Pirate System

Chapter 228: Sea of ​​Clouds

Chapter 228 The Sea of ​​Clouds

There are only nine shuttle currents known to people, and the destinations of these nine currents are all other sea areas without exception. Perhaps the sea is unknown and extremely remote, but it is still an ocean. This deduction has convinced many people. From a conventional perspective, the power of the flying shuttle current to jump through time and space should come from the blessing of the sea, so the starting point and the ending point should be the sea.

But this is just an inference, no one can guarantee it is absolute, at least the Black Pearl broke this inference.

The Black Pearl passed through a distant alien space, and when it returned to this world, it was no longer at sea—however, it didn't seem like it was on land either.

Tang Ke fell into a coma after entering the space tunnel, and he didn't know how long he had slept. When he opened his eyes, he saw Elizabeth who was sleeping soundly. The lines of that side face were very exciting. He was still in a semi-drowsy state just after waking up, so he admired it for a while, and wanted to touch that side of his face. But as the muddy mind became clear, the memory of before falling asleep awakened like lightning.

"Flying Sea Current"

He hurriedly sat up from the deck and looked around. It was still the familiar Black Pearl. The deck and guardrails were covered with black horn. Like thunder. The wind whizzed by, carrying a chill. The ship, with full sails, was sailing forward. He looked further away, stood up and let his gaze stretch out, this time, he saw an unfamiliar scene.

The ship was floating on some kind of white substance, extending from the bottom of the ship to the end of the line of sight. It was full of this kind of thing, and the appearance looked like thick clouds, or cotton candy. This kind of white is very pure, just like white paper, without pollution. These white flocs are undulating, high and low, the high part is like a small hill, and the short part is deep.

white sea?

Tang Ke, who had experienced all kinds of incredible things, was still shocked by such a scene.

Later, he was shocked even more, because he saw a sun that was quite different from the past. Logically speaking, the sun should be high above, but the position of the sun is a bit strange now, much lower than before.

He took a deep breath, trying to stimulate his head with a greater amount of oxygen, so that his head would be more awake. This action made him discover that the air was much thinner than before, and the original breathing rate could not meet his needs at all.

The white ocean, the sun much lower than usual, and the thin air... These three elements together pulled Tang Ke's thinking to a daydream-like answer.

"Isn't this the sky?"

He gave a very funny dry smile,

Grinning his mouth, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. If he was on Cangtian, he would definitely feel much more at ease at this moment, but unfortunately, he was on Black Pearl. He wanted to verify whether this bold guess was true, and began to control the Black Pearl with his thoughts. Several tentacles immediately protruded from the port side of the ship where he was, and dug into the "white sea water". The tentacles presented the results of the test. The tentacles jointly hold a small white object.

To the naked eye, it looks like a big clump of white mold, but it's a little thicker, and maybe a sponge would be a better description. If you pinch it with your hands, it is unexpectedly strong, and if you squeeze it harder, wet water will seep out of it. He played with it a few times, and the white object gradually dissipated, leaving only a cool water stain on his hand.

Tang Ke had never seen this kind of thing before, it was a bit like a combination of white clouds and water, and it tended to be solid. Although white clouds are originally mixed with water and other substances, how can ordinary white clouds have such a large water content? If it is a dark cloud, it is normal to have more water.

Although I can't figure it out, it is obviously very stupid to seek "normality" in this dreamlike world, which has rules that are very different from common sense.

It can almost be concluded that this is the sky. If you look carefully, not only the sun, but even the sky above your head looks lower than before. In the sky, you can still see the whitish stars, but they are very faint. If you use this angle to appreciate the shining stars at night, it must be very beautiful.

Speaking of which, it was still night when Tang Ke was in the Turbulent Sea, but it was daytime as soon as he opened his eyes. It seemed that it would take time to pass through the space tunnel.

It didn't take long for him to be amazed, and he calmed down. The first thing to do is to find out where he is, not only to determine the height, but also to determine the coordinates. He entered the Pirate King system, but he was dumbfounded when he saw it. The interface turned out to be dim gray.

