Pirate System

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

The two merchant ships had already been stubbornly resisting. When Moldo brought the backbone of the pirate group up, the situation took a turn for the worse. The sailors of the merchant ship were either killed or captured, and only a dozen or so people were still resisting.

Tang Ke confronted Moldo, the two had malicious intentions, their eyes were burning with fire, and they were engaged in a silent confrontation, neither giving way in terms of momentum.

"I have no impression of such words at all." Moldo gave the same tough answer to Tang Ke's question.

"Then it's not too late to explain, this woman is mine, and no one is allowed to hurt it." Tang Ke said firmly, protecting Elizabeth behind him like a shield. The power of a man is used to protect important people.

Moldo snorted heavily: "I don't care who she is, but I and my soldiers hijacked this ship at the price of blood. This ship and the people on board are my spoils of war. Even if you say She's your woman, and that doesn't change the fact that she's a trophy."

Tang Ke dislikes Elizabeth being described as trophies, but now is not the time to be arrogant. To rescue Elizabeth, there is no need to use force. There are more appropriate methods, such as redeeming with money.

"Moldo, I must take this woman away. If you have any conditions, you can just say it."

"Under the sword of this woman, I took the lives of several of my soldiers. I will not let her go with just a few bad money. What's more, she is a businessman from the Greenland Empire, and she deserves all the crimes based on this alone." Death" Moldo's life has long been filled with the hatred of subjugation.

"Don't be too absolute in what you say. Since I said that I want to take her away, it means that I will use all means. If you don't accept money transactions, I don't mind bringing the whole pirate group to fight." Tang Ke roared, "People of the Dragon Pirates, are you willing to fight to the death for me?"

"Willing" was on the starboard side of the ship, and the three waiting ships burst out a cry that shook the sky.

Moldo glanced at the three ships, because the ship was the Black Pearl, and the other two ships were dim. He weighed the combat effectiveness of these three ships. The strange ability of the Black Pearl made him very concerned. The unexplained ship also looks a little weird. He fell into hesitation, and when he thought of the golden beard on Tang Ke's back, he completely gave up the idea of ​​starting a war.

Even if he ate this bone forcefully, his mouth would be covered with blood, which is really not worth the candle.

The Vengeance Pirates have a more honorable mission, and they cannot be seriously injured for this.

Moldo said loosely: "If you fight for a woman,

There is a refutation of the ambitions of the Vengeful Pirates. Well, this time, as you said, we will trade with money. "

Tang Ke's momentum restrained a bit, and he didn't want to really let the brothers fight for his wife. Such a result is the best. He said lightly: "That's very good, you can make a price."

Moldo fell into thinking, thinking about how high the price should be for this trophy.

Things have come to this point, and there have been good results. Logically speaking, the rescued Elizabeth should be satisfied, but this is not the case.

Elizabeth, who had been standing behind all this time, stepped forward. She glanced at the sailors lying on the ground very sadly, and said in a calm but irrefutable tone: "Both pirate captains, let me interrupt your conversation. Refuse to make this transaction." She looked at Tang Ke with a complicated expression, and there was a deep sense of gratitude in it, "Tang Ke, I thank you for your kindness in trying to save me, but I can't abandon my men. It's me I would rather die with those who took them to sea, if I could not go back with them."

Tang Ke was quite surprised, and looked at Elizabeth blankly. He thought that Elizabeth would hug his neck happily, and then the two happily returned to the pirate ship. He suddenly felt that his thinking was too simple. some things. Moldo on the side also looked at Elizabeth with curious eyes.

Elizabeth Ang said: "If I abandon everyone and go away with you, what face do I have to live in this world? No, I absolutely can't do such a thing against my conscience. Tang Ke, if you can't save us all , just give me a sword and let me die on this ship. I know it’s too much for you to save so many people, and this pirate captain named Moldo won’t agree, so I won’t cry I’m going to beg you. I’m already very grateful that you took the risk to save me. I can’t repay you for your dedication. You are the first man in this world who can touch my heart. I will I will always remember you, and I hope you will always remember me."

