Pirate System

Chapter 229: Spring of the Rainbow (Part 1)

Chapter 229 Rainbow Spring (Part 1)

After Tang Ke uttered this hot question like a fire, he looked at Elizabeth expectantly, he was eager for the other party's answer. Although he saw affection in Elizabeth's eyes, for some reason, his heart was still very rough, and his heartbeat was as fast as it was during the battle.

He hoped that Elizabeth would be by his side in the future journey of desperation, so that his life would be much more complete. He is a greedy person. In terms of feelings, he needs brotherhood and love between men and women, both of which are indispensable.

Yes, or no.

This is a very simple answer, but in fact, no matter how Elizabeth answers, Tang Ke will never let her leave again. Tang Ke has developed a bandit temper, even if he uses strong methods, he still wants to keep his beloved by his side. However, instead of forcing the love you get, it is still as sweet as the gratification of the two.

The fiery gaze forced Elizabeth to have nowhere to hide, and she didn't want to show the timidity of a little woman. She just met the gaze like this, thinking and hesitating in the intense heat. She didn't answer immediately, because this is not a question that can be answered casually, it is related to the happiness of a lifetime. Although she is hesitant to move forward, once she makes up her mind, she will move forward bravely, no matter whether the road ahead is paved with a red carpet or a field of thorns.

It was only a few seconds, but the time seemed to be frozen, and it was a bit torturous for a long time.

Elizabeth's attitude finally became firm, her eyes were free of impurities, and her expression was serious.

"I have a hunch that you will ruin my life, and my original plan will be completely disrupted. With you, the future must be full of danger. I am afraid, but I am not afraid of danger. What I am afraid of is that A sad ending. Tonk, being a pirate is accompanied by tears and misfortune, but if I beg you to give up your identity as a pirate, you will not agree. Knowing this is the result, I should really refuse you."

When Tang Ke heard the word refusal, his heart suddenly twitched.

"However, there is an irrational voice in my heart, shouting hysterically, telling me to ignore those worries." Elizabeth smiled charmingly, "I feel my head is so hot, it's so hot that I'm dazed, and I'm so hot that I get carried away. Just Let's be together. As you said, be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. All other things are left behind, as long as we are together. No matter where the boat under our feet is sailing, no matter what is waiting for us A warm harbor, or a rumbling enemy ship."

For the wave of love in her heart, Elizabeth gave up everything and chose to be with the pirates, which meant that she would have to devote herself to a life of blood and fire in the future, and even face the torture called kindness.

Tang Ke finally got the expected answer,

He just felt extremely happy, and everything in the world has become better. He said excitedly: "Let's go to the end of the world together."

"Well, I'm sure I'll be the shipwreck lady." Elizabeth nodded with a smile.

Tang Ke stared at Elizabeth's face affectionately, tasting the beauty. At this moment, he felt that Elizabeth was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her eyes were as bright as jewels, her skin as white as snow, her impeccable beauty. His face, that hair as bright as gold... are deeply engraved in his heart and will be remembered forever.

The two naturally approached each other, tilted their heads slightly, and touched their lips. They tried a few times at first, and then fell deeply in the sweet touch. Gradually, their desire for that beauty became stronger and stronger. The light kiss gradually turned into a passionate kiss, from a light touch to a lingering collision. Elizabeth was ignorant of this question, and just opened her mouth to ask instinctively. But Tang Ke attacked proficiently, creating pleasure between his tongue, and his tongue swam around like a small fish.

The whole world seemed to disappear, only the two of them were left embracing each other and kissing passionately.

The instinctive pleasure gradually increases, mixed with the unique sweetness when a man and a woman just fell in love, this is an incomparably wonderful enjoyment, which makes people fall for it.

Elizabeth almost suffocated, she pushed away Tang Ke's entanglement, and took a deep breath, her face was already flushed, and her lips were still stained with bright water.

Tang Ke still felt that his thoughts were still unfinished, and his eyes were still fiery.

Elizabeth seemed to have lost the battle, and pushed Tang Ke back, saying, "This is my first kiss, and it's for you."

Tang Ke was distracted. Picking a beautiful woman's first kiss is one of the great pleasures in life. He smiled even more, and teased wittily, "This is also my first kiss, and I gave it to you too."

Only pigs and beasts would believe such a lie full of loopholes.

Elizabeth took out a handkerchief and wiped her delicate vermilion lips, stretched out her other hand to pinch Tang Ke's face, and said, "Hmph, let me pinch and see where your face went."

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts... You are not Mrs. Boat, you are trying to strangle me and usurp my position as regiment leader."

Tang Ke grinned exaggeratedly, and Elizabeth was so teased that she smiled like a flower, but she was even more unwilling to let go. The two played for a while before giving up.

After they had had enough trouble, the two had to face the reality. They were still in the sky, surrounded by a sea of ​​white clouds, and they had to make a decision on what to do.

Tang Ke took Elizabeth's hand and walked out of the captain's cabin together. The sun was already shining outside, and with the refraction of the sea of ​​white clouds, the light was very dazzling. Although the sun is very abundant, the temperature is still very low under the ravages of the cold wind, enough to freeze the water into ice.

"Are you cold?" Tang Ke asked with concern.

Elizabeth was still wearing Tang Ke's clothes. She shook her head with a smile. After more than a year, she is now a second-level swordsman, not as weak as ordinary women.

Those stupid monsters are all over the ship, they are not particularly obedient, one part is steering and sailing, the bigger part is playing there, some are grabbing each other's fur, and some are tearing wrist. Because of the feral nature of these stupid monsters, the first thing Tang Ke did was to call all the stupid monsters and tell them not to hurt Elizabeth. The stupid monsters suddenly agreed that their poor memory could still remember a human face.

