Pirate System

Chapter 227: The Chaotic Sea (Part 2)

Chapter 227 The Chaotic Sea (Part 2)

It is one of the great pleasures of life to take the enemy's weapons for yourself. Especially when the enemy's weapon is sharper than the one in your own hand, after grabbing it, you will get an unprecedented sense of accomplishment. This is the joy brought by "conquest".

Looting, looting, pirates are full of predatory thinking, whatever they want, they have to grab it with both hands

The clover caravan was escorted by a total of three magic ships during this trip. Except for the missing Knight of the Waves, the remaining two magic ships have fallen into the hands of Christine. Although he missed one ship and failed to grab it, Christine was not disappointed, and he had no idea of ​​moving that ship at first. Even the stomach of a snake has a limit, and if it eats too large a prey, it will burst its stomach. Every time Christine loots, he will calculate it according to his own appetite.

Swallowing food well is enjoyment.

It is more difficult to capture a ship than to smash it completely. This is well known, especially for the magic ship. The magic boats have unique abilities and powerful firepower, and they have to pay a painful price to get close. In order to seize Clover's magic ship, the Ghost Pirates made great efforts, and Christine almost lost his life. It can be said that he got these two ships by fighting with his life.

Christine is a great thief, he is a walker with shadows, he is a silent killer, he is a juggler to fool the enemy. Relying on his superb stealth skills, he sneaked into the Fire Spider alone, walked carefully behind the captain, and subdued the captain with a dagger.

The captain was a sixth-level swordsman, and if Christine was discovered in advance, his life would definitely be in danger. But the profession of thieves is to walk on the line of life and death like walking a tightrope, and to win in a dangerous situation.

Christine seized the Fire Spider by holding it hostage without a single soldier. The robbery this time was simply a magnificent performance by him alone.

However, his luck also has a limit. When he was robbing the second magic ship, the Nelson, his luck was exhausted.

He followed the previous method and sneaked onto the Nelson, but he was discovered while doing it.

Everyone in the world knows that if you find a thief lurking by your side, don't say anything. The correct way is to secretly prepare weapons and attack the thief when the thief approaches.

This is how Christine was conspired in reverse. The other party broke his arm with a shot. He was forced to appear, but without hesitation, he jumped directly into the sea to escape.

After their whereabouts were revealed, the entire Joker Pirates had no choice but to fight the Nelson,

Use blood instead for victory. The Bloody Magic, the Fire Spider, and the ordinary ships arriving one after another, they had an absolute advantage. After a fierce battle in the dark, they finally captured the dilapidated Nelson.

After paying the price in blood, Christine snatched two magic ships as he wished. He lost an arm, lost more than 1,200 loyal men, and scrapped seven ordinary ships. The number was also severely damaged and needed to be pulled to the port to find a magic craftsman for overhaul.

After losing so much, it stands to reason that it should be sad. But not only was he not sad at all after the war, but he was still laughing all the time.

"This battle was really fun. After capturing these two magic ships, our ghost pirate group has grown stronger again, and is getting closer and closer to the king's position. It's rare to be so happy, little ones, who Would you like to drink this cup with me and taste this joy together?" Christine raised the glass with his only remaining right hand, his left arm was originally a prosthetic, after this shooting, the prosthetic of his left arm was gone and broken. The position is even higher, and even the elbows are gone. His left arm had already been bandaged by the ship's doctor, leaving a bloodstained sleeve floating.

"We are willing!" The same voice sounded from all directions, and more than 80 pirate ships trembled under their feet. Not only the voices of the intact strong men were loud, but even those who were seriously injured and on the verge of death also shouted a voice that was not inferior to others.

"Haha, one counts as one. There is not a drop of wine left in everyone's wine glass. Let's drink up this glass of wine."

In a short time, ten large wine barrels were drained. The pirates smiled, hooked their shoulders and raised their glasses to drink.