"Due to the range of the sea yard, most of the functions of the game system will be invalid, but the character skills are still available. When it is close to the sea yard, the game system will naturally recover."

Tang Ke was very familiar with this restriction, and from this point of view, the thick and moist white clouds under the boat were not considered sea water. This restriction is mainly for the recruitment function, and the sea chart can still be viewed. After clicking in, he found himself above the floating ice sea. The Floating Ice Sea is next to the Sweet Dream Sea, and it takes about four months to sail from here to the Turbulent Sea. This shows how far this jump spans.

As the name suggests, the Floating Ice Sea is an icy sea area covered with continuous icebergs. If you follow the cold wind and go northward, you can reach the frozen land continent, which is equivalent to the North Pole of this world. After the orcs were defeated a long time ago, they were driven by the coalition forces to survive on the frozen land. Today, the orcs have already established a huge country there. They live by hunting and fighting against the harsh climate. Due to the limitation of poor land, the orcs have not had any big exhibitions for so many years.

Tang Ke heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't leave this world, it would be something to be thankful for. As a fourth-rank swordsman, he has a strong body and is not afraid of the cold, so he doesn't feel much here. If you feel it carefully now, the wind here is indeed chilly. Judging from this cold energy, it fits the style of the floating ice sea, and the high altitude here makes the coldness even higher.

Although the basic situation has been clarified, there is no good countermeasure right now, so we can only take one step at a time.

He took off his coat, took out the personal items inside, bent down, and gently covered Elizabeth with the clothes. He sat aside, staring affectionately at Elizabeth, who was sleeping soundly like a baby. Those curly black eyelashes were so beautiful.

Except for the two of them, the rest of the ship are all stupid monsters. This is really a bit helpless, if there is a dragon eagle on board when crossing, Tang Ke can immediately get out of the current predicament. But at that time, the dragon eagle was always flying in the sky, so they couldn't travel here together.

But after thinking about it, this kind of world for two people is also good. You can stay together quietly without being disturbed by outsiders, familiar with each other's breathing, and make your heartbeat a little closer.

His thoughts were quite poetic, but after noticing the freshly congealed wounds on her body, those thoughts all rolled to the sky, he hurriedly patted her cheek, and shouted: "Wake up, I have to heal your wounds quickly gone."

Elizabeth woke up slowly and blinked her eyes. She seemed a little flustered at first, but after seeing Tang Ke's face, she obviously calmed down.

"Where is this?"

Tang Ke laughed, what a difficult question to answer.

"After I say the answer, you must calm down, and don't push me down."

"Huh?" Her eyes showed a puzzled look.

"We have come to the sky, there is a sea of ​​clouds under the boat, and the sun is not far above the head." Tang Ke turned his head and looked around, "It would be great if there was a bird or something flying over at this time, it would definitely make my words more clear." persuasive."

Unexpectedly, Elizabeth only paused for a few seconds, and quickly accepted Tang Ke's answer. She said in a bittersweet tone: "When I was a child, I dreamed that one day it would be great if I could fly to the sky, but I never thought that the day would come true."

Tang Ke asked slightly surprised: "So easy to believe my words?"

Elizabeth pointed to the wound slightly above her chest, and asked, "Will you fool me at this time?"

Tang Ke smiled. It was indeed the case. Even if he lied, he would pick the right time. Seeing Elizabeth's pitiful appearance now, he really didn't have the mood to lie. His eyes met hers, and they were immediately stuck together, and it was difficult to separate them. He saw affection in those eyes that were as clear as a pool of water and as bright as sapphires.

Even if they stared at each other for a whole day, he wouldn't get bored, but he still got up and said, "Okay, I'll talk about it in detail later, it's important to treat your wound first."

Elizabeth came back to her senses, nodded, and was careful not to touch the wound when she got up.

Tang Ke kicked up the sleeping monsters, ordered them to be vigilant, and folded up half the sails to move forward slowly. If you sail too fast, you will easily fall into dangerous places such as "pit". If you stop, you may fall into the soft sea of ​​clouds and fall, so moving slowly is the safest plan.