After Elizabeth finished speaking loudly, she stood in the middle of a circle of pirates with her petite body full of scars, without any timidity, showing her determination to die generously. Even the pirates would be touched when they saw this kind of heroic figure who would rather give up his life than his companions.

The pirates are all murderous thugs, but they are all people who value love and righteousness. Elizabeth's behavior shocked them greatly.

"Captain, your words are enough, don't worry about us, run for your own life"

Those merchant sailors who were injured or restrained spoke out to dissuade them, hoping that Elizabeth would leave them alone and leave. But Elizabeth's attitude was very firm, and her expression did not waver at all. Against the backdrop of flying fireworks, she looked more like a real swordsman without a sword in her hand.

Tang Keming realized that he had missed something. He didn't care about the two boat people in his heart and treated them as nothing, but Elizabeth couldn't. Thinking about it from another standpoint, if Tang Ke encountered such a situation, he would never abandon his subordinates to survive.

Elizabeth, who is struggling to survive, is not worth saving.

It was Elizabeth, who was determined to die, that really moved Tang Ke's heart. This kind of inner beauty made him happy.

He stood in front of Elizabeth, looked at her with bright and clear eyes, shook his fingers and said: "First, I don't care about it, and second, because of what you said, I also want to protect you and the two boats." lives, whatever the cost."

He actually lied, he is a playboy, but he will not be so stupid as to admit it in front of the woman he likes.

Elizabeth's expression was as hard as a sculpture, so as to show her determination, but after seeing Tang Ke's big package, her hard armor peeled off, and she smiled. She knew that this time, no matter what, she would not be able to escape from Tang Ke. K's palm.

Tang Ke took her hand and wrapped this weak and slender hand with a broad and strong hand, and he would not let go of it this time.

He wanted to save the people from the two ships, which was easy to say, but difficult to implement. Taking away one person is a different concept than taking away two ships. What's more, Moldo hates the Greenland Empire deeply, hates his house, and never shows mercy to the merchants of the Greenland Empire.

Tang Ke made up his mind, and faced Moldo with a firm attitude, waiting for the other party to express his position.

"It's a woman with a backbone." Moldo was not angry because of Tang Ke's cruel words, but looked at Elizabeth with admiration, "This woman has a strong soul. It would be a pity if she died. I will make an exception. Let's go. But I will never return these two ships and property."

This sentence made the people on the two ships turn from danger to safety. Although they lost a huge amount of property, for these people who have gone through life and death, it is already something worth crying for joy. Because Elizabeth's act of emphasizing love and righteousness saved everyone, which greatly exceeded people's expectations.

Tang Ke was also surprised. He didn't expect Moore to be generous again at this time. He waved his hand and said, "Of course you don't need to pay back the money. You deserve it. I'll take these people away. This time I owe you a favor, and if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you."

Moldo has done this step, which is considered righteous. If the situation was reversed, Tang Ke hijacked the ship, and if Moldo came to ask for someone, Tang Ke would not give face. Even if it was a group of prisoners, they could not be taken away by anyone. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a favor.

Moldo was not interested in the reward Tang Ke promised, and didn't argue with him, but signaled Tang Ke to take him away quickly.

Because Elizabeth survived the catastrophe, she showed an expression of being in a dream. Some of her sailors were crying, some were laughing, and everyone cheered because they were saved. This time everyone is safe, and Elizabeth has nothing to be dissatisfied with, so she agrees to leave with Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was afraid that things would change later, so he seized the time to call the Purgatory, and let all the people who were still alive on the merchant ship go to the Purgatory. He took Elizabeth's hand and returned to the Black Pearl, doing so to create a two-person world.

After pulling away all the people in the merchant ship, the ship of the Dragon Pirates left. Before leaving, Tang Ke shouted: "Colonel Moldo, thank you this time, the same sentence, I will remember this kind of favor." down"

"Stop rambling on such a big deal." Mordo snorted, "You have a good eye, if a pirate is qualified to marry a wife, only a woman like her who has the courage and courage to marry A strong woman."