Regarding the matter of the Black Pearl, Tang Ke had already explained it just now, and Elizabeth didn't ask any more questions.

The second thing Tang Ke has to do is to determine the course. Although he doesn't know where to find the way back down, he still has to try his luck. On the [Sea Chart] interface, only the outline of the floating ice sea is recorded, which is the data that Tang Ke obtained by scanning the physical chart before. In other words, what the system displays now is only the sea surface and the outline of the land below, without any description of the shape of this sea of ​​clouds. They were in a completely unknown environment, and it was so unbelievable that there might be some danger lurking here.

It's okay if it's only dangerous. What Tang Ke fears most is that there is no way to go back. Whenever such negative thoughts appear, he will try his best to restrain himself from thinking about it.

His [exchange] function has been restricted, he has lost his unlimited supply of supplies, and the food and water on board are limited. In addition, there are more than 400 stupid monsters with great appetites, and the consumption of supplies on board will be very high. sharp.

There wasn't much food on the Black Pearl, and more than 400 mouths had to be fed, which could last at most two weeks.

Within two weeks, if he couldn't find a way to go back to the sea, Tang Ke would face the risk of starvation. In addition, the stupid monsters who had nothing to eat would definitely riot, or at least kill each other.

Tang Ke secretly decided to reduce the food intake for the stupid monsters first. If he couldn't find a way to return to the sea after a week, he would reduce the stupid monsters on board by half and throw them all into the sea of ​​clouds. No, one week is too long, so it is safer to reduce it to three days.

With such a decision, it is undoubtedly a bit cruel. However, he only used the stupid monster he created as a fighting tool, so he would not show mercy.

Anyway, he didn't know where there was a way out, so Tang Ke finally decided to sail all the way to the south. If he could return to the sea from there, he could just continue going south and return to the familiar sphere of influence on the sea.

"Can you take the helm with me?" Tang Ke asked.

"Of course." Elizabeth smiled sweetly.

The two came to the bridge, with Tang Ke standing behind and Elizabeth standing in the front. Their chests were pressed against their backs, looking like glue. Both Tang Ke and Elizabeth held their hands on the solid rudder, and moved together as if with a tacit understanding. Tang Ke smelled the fragrance of Elizabeth's body, felt the softness of her back, and occasionally the raised gold would touch his face, itching.

The pitch-black sailboat is advancing with the crosswind, forming a sharp contrast with the white sea of ​​clouds, which looks very abrupt. The sea of ​​clouds is white, and the cold wind blows, turning up layers of white waves. Being here is like being in an illusion, which makes people feel like they are dreaming. Because the gap between the sea of ​​clouds and sea water is very large, the ability of this ship to create dark sea areas is no longer needed, so it can only move forward in a normal way.

During the voyage, the two seemed to have endless things to say, chatting with each other. Elizabeth expressed a little concern for her sailors. Tang Ke didn't think it was a problem. He trusted the members of the Dragon Pirates, and those guys would definitely handle things well. As Elizabeth chatted, it was inevitable that she would think of her companions who had just died, and sighed from time to time. Tang Ke deliberately steered the topic to other directions, lest Elizabeth feel sad.

The stupid monster on the observation deck suddenly became restless, let out a cry, and pointed to the southwest.

This proves that it must be the stupid monster that discovered something through the telescope, the bird that Tangke first thought of, or even the sky beast. This idea is more reliable, and if there are celestial beasts here, it can add a food source, which is a good thing.

Tang Ke handed over the steering wheel to Elizabeth, and let the ship move towards the southwest. He climbed up to the watchtower by himself and stood high to look at it. Through the circular field of view of the telescope, he searched in the southwest for a while, and suddenly stopped. When he saw clearly what the stupid monster found, he was greatly disappointed. It wasn't anything useful, not nearly as exciting as a bird.

"Tang Ke, what did they find?" Elizabeth asked from a distance.

"Unfortunately, it's not a bird at all, but a rainbow." Tang Ke stuffed the binoculars back into the claws of the dumb monster, revealing the loss in his tone.

"Rainbow? That's not bad, why don't we go over and have a look. I want to see what the nearby rainbow looks like."

Tang Ke could tell that Elizabeth was very interested in this matter, and promised, "If you want to see it, go and have a look."

The Black Pearl turned around and sailed towards the rainbow. If it was too close, it would be impossible to see the whole rainbow, so it stopped while keeping a certain distance. The rainbow transitions from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple in sequence, forming seven colors of light, which are erected in midair in the shape of an arch bridge. The whole scene is quite pleasing to the eye.

The stupid monsters stood on the deck, yelling at the rainbow, quite disrupting the atmosphere. Tang Ke ordered to shut up, and those dumb beasts quieted down.

"It's so beautiful. It's the first time I've seen a rainbow at such a close distance." Elizabeth looked at the rainbow fascinatedly, obviously overwhelmed by its beauty.

Tang Ke obviously lacked the vision to appreciate nature, he looked over calmly, it didn't matter, he suddenly found something strange on the rainbow. He pointed there and said, "Do you see something on the rainbow?"

"Something?" Elizabeth looked in the direction of her finger.

Without waiting for Elizabeth's answer, Tang Ke took off the mini telescopic telescope that he always carried around his waist, and looked over the rainbow.

At the top of the arched rainbow, there is a small spring, and the spring water is dancing merrily. This spring is self-sufficient, and after the sprayed water falls, it will naturally return to the bottom, and the cycle is endless.

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