When Elizabeth walked forward, she looked at the Black Pearl and the stupid monster on board, showing a questioning expression, but she didn't ask on the spot.

They came to the captain's cabin, closed the door, and drew up the curtains. This room became a closed space that made people feel comfortable.

Tang Ke lit the glass lamp hanging on the wall, and the room became bright again.

Elizabeth was already sitting on the edge of the bed without anyone's orders. She unbuttoned her tattered captain's uniform, revealing her snow-white skin and a pale yellow corset with lace. There was a glaring wound on her skin. There were only two serious wounds on her, one above the chest and the other on the arm. In the process of undressing, she acted frankly, but her body still faithfully displayed the shy nature of a woman, with a charming blush.

Tang Ke inspected the wound, but luckily it wasn't too deep. He paid attention to her expression, for fear that his hand would hurt her. He rummaged through his pocket for the holy water, and couldn't help but think of the time when he met her back then. At that time, he also treated her wounds in the same way.

"Do you still remember the first time we met? That time I also bandaged your wound, but that time it was the back, this time it was the front." He looked into her eyes and smiled.

Elizabeth teased without showing weakness: "I have breastplate protection, whether you are on the front or the back, you, a pervert, can't take advantage of it."

The so-called breastplate naturally refers to the seductive light yellow corset. Although it is very imposing to compare this thing to a breastplate, in fact, this breastplate is really a bit unqualified, and it is not at all capable. Protect the owner's naked body, especially the plump and bottomless cleavage groove is still exposed.

"God bless, fortunately this sword didn't hurt the little white rabbit in your breastplate." Tang Ke carefully poured the holy water on her wound, and his [exchange] function was also restricted. Use one bottle for less.

"Little white rabbit?" Elizabeth was stunned for a moment, but soon understood the metaphor. She gave Tang Ke a blank look, "If I got hurt, you wouldn't save me, would you?"

"How could it be? No matter what you become, I will save you." Tang Ke said solemnly.

"You can speak beautiful words." Elizabeth hummed, but she was obviously smiling.

Tang Ke smeared the holy water with a clean handkerchief while explaining the surrounding situation in detail. Elizabeth said that she had never heard of sea water floating in the sky, and she was equally ignorant of this place. Both of them are well-informed people, but they have never heard of such a place, which shows that few people know about it.

The only thing they can do now is to look around for a way to get back below. Regarding the current situation, Tang Ke felt a little rough in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be confident. He was so brave to make Elizabeth feel at ease.

The wounds on Elizabeth's body were all smeared with holy water, and then came the bandaging session. Although she could do it herself, she let Tang Ke do it. This kind of intimate interaction made Tang Ke feel sweeter in his heart.

"What's wrong with your hand? It doesn't look like a glove." Elizabeth held back her doubts, and asked first from this black animal claw-like hand.

"Does it scare you?"

"What frightens Elizabeth has not yet appeared in this world."

Tang Ke liked Elizabeth's bravery. He rolled down his sleeve to reveal the end of his palm, and he could clearly see that the ordinary skin was slowly transitioning to black claws, which proved that this was indeed a part of his body.

Elizabeth's eyes flickered a few times, and she sighed, "You must have suffered a lot over the past year, right?"

Tang Ke smiled indifferently, put down his sleeves, and continued to bandage Elizabeth. During the process, he told many things about himself, including the origin of the black claw. Of course, he still doesn't like being called "paws" very much himself, but even he has no excuse to refute it.

Elizabeth held Tang Ke's black hand, which was like hard steel, with a chill like ice. She pressed the black hand to her cheek and asked softly, "Do you feel it?"

"Of course, your face feels good to the touch."

"That's good." Elizabeth closed her eyes, as if she wanted to warm Tang Ke's hand with her own heat, "Yesterday you yelled 'I must take this woman' to so many people, I was very upset at that time." Thank you for being so kind to me.”

Tang Ke could see that Elizabeth was genuinely moved, and he felt very happy, so he asked, "Then are you willing to be a couple of desperate couples with me?".

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