As a pirate with his head hanging on his trouser belt, he is really not suitable for marrying a wife, but more suitable for a one-night affair. But if you have to marry a wife, you can only marry a woman who can live and die together. Only in this way can the love full of blood and fire be maintained.

"Hey, on the day of the wedding banquet, I will send you an invitation"

"It's not so pretty." Elizabeth pouted, and began to pinch Tang Ke's waist again. Her hand was not weak, and Tang Ke grinned in pain.

After the crisis was resolved and Mrs. Yau was rescued, the gang of gossiping pirates started to make fun of the captain again, encouraging Tang Ke to quickly sow seeds tonight. These explicit words made Elizabeth's face turn red and turn pale.

Tang Ke cursed a few words with a smile, and then, amidst the endless noise, he held Elizabeth's face and kissed it. Elizabeth closed her eyes, graciously catering.

But before their lips touched, something unexpected happened.

There are many flying shuttle currents in the Turbulent Sea, and according to the rumors, these currents are all fixed. But this is only what the world has speculated about, and no one has done in-depth research on the Turbulent Sea. In fact, the turbulent sea is also changing, and there are some flying currents that only appear at special times.

This kind of special flying shuttle current happened to be encountered by Tang Ke.

A flying current that didn't appear in normal times suddenly appeared, passed through the bottom of the Black Pearl impartially, and pulled the ship to its heading to the true north. Under the pull of the flying shuttle current, the hull made an emergency turn, Tang Ke couldn't stand still, and the kiss didn't come true. Elizabeth blushed and opened her eyes, looking around.

"What's going on?" Tang Ke shouted in surprise.

But no one could answer, and the stupid monsters on the boat also fell into a mess and fell down a large piece. The Black Pearl was unable to resist the flying shuttle current, and was dragged forward, leaving the other two pirate ships behind in a short while, sailing up to 30 knots, and climbing rapidly. The people on the other two pirate ships were dumbfounded and started yelling. One Eye immediately organized the two ships to turn around and catch up, but the speed gap between the two sides was too great.

"We've stepped on the Flying Sea Current and we'll be teleported to other places if we go on like this," Elizabeth shouted hastily after she realized it.

Tang Ke just found it inconceivable that there should be no flying currents at the location of the Black Pearl. He had checked through the [Naval Chart] before, and it was just an empty sea. But he didn't have time to think about it anymore, he hastily released the dark sea area, and released it superimposedly, trying to pull the ship out with the joint efforts of the five dark sea areas. But the flying current is too fast, the Black Pearl is advancing at a speed of lightning, and those dark sea areas are gone before they take shape.

In just such a short time, the speed of the Black Pearl has increased to fifty knots, and the sails are swaying in the wind, causing the ship to tilt backwards, and if this continues, it will cause the ship to capsize. With a thought in his mind, Tang Ke controlled the ubiquitous tentacles of the ship and pulled up the sails, and the raised ship sank.

If the Black Pearl could reach such a terrifying speed, Tang Ke would be so happy from ear to ear, but he couldn't laugh now.

"We can't escape."

Tang Ke murmured, holding Elizabeth tightly beside him, and he looked forward helplessly, where there appeared colorful lights that shouldn't be there at night. This reminded him of something like the Gate of Time and Space, wouldn't it be possible to travel back to Earth? A chill came over him.


The Black Pearl dived into the colorful light, disappeared completely, and traveled to another time and space, and the flying current also disappeared quickly, leaving no chance for others to catch up.

"The leader is gone, our leader is gone."

The rest of the pirates were dumbfounded. They witnessed the whole process of the disappearance of the Black Pearl, and suddenly lost their backbone and froze in place.

Because this is a completely unknown flying shuttle current, no one knows where Tang Ke went.

On the other side of the Feisuo current, there is an opportunity with huge risks waiting for Tang Ke.

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