Pirate System

Chapter 230: Spring of the Rainbow (Part 2)

Chapter 1: Spring of the Rainbow (Part 2)

Tang Ke has seen a lot of weird things, so he won't make a fuss about them anymore. When he saw this spring water, his first thought was to keep it for himself, but he didn't think this spring water would be any precious treasure in his heart. He handed the binoculars to Elizabeth, told her about the spring, and then controlled the ship to lower the black sails and rushed towards the rainbow.

When Elizabeth was looking through the binoculars, her slender brows frowned, and she said, "I seem to have a little impression of this kind of spring water floating on the rainbow. It should be related to some legend. Let me think about it first..."

Tang Ke wanted to use investigative techniques to find out the results, but he didn't do it when he heard Elizabeth said he knew the situation.

Elizabeth thought hard for a while, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said with great joy, "I remembered that this is the Rainbow Spring in the Resurrection Spring." She excitedly grabbed Tang Ke's arms, "We found the treasure, and this is a fortune "

Tang Ke only felt that Elizabeth was smiling like a child. He was infected, so he also laughed and said, "Resurrection Spring? What kind of treasure is that? Can it directly revive people?" His heart trembled. If this effect is true, then it is true It's a treasure

The most painful thing in this world is parting from life and death. If there is such a treasure that can bring people back to life, many people will definitely want it.

"You're right. The Resurrection Spring can indeed revive people, but it's not as easy as you said." She looked at the spring water in the distance with a twinkle in her eyes. If you look at it with the naked eye, it's just a small bright spot, " That's just one of the resurrection springs. There are seven complete resurrection springs. Only when all seven springs are collected can the dead be resurrected. And this one we found should be Rainbow Spring, one of the seven resurrection springs. Because of resurrection The spring is also called the source of life, so the seven springs are also called the seven sources.”

"It's really a lucky moment for us this time, and it's so easy to come across such a good treasure."

Elizabeth didn't answer, but lowered her head, tapped her forehead with her fingers, and thought, "Let me think about it again. I heard my mother tell me about the resurrection spring when I was a child. It's been too long. Yeah, I can't remember exactly."

Tang Ke saw that Elizabeth was very moving when she was thinking, his eyes lingered on her face, and he didn't do other things, nor did he urge her.

Elizabeth clapped her hands, and said happily, "I just remembered, the rainbow spring is the fourth source, and there are wood springs, fire springs, body springs, and death springs... No, there are two more sources. I can’t remember a single spring. These springs are different, and they are said to be ranked according to the difficulty of collecting, and the Rainbow Spring is the fourth source, and it is considered difficult to collect.”

"Then which spring water ranks first?"

"Number one is the easiest to collect,

Which one is the hardest to collect, you ask? The most difficult thing to collect is the fountain of death. If you want to get that spring water, you need to pass the test of a narrow escape, so it is called the fountain of death. For example, the fountain of the rainbow is to be found on the rainbow. The fountain of wood and the fountain of fire must be found in trees and flames. The fountain of body is also quite difficult to find, because the spring water will be born in someone's body. "

"It sounds very interesting. Let's get this Rainbow Spring first, and then look for other springs when we have a chance." Tang Ke didn't want to resurrect anyone, he just wanted to do it for fun.

"No, you must not collect this thing, it's too dangerous." Elizabeth's face suddenly became serious, "My first reaction just now was to say that we have made a fortune, which means that we will sell it immediately after we find it. Resurrection Spring doesn't care Either one can be sold at an astonishingly high price in the market. From this point of view, it is a good thing. But if you try to collect the resurrection spring in vain, you will definitely get angry."

"Hehe, is there still less fire on my body?" Tang Ke said indifferently.

Elizabeth's expression became more serious. Holding Tang Ke's body, she solemnly forced her, "Promise me, you must not collect the Resurrection Spring."

"Why are you so serious?"

"promise me"

Tang Ke couldn't be stubborn, so he had to perfunctoryly say: "Okay, listen to you, put away your cannibalistic expression." He deliberately made a detour, didn't say yes, just said 'listen to you' .