Pirates must learn to measure gains and losses, and as long as they gain more than they lose, they must maintain a cheerful attitude. Focusing only on what is lost, pirates must live in pain and die.

The former companions turned into wisps of dead souls in the smoke of gunpowder, but there is no need to cry, just a glass of wine and blessings with a smile are enough. A true companion, no matter life or death, will never be separated. Let that bold smile stay in your heart and engrave it in your memory. This is the real loyalty.

The sadness of a man is the power deposited in the heart, which nourishes the atrium and makes it beat stronger and stronger, so that we can face tomorrow's challenges with a stronger attitude. A man is a creature who grows up drinking tears. If he has not experienced pain, he will never know what it means to be strong.

"Haha, Commander, why is this arm shot off every time?" A competent subordinate asked with a smile.

"Isn't this arm cursed?"

"Fortunately, there is only one section left. You can put something on it, leader. I think it's better to install a wine barrel, so that you can drink anytime, anywhere."

These pirates teased heartlessly, a bloody severed arm turned out to be their talking point, and Christine himself didn't look angry at all.

"Hearing what you said, I know what to put on this severed arm." Christine had a good idea and happily jumped onto the guardrail.

"Pretend what?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Of course it's a shield. In this way, next time someone messes with this arm, I won't be afraid."

"Haha, that's a good idea"

Rough laughter echoed on the sea, lingering for a long time. There is no happier laughter than this in the world.


This time the Pirate Alliance, the other three have achieved something, either with high morale, or celebrating. Even the Huayu Pirates who failed to get the Knight of the Waves were not too disappointed. But the atmosphere of the Dragon Pirates was not very good, and the collective fell into a state of panic. All this was because the soul of the Dragon Pirates was missing.

Tang Ke and the Black Pearl traveled to an unknown distance under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Where should I find it? Is it life or death? Where should the pirate group go next?

It is a terrible thing to lose the pirate captain. Everyone has no signposts to guide the direction, and even if they get some spoils, they don't know how to share them.

The ships of the Dragon Pirates had gathered together in the middle of the night, stopped at the edge of the Turbulent Sea, and were about to leave together. But because of Tang Ke's disappearance, no one wanted to just turn around and leave like this. The twenty ships just lingered on the sea, the atmosphere was dull, like twenty lifeless coffins.

The sun has risen, and the dawn light is dazzling across the sea, one of which shines on the empty wine bottle in One Eye's hand, and the fire-like liquid inside has already flowed into his stomach, burning his internal organs.

Tang Ke, if it were you, at this moment, what would you most like me to do for you? As your subordinate and brother, what should I do for you?

In any case, you must not sit idly by.

I can't let the Dragon Pirates fall apart, I will be the soul of the Dragon Pirates temporarily. I will let this evil dragon keep its sharp teeth and claws, and wait for your return in a defiant posture

One-eyed made up his mind and stood up. His action caught the attention of everyone on board. He threw away the wine bottle, quickly took off the magic rifle on his back with the other hand, pointed directly at the sky that had not yet fully dawned, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


The loud noise woke everyone up.

"Everyone cheers me up and there is nothing to worry about. Captain Tang Ke will be fine. We have to believe in this as if the sun will rise." One-eyed opened his left eye, and the blue flame It exploded, and the wind blew his gray hair into disorder. His expression was a little scary, but he was as motionless as a mountain.

"What you said to the one-eyed captain is correct. Captain Tang Ke must be fine. He was just teleported to a certain place. He will definitely come back to find us."

"He was like the head of the regiment, how could he die? Even Hades wouldn't dare to accept him, isn't he afraid that he will turn the Styx river upside down?"

"**Who dares to say that Captain Tang Ke is dead, I will be the first to fight him hard"

Compared to unity, the Dragon Pirates would not lose to any pirates. Their hearts were already tied together with red-hot iron chains.

