Pirate System

Chapter 224: Guardian

Chapter 224 Guardian

Elizabeth's name was impressively listed on the information in Tang Ke's mind. His pupils narrowed, and his hands clenched involuntarily. He resolutely made up his mind to save Elizabeth no matter what. He wanted to see people alive and dead bodies.

If Elizabeth had slipped before his eyes, he would be drunk with pain tonight, and the joy of the robbery would be greatly diminished.

"Three ships approach the battlefield ahead, but don't get out of line. In the process of advancing, everyone is in position and ready for battle"

He quickly gave orders and walked up and down the deck, occasionally raising his foot to kick those slow-moving monsters. Those stupid monsters scratched their sore buttocks, raised their yellowed fangs, and let out wild humming sounds.

The pirates of the three ships took orders, and the ships quickly aimed at the center of engagement in the northwest, plowing three long ripples in the darkness. The Knight of the Waves approached and stopped at a distance of eight yards. One Eye walked to the deck and asked, "Captain, why do you want to join in the fun? Do you want to fight another battle?"

Cyclops and the other pirates didn't know the details, and they thought that Tang Ke was going to sail there to rob. After all, they had three magic ships, and they were not powerless against an enemy with twenty ships. What's more, the Cangtian fleet is also coming here, and they have sufficient backup.

"It's not about fighting, it's about saving people. The two sides fighting ahead are Moldo and Elizabeth. I must go to save her. This battle is not a battle for the big guys to gain benefits, but My personal decision, I hope you can lend me a helping hand. Of course, if I can save Elizabeth through negotiation, I will not provoke unnecessary fights. But if the negotiation fails, everyone must be prepared to fight, Moldo It's not easy to deal with his soldiers." Tang Ke looked at the sea where the fire was rising, his eyes were full of jumping red.

All the pirates knew about Tang Ke's affair, and they would even add fuel to it when discussing it privately. They liked to describe Tang Ke as a flirtatious vagabond. Oops. The pirates knew everything about the entanglement between Tang Ke and Elizabeth. When they heard that they were going to save this woman, they started to gossip and burst into laughter.

"Come on, go and snatch the captain's shipwreck lady"

"As our head, how can we do without ten or eight wives?"

"Captain, when will you give birth to a brood of little pirates?"

Hearing these idiotic words, Tang Ke's nervous mood relaxed a little, and he smiled: "After snatching her down, I'll try to sow seeds tonight."

The pirates laughed louder,

Echoing in the dark night sky, it overwhelmed the sound of the rumbling guns ahead.

Jokes aside, the pirates were still unambiguous when they were doing business. After several adjustments, the performance of the three ships has improved. This trip has a very high risk, and the pirates all stood at their respective posts, not daring to neglect. Everyone performed their own duties, among them, there were those who were holding the ropes and preparing to swing to close combat, those who were holding the boards and preparing to build bridges, and those who fired guns and guns.

Everyone is staring at the battlefield ahead with burning eyes. Although many people have wounds on their bodies and their bodies are already highly exhausted, their will to fight is still high. This high will seems to form an invisible flame, burning blazingly.

A moment later, the Dragon Pirates rushed to the edge of the battlefield.

"Colonel Moldo, on behalf of the Dragon Pirates, I send my greetings to you."

Tang Ke shouted from a long distance, his voice piercing through the roar of the guns. He could only avoid a direct exchange of fire between the two sides by revealing his identity. After all, it was night, and the darkness covered up their identities.

"Is the person speaking, Captain Tang Ke?" Moldo replied in a low voice. The voice came from the darkness, and it was difficult to tell which ship he was on. Still because of the darkness, the ships on the sea seemed to be lit up, and it was impossible to determine the location of the King Kong. Moldo is most likely on the King Kong.

"It's me." Tang Ke discerned the other party's tone, and it sounded friendly. After all, they were all pirates who licked their blood and stood in the same line. With a bit of confidence, he kept the three ships at their original speed and approached the place where they were fighting. In that case, they would pass by Moldo's ships.

"You came to disturb me when I was tasting the feast, what's your business?"

As soon as Moldo finished speaking, a cannon rang out, which seemed to be the death knell sounded by the god of death, stirring Tang Ke's nerves. The flames of war are destroying Elizabeth's sailboat and bringing it to the road of death. Tang Ke seemed to see the hourglass recording Elizabeth's vitality, and the hourglass was passing by bit by bit. If he wanted to save Elizabeth, he had to move faster.

"Colonel Moldo, I want to talk to you."


"That's right, the negotiation location is set on the ship you are attacking, and I want to talk to you face to face."

"Is there anything we can't talk about directly?"

"I don't have a good throat recently. Shouting like this really hurts me, so let's talk face-to-face. Colonel Moldo, I'm going there. I hope you will show me your face."

Moldo yelled a few more times, but Tang Ke didn't answer anymore.

Tonk looked at the sea, and Elizabeth's ship was right in front of him. There were two ships in total. One of them was the Mandrake. The ship was on fire, and the sails had all been burnt. The other ship was also flying the Mandrake flag. , also suffered from the charcoal of the artillery fire, the sails were damaged, and the forward momentum was lost.

