Pirate System

Chapter 210: Night Attack


Chapter 1 Dark Night Attack

The lights of the glass lamps were scorchingly burning, and the light swayed gracefully, illuminating the area of ​​a few square meters around Tang Ke. Tang Ke was like a gambler who spent all his wealth, he stretched out his hand in frustration, and inserted the mermaid key into the keyhole, and the end of the key emitted a soft white light, like shining white jade. The mermaid key began to twist and deform, and it was as soft as water flow, and it was closely combined with the sawtooth mechanism in the keyhole, and it was firmly attached. The mermaid key is specially made for unlocking. Although it is not a big thing, it contains a precise magic circle inside, which has the effect of breaking various mechanisms in the lock. After the Mermaid Key was shaped, it automatically began to twist, driving Tang Ke's hand to rotate together.

Hearing a "click bang", the mermaid key opened the first lock, and the structure of the keyhole inside the devil's treasure chest changed. Unravel completely.

Tang Ke felt a chill in his palm, and when he looked again, the mermaid key had turned into white foamy water, and a refreshing fragrance wafted out of it, quickly dissipating in the night.

"Ding your legendary item, the Mermaid Key, has exhausted its power and will become a normal item, and its special effects will disappear."

He ignored the system sound, and focused on the devil's treasure chest. He took a deep breath, held the lid of the treasure chest with both hands, and opened it. There was a layer of soft dark blue cotton cloth inside. A black and red heart, the black part of the heart is like the muscles of a beast, and the red part is like a flowing flame. Needless to say, this is the heart of the magic ship. He felt the shadow power coming from the heart of the magic ship. This power was like a rushing tide, which made him, a rookie warlock, inexplicably comfortable, and his limbs felt warm.

The heart of the magic ship felt something, broke the silence of the millennium, and began to thump, from slow to fast, constantly shrinking and expanding, a bit weird feeling.

"Ding, you have completed the task of 'Opening the Devil's Treasure Chest' and get reward points"

Tang Ke's heart skipped a beat. This is a reward of more than 10,000 points, the highest amount he has ever obtained. With so many reward points, even if he doesn't need to activate this magic ship, he can still use these Bonus points for dealing with the Navy. The only thing that worries him right now is whether the Heart of the Demon Ship is dangerous. He hesitated for a moment, but immediately dispelled his worries. Now that the bet has reached this point, he simply bet to the end. Moreover, with only more than 10,000 reward points, the power that can be exchanged and recruited is still limited, and the outcome is uncertain. Only by completing the ceremony can there be a chance of winning.


A military ship chased after it, stopped at a certain distance, and began to bombard the stern of the Black Pearl with artillery fire. Several shells hit it, and smashed several pieces of wood in the stern.

The ship plank under Tang Ke's feet shook a few times,

He felt that he could not delay any longer, or the stern of the ship would be smashed. His heart swayed, and he grabbed the beating heart of the magic ship. He felt that what he grabbed was a ball of flames, which was so hot that his palm was almost broken, and some sharp things penetrated into his palm. . He didn't have time to look at the pain in the palm of his hand, but followed the steps of the ceremony, pressing the heart in his hand to the boat board under his feet, waiting for the change.

The heart of the magic ship was beating violently, and was sandwiched between the palm and the ship plank, and this process lasted for a while. Time passed to the point where the year-ends converged, and the year finally passed and came to an end. And at this point in time, when there is a gap between the planes, the Heart of the Demon Ship opens a tunnel connecting the plane of the abyss, leading the power of the abyss to this plane. The black clouds surged in the night sky, first forming a vortex, and then converging into a stream, jetting down, hitting the Black Pearl, the surging energy crushed the ship almost to the point of sinking, and the only glass lamp was blown out . The Heart of the Demon Ship began to greedily absorb the energy from the abyss, and began to grow and transform.

"Captain, how are you? Is there something wrong?" On the sea not far away, the pirates in small boats shouted with concern. Some pirates mustered up their courage and rushed to the navy's big ship in a small boat, intending to snatch the ship to rescue them.

