Pirate System

Chapter 226: The Chaotic Sea (Part 1)

Chapter 226 The Chaotic Sea (Part 1)

About 110 miles to the northwest of the Turbulent Sea, a fleet flying the national flag of the Golden Eagle is breaking through the waves. There are more than 60 ships in the fleet. The fleet, the front and left and right wings are all scarred warships, and the dozens of ships in the middle are all merchant ships that have just been snatched.

On this sea, the only ones who still use the national flag of the Golden Eagle as a symbol of glory are the Vengeance Pirates.

After seeing the Black Pearl disappear in front of his eyes, Moldo gave up the idea of ​​using the turbulent sea to cross. This is not timidity, but a pursuit of security. His life, and the lives of all the Vengeful Pirates, were not lived for himself. Their lives are left today not to see the sunrise and sunset, not to fill their stomachs or marry wives and children, but for revenge.

The name of the Empire of Greenland was engraved in that raging anger.

The Golden Eagle Kingdom has been destroyed, and even the royal family no longer exists. This is equivalent to a person losing his soul. Even a patriot like Moldo clearly realizes that no one can save the Golden Eagle Country.

He has no ability to save the country, so he can only retaliate.

The Vengeance Pirates are a sword of revenge, without any hesitation, and with only one goal, that is to drink the blood of the Greenland Empire with the hungry blade.

This is the heavy responsibility that Moldo carries on his shoulders with epaulets, so he must try his best to preserve this sea power and avoid any danger that can lead to destruction.

"It is reported that a naval fleet consisting of fifty ships has been spotted at twelve o'clock, and the flag of the Greenland Empire is flying on the other side."

The vanguard's pirate ship suddenly sent news, and the watchman dutifully discovered the enemy ship.

The fleet of the Greenland Empire was supposed to come to pick up the clover caravan, but it was misled by Christine's forged letter and went to other islands. After the fleet arrived at the island, they realized that they had been deceived. The colonel in charge of the fleet was furious. In order to make up for his mistakes, he sent more than 50 fast boats to rescue him. Although this fleet was one step late, it happened to stop Moldo's fleet.

Moldo has been thinking about how to take revenge on the Greenland Empire all the time, and has confronted several times in the past. After hearing this report, he was not surprised at all, and only had high-spirited fighting spirit. Although the entire fleet was physically and mentally exhausted, half of the sailors were injured, and the ships also had troubles such as insufficient ammunition and damaged hulls. But these are not enough reasons to avoid war. Unless you're down, there's no excuse for avoiding a fight. Moldo and all the sailors, with the heart of serving the country, have already made up their minds to sacrifice their lives.

"Ready to fight"

The sound of killing resounded across the sea.


It is still near the Turbulent Sea, but it is located in the southwest, and it is in the deep sea of ​​more than 3,000 meters. There is a deep darkness here. Even if you raise your head, you feel that the light above the sea is out of reach.

In this deep sea that ordinary people cannot see, a feast is being held. More than 60 fresh shipwrecks are the table for this feast. The reason why they are described as fresh is that these ships and the people on board have just arrived in the deep sea yesterday.

For sailboats and sailors, the seabed is not a good place, there is no air that sustains life. The seemingly clear and unpolluted sea water is deadly to the races on the shore.

But this is a paradise for the Naga murlocs. They can swim faster in the sea, and having a faster speed means more powerful. By swimming and propelling, the long spears in their hands can even be transformed into sharp weapons that penetrate the bottom of the ship. On the surface, the bottom of the sea is dark, but to them, everything around them is crystal clear. If they wanted to, they could now gather together the stolen gold coins—count it or forget it, the naga murlocs don't like arithmetic very much.

crunch, crunch...

This chewing sound came from all directions. It was the sound of the Naga murlocs eating. As for the food they ate, it was naturally those dead merchants and sailors.