The situation there is somewhat chaotic. Four Moldo ships are besieging Elizabeth's ship, occupying an absolute advantage, otherwise Moldo's other ships would not be idle there. Since Moldo's ships are firing their guns, if they approach rashly, it is easy to cause a fight. It is more appropriate to go around and approach Elizabeth's ship.

Tang Ke made up his mind and dispatched three ships to move forward. Taking the Black Pearl as the leader, they made a large circle, avoiding Moldo's ship, and then met Elizabeth's ship. Tang Ke is going to save Elizabeth's life. If he brings a large number of people there as soon as he comes up, Moldo will definitely think that he is going to be black and black, so he can only go to the meeting alone.

Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the stupid monsters on the ship to stay still. The stupid monsters can understand such simple orders very well. Tang Ke then shouted at the Rider on the Waves behind: "One-eyed, the fleet will be handed over to you for the time being, I'll go over and talk to Moldo, don't act rashly, don't attack anyone without my order. "

"Tang Ke, let me go with you," Cyclops replied worriedly.

"No, it's enough for me alone, just help me take care of the fleet."

Tang Ke's resolute words sounded very reassuring, and the pirates did not object, even though everyone wanted to accompany the captain to the dangerous battlefield. He picked up a grapple with a loop of fifty yards of rope attached to it, and after looping the loop around Kong Wu's strong arm, he nimbly climbed up the mast and reached the highest point.

Standing on such a high top, you can jump over without getting close to the opposite ship.

Tang Ke took a deep breath, felt the sway of the girder under his feet, and tried to maintain the same swaying feeling, his gaze suddenly became sharp like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, kicked his feet, ran across the girder in one breath, and jumped jump. He opened his arms in mid-air, and in this flying state, his heart stopped beating, the whistling wind echoed in his ears, and the blood all over his body was boiling. Although he jumped from a high place, his body had already started to fall before he reached Elizabeth's boat. If he continued like this, he would definitely fall into the sea.

It's time for the grappling hook.

Tang Ke threw the grappling hook towards the sky, and the iron lump easily flew far away, and the rope wrapped around his arm continued to extend. When the distance was enough, he swung the grapple over. The grapple made a big loop in the air, and it was placed on the mast impartially. After spinning a few times, the sharp hook pierced into the wood, and it was firmly fixed. Living. Tang Ke's feet were about to touch the surface of the sea. It would be too embarrassing if he fell into the sea. Thousands of his subordinates were still watching.

He gritted his teeth, turned his right arm a few times, tightened the rope, rubbed his feet on the sea, and then swung to a high place. He couldn't help shouting, grabbed the rope and made a circle in the air, and the rope was wrapped around the mast. There was already Elizabeth's boat under his floating feet, and it would be endless if he turned around like this. He drew out his short sword and cut the rope wrapped around his right arm. His body continued to glide through inertia, and he was about to cross the girder. He sank hard, and his body fell down abruptly, stepping on the girder. He hurriedly stabilized his body to prevent from falling.

The canvas on this mast is burning, and the flames are at Tang Ke's feet. Even the wood has been blackened, and it is in danger of breaking at any time. On the side, there are two people fighting each other, one is a pirate, The other was a merchant sailor.

Tang Ke walked towards the center of the mast and knocked out the pirate. When the sailor was stunned, he pulled him to his eyes and asked, "Is your captain Elizabeth? Where is she now?"

The sailor was still in a daze, but when the sharp edge of the dagger was in front of his eyes, he quickly replied: "It's her, she's on this ship, you can look around, if she's okay."

Tang Ke got a satisfactory answer, and he called Elizabeth's name in his heart, becoming more eager. Silently, he tripped the merchant, so that the merchant would not be in the way, nor would he fall below and die. He walked to the center of the mast, hugged the mast with one hand, looked down, and looked for Elizabeth's shadow.

There was chaos on the deck, the merchants and the pirates fought fiercely, the pirates laughed and roared arrogantly, the merchants were at a disadvantage and barely resisted. Blood, corpses and flames can be seen everywhere.

But no matter how chaotic the scene was, she was always so eye-catching among the crowd. She was surrounded by three pirates, and she was staunchly resisting, dancing the sword in her hand in a colorful way, so that the pirates could not get close. She was wearing a captain's uniform, but the hat had disappeared, and her hair was scattered like a waterfall of gold, reflecting the bright firelight. There were wounds on her left arm and chest, and the left sleeve was gone, revealing a snow-white The arm, dotted with blood red knife wounds.

She is like a golden flower that is being devastated by the flames, and will wither and shatter at any time, with a desolate beauty.

The three pirates who were besieging laughed loudly, speaking obscenities while attacking.

The situation was so hopeless, but she couldn't see the slightest sign of giving in. She fought with all her might, just like when Tang Ke first met her.

Seeing this scene, Tang Ke was filled with joy and anger. He was happy because he saw the person he cared about, and he was angry because those bastards who didn't have long eyes actually attacked him so cruelly.