Tang Ke could no longer hear the voices of his subordinates. His ears were filled with murmurs, which sounded like some kind of language. He guessed in his heart that it was the language of demons. His hand holding the heart of the demon ship was itchy from time to time, and it changed quietly. He remembered the sentence on the devil's treasure chest - your hand will also degenerate and transform into the claws of the devil, otherwise it will not be enough. To make the monsters surrender.

The corners of his eyes twitched violently. This right hand has really suffered a lot. Not only has it been marked by the curse of a fish, but now it is about to become a claw again, and it is also the claw of a devil. He prayed sincerely, only looking forward to this Don't make the hand too exaggerated, even if it looks like a troll's claw, he will recognize it.

The Heart of the Demon Ship was not only changing Tang Ke's hand, but also changing the ship. It quickly grew black tentacles, and these tentacles extended in all directions, quickly covering the deck. The tentacles penetrated into the planks of the ship, even pierced through the wood, and took root deeply inside. There are also some red tentacles mixed in the black tentacles, and the red tentacles are like twisting and twisting blood vessels.

The tentacles grew wildly like a creeping tiger, quickly enveloping the entire ship, but these tentacles did not grow aimlessly, but with a certain consciousness, growing selectively, avoiding places such as windows. At this time, the cannonball from the military ship shot over, and it was about to hit the stern of the ship. Fortunately, a tentacle stretched out in the air, wrapped around the cannonball, and pulled the cannonball onto the ship as an evolutionary material. Tentacles spread to warehouses filled with dead bodies, blood-stained and rotten. As if they had found nourishment, the tentacles inserted into the pile of corpses and sucked them up desperately, causing the corpses to wither quickly. After the tentacles were nourished by the corpse, their strength increased greatly, and the momentum of growth became more rapid. The tentacles gradually turned into hard horny, forming an armor-like skin, covering every inch of the Black Pearl's wood.

The ship statue of the Black Pearl was originally a dragon, but after being transformed by the heart of the devil ship, it became a demon-headed ship with horns.

After completing these tasks, the heart of the demon ship sank slowly into the deck. It was like the core of a black spider web, which could be moved freely on the ship with its tentacles. Supplies shadow power to the entire ship.

It's all changing like a storm

Tang Ke looked at his right hand again, it had been dyed black, the skin became very hard, the nails became very sharp, and there was a red devil's head on the back of the hand. However, the curse of the fish in the palm of his hand is still imprinted there, and has not been eliminated.

"Ding your ordinary ship, the Black Pearl, has evolved into a magical ship under the effect of the epic treasure, the Heart of the Demon Ship."

Black Pearl: Large Magic Ship (Tier 3)

Description: A special magic ship evolved by borrowing the heart of the magic ship. The source of power and attack methods on the ship are very different from ordinary magic ships. This ship has a beating demon heart as a source of magic power, which can add shadow power to ordinary shells and increase damage. The ship's demonic headbutt horns are unmatched in its destructive power, allowing it to win a collision. In addition, the two special abilities of breeding monsters and dark seas are also the killer features of this ship.

The heart of the magic ship can continue to grow, but it needs to absorb the shadow power in the contractor's heart. That is to say, the more evil the contractor, the faster the ship will grow.

All in all, this is a rare and good ship that is powerful and can continue to get stronger. The only disadvantage is that the monsters bred on the ship are wild and difficult to tame, and it is difficult to live with ordinary crew and sailors.

