit her lip and comforted: "It's okay, there are no enemy ships ahead, our speed is not slow, and we still hope to rush out of the encirclement in one go."

Tang Ke didn't think so. He shook his head and said, "There are no enemy ships in front? That's not necessarily the case. It's just that there is no light in front. They already had the conditions to collect the net in the evening, but they didn't rush to do it, but Don't you find it strange that you waited until now to tighten your net bag?"

"What's so strange?"

"If a fishing net is deliberately left with a hole, there must be an even more terrifying fishing net in front of it. Moreover, what I want to bet is not to break out of the encirclement, but to complete the ceremony." Tang Ke ruthlessly climbed down the observation deck along the rope ladder , Shouted, "Listen to my order, put out all the lights on the ship, so that the enemy will not know our movements"

It is very difficult to tell the movement of a ship at night, the only support is the lights, once the lights are extinguished, the whole ship will be invisible. As the lights of the Black Pearl went out one by one, the entire ship was plunged into darkness.

The Black Pearl's eyes were darkened, and after several hesitations by Tang Ke, he finally chose to advance northwest. Although this was not completely tailwind, it also had a good crosswind. In the pure darkness, the navy can only judge the position of the Black Pearl based on guesswork and sound, and if the Black Pearl wants to break through, it is most likely to choose the direction of the downwind, so the navy will pay attention to intercepting the direction of the downwind. Since downwind is not the best choice, we can only choose the direction of crosswind, which is safer.

Because Tang Ke has a chart system, he can always check the movement of the navy and revise the direction midway, which gives him a big advantage.

Because the lights of the Black Pearl were extinguished, the naval ships were thrown into disarray, and the encirclement process was accelerated a lot.

Relying on Tang Ke's sea chart, the Black Pearl kept adjusting its direction, successfully dodged the navy's ship, and jumped out of the encirclement from the neutral position, but unfortunately, the whereabouts of the Black Pearl was discovered by the Navy's sky eagle. Passed back to the military ships, causing several military ships to catch up in the dark. It is not so easy to escape through the night. During the chase, the military ship began to shoot with its cannon. Although it missed a hit, it put some pressure on the Black Pearl.

In the process of chasing and hiding, Tang Ke finally stayed up until midnight, and the moment when the two years will meet soon, he became inexplicably excited, because he bet everything on the heart of the magic ship, and the ceremony was a success , he will be able to reverse the defeat, if this ceremony fails, the group of them will lose, and he may bid farewell to the pirate career.

Stepping on the night, Tang Ke looked at the deck where he couldn't see his fingers and said, "Everyone, let's draw the sails and stop the ship. In addition, all of you should leave in small boats and keep a certain distance from this ship, because the next thing...may be a bit Danger."

Because the following ceremony is equivalent to offering sacrifices to demons, the dangers involved can be imagined. If there are idlers left behind, they are likely to be swallowed by the shadow power or affect the completion of the ceremony. This time, Tang Ke wanted to complete the ceremony alone.

"Leader, let us stay with you." The pirates expressed their opinions one after another, and they wanted to face the danger with Tang Ke.

Tang Ke shook his head and said resolutely: "No, there are too many people left, it may spoil the ceremony. Put down the boat now and stay away. If you don't leave, the matter will be delayed."

Under Tang Ke's yelling and cursing, the pirates had no choice but to follow suit. First, they stowed the sails of the Black Pearl to stop the ship on the sea surface, then lowered the boat and rowed away from the Black Pearl. Everyone is gone, including Cliff, Flower, and Flower's sister, Red Coral. On the Black Pearl, there was only the lonely Tang Ke and the 666 rotting corpse sacrifices in the cabin.

Tonight's moon has a crooked, curved, like a devil's smirk, the moon has floated directly above, and there are dark clouds passing by, blocking part of the moonlight.

Now that Tang Ke has made up his mind, he is no longer afraid of revealing his position, so he simply lights up a glass lamp and checks the time of his pocket watch by the light. It is only three or two minutes away from the last moment. On the table in front of him, there was a stable demon treasure chest, and there seemed to be rustling sounds inside. He put his hand into his pocket, took out the crystal clear mermaid key, and let the tip of the key meet the keyhole.

"If life is one game after another, I like this kind of life very much tonight, so let me take another big gamble"

Tang Ke's eyes were shining with a compelling light, his heart was beating to the extreme, and his whole body was full of blood.

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\u00261t;!——If it is the last page of a chapter——\u003e.

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