Only then did Elizabeth return to normal, and continued to talk about the topic just now: "I'm not scaring you, the treasure of the Resurrection Spring is indeed accompanied by terrible dangers. Think about it, how many people in the world want to resurrect their dead? But the Resurrection Spring Only one person can be resurrected. In this case, fierce competition will naturally be triggered, and most of the people participating in the competition are among the best in the world, and even the royal families of the five great empires participated. During the struggle for the resurrection spring, there was even a war, and tens of thousands of people were killed and injured in order to resurrect one person, but many people had to sacrifice their lives to do it. Thinking about it, it’s really not worth it.”

Hearing this narration, Tang Ke put away the thought of contempt just now. If he wants to collect the resurrection spring, it is equivalent to competing with many other people. The enemy he faces will be the most powerful force in the world Thinking about it like the most powerful master, this Rainbow Spring is not only not a treasure, but also a hot potato.

"But why haven't I heard anyone talk about fighting for the Resurrection Spring before? Also, the world is so big, it would be too difficult to collect all seven springs."

"Listen to me telling you slowly."

Elizabeth continued to talk about the resurrection spring. As she talked more and more, her dusty memory gradually recovered, and she even remembered the two springs that she hadn't thought of just now.

Just like other fairy tales, the story about the Resurrection Spring also happened a long, long time ago.

At that time, the gods had not abandoned their people, and controlled all things and nature with their own divine power. Among them is a goddess of life, she can turn the barren land into green fields instantly, she can fabricate all kinds of new life with her skillful hands, and she can also resurrect the dead.

However, in order to maintain the balance of the world, the Goddess of Life never easily revives the dead, and those who can get her divine power are the sons of gods or heroes.

Ordinary people are very dissatisfied with this, feel that this is too unfair. In that era, the gods would listen to the voices of their people, and in order to eliminate this dissatisfaction, the Goddess of Life created the Spring of Resurrection.

The Goddess of Life claims that no matter who collects the Resurrection Fountain, they can resurrect people, which is fair, because anyone can get the Resurrection Fountain. This treasure comes from this and has been passed down for thousands of years until today.

There is only one Resurrection Spring, but each conflict will cause many people to die, so that the balance between life and death will not be broken. And when people compete for the resurrection spring, it can endow the resurrection spring with new power and let this treasure be passed down from generation to generation. This process of contention is also a disguised ritual.

The above is nothing more than a legend. Due to the fault in history, no one knows whether it is true or not. However, the effect of the resurrection spring has been confirmed in modern times, and it does have the power to revive people.

The appearance of the resurrection spring has a cycle, every three hundred years, and at that time, the resurrection spring will appear all over the world. If no one can collect the resurrection fountain within ten years, the seven fountains will disappear. There were several battles for the Resurrection Fountain, all of which ended in failure due to the time limit.

The seven sources are the mountain spring, the tree spring, the sea spring, the rainbow spring, the body spring, the fire spring, and the death spring.

The world is so vast, and the Resurrection Spring is so hidden. If you search everywhere like a chicken without a head, it is impossible to collect them all. Even the king of a country has no hope. However, the Resurrection Fountain has another convenient feature, which makes it possible to gather all the seven sources.

As long as a resurrection spring is found, the spring water will give guidance, guiding the owner to find the next source. So, as long as you have a spring, you can follow the vines and find other springs.

However, although this feature is convenient, it is also risky, and it can even lead to conflicts. It is conceivable that a person who owns the Resurrection Spring is looking for another spring under the guidance of the spring. If that spring has already been reached by someone else, he has to find a way to get it from the other party, and sometimes even resort to extreme means.

In the process of searching for the resurrection spring, on the one hand, he has to find the next spring, and on the other hand, he has to beware of other spring owners plotting against him. Every day is full of anxiety, even if I find one or two springs, I still feel that the distance from gathering is nowhere in sight. This process is full of hardships, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

In the history of scrambling for the Resurrection Spring, the one who can have the last laugh every time is either the world's top powerhouse or a huge state power. There is no weak individual who can successfully gather together.

This is, the cruel battle for the resurrection spring, and the new round of the resurrection spring battle has obviously lifted the curtain, and it will not be long.

By the time Elizabeth finished speaking these things, the Black Pearl had stopped directly below the rainbow for quite a while.