One-eyed stood with his back to the dawn, his outline was lit by the light, showing a burst of fiery red. He bit his finger, smeared his lips with blood, and swore: "I swear by blood alliance here, that I, One-eyed, will never betray Don Ke, if I break this oath, I will be reduced to the most despicable beast in my life. I will always remember that Tang Ke is the head of the Dragon Pirates. In short, I will never betray him."

Everyone quieted down without interjecting, and listened to One Eye's narration silently. Everyone knew that there must be some important decision for One Eye to drop such a heavy oath.

"The pirate group cannot be without a leader, otherwise the pirate group will be torn apart. If that happens, I will have no face to see Tang Ke who came back. During the period of Tang Ke's absence, I will act as the acting leader. I have this The decision is due to the following points. First, I have followed Tang Ke for the longest time; Second, I would not be at ease if I were replaced by any other person; Third, I have some skills in the pirate group; Fourth, I am an old pirate who understands this sea and has enough experience. I have already made the oath, and I am a man of the sky, and I will never break my oath for anything."

"So, this is a decision that cannot be violated. It is useless for other people to disagree. And I don't think there is a more suitable candidate than me in the pirate group. I believe that even if I vote, I will get the same number of votes." It must be the most. If you are deeply looking forward to the continued operation of the Dragon Pirates before Tang Ke returns, please believe me and let me lead the Dragon Pirates to walk proudly. Until Tang Ke returns Until that day, that moment"

One-eyed's words were so firm and powerful that no one else could object at all. After he finished speaking, he opened his tightly closed left eye and scanned the audience with his eyes, waiting for everyone's answer.

No one objected.

One-eyed's utter loyalty is well known, and his loyalty is a noble personality at the spiritual level, and it is simply a nature in his bones. All pirates who are loyal to Tang Ke will support Cyclops as the acting captain, because there is no more suitable candidate than Cyclops.

"That's the one-eyed captain, and you will temporarily command us until Captain Tang Ke returns."

"That's right, I trust you the most. Others don't have the qualifications to be acting head at all."

"I also agree that I can only be convinced by the one-eyed acting head."

There was no voice of opposition at all, and it passed unanimously. Several other important backbones in the pirate group were loyal to Tang Ke and would not object to such a decision. As for the other little guys who are a bit rebellious, even if they have the heart, they don't have the guts. This matter was settled logically.

"First of all, thank you for your trust. Even if I smash every bone of myself, I will not let you down. From this moment on, I will be the acting head of the Dragon Pirates. From now on, the big and small things of the pirates It will be up to me to decide. This sea area is not quiet, it is not suitable to stay for a long time, we have to leave as soon as possible. But before I leave, I have a few things to announce."

"First, we can't tell Dragon's Nest Island about Tang Ke's disappearance, so as not to cause trouble there. We must rush back there as soon as possible, and control it first. It's not that I don't trust the brothers there, but because Tang Ke is there. Second, in our future action plan, the search for Tang Ke must be the first priority. As for things like stealing money, we must keep a low profile, as long as the pirate group continues to grow and develop; third. , The money we robbed this time must be distributed strictly according to the dividend clause left by Tang Ke, and there must be no difference in the slightest. As for the remaining money, it must be sealed up and dealt with after Tang Ke returns. He said before , if ten ships can be grabbed this time, the dividend will be doubled, this decision is still in effect, everyone can rest assured."

These single-eyed decisions were carefully considered, which not only conformed to the wishes of the majority of the group, but also explained to Tang Ke, especially the sealing up of the remaining property, which showed his loyalty.

"That's all I want to say. All in all, we can't fall apart. We must be united and wait for Tang Ke's return."

The pirates deeply agreed with these decisions, raised their knives in support, and shouted louder and louder.

The evil dragon pirate group has a backbone and finally calms down. Everyone believes that Tang Ke will not die and will definitely return to command the entire pirate group. They were no longer depressed, and actively dispatched the fleet to meet the rising sun.