Zela would feel the pleasure rushing straight to the top of his head every time this happened. Those arrogant races on the shore were finally punished. One race can eat another race, which proves that the former is more advanced than the latter.

Just like people eat the meat of pigs and beasts.

Zela admired this formula so much that he could release the hatred in his heart only by belittling the ashore races to pig-like beasts. The strong eat the weak, and the Naga murlocs have become a high-level existence that surpasses the races on the shore, and they are at the top of the food chain


It was so happy that it couldn't help laughing, the sound was like the "hissing" sound of a snake spitting out a message.

This is just the beginning of a small scale. A battle involving 4,000 Naga murlocs is nothing. If it is expanded one step further, the entire Naga Alliance currently has 8,000 murlocs, and the entire Naga murloc group has 200,000 murlocs. Wan compatriots. This is still nothing, but what if it is expanded one step further? What if we look at the entire sea and unite the thirty-six sea beast clans?

Once millions or even more sea beast clan compatriots are gathered together, it will be enough to set off a monstrous colossal wave, sweeping across the entire ocean, and destroying all the sea forces of the races on the shore. It can even extend the power of the ocean to the shore, break the balance between the ocean and land forces, and usher in a new era in which the sea race dominates the land race

Thinking of this, Zela felt so proud. Looking at the entire sea, which member of the Sea Beast Clan has his ambition and courage? It feels that its existence has extraordinary significance, and that God created it to make it do a great cause.

It calls this war to overturn the oceans - Holy War

It has more than just passionate fantasies. If measured by a balance, the sea beast clan has an absolute advantage, enough to occupy the sea and stop the races on the shore from ravaging the sea.

Among the thirty-six sea beast clans, there are several big clans with great strength, even the naga murlocs cannot occupy a leading position among the sea beast clans.

For example, the mermaids, who are the royal family of the sea, have the Sea God Trident passed down from generation to generation, and have the imperial power to rule the whole sea beasts; the tiger sharks, their speed is not as fast as the naga murlocs, but their physique is far from the bite force. The Viet Naga murlocs are well-known fighters among the sea beasts; the Viking murlocs are a small population, not only have great melee capabilities, but also often produce elites who can use elemental power; bowfish, their small bodies , looks weak, but can flexibly use water elements, can make sharp water arrows, and is a deadly sea archer.

In addition to these typical powerful sea beast races, there are also countless sea beast races such as tidal crabmen, razor-sharp marlins, stinging gallbladders, thunder eels, Daltons, ridge turtles, bullet-spitting frogs... and so on. Each has unique abilities, and all of them are races that have survived after tens of thousands of years of fighting in the ocean. They are selected by nature through the cruel law of natural selection.

Once these sea beast tribes are united, they will be able to cut off the claws of the races on the shore extending to the sea. When the time comes, the races on shore will taste what terror is

"Huh?" Zela ended this passionate fantasy, because a murloc sentry was swimming over, and it seemed that there was something urgent to report.

"Captain, I have some good news to report." The sentinel obviously hasn't learned how to change its words, it should call Zela the "Leader" now.

"Say it."

"I found out about the Resurrection Spring"

"What?" Zela's eyes widened in ecstasy, almost taking this sentence as sweet words that would only appear in a dream, and pulled the sentinel closer, "Speak clearly."

The sentinel replied quickly: "I asked around in the Black Sea, and finally found the whereabouts of the Resurrection Spring near a tiger shark tribe. They said that there was a third source near their home - the 'Fountain of the Sea'. I will go to I watched it, judging from the spectacle, it should be the Spring of the Sea."

The so-called resurrection spring is also called the source of life. There are seven paths in total, and the spring of the sea is one of them.

"It's great, it's great, it's great that the Resurrection Spring has finally reappeared in the world. In this way, there is hope of resurrecting 'it'. 'It' is an important force in this holy war. With 'it', we This jihad is going to be won and never lost"

Zela's eyes shot out crazy rays of light, the heaven really favored it, and gave it a brand new weight.

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