Tang Ke felt that this was like a story. Although this story did not have any detailed plot, it could attract countless imaginations. He could imagine how cruel the fight for the Resurrection Spring would be. If he wanted to fight for the Resurrection Spring, he would have to fight against multiple forces. It was like a battle of wheels, fighting one after another until the final winner emerged. If there are two countries participating in the competition, a war between the two countries will break out

Those who want to collect all the resurrection springs must have their own reasons for wanting to collect the resurrection springs. Some people want to resurrect their loved ones, some people want to resurrect their relatives, some people want to resurrect their friends... No matter who it is, there will be people who want to be resurrected. But in the end, there is only one person who can succeed. If it is a person who has been reborn through the resurrection spring, even if he is alive, he will feel heavy.

"Now you understand. Why don't I let you collect this cursed treasure, because it's too dangerous." Elizabeth grabbed Tang Ke's collar and said imposingly, "If you let I have become a widow, and I will not forgive you"

Tang Ke said with a smile: "Don't worry, how dare I."

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Elizabeth curled her lips, showing her lovely side again.

After joking with each other, the two began to study the collection of Rainbow Spring. Because the rainbow is too high, even if you step on the observation deck, there is still a big gap. Even with jumping, it is difficult to make up for the difference in distance. There is a limit to the collection of the resurrection spring, and it must be filled in a container. If the resurrection spring is divided into two halves, the resurrection spring will automatically condense together.

Tang Ke was really embarrassed for a while, pacing back and forth in place, thinking about countermeasures. At this time, he remembered the convenience brought by the system. If he could [exchange] a large amount of wood, he could build a ladder high enough to climb up to scoop up the spring water.

But now that the system is limited, it's useless to think about it.

He sighed, looked at the high Resurrection Spring, and saw the pitch-black mast in his sight. He had an idea and remembered the special ability of the Black Pearl. This boat can stretch out tentacles, although the force is not strong, but it is enough to hold a container of water, such as a wooden barrel, a crock, and the like.

The only thing that cannot be confirmed is the length that the tentacles can extend.

He immediately began to conduct experiments, controlling the ship with his mind. His order this time was a little more complicated. He dispatched the tentacles on the entire deck, made them tangle together, and then continued to climb. Elizabeth opened her mouth in surprise when she saw this scene.

During this process, there was nothing at first, but after the tentacles became as thick as his arms, he obviously felt a little strenuous. He gritted his teeth and forced the tentacles to continue to elongate. Like a black python, the tentacles climbed up the mast, reached the end, and finally reached the sky.

Thirty yards, fifty yards, one hundred yards... As the length of the tentacles increases, the burden on the ship also increases, and the consumption of shadow power also increases. The tentacles moaned on the verge of collapse, but they continued to stretch, and finally reached a height of 180 yards before stopping, which was already at the same level as the Rainbow Spring

“Great lol”

Tang Ke cheered and issued a revocation order in his heart. The tentacles retracted quickly, like a rubber band shrinking. The black tentacles returned to their original positions, dispersed into several filaments, and became limp. He then ordered the dumb monsters to find a small wooden barrel in the warehouse. Several dumb monsters ran down, and when they came back, they each carried several wooden barrels, and one of them was just the right size. He placed the wooden barrel on the deck, and repeated the process just now, causing the Black Pearl to suffer again. This time the tentacles not only had to be stretched, but a wooden barrel had to be dragged, making it even more difficult.

The tentacles entangled the waist of the wooden barrel and raised it again, like a telescopic ladder. Because of the extra wooden barrel, this time it has not reached the previous height, and the tentacles are already in jeopardy, reached the limit, and began to shake.

Tang Ke strongly urged the tentacles to work harder, and his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up. The heart of the magic ship was touched, and the shadow power inside was greatly stimulated. He felt that the tentacles would not last long, so without delay, he immediately controlled the barrel to hold the Rainbow Spring.

This process was unexpectedly smooth. After the wooden barrel surrounded the Rainbow Spring, the Resurrection Spring lost its original gushing form and changed into a calm water form, obediently staying in the wooden barrel.

The tentacles shortened, and the barrel fell down. Tang Ke caught the barrel excitedly and looked inside.

At this moment, the system sound suddenly rang.

"Ding, you are excited about the collection task. The goal of the task is to collect all seven sources of life and synthesize them into a complete resurrection fountain. The task rewards are bonus points, 1 epic treasure, and 1 first-order magic ship.".

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