【Magic Machine】


【special function】

Dark sea area (number 5, through the release of the contractor's mind, a special sea area with an area of ​​about 500 square yards can be created. This special sea area can generate huge suction, stick to enemy ships, and reduce the speed of enemy ships. If If you use it in reverse, you can also increase your own speed, and it will consume shadow power when you use it)

Beast nests (number 2, can be used to breed monsters, the bred monsters will obey the contractor's orders, breeding monsters will consume shadow power, and the number of beast nests can increase with the growth of the ship, currently the only monsters that can be bred are stupid monsters One type, will continue to increase in the future)

【Magic Attack Equipment】

Large Shadow Cannons (number, mounted on lower gun deck)

Medium Shadow Cannon (Quantity 26, installed on the middle gun deck)

Small Shadow Cannon (Quantity 28, installed on the upper gun deck and the open deck)

Demon head bumping horns (quantity 1, installed on the ship, the horns can be stretched and stimulate the shadow power)

【Element Conversion Furnace】

The Heart of the Demon Ship (quantity 1, made of the heart of a high-level demon, which can absorb the evil thoughts of the human heart to grow, and can create and transmit shadow power to all parts of the ship during the beating process)

【Magic Stone Reserve】

ot (this magic ship does not need magic stones as fuel)

【Basic material of hull】

Mithril, Refined Iron, Flash Copper, Elm Wood, Dragon Bark Wood, Sea Oak Wood, Demon Blood, Demon Flesh.


Reinforced magic circle (quantity 4)

Speed ​​up magic circle (quantity 8)

Durability: 986/.

Displacement: t.

Maximum number of people: people.

Current number: 1 captain, 356 stupid monsters (flying and growing, will break out of eggs soon)

Common Weapons: None.

Comprehensive combat power:

Functional buildings: captain's room, chief mate's room, second mate's room, animal nest (number 2), kitchen, dining room, observation deck, bridge, navigation chart room, weapon room, cell, power room, sailor cabin (number 8), Material compartment (quantity 5)

Common boat accessories: spinnakers, square sails, schooners, ship repair materials, fishing nets.

Average degree: knots.


Flexibility: ★★★★☆

Tang Ke finished reading these introductions carefully, his eyes became brighter and brighter, he couldn't help smiling, and clenched his fists excitedly. The hard work he has put in for so long has finally paid off. The Black Pearl has become a Tier 3 magic ship, with very powerful special effects, and there is still room for continuous upgrades.

Two military ships came successively from behind, plus the military ship that had been attacking the stern of the Black Pearl before, a total of three ships launched an attack. The sound of gunfire became more and more intensive, and the smell of gunpowder smoke on the sea became stronger.

"Sea dogs, let's have a showdown now!" Tang Ke roared confidently, and with a thought, he activated the ability of the dark sea area, and saw that the sea water at the bottom of the boat became as black as ink, and it was divided into three waves at a time. Attacked three warships respectively.

The dark sea area moved quickly, and swam to the bottom of the three military ships. The sea surface produced a huge sticky force, which caused the speed of the three ships to slow down immediately, and it took a lot of effort to move forward.

"What's going on? Why can't our boat move? Has the direction changed?"

"Reporting that the sea water around the captain is a bit weird, it seems to be boiling"

"Turn around and try"

"The hull is leaking and the pirate's gunfire is too fierce"

The navy, which was a hunter just now, has now become a prey, and they are in a mess. The commanders kept giving orders, but none of them worked, and they still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the dark sea.

In naval battles, if the movement of enemy ships is imprisoned, you will have an unprecedented advantage. Tang Ke shouted and called the sailors in the boat back. The pirates were all rejoiced when they saw the success of the ceremony. They worked together to light up all the undamaged glass lamps on the ship, then lowered the sails of the Black Pearl, turned the bow of the ship under the force of the wind, and swam. towards the enemy ship.

The Black Pearl cleverly occupied the "T" position and launched a counterattack. Although the artillery of the Black Pearl has been transformed into a shadow cannon, the method of firing the cannon is the same as before, but the moment the cannonball is fired, it will naturally be covered with a layer of shadow power. Cannonballs emitting black smoke one after another formed a barrage net, with twice the destructive power of ordinary shells, and opened the ass* of that Tier 4 battleship.