Just when the whole pirate group was about to leave by the shuttle current, a man stood up, carrying a bag, and walked in front of Cyclops.

"Red Locke, what's the matter with you?" The one-eyed keenly noticed that there was something wrong with Red Locke's behavior of carrying the package.

Red Locke pushed aside the fiery head, showed a generous smile, and said, "Seeing you stand up and lead the entire pirate group, I can leave with peace of mind. To be honest, I was worried all night."

"Leave? Choose at this time?" Cyclops was slightly stunned. He realized that Red Locke was not joking, and his eyes suddenly became sharp. If "leave" means to completely break away from the Dragon Pirates, Red Locke's behavior is unavoidable. so disrespectful

"Hey, don't you look so scary, please." Red Locke waved his hands with a smile, "Don't forget, I don't belong to the Dragon Pirates. I did it to repay the kindness of saving my life. He worked for Tang Ke. I admit that Tang Ke is a pirate leader who can perform miracles. The future of the Dragon Pirates can be said to be full of bright prospects. It is absolutely right to hang out with him. But, no matter how good he is Captain, it is impossible for me to belong to him. Because I am also a pirate captain, and I can never serve anyone."

The one-eyed eyebrow raised, so it was true. He thought that after so long, Red Locke had integrated into the Dragon Pirates. After all, in the previous few battles, Red Locke was fighting with all his strength, and it seemed that he did not hold back.

Probably in order to better express his thoughts, Red Locke stretched out his index finger and thumb, forming a small gap between the two fingers.

"One-eyed brother, no matter how small the country is, a country is a country. Even the king of a small country has the pride of being a king, and he will never bow to the kings of other big countries. Although I know that I am not as good as Tang Ke, it is impossible to get I have a higher achievement than him, but I will never give up. I used to be the captain of the pirates, and I will be the leader of the pirates in the future.” Well. To put it bluntly, my debts have been paid off, so I have to leave. In fact, just before this battle, I had already decided to leave. But Tang Ke disappeared, which made me tangled up. But now that you have stood up and stabilized the pirate group, I can leave with peace of mind."

"But the dragon pirate group is the most unstable now, how can you leave at this time?" One Eye wants to keep Red Locke, the strength of Red Locke has approached the third-tier swordsman, for the current dragon pirate group It is said that it is a reliable combat force.

"Haha, do you have no confidence in Tang Ke, or do you have no confidence in yourself?" Red Locke said indifferently, "Dahai won't be willing to kill Tang Ke, an interesting guy, so don't worry. During his absence, you are enough to control the pirate group, and there is nothing to worry about. His temporary departure is not enough to lock my footsteps."

One-eyed snorted, although he still minded, but he could see that Red Locke had made up his mind to go, it was useless to talk more, and he didn't like long-winded words.

"Then you go. But I can only give you a small raft. In addition, I will get you the money that should be distributed to you in this battle."

"I want the raft, and I can't swim away. But forget about the money. I haven't paid attention to the little money. I will grab the money that belongs to me."

"it's up to you."

Red Locke turned around with a smile, and walked towards a small raft on the deck of the Rider of the Waves. He suddenly remembered something, stopped, and turned around and said, "By the way, when Tang Ke comes back, go to the same place with him for me, and then tell him, When we meet again, I will have a drink with him as an equal."

One-eyed nodded and said, "Okay, I will tell you."

"thank you"

Red Locke unloaded the raft, threw it into the sea, tightened the pack around his shoulders, turned and jumped aboard. Amid the gazes and farewells of everyone, he sailed towards his own adventure.

Looking at the back of Hong Locke leaving with one eye, he felt emotional.

Red Locke, a guy who does his own thing, can also be called a man, with the arrogance and ambition that a man should have.

Such a sea, such a sea of ​​heroes, is what fascinates people.

One Eye showed a rare smile, but it disappeared immediately. He raised his hand and shouted: "Dragon Pirates, set sail."

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