A wave hit, and the hull tilted. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Ke stepped on the tilted mast and slid down like skating. When he landed, he swung his knives a few times, and at a speed that was difficult for others to see, he blocked all the people who were fighting around him.

"Anyone who gets in the way, get out of the way"

Tang Ke shouted with red eyes, and rushed to the stern, where Elizabeth was there. There were still many people fighting along the way, and Tang Ke just felt that it was in the way, so he couldn't wait to push these people away. Although he used the back of a knife to attack, he also chopped these people to the point of blood. He made a bloody path, unstoppable, within a few breaths, he had already reached the stern, and Elizabeth was waving a sharp sword not far away. It's a pity that there is a flame in the middle, and the ropes on the ground are acting as burning objects. His footsteps did not stop, but he drew out his two knives and danced into two balls of light.

The sword energy is like the wind, and wherever it passes, the flames are all extinguished.

"Haha, little girl Jin, if you promise to take good care of us, I'll spare your life, you see..." The man's laughter stopped abruptly, because his head had moved sideways and separated from his body. home.

The other two pirates on the side reacted quickly and turned their heads in a hurry to see who did it, but before they could see clearly, they both returned to the west, their heads were pierced by the sword energy, which was terrible. Then there were a few neat flying kicks, and the three pirates flew into the sea without even leaving their bodies behind.

Elizabeth stared wide-eyed at the rescuers who suddenly appeared. Her face was stained with blood, and her plump chest heaved and heaved. She was obviously exhausted. When she saw the person coming, her eyes widened again, and she dreamed in disbelief, "Tang Ke, is it you?"

Tang Ke, who had just killed three people in a row with thunder, was showing a warm smile. He didn't regard the three people as life at all, but just as a hideous obstacle.

"The brave knights of the sea have come to save you, my princess, you will not be hurt again, because I will protect you." Tang Ke put his sword back into its sheath, walked closer, and the murderous look on his body was replaced by a reliable and gentle one. He bent down, took Elizabeth's hand, and kissed her lightly. He felt her trembling. Was it because of excitement?

There was a rush of footsteps from behind, and Elizabeth hurriedly called out to be careful. Tang Ke maintained the posture of a knight kissing the princess, pulled out the gun hanging on his chest with his idle hand, relied on listening to the sound, and shot behind him. With one shot, the unlucky bastard fell down.

Feeling Elizabeth's living warmth, Tang Ke was very happy. He was not late, but came here when she needed him most. The world is so big, but he still found her among thousands of people. He shouldn't have left her last time, but people can only feel the weight of each other in their hearts when they part.

Tang Ke let go of his hand, stood up straight, and looked down at Elizabeth. The sound of rumbling guns echoed around, the hull swayed with the waves, and the strong smell of gunpowder smoke could not go away. The world is so chaotic and crazy, but the two fell into an incomparable calm at this moment, seeing the depths of each other's souls in their eyes.

Elizabeth was also agitated. She had already fallen into deep despair just now. The appearance of Tang Ke, like a prince who fell from the sky, pulled her up from the deep pool of fate. Although she is a strong woman, she also has a complex about "the hero saves the princess". This time, Tang Ke touched her most untouchable heartstrings.

"Are you my destined hero?"

"No, no, no, I'm not here to rescue you, I'm here to snatch you to become the ship's lady." Tang Ke laughed.

Elizabeth also smiled, feeling much more relaxed, curling her lips and said, "Hmph, if you want to snatch me away, first ask my sword if it will agree."

Tang Ke reached out and grabbed the sword in her hand. The blade cut his hand, and blood dripped, but he didn't care. Elizabeth was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly let go. He threw the sword aside casually, this wild and unruly behavior swears his determination to conquer her.

"This sword told me just now, to bless us two with an early son."

The female captain accepted all the teasing. She gave the pirate a blank look, stretched out her pretty hand to pinch the pirate's sturdy waist, and deliberately did not let go, as a sign of punishment.

Tang Ke grabbed the soft hand and hugged her into his arms, which touched the wound on her body, causing her to groan. Tang Ke showed an apologetic expression, but she shook her head, indicating that it didn't matter. The chests of the two were pressed together, and the two fiery hearts resonated, conveying each other's warmth, as if honey had melted in the heart, and it was extremely comfortable.

It's a pity that the beautiful moments in the world are so short.

"Tang Ke, you want me to come to this ship to talk to you, but you are here with a woman, which makes me very angry." Moldo came over with a very dissatisfied voice, which sounded like Like a growl in the throat of a beast.

This chilling voice brought Tang Ke and Elizabeth back to reality. Only then did the two realize that the danger has not been lifted, and now is not the time to hug. Elizabeth, in particular, regained her previous dignified expression, because her ship and her men were under attack.

Tang Ke put on a fierce expression, turned his head, and stared at Moldo who was walking over. The other party was wearing the old uniform of a navy captain, and his body was stained with blood. He patted Elizabeth on the back twice to show comfort, and then stood in front of Elizabeth, showing that he would protect her no matter what.

"Colonel Moldo, I once said that the captain of the Mandela is my friend, and no one else is allowed to attack this ship."

Tang Ke's tone was a bit blaming and tough.

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