The enemy has five ships in total, and it is still a bit difficult to fight recklessly with the Black Pearl alone. At this time, Tang Ke can no longer be stingy with reward points, so he directly recruits three poisonous sea thorns, and throws them at the other two armies nearby. The ship consists of two attacking three-level battleships and one attacking fifth-level battleship. Some pirates rowed their small boats to the vicinity of the military ship. Although there were only about 20 of them, they boarded bravely and fought with sailors several times larger than their own.

Tang Ke couldn't watch the twenty or so brothers being killed, but it was too late to call them back, so he hurriedly recruited more than 300 white-bladed sailors and a long-armed bear, and ordered the new force to hurry Go to support the more than twenty brothers.

Due to the stickiness of the dark sea, the three military ships were trapped in it, struggling like small fish in the mud. However, the Black Pearl can move at will, occupy a favorable position, and carry out bombing in turn. After a slamming shell, several holes appeared in the stern of the first military ship, sea water poured in one after another, and the hull tilted, even with a pumping well, there was no way to recover. Tang Ke hurriedly withdrew a dark sea area and applied it to the Black Pearl itself to speed up. The other two ships of the Navy also hurried up, intending to support the three ships. Tang Ke hastily released two more waves of dark waters, dragging down the other two ships. He can sense the changes in the heart of the devil ship, and now it will consume a lot of shadow power to maintain the dark sea, and the shadow power in the heart of the devil ship is constantly decreasing.

"A decisive battle is necessary, but no matter how fast, taking down five ships will not be an easy task." Tang Ke couldn't relax again, looking at the cannons splattered with flames, showing a dignified expression.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" at this time, the cabin suddenly sounded like a roar, and then the gangway began to tremble.

After Tang Ke heard the cry, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly looked towards the gangway, only to see a group of five big and three thick monsters rushing out. Although they are monsters, they can walk independently and have flexible limbs. They are worthy of being called stupid monsters. Ordinary people are about the same. Silly monsters emerged from the cabin one after another, and within a short period of time, the number had increased to more than thirty.

The stupid monsters could sense the position of the contractor, and actively surrounded them, screaming and screaming. When they saw the chaotic sea, the gang screamed excitedly and slapped their paws.

The pirates who didn't know the truth were startled by the monsters and almost broke out in conflict, but fortunately Tang Ke stopped it in a hurry.

Some of the 666 corpse sacrifices became nutrients for transforming the Black Pearl, and some of them were made into stupid monsters, and there were more than 300 of them. Due to the need for a process to breed monsters in the beast nest, the first batch only bred more than 30 monsters, and the second batch is in the process of rushing.

Tang Ke didn't need to be polite anymore. Besides, they wouldn't appreciate being polite to monsters. He directly ordered the monsters to go to the military ship to start an indiscriminate massacre. In order to create a chance for the monsters to attack the enemy ship, Tang Ke took the risk of driving the Black Pearl to dock alongside a military ship, and launched a confrontation with the opponent. The stupid monsters took this opportunity to jump onto the enemy ship one after another. The jumping ability of these guys is far better than that of ordinary people, and their combat effectiveness is also very impressive. One monster can kill at least three to four sailors

Thanks to the role of the Dark Sea, the remaining four ships could not look at each other at the stern, giving the Black Pearl a chance to clean up one by one. Under the attack of more than 300 pirates, long-armed bears, and poisonous thorns, a military ship was caught in a bitter battle. The Black Pearl slammed a military ship, and let the pirates and the stupid beasts jump onto the enemy ship to start a fight. It was only a matter of time before the military ship was captured. As for the other two military ships, even if they were red-eyed, they couldn't rush over.

Tang Ke commanded the overall situation with his sword. He saw the dawn of victory, and the balance had already tilted in his favor, thanks to the ferocious strength of the Black Pearl and the use of more than 10,000 reward points. Right now, it is only necessary to conquer the navy's ships one by one to establish the victory.

Just when Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, a boat bathed in holy white light came from the northwest direction.

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\u00261t;!——If it is the last page of a chapter——\u003e.

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